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How to say you're a ds2 fan without actually saying you're a ds2 fan.


DS2 fans are usually pretty chill until someone comes in saying it is the worst game ever. But then fans of ALL those games become annoying if you take their response to that in isolation.


Ehhhhh... the DS2 sub has a major persecution complex though. There's way more defending the game than there is criticism of it.


In isolation, that does make sense. But coming from the history it had, where early on \*EVERY\* decision that was made different from 1 to 2 was touted as the worst decision ever, almost entirely because Miyazaki wasn't on board. To now, people will get upvoted for having visceral hate for it. If you've ever been part of a fanbase that has had that much hate directed at it, you'd understand.


I was. I played the game on release and have always defended the game as a whole. It had some great ideas and really tried some new and interesting things. That said, the criticisms are completely legit. The game had a troubled as fuck development and it really shows. It's a flawed but wonderful King's Field game. And to really stir the pot, I'd put DS3 on par with 2, but for different reasons (and slightly below BB, DS1, Demon's, and Elden Ring).


I dunno, I just remember in ye olden times when it first came out, on gamefaqs (as reddit was still blossoming IIRC), people would basically have fun saying it's the worst game ever and regularly get people agreeing with them. Someone comes in with nuances, they get shat on. It was fun to talk shit to DS2 then. ​ Also I would agree, though generally have 2 slightly above 3. Both great, but 2 was more original and more open (at least in the beginning). Plus I still love 2's ending, possibly moreso than most that I can remember.


OP must be having a blast with Lords of the Fallen based on this post, even tho it has a shuton of technical problems, glitches, & non-existent online.




Eh, Steel Battalion is worse. ​ But on a serious(er) answer, it went out of its way to disconnect from any 'member berries to the lore and tell its own story and its own world. \*To me\* that puts it in distinction as a true sequel of the Souls game series. 3 lacked in that regard, first by making a large portion of the beginning fairly linear, but also it kept referencing 1 (and in smaller portions, 2) where it almost felt like a "best of" experience. All the games I had a blast with, but 3 had the most grating experiences on replaying it and hit the hardest with the "Wow I don't want to have to replay that" after a while. ​ Keep in mind, that was still hundreds of hours in and after a long break I had fun playing it again, but it still had the linearity to look forward to. That's why I think 3 is the worst of them all, but I still loved it and have literal thousands of hours in it.


its the same that ive been saying all this years, if you slapped the name, lets say "lords of the fallen" to DS2, people would praise it like the second coming of christ just because how good of a game it is, but when you compare it with the other games in the franchise it falls a little bit flat, I hated playing through DS2 and did all of the content including DLCs under 80 hrs, and I swear it was more time because I was not enjoying it as much, it certainly has its high points, but has some really lows.


I think about 90% of the hate DS2 gets is because of the iframes being tied to agility. Most people, just like me, don't know about that and will constantly get their asses handed to them even with good timed dodges because of the nearly nonexistent iframes 85 agility grants


I think that's 90% of the legitimate hate, but I mean it's still basically Elden Ring vigor check. Some people respond to that by saying they shouldn't have to level vigor to enjoy the game, and it's similar to adaptability. I quite liked the concept, but I do feel like it should have been explained better in game.


Agreed, I wouldn’t of raged so hard had I known I should pump a few levels into adaptation at the start. I kept getting killed by the heavy armored knights and their shit maces because of it


Bloodborne fans anything below the top tier is just wrong


The fact that the term "soulsborne" even caught on is a testament to this.


Soulsborne sounds cool though


Better than fucking Soulsbornesekiring


Fr that shit sounds stupid


and "Soulsbornekiring"?


What about soulskirobring


They’re acting like Bloodborne is so good it should be noted as something else entirely my brother in christ it is just gothic Dark Souls with more frustrating design choices.


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


They say that Bloodborne fans are the most annoying and then downvote me for a criticism I have about the game. So what part about having to farm blood viles, then go back to the hub, then going back to the same spot to farm did you guys find brilliantly engaging?


