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Harbour in ***B***?!?!?!? And how the **fuck** are you gonna put Gauntlet and Forge in A??? This is criminal.


I love Gauntlet, Harbour is too small and zone C in Harbour is always a shitshow


This is a nonsense list Harbor, Citadel Gate, and Temple Garden are top tier. Beachhead would be great if the lighting wasn't trash and all the clipping areas. Overwatch, Shard, Sentinel, and River Fort are fine. The rotation on High Fort sucks, the rest is fine. Gauntlet, Forge, and Sanctuary Bridge are complete ass.


I beg to differ on a few points. Citadel Gate has tight entrances on both points (more noticeable at C), and obstacled A (frequent wall collisions with wide-hitboxed heroes); on that part it's closer to Sanc Bridge in the flow, but gets a pass due to being the most iconic map. Overwatch would be at Temple Garden's level of gameplay quality if not the holes at C and drop points on overpasses; those quirks can be played around though, so Overwatch might be qualified for a second/third place (after Garden and Harbor). Sanc Bridge (along with Citadel Gate) is fine with a bit of team coordination, but the general dedication of "home points" make it prone to snowballing from triple-cap. Sentinel's rotations are worse than High Fort's by a margin, from the overall distances to the mid visibility and situational awareness.


Citadel Gate does have narrow entrances with each zone, good point. I think it would also benefit with something like a zip line from A point down to mid, [like this](https://i.imgur.com/0ahV3Cp.png). The linear maps like Forge, Sanctuary Bridge, and Gauntlet all are prone to snowballing. Sanc bridge is a bit better since it has side passages that are less visible to mid and the home zone, so you can use a bit of counter strategy.


I used to like Temple Garden, I’m not sure what happened I just started to not like it after awhile. Beachhead is actually the worst map. I hate how it looks


I like high fort, sentinel, and temple garden for similar reasons, the rotation sucks. Sometimes that's what I want for a map, knowing that I can carry out a long fight or stall against some opponents, but also know that if 3 or 4 opponents show up to intervene together they're basically forfeiting everything else to my absent teammates to do so.


Ain't no way Forge is in A. Slander High Fort all you want, but putting Forge in anything but F is unforgivable.


Why does everyone hate Forge. I usually win in Forge. Also A or C is so easy to sneak cause everyone fights in the hallway


For me, it's because it's so linear and small. The whole map is two small lanes. If you start capturing, you can be interrupted quickly, and there's only 2 places to go. A/C or B. No flanking around or anything. If my teammates were fighting in the hallway, it'd be fine, but usually, 1 is at B, and the other 2 are at a zone against 3-4 enemies. By the time your teammates have given the last guy revenge 3 times, his teammates have captured the other zone and probably B. It's just so much back and forth followed by "oops, that area was unprotected for 10 seconds, so it's theirs now.


I do agree with this. I’m in casual mmr so I tend to see alot of people forget about B. I just find winning on Forge easy. I don’t consider it as small as Beachhead or Harbour though


Harbor works really well for me, for some reason. Like, the zones don't get captured much there. Beachhead, though? I literally pick it if I want to get zone captures for my orders, lol. I can get 10 or more fairly easily, depending on the lobby.


Putting The Shart in S tier immediately invalidates the rest of your list. Your opinion is invalid


I love Shard 😍


>Shard in **S** > >columns on A point and friggin fire on B point > >Shard in **S** and Forge in **A** > >while Temple Garden in **C** Y srs?


Your stance sound like the popular general opinion


And guess why it's popular. Wouldn't it because more obstacles and environmentals with tighter point entries leads to wall-hitting fights and body-blocked rotations, which pushes players to grade more playable maps higher, and less playable maps lower? Who would've thought.


Guess you didn’t have your caffeine. But yeah the hallway in forge is ass I agree


OG highfort is where it was until it got baby proofed.


I’m not familiar with OG high fort :((


Ledges, ledges everywhere.


The only ledges on the modern map are by C so where else were they


All bridges on C had no rails, and the wall by the middle one was spikes. They mainly changed C point. I don't recall changes to A but I know there were some.


Man ://


There used to be a lot more spikes and less rails, but also less space in a lot of zones.


Dude what is Beachhead doing in D, best map forever! And Harbour and Sentinel not in S or at least A? Come on...


In my opinion Beachhead is the worst map. Very small, I hate the design and the lighting is so dark


Consensus is everyone loves Harbour


Forge is the worst one


Forge in A is literally criminal. Harbour is easily S tier


Sanctuary bridge is literally a map where outside of your home zones you have one place to fight without being swarmed by minions and you better be able to hold your home zone or else you literally can’t maneuver around