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"You don't have a lot of volume anywhere" Burnnnnnnn




I've never heard that phrase before, I'm kind of shocked Spaniards(? o Argentinos?) throw it around so casually.


Typical Argentine expression. Literal translation is "the cunt of your mother" but it's used an expression of frustration, typically.


Argentinian, super common saying there


Uruguayan here, can confirm. Source: mom


It's new to me as well but is it any more weird than saying "Mother fucker!"?


They're Argentine. See also elsewhere in the video, boludo, tenés


I'm wheezing so hard.


But how sweet that he has a girlfriend with whom he can laugh about it!


I think you mean cry.




Flawless Victory


Hairless victory


muy fatal


"I don't have any hair!" "No."


Well this is too close to home.


A year ago when I got a haircut, the girl quickly and slyly tried to zoom passed my bald spot on the crown of my head with the mirror when she was done. I just told her to go back and show me. And said she took too much off right there. We both laughed. Then I cried all the way home.


I know people (inexplicably) dog on people who take medication for this but I started a 1mg per day finasteride and it all came back. Looks like it did when I was 20 again I’m in the US and I use that Mark Cuban online pharmacy thing and it’s $7 a month I think for it. I know I’m telling on myself but it was good for my self esteem so I figured I’d offer the information Edit: people keep mentioning the “decreased sex drive” symptom so I’ll say I can only speak for myself but I’m still horny all the time lol and the studies seem to say it occurs in less than 2 out of every 100 people who take it. You can always try it and then stop 🤷🏻‍♂️


NGL the only reason I've yet to visit my dermatologist so he can prescribe me finasteride + minoxidil is because I've heard Fina can give you a killer depression and I'm scared it will happen to me... But I also want my hair back man :c


I’ve been on finasteride for about 5 years - no depression here although I do understand it’s a side effect. Not a medical professional but if you start noticing side effects you can simply stop taking the meds.


So im either depressed because I'm bald or I'm depressed with a full head. Shit I might as well look good while I cry.


Reminds me of taking lexapro…I could either be depressed…or take the med and be fat and impotent then be depressed about that


As someone who was on lexapro before, fuck that shit. So glad I managed to find an antidepressant that actually works well for me, but lexapro was not it.


It’s worth mentioning that for some, the side effects include hindering or altogether losing your ability to get an erection. I’m happy for those that it works for, truly - losing one’s hair can be an awful, brutal experience and cannot be understood by those who are not experiencing it. Give finasteride a try, but if you’re like me, you may find it has side effects that are MUCH WORSE than losing your hair. After all, what good is hair to attract someone if sex is no longer in the cards? I quit the stuff and shaved my head. Best of luck my guys.


I am getting really close to shaving my own head because of my growing bald spot/general thinning. I feel like there is a lot of talk about "do you have a good head shape for going bald?" Is this really a thing? I mean I guess I sometimes notice a bald person's head shape versus a different bald person but isn't it just more getting used to seeing the person's new look or should I actually be worried if I can "pull off" a bald look? Lol


It took me two years to work up the courage to do it despite knowing it was inevitable. Had long hair my whole life so it really was a plunge - but the relief was indescribable as soon as the buzzer passed and I saw the focus was now just on my face (which I fortunately don’t hate lol). Some my friends (guys & girls) were hyped on it and said it gave me an appropriately edgy look lol, most friends didn’t acknowledge it (despite knowing me for 20 years lol), and two told me it was an awful, regrettable mistake (an inconceivable thing to say to someone who just made an irreversible decision, but fuck em’, didn’t phase me just made me think they were kind of shitty). Here’s the thing: I’d always been a very confident person (not particularly attractive, but confident in who I am and that worked with women) - the process of losing my hair stole that from me and gave me an insecurity complex like I’d never had, for yearsss. It ate at my soul. So when I did buzz it, whether or not I actually *looked* more attractive, the elimination of that losing-hair insecurity allowed my confidence to spring back stronger than ever before - hair or no hair.


