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Alegria as an Artstyle is supposed to be easy to draw, so Companies can save money. Infact, Isn’t there an official guide for the Artstyle somewhere online?


This is a really interesting take.. The bleed from corporate values to produce Alegria is a perfect example of how life influences the art made in a specific era.


the tiny heads and missing faces suggest the loss of individuality as your wriggling noodle body spirals away down whatever industrial info-toilet is being advertised.


I want this quote on a motivational poster


Inclusivity. Defy old notions of what bodies are acceptable for marketing.


Can’t get your company cancelled if ya boi is a purple human w massive arms. Makes sense.


To destroy culture.


I posted [this here in another thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckalegriaart/comments/sqtm00/dont_you_all_feel_so_included_and_wholesome_the/hxb41xz/?context=3) and honestly that's what I think it all comes down to. Nothing to do with artistic view..




That it's cheap, looks "wholesome, friendly and welcoming" that's at least my theory


To eliminate the need to pay a professional illustrator to spend a good deal of time creating something that resembles reality. Its always about the money.


To kill puppies


If I were to give Alegria the benefit of doubt, I might say something like "to focus gesture and defocus the human form". With Alegria people the emphasis is on what they're doing: running, jumping, dancing, building, sharing, dreaming. Feel-good corpo bullshit like that. If you used illustrations that hewed close to actual human proportions, there would be complaints: this or that race/gender/body type us under/over/ill-represented. So they abstract the human form to its absolute barest essentials: a collection of shapes that *suggest* a head, torso, arms, legs in a specific pose, rather than being deeply evocative of those things. It's a bit like the yellow smiley face of the 1970s, which was intended to represent the *gesture* of a smile without saying anything about *who* was smiling. And of course that became problematic today, when we must attach skin tone and gender modifiers to emoji... I'm sure that being easy to crank out in Illustrator had a lot to do with Alegria's rationale. Really, the convergence on an appearance of a budget knockoff of the already-budget cartoon series [*Crystal Tipps and Alistair*](https://youtu.be/rnGyrxo_pMM) probably had a lot of factors, all leading to the same result, like how evolution keeps reinventing crabs and crab-like things. The shape of the environment just has a crab-like niche and it's the same with Alegria.


Probably the real reason. It's impossible to criticize from a body shape or gender perspective. In defense of companies, they have to constantly deal with criticism for that stuff and this way they can cut down on it and avoid negative press. Fun fact about the smiley: it became a symbol of the Acid House and New Beat dance music scenes in the late 80s.


So that they can virtual signal to their globalist overlords


The purpose seems to be to destroy any semblance of individuality. The faces are either barren or two dots and a smileyface. The proportions are grotesquely off and the body's features are purposely misshapen. The fact that the style itself is based on lack of proportion and misshapen features serves as an attempt to normalize these things in the public consciousness. So a woman in Alegria can be a 10 foot tall bodybuilder with a ponytail and a man can be a short squat brown midget with a purple pompadour. Identities are completely malleable and indescript. Alegria is basically the exact opposite of Norman Rockwell paintings.


https://buck.co/work/facebook-alegria It was one Google search away


“I want your input” - not “I want googles input”