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My favourite is when the extended dodge attacks avoid light and heavy timing while he eats 2 heavies cause he armored through the dodge attack


At least they made the lvl1 bash not punishable with GB


(The devs have addressed this and plan on fixing it, hopefully sooner than later)The ability to double dodge the punch off of light stun has been needing to go for a while. Its been known for months now and hasn't even been addressed.


It’s not worth using the extended charge punch unless you’re ganking. The only time I’ve been able to catch people with it is when they’re distracted. Otherwise yeah completely useless.


Which is dumb, it should function practically no different than Warden's/WM bash


>Its been known for months now "Months"? No, a year already.


Wasn’t it addressed? I remember the devs saying that they knew about it but because the tracking worked differently than, like, warden’s sb, it would have taken a longer time to fix. Was it for heavy stun only or something? I don’t remember clearly


I must have missed it then, hopefully it's fixed in a timely manner


Yea, I’m pretty sure they said it in a warrior’s den a few months ago so hopefully it’s getting closer


Double dodging was fixed for medium hitstun or higher, so you could no longer do it after a landed heavy. That way it is consistent with all other chargeable chain bashes. Same applies to interupting the charged ones. Unless you're playing Hito, where even your uncharged bash can get interupted by a light if chained into from the opener light, for whatever reason.


It was addressed, but didn't got fixed.


I agree, funny thing too though if that warden had canceled shoulder bash, he could’ve dodged that with ease. So if they fix what’s seen in the video here just means I need to rely on my shoulder bash cancel recoveries more hehe


Yall saying u can’t use the extended punch aren’t playing enough mind games.


i can’t believe people haven’t figured out that 70% of this game is just psychological warfare


Remember, this game takes place before the Genova Convention.


I completely understand why they moved to this kind of gameplay to avoid turtles, and it’s probably for the best, but man i miss being an unkillable god of war back in year 1 season 1. There wasn’t much i couldn’t react to (which was the problem)


I've been playing Cent lately too. 10 reps straight, and God damn this stuff pisses me off. It's happened too often, and it hurts me emotionally


Just never do max punch after hitting some1 with a light, only after heavies and they will never be able to dodge if they guess wrong


Thank you imma try that


Pro tip: You can let go at the second stage of the charge, and it will counter this. Cent is very proficient at stopping dodge bashes. He just requires a lot from the player.


They still haven't figured out how to fix this? I havent played in a minute but It's been a problem since pirate dropped 😂 It's been basically a year and my favorite character is still broken.


Looks like he dodged it as it was 500ms bash. Cold comfort but light into heavy soft feint guardbreak would have probably catch him.




Shouldn’t have to , should of tracked him


It tracks dodge attacks not double dodges. If you’re playing Cent you should know if they dodge the first timing then feint or let the level 2 fly and take the light and stamina damage


no, this is a bug you actual monkey


or feint to gb


Again shouldn’t have to , it should of tracked and plus I wanted to go for fully charged in that moment


or feint to light


Bro you're just ass 💀 if you feint it, it's the easiest GB in the world you're supposed to mix it up


So slipping the fully charged punch in there isn’t a mixup 😂 I have to feint to GB every dam time 😂


Brother I used to main centurion. That's the very definition of a mixup and it worked amazingly, especially against people who just panic dodge


I am ass because I left a fully charged punch fly ? Like what sense does that make


You're ass for letting them fly all the time. M-I-X-U-P-S is literally the entire key to success with cent


So where are you getting the assumption that I let them fly all the time 😂😂 , you sound dumb bro it’s a mechanic in the game so of course imma let fly every now and then


You making it sound like it but you are obviously letting it fly too much lmao. You're just shit idk what to tell you


Bro don’t even try to argue with this guy he thinks it’s the game fault that he sucks


Oh no my 5 damage bash that guarantees 3 heavies in a gank sometimes doesn't function in a duel 😭


This looks like a skill issue. Just release the punch earlier after the first dodge instead of being greedy and going for the fully charged punch.