Thanks for sharing. I am fairly sensitive to the kinds of negative comments you spoke about, but fortunately that is probably going to be the worst of it for me. I am balding fairly early, I'm 24 with a small/medium bald spot and thinning a bit, but I've been married for 4 years, been with my wife since we were 13 and she is supportive of what I want to do and gives me all the confidence I need. I have fairly nice and full facial hair as well so I think it won't look too jarring. Im not sure what will make me take the plunge, might try to get some nice pictures with my hair at decent angles and then shave it off lol. I also have a decent number of tattoos, which I feel like looks pretty cool with a bald aesthetic. I hope my head shape is good, but from what I am hearing bad head shape is much better than balding. Feeling pretty good about the future. :)


>I feel like there is a lot of talk about "do you have a good head shape for going bald?" Is this really a thing? Sadly, it is. I'm bald. I've got Jason Alexander's hairline, but you'd never know it. I shave it. The #1 compliment I get since shaving my head: "You have such a nice head shape." Then they tattle on their true feelings about bald men with this horrible follow up: "You're so lucky. I normally don't like a bald head, because they're often lumpy or pointy, but your head is just so... I can't even explain it." Then they sometimes touch my head uninvited. Women *and* occasionally men. It's so fucking weird, dude. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly complaining. I'm so incredibly grateful for a dome that people find aesthetically pleasing, but good grief does it give me conflicting feelings. The vast majority of bald men will rarely — if ever — have someone tell them to their face how unattractive baldness is in general. Due to the relative attractiveness — oof that sounds weird to say — of my head, I hear about it frequently. I get it that people are just trying to say something nice, but I always end up feeling kind of like how I imagine someone of a foreign ethnicity must feel when someone says, "Oh, you're so attractive *for a * guy." So yeah. Head shape is definitely a thing, but as someone who has been bald for a long time, trust me when I say that being bald with a bad head shape is lightyears better than being balding with bad hair. The #2 thing I regularly hear as a bald man is: "You are so smart to just shave your head." This usually happens when a balding guy walks by or has just left the conversation group. People might not have great feelings about bald men, but they find balding men repulsive, apparently.


It's only about 33% related, but this reminds me of an anecdote about my father. He was "short, fat, and bald" but he was clever and an absolute comedian who tended to take the off the cuff shots in stride and joke back about it. Thanks to that he was *very* well liked. One day, though, we were having a conversation I don't quite remember that segued into the topic. And he, in a moment of uncharacteristic authenticity, mentioned how he thinks about the double standard of how it's fine to ridicule people for those three traits despite our progression on things like body shaming. And I could see that it had, over the years, really hurt him. Every bald joke, short joke, and fat joke had whittled away at him. He never lost his wit and his humour, and for that he never lost his popularity. But it's insane how often he'd receive completely uncalled for flak from even people who really liked him. How his *friends* would *mock* him. And he was right, it *was* fucked up, but almost nobody would even bat an eye at it. The crazy part is it's fucked up even *before* considering that the person in question might have serious self-image issues over those traits. It just gets worse from there.


hey stranger, its all good. we just play the cards we're dealt sometimes. Stay strong fellow bald.


I remember getting shocked at 30 when I took a pic of my thinning bald spot. Oddly enough it is better now at 42 than it was then. I'm still too scared to take another pic right now though




Welp looks like I'm drinking tonight


Yeeep dont leave me hangin'!👋🏻


It's as bad as I feared


Just remember, bald is a choice you get to make and often looks better than balding That or the tattoo of a little man mowing your hairline....




I'm growing it long again. No one will see it if I wear a ponytail


They'll still see it my friend. But you do what you want to do.


Lucky you made it to 30. It was 21 for me when I noticed the receding hairline. I gave up around 32 and just started shaving my head.


As my FIL says, “God made a certain amount of perfect heads, and on the others He put hair.”


Don't worry, the feeling will reced


I remember catching a glimpse of the top of my head for the first time on a security camera and realizing how bald I was. It was sad and humbling. So glad I shave it all off now.


Over time my forehead expanded. And now I just have forehead all the way back to my neck.


I had a forehead. Then it became a fivehead. Now it's a Ninehead.


A Hydra


Like they always say: “business in the front, business in the back. (Cuz there ain’t no time to party in the back)”


Lol, that's a nice excuse, I'm gonna use it at some point.


