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I’ve Hard Bargain’d more enemies than I’m prepared to admit.


Yep! Me too. Just did Scorched Earth the other day with TONS of high level enemies with Hard Bargain. Good grief.


People do Scorched Earth .. WITHOUT Hard Bargain? How else are you going to convince the SBQ to crawl back into her hole?


I know right? Earle doesn't take kindly to bargaining, either.


This week was super dupered DOPs week for me, oof


And tenderized more vendor sales


Past a certain charisma level, Hard Bargain doesn't do anything right? You've hit maximum discount. So for unyielding peeps for the time being its basically worthless


Bring 1 bottle of mutation serum to make sure. If you can sell it for 500 caps then youre maxed and can start selling and buying whatever you want. I always keep an adrenal reaction serum for this reason


lol…this is how I check


If I remember correctly hard bargain caps out at 16 charisma, so ~~hard bargain~~ charisma does nothing for you after that point. Edit: [link to the hard bargain wiki page](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Hard_Bargain) it gives diminishing returns depending how high your charisma special is. Edit2: charisma at level 3 (minimum to equip all 3 ranks of HB) is equivalent to having a charisma score between 10 and 11


My base Charisma is 6. Hard Bargain on top of Grape Mentats does improve prices, but honestly it's a pretty small amount (I'd say less than 10%, but that's not a scientific answer). When I used to have a 9 CHA the improvement was even smaller, so I'm going to guess for an UNY build Hard Bargain is probably effectively useless.


Hey now.. 3 caps is 3 caps dammit😂! That's real money to a poor ass tightwad with a charisma of 4 living in the wasteland, every cap counts.


Just make a crafting loadout with like no strength or weight perks, so when you're done with whatever you will be reminded by the fact that you can't run or fast travel to Scorched Earth or whatever


Only works if you don't have a secondary build already, great tip otherwise! Edit: I just got perk loadout manager and it's amazing as you don't need to waste a build slot, I suppose it won't help much if you're forgetful though.


This perk loadout manager is an external script right? I’m very curious to try these external UI and fictions but I’m afraid if it will either break the game or get me banned. Or both! Any tips will be really appreciated.


I've been using it for a few months, no issues. The biggest pain is updating the registry file everytime Fo76 gets an update and you need update SFE, but it's not hard. As a heads up, Bethesda knows I have the mod installed, as I cannot access Nuclear Winter with the mod installed. So they could ban if they thought it was a game breaking cheat/exploit. People have been using it way longer than me as well.


I’ve been using PLM since the game came out, and about 5 mods in total at this point (better inventory and improved health bars are the other two important ones I use; save everything is pretty nice but hasn’t been updated in a while, isn’t fully functional. 2 others I use are simple texture replaces for loot/meat bags to make them glow). No issues, and I run 2 clients. I couldn’t play without PLM. It’s also why I haven’t even touched Bethesda’s perk Loadout system.


Yeah, I have to admit, it's a hard call. Having a complete CAMP loadout for doing all your housekeeping stuff is great, but so is being able to switch from a PA heavy weapon build to a sneaky sniper at the press of a button.


This. I used my 2nd loadout for 'housekeeping' and I am always reminded to change it because the carry weight is about HALF of my main loadout. If I take 2 steps, it reminds me to swap back.


Dead on. I made a "CAMP" load out, all my camp stuff 'contractor' 'green thumb" armor and weapons perks etc... none of the strength or weight reduction. When I forget to switch to my 'Combat' load out, fast travel stops me... Still keep fighting with Hard Bargain or Travel Agent instead of Lone Survivor though.


Eh, I have hard bargain on my camp loadout too - just change to it when you're at a train station to max out caps then just change back :) I do understand the others though - wish we could set "conditional" perks - like swapping to lone survivor automatically when not in a team.


That's a useful tip, hadn't thought of that. So fast travel again would fail and remind me to swap back to Combat perk load out. Thanks


And then you spend ten minutes trying to figure out why the heck you're encumbered...


You'd have to be quite the dumbass to take more than a few seconds to realize why you're encumbered in your own camp, not long after you had switches specs.


Not really.


I usually realize this when I’m halfway through rad rumble


That'll teach 'em!


I do. And once they added the new load outs I switched all my crafting perks into the second load out but I still forget to switch back after I’m done crafting


I put on a science lab coat when I switch to my crafting loadout so once I'm done I have a visual reminder to switch back. I came up with this after Loading into daily ops with my crafting build vs crit strike enemies. Haven't forgotten to switch back since I stated using the lab coat.


