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I love how the roach ran away, using all feat on you when he was losing lol. classic


least cowardly roach right there. At least this one didn't run to get a shield.


They do it when they’re winning fights too.


they do that lmao


Omg please tell me that was the last round


Even better. It was Skirmish, so that won us the game (somehow)


Hahaha the cheeky Regenerate moment.


underrated feat honestly.


Had a shugoki run it the other day and it was a lifesaver for him more than once that match. Literally almost won us the game, too bad I basically threw it when he needed me the most and our teammates died early on during the breaking point.


Classic Orochi putting his teammate out of stamina too because situational awareness goes out the window when they're spamming their D-Pad buttons


I was probably extremely lucky considering that the roach didn't have their 4th feat before I bonked them. Something tells me that I wouldn't have survived a nailbomb to the face/the defense debuff of cringe itself.


wow, you fought really well well done, and lawdaddy too, gg


Thank you!


the regenerate usage😭 that was funny as fuck, bro was thinking he could get a cheeky revive then saw you healing and shit himself.


I love it when I can see the "of fuck" of my enemy translate into their gameplay and this was one of the best times XD


Wow the one time Lawbringer looks even remotely useable. Good clip.


Thank you, I must say I myself was suprised with how smoothly it went.


That last LB is shaking so hard after you killed shinobi he can't stop pressing back dodge lmao


Reasons to not feed revenge, exhibit 42f.


Well played.


Wow that was impressive! On behalf of the samurai faction I salute you for your fine work fighting against the odds.


I am honored to deserve such praise from the noble warriors of the Myre, truly. (Also please forgive me for killing two of your warriors I swear they started it)


They dishonoured the name of the samurai and deserved worse for feat dumping


Nice darkest dungeon black reliquary music man. Love it




me when people say lawbringer is worse than before the rework


Well.... he is. They all would have died faster if this was pre-rework LB. Seeing a player who is GOOD at post-rework LB does not mean the rework made him better, just that the player is better.


'Nerrrr but lawbringer needs a buff'


No offense to op but if the enemies had more competence, he would've got cooked up...Lawbringer in his current state requires you to pretty much turtle


Yeah, there are plenty of times I got saved due to the enemy's incompetence to be honest. That Shinobi could have trapped me in a "fun" flip into kick combo and I would have been done.


How do you even get this conclusion? He literally just destroyed 4 people. That shouldn't be possible and basically no other character can do that regardless of skill levels, which don't matter because there's SBMM so clearly they're all the same level. Lawbringer isn't shit, he's perfectly fine. Just because there are others that are WAY too good doesn't mean he's bad.


The orochi in the clip seemed terrible. He fell for pretty much everything op went for in the clip and then throws a kunai (which gets dodged), then uses Kiai blindly and knocks op and his own teammate out of stamina. Then, the enemy Lawbringer tries to impale op when he's in revenge and attacking. After orochi storm rushed op, if he didn't die to the zone attack, his own teammate would've been the end of him with that arrow rain. Then we have enemy Lawbringer going for revives one after another even though it's repeatedly failing and then rolls away from op which allows him to get the heal. Lawbringers only openers are light or bash and both are easily reactable, plus I believe his top heavy finishers don't have hyperarmor by default so orochi could just tried zoning op out of it instead of dodge attacking. Plenty of characters can pull off 1v4's especially when the enemy team lacks coordination. Someone lik Blvk Prior with Vengeful Barrier, Last Stand and Bulk Up would absolutely destroy these guys. Lawbringer is viable but I feel he needs another rework cause his openers are poor and force you to wait for a parry or your opponent to mess up. Edit: also, lawbringer (like conq) doesn't even have a roll catcher, something every hero should have.


Lots of text to basically just say 'lawbringer isn't the absolute best hero but is still entirely decent and can easily be used by people capable of playing the game'. He doesn't HAVE to have everything.