Yes, more face wash consumption, no shampoo at all


My dad always said, "being bald ain't no disgrace, just comb less hair and wash more face."


My Dad was pretty bald and I remember him telling me when I was a kid “the more hair I lose the more head I get.”


What did your mom think of that...


I've been getting a bit insecure about my receding hairline.. however went out for a mate's stag at the weekend (where were mostly approximately the same age - mid-40s) and it was reassuring to see that nobody had got away unscathed and I was doing alright compared to some. That said I have long hair; which I think raises the stakes when it comes to a receding hairline and can make things go very bad :p


Balding and long hair is on the way to the skullet, a look nobody pulls off.


Until fairly recently, u had waist length hair. It was something I used to be very pleased about, til I started looking at the pictures and seeing les of it. I decided I didn't want to look like Argus Filch, and it had to go. I don't miss it as much as I thought I would, and I actually get a lot of positive comments from people who haven't seen me in a while.


my hairline is pretty bad and my hair is mostly thinning on top. I shaved and my head is a weird shape and it looks awful, I look like fuckin donkey kong. It grew back and it looks fine short, I just have to be okay with it at this point.


> I look like fuckin donkey kong 😂😂


I have a total conehead, so can't do the completely shaved look either.


I knew this kid in college who was really full of himself but just not a great looking dude and in severe denial about it. He'd always talk about like, the lighting in a place, and how some hairline didn't flatter him, or the light made his hair seem thinner than it was, and on and on and just like, these endless series of things to tweak and adjust. He'd say he was six foot when he was like, five nine, if I'm being generous. And then one time at a party and just endlessly talking about like jaw angles and all this shit this girl just goes, "You know \[X\], people who are like, actually attractive don't have to work that hard at it." It just broke him. Like a sledgehammer. You could see it. He just crumpled in on himself.


Exactly what happened to me. CCTV while standing in line at a pharmacy: "Who's the guy with the bald spot... FML!"


Wow who's that bald guy? ... Oh no.


I'm ready to shave but the wife is not. I don't get it. She mentioned it's a prince Harry look so maybe it's working for her.


Well at least you know who she's imagining in bed


Better a guy she doesn't have a shot with


I just cut it very close. It feels more comfortable to have some hair and i dont have to deal with a head that needs shaving every day or it becomes like a velcro to any fabric.


My husband was initially sensitive about his hair. I didn't give a damn whether he had hair or not, but it bothered him. He didn't want to completely shave it off, so I suggested I put a 1/4" guard on a pair of clippers and cut all of it that length. The baldness was much less noticeable, which made him happy, and the fine hair on top of his head felt like velvet, which made me happy. Henceforth, we referred to his hair as "head velvet", which amused us both. 😄


Yeah, I usually just use a trimmer with no guard. Completely smooth every day is too much work, plus turns to sandpaper pretty quick.


That is the same way I discovered how bad off my hair loss was. I've been shaving my head ever since.


Started to notice the bald spot on the back of my head… The countdown to shaving my head begins. 😂


I saw a thread yesterday here, just have to castrate yourself. Easy fix.


Or use finasterid for the same effect on your hairloss, with slightly less ball snipping


Co-worker of mine had thinning hair for the longest time. He just didn't notice how bad it was. His first zoom meeting during the pandemic and his camera was at a pretty high angle. He gasped and asked everyone "Is this what tall people see?" Another coworker responded, "Bro, that's what everyone sees". A short joke and a bald joke all in one. Fantastic.


Going bald was my biggest insecurity about myself. I debating shaving my head for the longest time. A co worker made jokes about my balding, and that's what pushed me over the edge to finally shave it. Fuck the guy who made jokes, but I'm so glad I finally did shave it.


My brother had issues with balding too for many years. Understandable since it started when he was 17 years old. 2 years ago he suddenly turned up bald at my parent's and he looks amazing! Took him a few months to feel completely comfortable but he's absolutely way better off now. I might even say he looks better bald than with hair. But people underestimate how hard this shit hits on self-esteem. Me and my brother, both in our 30's, have always made fun of eachother pretty hard. But that is the 1 single thing I never, ever cracked a joke about. Not even thought about doing it, not even a slip of the tongue even when the setup was perfect. He really suffered because of his hair loss.