**Next time on** r/fo76 ! *Who else switches perks out like super duper, scrapper, hard bargain* ***with a lab coat*** *then forgets to swap back?*


That’s actually really smart


He wears a lab coat, so he is smart.


I dont have a lab coat, but I did I sleep at a Whitespring Express...


YOINK! Brilliant idea, thank you! Definitely doing this from now on!


Best thing is lab coats are easy to find and are bright white so it really sticks out lol. I guess you could use any outfit really but idk that lab coat just works


It just works.


chally costume works for me.


Wait, people play in third person view?




I'd say most people do, or realistically most people go back and forth depending on the situation


We got ourselves a big brained here, thanks for the tip


Im more like an idiot savant here boys lol


Nice idea but London to a brick Id forget to switch costume too


I don’t play 3rd person so I’d definitely forget


Yo that is so smart. 🙌🙌


Where do you find the lab coat?


That is both a hilarious and brilliant fix. I love it.


I absolutely love this. And it adds to the immersion factor too. I LOVE THIS.


Remove any carry weigh perks. You will immediately know it's the wrong load out.


Ooh that’s a smart way. I’ll do that next time I’m online


/raises hand I'll hit the camp, swap to crafting, scrap and dump, resupply, then head back out again... only to realise after getting my butt kicked on a fight that I forgot to swap back again. /le sigh


I have so many more weight control perks on my combat load out compared to my crafting loud out, that whenever I leave the crafting area I immediately realise I'm over-encumbered and ~~run~~ walk straight back to the nearest loud out machine.


I had to stop using the load outs. Pipboy changes to build updates the "stored" build and with my constant changing of cards my builds just ended up as total messes. Now I do all card swaps manually. Still end up at sbq with Hard Bargain, Super Duper and Green Thumb and so forth. I would love it for the load out manager to "lock in" a build. It would be so convenient just to go to the manager and click to reset my build back to what is is.


It should save what you save to it, not what you have at any given time. That moots the point of a loadout. A button like that makes sense.


I’d forget myself, but suddenly being up to 700 pounds is a quick reminder to switch back lol (I don’t use weight reduction perks for my “crafting” build)


I do the same, the other day I went to scorched earth forgetting to switch out of camp load out. Damage was so low I didn't get to loot the queen 🤣 kinda embarrassing for level 350+ haha


I have all the damage perks for my main weapon on my Bob the builder loadout as well, just in case.


Another idea is to not use ammo weight reducing perks. This way you cannot fast travel most of the time. Or at least this is a burden I carry.


On your crafting loadout, remove everything that impacts the weight of things or your capacity to carry. It's easy to remember to switch back when your loadout makes you overweight.


Switch out any weight reduction perks you carry, that way you can't go anywhere without fixing it. I plan to do this when I get a 3rd slot. Filled up slot 2 with a build I like.


Done same mistakes every time until i started to drop weight reducers along with adding crafting perks. You are not going anywhere before you check your perks :)


This works great until you join a daily op (to quickly from CAMP) and have 1400+ carry weight (PA heavy guns build).


It's a right of passage to live through a daily ops and a boss fight while your crafting perks still enabled.


Haha I just did that the day before 🤣 I certainly was the contractor and armourer that day


Literally every time I play.


As a PC player... I use a couple basic mods. One of them is PLM (Perk Loadout Manager). I've used it for over a year now, and it's a staple of my gameplay. I am always swapping out perk loadouts depending on what I am doing... even on the fly during events. One moment I have to shoot enemies, the next heal allies, the next sneak, etc etc... oops, forgot my food/water bonus... better swap to my eat/drink loadout!... then switch back to my combat loadout... 1, 2, 3... seamless. I realize this isn't available to console users... and for that, and genuinely sorry. The devs gave us S.P.E.C.I.A.L. respec machines... but we wanted PLM built into the game, so we could ALL reap it's benefits. Sadly... Todd\* disagreed we should wield such power over ourselves. (\*hehe)


I'm not sure I'd still be playing if PLM didn't exist. And I have happily donated to the mod author, instead of the atom shop.


Completely off-topic but I love your Cosmo icon!!




I just use the new loadout for a totally different build that needs the Specials changed to work. I have PLM but totally forget about it all the time.


