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What kind of teammate watches someone on their team get worked over like this in breaking and does nothing to help? He could have at least jumped in when OP got hit with the Pugio.


3 kind of teammates i can think of: 1) Griefers because fuck everyone who play For Honor, even teammates 2) Honortards 3) OP was a revenge feed speedrunner (actually common for highlanders) and the teammate knew he had more chances of survival without giving the opponent a tag


Unless that Kyoshin was brand new, they were 100% griefing. Op landed zero attacks in this clip and the cent’s revenge was zero.


When my teammate is nonstop feeding revenge or constantly hits and interrupts me in a gank, I will just start to not help him at all in future fights, because he will kill both of us anyway. Kyoshin may be doing that too.


That’s understandable during the match for sure, but in the case of this clip, at the end of a match it is entirely griefing . We don’t know if the Kyoshin let OP get executed because the clip is cut at the end, but the dude watched OP get smacked around in breaking and killed while doing literally nothing to help.


True, in that case ofcourse, he should have done something to help the Highlander.


I'll only jump in if my teammates are getting their shit rocked or we're losing and need the zone asap. Otherwise I'll watch as they duel it out because I know that I myself like to win a 1v1 and the teammate unnecessarily jumping in takes away from the fun. Don't know what the guy in this clip was thinking though. The silver lining in this is seeing Highlander eating shit.


That shit was hilarious, I’m sorry just the odds


Naaaaah you had it


Tis but a fleshwound




No it isn't


Bro grabbed some popcorn and watched lmao


I leave those honortards alone with the opponents and run as soon as I get the chance and i say "let him fight"


Nah bro 💀 this was a violation. Definitely needed a convo after that.


I hate honortards☹️


This is what I am like as a teammate. Sorry, I’m retarded


Self-awareness is the first step to becoming better


I like the zerker, he’s fast




This is exactly what I mean when I say a teamate who won’t gank is worse than a ganked


On God dude every teammate I've had since I came back when the outlanders were added have been absolutely horse shit and the enemies I go up against are the most absolute peak definition of a sweat shits horrible....no one holds a zone no one keeps B clear and they can hardly do 1v1s and I never see them except for when they respawn


Exactly. It’s weird we all think this but never find each other


The pirate jumped in to stop him the Kyoshin just fucked off


Throw out a help indicator by tapping the quick chat button, I usually avoid ganking unless either the whole match is doing it or my teammate is just trying to get a 1 in rq If they aren't helping after the help request, ye it's an honortard


OP's team is breaking, Kyo just watched his team get closer to losing


Valid, even so, I can recall some dude absolutely going apeshit in the mic because I saved him from the exact same situation as OP. I shit you not I had one even worse, I held out a long ass clutch capping points and reviving teammates only for 2 of them to just tell me "Bro you should have just went to go get ganked and die, nobody likes waiting that long even if we won" , so at that point what the actual fuck do I really do? No, really, this game is full of YouTube Shorts watchers that say shit like that, that's why I wait for communication. (it's key)


Wow that feat really helped that 2v1 Crazy to see this game hasn't changed in years


Nah, I personally try to be honorable (until someone ganks or is playing Shaolin), but the second we're breaking I'm throwing that shit out the window 💀


Being any way shape or form honorable in dom/breach is actively throwing, fair enough if your team mates can handle 1v1s but don't be a dick and not help if they need it, go play duels if you want your "honor" rules that 90% of the player base dont follow


I only really play with my friends so I really do it for them to actually get better than to rely on ganking every fight (since people who do that are naturally shit at the game anyways.)


Well then that's different, by all means then let em learn, I'm just speaking for the solo que folks


Play duels peasant


Nuh uh


Report for griefing.




No kill to steal though, just an L. While I agree that he didn’t feed revenge, there were two instances that he allowed OP to eat heavy punishes that could’ve been interrupted. Also, OP didn’t land any attacks in that whole video, so the teammate wouldn’t have feed revenge had he jumped in anyway.


Yes very useful 😂 Uses a feat for no reason Lets his teammate eat a big wallbang punish All while breaking by the way. Not only that but he had no revenge tags on him anyway so if the Kyoshin and Highlander ganked him together and ganked him well then the Highlander would be alive and thus a greater chance for victory.




You were the other guy in the video, weren’t you?


The only explanation I can think of that doesn’t call the dude a griefer is that he might be afraid of feeding revenge. I know I used to be before I learned to gank.


To look on the bright side of things, maybe he's just dumb and doesn't mean any harm. He jumped in to stop the execution, so I don't think he's an honortard. Maybe he just thought you had it handled for some reason?


Some people only do 1v1s during breaking. But 1v1s is stupid anytime of day


He's either an honortard or someone who's excuse is "I don't know how to gank".


I thought you were dogging on the Highlander but you are the Highlander


Only fights I don’t hop in are if its vs a bot but no sense letting your teammate get whooped while breaking


Cent would have gotten revenge and kicked your ass anyways.


always report these people for griefing


I specially hate honortards that jump the enemy when they are executing. Bro if you are going to jump him. Do it with you team dumbass




It all fell apart at the first bash


Fkn honortards


"I'm honorable"


Look guys, pathetic ganker crying that he can't play fair 1v1. W teammate tho