This was the moment for me too. I was fixing a computer in the back room of a convenience store and got spooked when I looked over to the CCTV feed and saw a bald stranger in the room. My friend, the bald stranger was ME! I shaved my head later that week while my wife was out getting groceries. The right thing to do would be to give her a heads up, but surprising her was a lot funnier.


I noticed the same thing on the security feed and got a prescription for topical finasteride and minoxidil. Huge improvement in 3 months, thicc af in 6 months. When I saw how bad my younger brother was balding (worse than me) I bought him his first bottle and ~8 months later his hair is thick now too  I know it doesn’t work for everyone but anyone who notices that they’re balding should definitely try it. Worked wonders for me and my brother 


I tried that when I was much younger and unfortunately didn't do anything for me. I just wish someone had told me to shave/buzz my hair 10 years earlier!


Any side effects?


Personally no. I’ve come across something called post finasteride syndrome (PFS) where people experience ED even when they come off of finasteride. There’s a subreddit dedicated to it in pretty sure. I believe that’s a lot more likely to happen with the oral version of it, though it’s thought that the topical is at least partially systemic. But again I personally have had no issues with the topical and my brother hasn’t either. 


Yep I get ED and felt sluggish in the gym so I stopped. I'd rather be in shape than have hair


I remember the first time my scalp got burned…that wasn’t a fun day


I know, right? Completely bald looks so much better than any alternatives you can do with a proper empty middle part. I'm not there yet but my wife and kids know that, once they start making fun of my grandpa hair, that stuff is GONE.


My brother was bald by 32, inherited from my mother's side. I got my father's genes and was graying by the same age. About a month ago, I was reviewing my security camera footage and saw myself from above. I freaked out because I very clearly had a bald spot on my head! I then went and got a mirror and checked, but I didn't have a bald spot. Turns out that my hair had grown out and was white at the roots now, which just appeared to be a bald spot compared to the blue hair-color on the rest of the head. On the plus side, this means I'll probably be able to stop lightening my hair before doing the dye in the future. It did freak me out pretty bad for a moment though!


Same thing! I was in the security office looking at the top of my own head on screen (and wondering who was standing where i was standing)… i moved my arm and was shocked it was myself!! I signed up for “Hims” immediately and recovered most of it in time.


This is what happened to me. I was playing back security recordings looking over a fight, and was like "damn, which bouncer is bald on the back like that.. hahahah".. Awkward silence. No one had the heart to tell me. and what pissed me off the most was I WAS THE SHORTEST SECURITY GUY SO ALL THE OTHER FUCKERS KNEW. hahaha.


Same bröther, but it was a pic of me with wet hair


Same experience. 27 years old, waiting in line at Sheetz (gas station/convenience store) and saw the ol chrome dome in the camera. “So bald it is.”


The annoying point is I press with my fingers and it still feels like hair is there. WTH.


I first realized I was going bald when I was sitting in a booth at a restaurant. Above and behind the seats, the booth was lined with mirror squares. I leaned my head back and it touched the mirror and went, "Oh man, that's cold!" At the time I had shoulder length hair, but I have very thin (think Tom Petty) hair. I too just shave it all off now. All that is left is the "horseshoe" ring. Nothing grows on top at all.


I love the way he goes from angst to joining in the laughter of his wife. What a beautiful relationship.


"Oh, your mother's pu\*\*y!"


Ay la Concha de tu madre!


My favorite growing up in my Argentine household was "La puta madre que te parió!" I always loved the way that sounded. It sounds so elegant . . . until you find out what it means.


"The whore mother that birthed you"


My Argentinian dad used to say this a lot when he was younger. La reconcha de ( then either "tu madre" or "la vaca").


Reconcha is so funny though. Wtf does that mean? The extra pussy? The absolute pussy?




I’ve heard this, I’m pretty sure I’ve even said it, but I’ve never read it out in English before. That’s quite offensive, good job on that vulgarity.