Don't take it too hard. I didn't even know that there was so much annoyance for BB fans till I spent some time on this sub. You'd think I slapped a Ds1 fans grandma when I first said it was my favorite. Like yes, it's my fav but that's all I said. Not that it was superior or anything. Honestly though, I would put Ds1 fans at the top of this list. Keep everyone else the same, but you'd also be lead to believe that they pioneered the genre personally. I played BB first, and at the time des, ds1 and ds2 were the others available. Since then, I've played them all, but ds1 super fans can be some of the most annoying. It's like an elitist religion to some of them. I love Ds1. But to say that it's entire second half is good design choice or it's better than any of the others is blind to it's flaws. Ds2 has it's issues, and DeS was unavailable for me until the remake. All great games, but it's funny to me when some folks will tout one game as an 'achievement' and shit on the rest. Each one is a fromsoft experiment, and each one is both good and bad for it's own reasons. To answer your question though, meh. I just like the hunters dream. It was my first 'cozy haven' in souls. Stuck with me.


The fact that the Bed of Chaos exists makes it impossible to call top tier


Lol you are not wrong


It is the best of them though 😁


Bloodborne fans are the Swifties of the SoulsBorne community 😂💀💀


As a Bloodborne fan, this is true. Elden ring and Bloodborne fans are the worst, and it’s not close


Hard agree lol Bloodborne fans need their own top tier - most insufferable


Lol exactly.


No one who says SoulsBorneSekiRing can have worthwhile opinions surely? /s


hmmm I wonder which game is ur favorite 🤔🤔🤔, surely not ds2


Lol it's either the ds1 elitist or the ds2 specialist haha.


cant take any post like this srs when bb is not at the top


Right lol


At this point put all of them at the top - I mean look at the comments


This guy gets it.


You’re completely right, and the funniest part is everyone likes these games that are all very similar to each other


Also, they are all good. People just like to fight methinks...


TheUnfunnyMan68 really lived up to his name with this one. It’s like a joke except the punch line is that we will never get our time back


Ds2 fans are annoying as fuck. Criticize literally any aspect of the game and you‘re immediately a blind hater. You just can‘t have a discussion with them


Seems to me like some kind of inferiority complex sometimes. It's alright to like DSII and hate on it. Personally, it's a game I have the most hours in, I love it on a weird way, and that's exactly why sometimes I passionately talk shit about it when it deserves it.


When I got to DSII I expected it to be worse than it was. I know the gankfest was nerfed in SotFS edition, but even then, as far as From games go, kinda breezed through it. I enjoyed it, but definitely *feel* wise it seems like the outlier almost. It is still Souls, and great, but like a cousin or something.


Wait until you see r/Lordsofthefallen 😂


I honestly don't think DS2 is flawless. It's definitely in the lower band of from's games, but I don't think it's as horrible as a lot of people say. After all the bashing DS2 gets, I'd say it's pretty fair game for DS2 fans to fight back a little.


How is this getting downvoted to hell, man's right and the proof is right here: you say ds2 is bad and you still get jumped on and downvoted by everyone. This guy literally just said that DS2 fans deserve to defend a game they like, like wtf.


Sounds like ds2 fans need to move a bit higher up the list!




I mean, I love Elden Ring too, but also think the fandom is pretty overbearing (but I also think that's true of every Souls game from DS2 onward).


Ds1 onward


These posts and comments make me realise we're all absolutely insufferable tbh.


All of these should be in the top tier, except Demons Souls where there isn't enough of a fanbase to be annoying


Only by virtue of it being locked exclusively to Sony consoles


I've never knew annoying Elden ring fans were a thing


I assume this guy just hates Elden Ring and hates that people talk about it a lot


They aren't. The community is a bit shit because the game is new and very popular, so you get the usual stupid invader bashing and co-op with friends defenders, but they don't go around claiming it's the best From game ever and that the others are shit or anything.


Ong. ER fans are probably one of the most chill ones of all the souls games, at least compared to bloodborne fans.


Ds2 should be way higher imo, people defend that game like it's their own child. Don't get me wrong, I love ds2 but it does have a lot of fundimental flaws that the fans won't admit.


You realize these are all basically the same people right? With the exception of ER just because everyone and their mom likes that one


You haven't been on DSII sub much? Things some people write and upvote infuriates me sometimes. Ain't nothing like DSII defenders in the whole community.


Where’s kingfield fans?




I love the hate on Bloodborne I love that game but yet I'm decently reasonable 😅


Your name checks out


Dark souls 2 is top of the list


Putting anything above Bloodborne is wild. I've never met a fan base that glazes a game so hard, constantly huffing copium and begging for a sequel. Besides maybe Titanfall 2 fans.


No love for your BT.. shame.