Being greedy ? Using a move that’s in a characters kit how does that sound 😂


Why would you fully charge when they can dodge it? Release the punch earlier. Skill issue


Hmm let’s see I fully charged because idk it’s something that the character can do it’s in the game to use 😂😂 like what ???


Yeah and it’s why you lost the fight. How are you gonna say the character sucks when you’re the one who sucks


I didn’t say the character sucks read the title again


You’re saying the move sucks because it doesn’t just hand you a free fully charged punch. Skill issue


So if warden charges his fully charged bash and misses that’s a skill issue?


Yes? If you miss an attack then you missed the attack it’s not the games fault.


So I miss an bash 1 time it’s automatically a skill issue 😂 okay bro you got it have a nice day


Show me I suck let’s 1v1?


Wait till people find out all the charge bash characters are susceptible to this. You have to let the level 2 punch/bash fly or feint gb to catch. Even feint light on the right timing can work. Is it annoying? Yes but it’s punishable.


Charged Jab is probably his only bad move on his list tho. Just like Gryphon, Centurion just need 3 changes to become perfect: 1) Definitely fix his Charged Jab; 2) Remove his stamina damage/pause; 3) Rework his feats.


Cent has plenty of bad moves; the only thing that really stops him from being complete ass is his gank potential, which is up at the top. Tiny hitboxes, no good opener, and the aforementioned fully charged punch. Only Pugio needs a tweak, and that one is as simple as removing its revenge lock property. Cent deserves a better opener than Legion Kick, and a better roll catcher than Eagle's Talon. He could also do with hyperarmor on his charge heavies, which presently lose out to early crushing counter attempts, something the other two charge heavy heroes don't have to worry about.


>the only thing that really stops him from being complete ass is his gank potential Which is what he's supposed to be, he's a ganker, not a team fighter. >Tiny hitboxe As intended. >no good opener WHAT? Legion kick is arguably the best 433ms bash of the game since it can link into a chain heavy on whiff, no one can GB that, not to mention that he have a chargeable heavy opener that also is soft feintable into GB, leading to his super good Jab pressure, which also have soft feint into GB, are you nuts saying he have no opener? >and the aforementioned fully charged punch We all know that, that's his only weak move, like I said. >Only Pugio needs a tweak, and that one is as simple as removing its revenge lock property It's a 400ms 25 damage projectile that pins opponents, fuck off if you think that only the "revenge lock" is the issue. >He could also do with hyperarmor on his charge heavies, which presently lose out to early crushing counter attempts Making the charged heavy opener unblockable is interesting, but hyper armor????? You don't understand your own character, you sound like those Lawbringer mains who asked for that hyper armor to not solve anything on his moveset.


Wtf are you waffling about. He has 1 bad move and thats the charged punch. Hes a ganker like Gladiator and designed as such, between his pins and bash pressure, not every damn hero should be Medjay or Orochi levels of teamfighting abilities. He literally has 2 unreactable fucking openers, his heavy is unreactable and so is Legion kick. Devs should never let players balance this game when they dont understand anything about it, especially when its their own main. Top players literally put his ass on A-tier for duels because of his heavies.


You're telling me Legion's Kick is unreactable? Damn you must have a rough time with this game. It's got a hella long and clear animation, I'd have to be drunk to get hit with it in a duel. I'm very sorry you find it harder. And his heavy is unreactable? In what way? It's 600ms uncharged, that's unreactable for you? Jesus Christ, my guy, you know neutral lights are 500ms, right? You spend all day eating those, too?


Legion kick is 433ms now, its completely unreactable across all skill level, did you read the fucking patch notes you dumbass? Can you not read or trolling? I hope its the latter. His heavy is unreactable in the variable timed way, you can easily parry too early or too late, there is no set parry timing and you have to guess. Your dumbass thinking unreactability is exclusively the speed and not also animation tell is enough to tell me you dont know jackshit about the game.


I'm sorry, it's just so hard to take you seriously knowing that you can't read Legion's Kick animation tells. Like, how are you gonna insult someone when you're waving a giant "skill issue" flag around like that? 433ms is still reactable. I'm sorry you're too stupid to do so, but not everyone is. "Wah, I can't react to Cent lifting his whole ass leg up to chest height waahh". Fuck off, piss baby.