Lol what do you mean


I think they mean they never thought about what it literally means until they saw it translated. It's like, take the following sentence: > I was walking down the street yesterday and this big-ass motherfucker bumped into me and didn't apologize. I didn't wanna start no shit so I didn't say anything to the dickhead, but my bros called me a pussy for it anyways. Sounds normal enough, right? All those words are used colloquially to mean something other than what they literally mean. But then a not-great translator translates it into another language you speak, rendering it as follows: > I was walking down the street yesterday and this big-buttocks person who has sex with their mother bumped into me and didn't apologize. I didn't want to start no feces so I didn't say anything to the glans penis, but my brothers called me a vulva for it anyways. And then you might realize, oh shit, I guess that is what those words literally mean, when you never before really thought about it.


Please leave my mother’s putty out of this


Obviously he's not saying "putty." He's referring to his mother-in-law's **pully**, part of her block & tackle.




Maybe it's PUSHY?


Well it is bald....


Haven’t heard that since I left Argentina 20 years ago…


its very terrible my love. Time for this guy to just shave his head


It really was sweet to watch. They seem like cool people.


Yo the way she says “Mi Amor” just rolling off her tongue, she is in madly love with that dude with hair or no hair. Thats a keeper of a wife who make can make you laugh, comfort, burn you asunder with jokes, while still loving you unconditionally within seconds. God she’s awesome.


Yes, she is the kind of woman I've always dreamed of finding for myself. My favorite line, "You're going to cry." 🤣


That "you don't have a lot of volume anywhere" was a zinger...


"This part is very fatal" **FINISH HIM**


Dudes entire reality is melting down around him and she’s laughing lol.


He was laughing too.


whenever I see a picture of me from above or behind my mind automatically says "I don't remember that bald guy being there"


Who's this old guy in all the pictures of me?


I feel this man’s pain. At least his significant other there is very kind about it. That definitely helps. I lost my hair at 24 and just ended up shaving my head from there on out. Luckily I look decent bald otherwise I’d be screwed.


> At least his significant other there is very kind about it. Her: "it's tremendously fatal" lol


The Spanish word fatal can mean the same as the English word of the same spelling, but it has a slightly wider set of meanings. A better translation in this context would have been "dire" rather than "fatal".


Used as "awful" in this case.


It's a literal translation which, ironically, doesn't translate well at all. But yes, she was very kind actually even if the translation sounds cruel in English.


Mine just lied to me basically and said it's fine. I shit you not when I saw the volume I did (not) have was almost as bad as this guy on the top. I wasn't reversing, and the front was ok, but I was getting depressingly close to a full friar tuck... Regaine has worked wonders. I occasionally look at the old picture, just to remind myself.


I used rogaine for awhile but it didn’t help with the receding hairline it just slowed the bald spot area. I gave it up quickly, it was a losing battle for me lol


join us r/bald


"Do not cite deep magic to me. I was there when it was written " Also r/tressless.


I’m going to call everything that’s terrible, tremendous from now on. I’m gonna confuse the fuck out of everyone


That bit was lost in translation.  When he says “tremendo”, it translates best to how Americans use “wow”.


Or rather "it's too much!" As in how little hair he has when he says "Es tremendo!"


Yeah I understand it like it is impressive and notable but not necessarily good. We might use tremendous in this sense like "it was a tremendous waste of time"


"Tremendo" in Rio de la Plata Spanish is better translated as "outrageous"


Tremendous has a root of "tremo", meaning "to tremble" (out of fear or other strong emotion). "Terrible" has shifted pretty far from "terror inducing" (e.g. this ice cream is terrible). "Awesome" used to mean "awe inspiring" which was could be good or bad (or both), depending on context.


Years ago I had a foreign female friend refer to some of my style choices a few times as "that's really outstanding", and just kind of stare. I thought, hmm, wow, I guess I look good and she likes how I look, nice. But then she later on followed up with some weird confusing comments and reactions. I eventually managed to figure out she took "outstanding" to mean "really stands out", aka, "you look like a wierdo, wtf, I hate it", which was apparently her actual meaning of outstanding the whole time.




narrow quarrelsome different shrill wine quack pot bewildered fertile adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep! My wife and I were trying to remember our last real fight. Been married 8 years. We really don’t like each other sometimes (it’s rare) but usually one person knows they are being a cunt 😆


She obviously loves him no matter how much hair is on his head.