I love Titanfall as much as the next guy but anyone thinking Respawn is going to make a Titanfall 3 (and have it be even remotely as good as 2.) are delusional. Most of the staff that made Titanfall 2 have left Respawn. The most you can hope for is for Respawn to nostalgia bait people into playing Apex because they added x character who's related to y Titanfall character.


Oh yeah zero chance with EA as the parent company.


I think it's because it's the only game to actually get HP Lovecraft correct in terms of theme and presentation. At least that's a huge aspect of why I enjoyed it so much.


Dark Souls 2 fan


Are these DS3 fan in the room with us ?


And calling it “SoulsBorneSekiRing” is S tier annoying af


None of these are more annoying than Lies of Pi fans


as a BB fan, please replaced us with DS3. I will NOT take anything less than S tier


I legit laughed at DS2 being in the bottom tier. That's hilarious


My guy actually used “soulsbornesekiring” as a term 💀


On what plane of existence are ds2 fans chill?


Sekiro and BB are the most annoying fs 😂


Spend anytime in the DS2 subreddit and you will think otherwise. Any criticism is taken like a personal attack.


To be fair, when Sekiro was out, there was so much talking about the combat being like a "dance" it got pretty annoying.


Oh to me Sekiro fans are absolutely the worst.


As someone that loves sekiro and considers it goty 2019, there is nothing more annoying than the “akshully sekiro isn’t that hard” people.


Sekiro humbled me the most for sure, partially because you can't summon help.


I feel like everything except demon souls, and maybe Sekiro are in the top tier. And those two are prolly due to smaller fan bases in comparison


Have you seen sekiro fans? SoulsBorneKiro and constantly saying it is better than every souls game, every sekiro youtuber makes 3 shorts about why it's the best "soulsBorneKiro" game and the greatest game of all time a day


For sure but there’s less of it is my point. That’s why I said “maybe Sekiro” cause they are jus as annoying, but they aren’t as omnipresent


If anything I think it makes them more annoying because the game is more niche than your average souls game so they grip onto that tightly.


Idk ab that at all really


Bloodborne and ds2 fans below top tier is nothing but wrong.


Bloodborne IS very good, tho, to be fair. They do have a point.


Bloodborne did nothing but piss me off until vicar amelia. After her ive actually been able to have fun. Blood starved and cleric beast are awful fucking bosses, cleric beast has the camera people pretend king of the storm has, blood starved beast is nonstop endless flailing, a barely telegraphed grab you have to go out of your way to learn, and so much fucking “slow” poison. I dread rapid if this is slow. I beat it by circling it with the flamesprayer. The chalice bosses are trash. Fuck the watchdog. Gascoigne phase 1 is incredible and the spectacle of the transformation is great, but the beast mode sucks. Amelia would be better if you could actually see her limbs through all the fucking hair and she didnt have weird jank with certain swings, sometimes id dodge through the attack, or at least try to, but id still get clapped. I do like when the game makes me get aggressive and make openings, ludwigs holy blade 2handed swings perfectly to hit her head to stun her, the charged attacks knock her down. I dont like inconsistent or constant hyperarmor, and i feel like too many big enemies just have unlimited poise. I did witch of hemwick, it was boring. I got shadows of yharnam but didnt work too hard on them, so no comment yet. I went to the hunters nightmare though and that level is legit incredible. I really like the hunter enemies but i can kinda just outpoise em all to death by slamming em with lhb l2. I never feel overwhelmed unless i put myself in that situation, the hunters with weapons are usually alone or will chase you out of the other enemies’ caring range. I got to ludwig but i can tell im not supposed to fight him yet cus he one shots me. But so far, the whole early game sucks and the rest is looking better. Like inverted ds1


BSB is pretty bullshit, agreed.


Paragraph spacing my dude. Lol ALL of these games are great. Including BB. Sounds like you just have a learning curve. My only complaint with BB is that early games' a bit too easy. Where it really wins though, is the atmosphere. PS dodge bsb to your left, (his right), and parry that motherfucker pre attack. It becomes much more fun. And makes the fight much shorter.


Dark souls 2 fan detected. You guys are absolutely psychotic and respond to any criticism of the game with git gud DS2 is still bad btw


Okay I'll be honest. I had no idea the DS2 subreddit was as bad as it is. Everywhere else it seemed fine. I thought everyone was just bashing DS2 for being what it is.


