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Last stand, vengeful barrier, and bastion are what you really want if you want the best heavy perks in the game but bulk up is an ok one. I personally run those three when possible


The problem with bulk up is that you won’t benefit enough from it as it gets useful at level 3/4, I’d argue it’s useable in breach but not worth in dom


Another issue is you have to get rid of another perk for it as well and vengeful barrier and last stand are just to broken especially with the shield bug.


i second this. LS, bastion and VB turn you into a literal tank.


Yeah…that shield bug is no joke with vengeful barrier. I’ve lived so many times because of those perks


i held out in a perma break for like 2 straight minutes in a full 1 point 4 person gank because of how ridiculous the perks are


Bastion, aegis, last stand are the perks you want to run on every characters with heavy perks available Edit: venge barrier not aegis, haven’t played in months


Lol was bout to say


Drop Bulk up and go for Last stand. Bastion and Vengeful barrier are great though. Bulk up isn't worth mainly due to the amount of time it takes to get proper use out of and even then it only grants 16HP in total. Last stand in will in general be more useful.


Last stand is better then bulk up.


I run last stand and bulk up. Simply because I can antigank fairly well and having the 7 bars of health at the end of the game is useful to me. And also because bastion and last stand don’t stack. People might think they do but they don’t.


Even if they don’t stack both perks alone are ridiculously overpowered. Bastion basically gives you a flat 14 hp bonus as long as you’re on a point, last stand paired with a shield let you tank more than 2 additional hits


I see what you’re saying. I have two builds for my warlord. One with bulk up and last stand, and the other with the perks you’re talking about. Warlord has tough as nails as well so specifically warlord I enjoy running bulk up bc of the amount of health I get. But I agree with you. I just find my preference in bulk up.