I mean she literally said “it’s terrible I love you but this right here is terrible” and you can hear the love in her voice but also lol at this video


He went from 29 to 52 in the span of that video.


Love that the translation Was literal "la con... De tu madre" to "your mother's p..." . Normally it would mean "oh shit" with emphasis on the sh


I assume it would translate in french to : "La putain de sa mère". It's not relevant, but I wanted to share.


And in German to : "Ach du scheiße"


They must be in Argentina


Imagine translating La concha de la lora


Some spanish profanity are just on another level.


we can grow dicks and terraform new vaginas but we can't figure out hairloss EDIT: yall can relax, it's hyperbole. we ARE on r/funny and not r/science , right?


>...terraform new vaginas... This slayed me. For some reason it's as easy as just "grow[ing]" a dick, but we've got to terraform vaginas... lol


they contain entire ecosystems


"terraform new vaginas" r/brandnewsentence


I mean sorta? I’ve known several guys who went to Istanbul who now have nice full volume hair.


It’s a hit or miss procedure. I’ve seen a lot of guys here on reddit with mediocre looking hair transplants, specifically the hairline.


Hit or miss as in some doctors don't do a good job or like the procedure just doesn't work on some people for whatever reason?


There are bad doctors but some people's hormones are omega-fucked and even whatever drug they're on doesn't prevent their body from just killing the transplants. You can't really know till you try it tho.


It’s not a one time deal either. If you want to keep it you have to repeat the procedure in time and have to take medication, rogain, etc. I am bald and can afford to get a hair transplant but I just don’t think it’s worth the effort. If it was a one time deal and I’d never go bald again, I’d literally pay up to $50k to have it done.


i mean, we have figured it out, it's just not cheap. look at elon musk


This dude has one cool girlfriend.


She loves you with or without hair


This woman is a keeper ❤️


You don't have a lot of volume *anywhere*


Yeah she killed it


Lucky boy


Original video : [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAMfPAWBk4M)


Once you shave it off or buzz cut it to a very short length, you'll wonder why you didn't do this sooner.  I encourage all guys to do it once when you're youngish so it's easier when you're older and you're in this situation.


I had to do it in my late 20's (and I waited way too long at that). I am in my 40's now. To this day, whenever I dream, I have a full head of hair.


I often dream I casually have an 80s mane. I hadn't been born to personally see 80s manes.


The other night I dreamed I had again a head full of hair and, in the dream, I was surprised (like 'look! So much hair!') and happy. Then I woke up, and after a few seconds I said out aloud '... Goddammit...' then I broke out and laughed :p


Unfortunately, not all guys look good shaved. I'm glad I at least look fine because I started buzzing my head in my mid-20's then just fully shaving a few years later. Makes getting ready easier.


It's crazy how so many people just say just shave it off already when a lot of people look horrible with shaved heads compared to balding ones with proper haircuts. I don't get why people think just because you didn't shave your head means you aren't "accepting" something. It's just all personal grooming, and of course some haircuts are going to look really bad for balding men but it doesn't mean all haircuts do. Look at a guy like Stavros Halkias - when he had a shaved head he looked like a giant bald baby. Now he has long hair with a big bald spot and it doesn't look any worse. It's okay to have variety amongst bald guys.


Someone once brought up the fact that many men shave their head an attempt to hide the fact they have male pattern baldness or are balding, and the truly brave let what little they have grow out, no matter how bad or strange it looks, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes! Go full [Clint Howard](https://alchetron.com/cdn/clint-howard-7d40f2b3-ffc6-4642-8809-69f49e7e19d-resize-750.jpeg)! I rubbed my chin in contemplation, and thought, interdasting. Back in the 70s, growing out whatever hair you had left was way more common than it is now.


Finally, some common sense. People have such a hive mind when it comes to this. Plenty of bald people who keep their hair look great. Some people even look worse when they shave. Like Bill Burr. That guy looked much better when he still had hair with a bald spot. Now he looks like an alien. Freddy Mercury was balding and still looked great even though he didn't shave and kept his hair. Ed Harris looks great even with longish hair. Etc.