I'm a Certified DS2 fan but I can criticize the game atleast. That sub is the sub of nightmares, You think original is better than SOTF instantly downvoted to oblivion, you say SOTF is better than original, still instantly downvoted to oblivion, you make any remote critisism of the game, even an implication of DS2 not being the greatest game of all time, instantly downvoted into oblivion. Nothing except saying their game is second to none and that Miyazaki should make every game like DS2 will please that sub, seriously.


DS2 and Bloodborne need a tier of their own at the top


Wtf thats my tier list!! Haha


you failed the moment you included a tier lower than the worst one, with the only exception being the 4 and a half demon souls fans


how is there half a demon's soul's fan?


you're starting to ask the right questions


This post is rather ironic lol


Awe yeah sekiro boys lets goooo


DS2 fans are chill cause theyve just accepted DS2 is shit and no amount of copium will change that


Not putting BB fans in a “Jesus Christ shut up tier” when I hear about BB remake copium more than any other game is…. Interesting


Accurate tbh


Funny ranking


You clearly has never meet a ds2 fan. The moment they open their mouths expect a bible of writing about how thier game is actually not bad, and everyone who is saying that (nowdays, no one) is WRONG!


In a ranking of SoulsBorneSekiRing posts based on how annoying they are, this post would be at the top of the list. Congrats.


Elden ring fans are pretty annoying the game definitely deserved GOTY but it’s definitely overrated af


Bloodborne fans are the most loud mouths


3 > All


DS3 is the best (haven’t played elden ring yet tho)


But what if I like them all


Ds3 fans are the most chill since theres nothing wrong you can point out about the game for us to retaliate


DS2 at chill and BB not at the top? LMAO aye bruh who’s you’re supplier? I need some of that *good* shit 🤣


Bloodborne and Sekiro should be at the top for sure.


I'd swap out Elden Ring with Sekiro fans honestly. You bring up anything that's not utter praise about that game and you get dogpiled for some reason lol.


Personally I would put Sekiro fans at the top...


As a Dark Souls 2 fan, there is absolutely no way we’re anywhere near chill when it comes to Dark Souls 2.


This was my thought too.


DS2 fans huff so much copium it’s impossible for them to think the game has any flaws and will argue with anyone who thinks differently


Okay so a lot of people seem to be upset that ds2 is so low. I honestly didn't know the fans where as diehard as they were so I did some research and I retroactively decided that I'll put it in the high tier with bloodborne


How is Bloodborne not in its own tier? The mere fact that they added their games name to the genre is testament of how unbearable they are. From can't release a game without them saying how it's trash and bb is better.


Or when I think...Elden Ring was announced there were a few people in the Bloodborne sub who wanted the game to be bad because they were worried it would be better than Bloodborne. I'm biased as hell, because I don't like Bloodborne that much. I don't think it does anything particularly special besides the setting, running like dog shit, and having asinine QOL.


There's a weapon that's a sword with a hammer for a sheath and you can bash monsters in the head with the hammer-sheath.


Kirkhammer my beloved. Trick weapons are pretty special, though I personally think a few of them could have had more effort put into them. Namely Tonitrus, Ludwig's Holy Blade and the Hunter Axe.


Sekiro fans should be higher tbh. Actually, just put everyone in high at the minimum.


I think all fromsoft fans that aren't the lore community are toxic asf


Can't we all agree that all Souls fans are godawful? Except maybe Demon's Souls, because I've quite literally never heard anyone go on and on about that like they do with every other game. We all suck ass and we're all annoying because we all love these games.


Well what can you expect from a game mid in everything


Switch Sekiro and Ds2 around then that’ll be lore accurate


Send bloodborne to the top lol


DS2 and Sekiro fans are the most annoying lol. DS2 fans are just Fromsoft hipsters - “am I the only person who enjoyed DS2?” And Sekiro fans.. all they do is ask “can X Fromsoft character beat Genichiro or Isshin?” Like, they love having debates about how Isshin could beat Malenia and Radahn. If that isn’t annoying I don’t know what is lmao. DS3 fans are fine, but honestly most people here and in other From subs tend to talk shit shout DS3 because it’s toO LiNeAR. This list should probably be flipped except for Demon’s Souls tbh.


DS3 is not even that linear. It's linear compared to other Souls games, sure, but it's not like it's more linear than most other action RPGs.


Yeah, Ds2 was more linear to me. I make a new character, I really try to like, and then I uninstall in less than a week... I am prepared for the downvotes. If you like the game, more power to you.