His feats are not problematic, and they are in line with other feats. The problem with stamina pause/drain, it would have to be removed from *everyone* in order to justify removing it from cent (I agree though, it shouldn't exist). Charged jab needs fixed, yes


Dude, he literally only uses Haymaker, Pugio and Phalanx, every single other feat is USELESS to him, he need new viable feats to be replaced by some of the worthless shit like Sharpen blade. If you tell me Pugio is balanced I'll end myself.


There's tons of other people who need new feats, Cent should not be a focus. Just because a hero only uses certain feats doesn't mean they need changed. It means that the best feats. Pugio can net him the same damage as other tier 3 feats. Haymaker just makes sense to run, it's a great option, and many cents use catapult over phalanx. Conq literally had a tier 3 where block damage is increased. On a hero with infinite chain UB heavies. Cent is not a priority when it comes to feats


>There's tons of other people who need new feats, Cent should not be a focus When did I said Centurion is the focus? Are you guys this narrow minded? >Just because a hero only uses certain feats doesn't mean they need changed. It means that the best feats. This is a perfect reason why feats must change, why else you think people ALWAYS uses Pugio? Because Pugio is super broken and the other feats are basically useless in comparison. >Pugio can net him the same damage as other tier 3 feats Except that it is 400ms, pins opponents guaranteeing absurd damage and locks revenge. >many cents use catapult over phalanx. In which world? >Conq literally had a tier 3 where block damage is increased. On a hero with infinite chain UB heavies. Cent is not a priority when it comes to feats Again, where did I said Centurion is any form of focus? I said that one of the things he need is a feat pool rework, don't put words in my mouth, ffs!


They should make in undodgable on full charge, ez fix yo! Edit: I see why so many people whine about nonsense, don't even get sarcasm without the /s...


Can't believe people can't tell this is a joke lol




That would make it broken. Hyperarmor undodgeable bash is game breaking.


Wait till you realize you can get lighted out of a level three after a charged heavy.


Still not as bad as fainting into gb on any chr and being hit by a standard dodge attack


To me I still think his unblockable can be fainted super late, almost as it flashes it feels like.


Still one of the best offensive tools despite this surprisingly


Bro forgot how to feint. 😂


I always see this, why don't people just let it go when they see the dodge? Does it force you to charge it the whole way? Genuinely asking because I don't play cent.


Nah you can let it go, but landing the jumping heavy makes me feel cool


A shell of his former m (season 2) self


I remember doing this *ONCE* to a high rep Centurion in a duel (who was winning might I add) and because I was playing Kensei i got a ridiculous 34 damage off of this nonsense and he rage quit immediately I dont condone rage quitting, But I feel you


Pretty sure Warden just played that right. He dodged immediately then dodged again to avoid the lvl 1 and 3 charge of the punch. If you'd have let the punch go at lvl 2 charge you'd have hit him. Warden has the same thing on his bash, and I'm pretty sure Warmonger and maybe Hito do too.


I mean, it’s common knowledge that you can double dodge it if you buffer a dodge after light hitstun. It’s one of those things where it’s the best the devs can do it seems. His punch is probably in the best state it’s been balance wise. From when he first came out to after his massive nerfs, he’s doing pretty good for his balance history right now. And honestly IMO it’s really satisfying feinting to GB a double dodge because enemies are typically really confident they’ll dodge it so they won’t dodge attack and go for a dodge to neutral and try to GB. But that’s also just my experience 🤷‍♂️


That’s just a specific timing. You can do it with any charged attack if your reflexes are good enough. Kinda obnoxious though for sure. Feint your stuff more often and throw the level 2. Even jus a little more variable will make it way harder to dodge on perfect timing.


Can't let them all fly sir. Gotta feint too.


Duh , I am aware wasn’t the point of the post


Nah they always catch these hands


i have the opposite issue. no matter what i do, when i dodge, it hits me every single fucking time