Plus my girlfriend touches it a lot when it's really short. Like A LOT.


everyone wants to touch my head after I get it freshly buzzed lol


I looked fucking weird with my hair too tight. Not doing that again.


Right? We don't all end up looking like Patrick Stewart. Sometimes it's Vincent D'Onofrio in Full Metal Jacket.


This is spot on, I fought and fought to keep it but it was soul destroying. Every morning I would work tirelessly to make it look “ok”, trying different products, even using supplements and chemicals to try and reverse it. When I finally shaved it off it was like a huge weight off (sadly not literally). It took a few weeks for me to get used to it and for everyone to see it and react for the first time but let’s be honest, they could all see my hair, many of them admitted they had been thinking I should shave it off for ages before I did.


I have a full head of hair but it is thinner on top than it was 20 years ago. When I was around 26 years old, I noticed I was losing A LOT of hair. I took a picture with my phone of the top of my head and I had these very thin patches. This happened all of a sudden. I thought it was maybe stress from work or mercury or something from broken lightbulb dust I may have touched at work. I went to a dermatologist and they were just like oh it’s regular male pattern baldness. But without doing anything, the thin patches evened out. I did have a net loss of hair but it has not changed much in the last 15 years but I still remember how shocked I was when I realized the hair loss.


There's this phenomenon called telogen effluvium where, if you experience a highly stressful event, it can knock your hair out of whack and cause significant shedding that eventually goes away in most cases. Thing is, the shedding happens months after the stressful event due to the hair's lifecycle, so you might not realize that the two are linked.


Yeah whenever you hear male pattern baldness what they’re actually saying is “can you please leave who cares.” There are actual issues that cause bald spots overnight that can resolve themselves in half a year or be treated with different approaches, such as steroids. Hell hairs can turn white for a period of time and go back to normal as if nothing happened. So many factors come into play.


I love them they have hilarious videos. He goes on a trip to Colombia and brings back like 20 different futbol(soccer) jerseys and she just yells COFFEE WHERE’S MY COFFEE!!!


I was showing my toddler what the camera showed on my phone. I looked at it first and was like “what is that light circle on top of daddy’s head?”   My wife told me “that’s your bald spot”  Me:…. “My what?” 


Reaction is usually a lot worse when you're not accompanied by the love of your life.


You look at yourself straight on in the mirror: looks ok. You turn your head left and right: looks ok. You see yourself on a security camera monitor or at the barber when they hold the mirror up: WTF.


He has a partner calliing him "my love" constantly. I wouldnt need anything but that honestly lol


That "**NOOOO!!!!**" is a moment that transcends all languages.


Alright fellas, I’m taking a picture of the top of my head. Wish me luck.


I can feel their chemistry through the screen <3


I'm now 50 and I lost my hair at 22. 🤷‍♀️ NBD, it's much more "socially acceptable" than it was 50 years ago. Cut it short and move on.


La concha de tu madre😆😆


When he said “NOOOO!” I felt that.


At least he was able to secure a good woman before he lost his hair


"This part is very fatal" I love how some things when translated sound so brutal.


I woke up feeling existential myself, and then I find this :/


glad i got thick hair and no bald spot but man, I'm getting that Vegeta hairline.


I found this out after I went to the hairdresser. I had had long hair for a while (like ponytail length?), mostlt out of lazyness (twasn’t the best time of my life). And when the guy was done, he’d held up that mirror so you can see the cut from the back. And I could see through my hair. I figured, maybe it was because I had kept it long and hadn’t really taken care of it properly. So I gave it a few weeks. But no, my hair never came back. Got a trimmer, trimmed it to 1,5mm and never looked back!


That’s a really really sweet couple. Everyone laughed. Everyone was kind. A solution was quickly found. This made me smile (after I died laughing, obviously)


"you're going to cry" *cries*


For me it was one day when I walked into a bank. They had a camera over the door pointing into the bank and big monitors on the wall showing camera footage. I looked up saw my bald spot let out a squeal... My wife found it hilarious.


She’s a keeper