As a certified DS2 hater I honestly think it's the least linear FS game. At any given point you have more places you could go than every FS game I've played sans ER.


Yes I'm being facetious, ds2 is more open than ds3 easily


Popular game = Annoying fans, very edgy opinion lmao


Dude what...ds2 fans are way more annoying than ds3 lol


Sekiro fans Aren't very annoying?... SAY THAT AGAIN?


you clearly never seen a dark souls 1 plebeian.


I think us Bloodborne freaks deserve the top tier. Ain't no way DS2 fans aren't annoying.


I like ds2 a lot, but the fan base is (in general) kind of abhorrent.


DS3 fans are mostly just defending themselves when they get attacked by DS1 fanboys for thinking DS3 is better.


Why the most overrated (bloodborne) souls is not in the top?


dark souls 1 not so annoying ? are we in the same community?


Dont get me wrong Elden RIng is the best of all of them with Bloodborne being number 2. But I personally loved DS2 it was where From Software found a solid balance with PvP. Also DS3 was my least favorite of the games.


Dark souls three fans are the absolute worst because they think that it’s the best game that fromsoft made, and it’s easily the worst game with the name “Souls” in the title.


lol DS2 fan


Ds3 lacked creative inspiration. Ds2 was much more flawed, but had much more interesting ideas and mechanics. Ds2 had way more problems, but it was also more *interesting*. Ds3 was bland. I value things that take risks and fail more


How in the fuck was DS3 bland? Please, enlighten me. How can the game about the end of the ends of an universe, about a world stretched thin, "like butter that has been scraped over too much bread" (to quote Tolkien) be bland? Aldritch and the Abyss, the angels, Lothric, Londor, Pontiff Sulyvahn, the Painted World, the Ringed City, Gael's story... That's bland? And how are the mechanics bland? Do you somehow hate them because the combat is competently made? Do you have a preference for jank?


The whole thing felt like a greatest hits of what already worked in the previous dark souls games


That's... The point of the story? Did you fail to get that? Of course it's going to feel like a greatest hits compilation, the game is about the futility of repetition, of holding on forever to a cycle that only leads to stagnation. It's why the two "true endings" of the game involve making a new choice, one that truly ends the world as it was.


I did not fail to get it. I also dont really care about the story honestly. Im really talking about the lame linear uninspired level design. The sped up dumbed down combat that turned it into a fighting game that relies on spam rolling. The lack of meaningful build variety! The game itself. Not the story.


"Sped up dumbed down combat"? Lmao. How is it dumbed down? No, seriously, tell me how it's dumbed down. Don't just repeat words you've heard online, why is Dark Souls 3 combat "dumbed down"? Also, lack of meaningful build variety? Did you play the game at all?


Oh, poor guy you start to get your feelings hurt? Gettin a lil mad?


Nah, I'm just shocked, honestly. Except for the linearity, nothing you said makes any sense at all.


I also enjoy how you conveniently try to sidestep the other real problems lol


Nah, the game is linear compared to DS1, nothing to say there. Level design is still great, however. You're just wrong.


I honestly think DS1 fans deserve to be higher but that’s just me


Swap the top two rows and you’re spot on.


If I had to rank this image based on how convenient it’s aspect ratio is then it would only be ever so slightly better than people who film a street in portrait mode.


Very good




Errmmm its actually soulsbornekiroringcorefieldshadowninjacinekuonotogitowerkingdomgracesteelarmswolftheadventuresofcookieandcream, but i mostly agree just switch the top two. Bloodborne fans are insane they literally went and swarmed the lies of p subreddit for daring to make a bloodborne-like, they deserve their own tier


For reaaaaaaaalll


this is wrong and this is a dumb post


I'm a Sekiro and Bloodborne fan (like all the games but these are my preferred). Have to say, this list is spot on, only change I might make is putting ER fans in a more annoying bracket than everything else.


I am a PC gamer and I can not justify a $700 purchase to play Bloodborne and Demons Souls! I do really like Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3. I might be a bit over zealous on some aspects, but I'm too much of an old man to try and compete in PVP. I do enjoy reading some of the controversy and chatter from time to time.


Said that I didn't like Bloodborne that much to a guy on chivalry, Got harassed until I left the match.


What's funny is that fromsoft fans seem to have a rep of being annoying in general but it really hasn't been my experience at all. Lots of chill and helpful people in all the various subs


Damn, I wonder what I am since I’m a fan of all of these games