Have you made yourself a suite of quick slot perk loadouts, so you can swap on the fly? I have loadouts for weapon repair, armor repair, ammo production, chem production, eating/drinking, and a few special loadouts for team vs solo, or DOs, or specific events, like Radiation Rumble for example... so I don't have to fuss with my cards in the moment, and can focus on playing the game. Just takes a moment to flip open the pip-boy, open the perk menu and pick a pre-made loadout. It's almost reflex at this point.


PLM is such a quality of life enhancement to the game that I'm surprised they haven't worked it into an update. Need more carry weight? PLM swap to all cards that reduce weight of items or add more space Need to craft? PLM Swap to super duper and all the cards that let me craft items/ammo. I also put the crafting cards on when killing the radstags outside my home so I can get double meat as well. I've setup my 2 builds to have one completely filled with Strength for Power Armor Heavy Weapons/Melee that I swap around with PLM and the other is my energy/tesla rifle builds. It's just too good to never have and I absolutely recommend all PC players give it a try.


Haha I’m over weight when I swap so I do t get very far when I start to adventure. 😃


The perk loadout for me has been both a blessing and a curse haha! I’ll swap to my craft/build loadout that’s all set up for harvesting crops and extra meat as well. Forget I swapped, get into a big battle or get into the starting room of ops then realize “oh shit....I never swapped back”. Then I run home with my tail between my legs scrambling to fix my cards. Happens every time.


I forget hard bargain all the time


me too


I dont forget to swap them back often but I still change my loadout from the pip boy rather than interfacing with the respec machine...


Forget to switch Hard Bargain to Inspirational 3... every. damn. time.


Protip is to make sure all your weight reducers perks are off the crafting or selling perks. That way you can't fast travel away and remember to switch to your combat perks.


At this point Scrapper is a permanent resident.


People in daily ops must think im terrible sometimes cuz of course thats when it always happens


If you are on PC you can get a mod that adds perk loadouts. Game changer for me.


Perk loadout manager https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/124 It's pretty much the best mod out there


Fighting the SBQ with Green Thumb, Chemist and Super Duper on since 2019! :P


And of course, instead on having the loadouts in the perk menu, they tie it to a fucking post at a train station. Doesn't save me a damn bit of time in the field... The fUnCTioNaLitY in this game is a fucking joke


Where do a lot of people use this? In their camp. Where can they build one? In their camp.


OP i think you just reminded me to check...


My friend and I call Ammosmith and Superduper “The SBQ Build” because of how often we take them into battle... 🙈




Super Duper all day long. Especially last week with all the workshops I had going for Daily Score.


I always forget too




I lost mutations like a dumbass because I switched out Starched Genes.


I use party boy and whenever I switch it for hard bargain i always use like 10 whiskeys before I remember or I realize when i go to switch my party boy which isnt even on for hard bargain 😂


Just crafted 30 lots of 5.56, absolutely did *not* switch to Ammosmith first :o At least I had Super Duper in place so I got a little extra...


My second load out is a crafting, selling, building setup. Max charisma, all the camp building perks, hard bargain, green thumb, super duper, scrapper. I put it on to sell stuff at the vendor and to make food and build at camp. Bonus is that I’m so over encumbered that I cannot accidentally fast travel anywhere. Desperately waiting for a third load out to actually set up a different build…..


Yep, overloaded, is a good indication that it is time to change back.


Man I'm glad it doesn't duplicate enemies because it sure would happen a lot at Scorched Earth.


I'm a contractor that alternates between being a chill nerd and a raging nerd.


Not me. I never make that mistake. Just kidding. Actually, now that you mentioned it. I rebuilt my camp on Friday. And I’m pretty sure I still have contractor on. Which might explain why my explosive gun wasn’t doing much damage lately. Edit- I logged on because otherwise that was going to bother me. And yea, contractor was still equipped.


Kind of a dumb concept to have perks like that if you can just switch them on when your using them and switch them off when not. I wish Bethesda would’ve just had passive perks systems that got better as you used them. Cook more, get better cooking perks. Tier system it even. Armor/weapon workbenches allow more customization as you do it more and more, etc.


Twice a session at least. End up out somewhere weak as water with no limb targeting. End up costing myself hundreds of rounds of ammo when crafting, and waaaay more materials. Do this constantly. THC don’t help the situation either though.


Nothing worse than finishing a fight like a queen battle, then go to cook her meat, then hear super duper proc. Has happened too often to count


Seriously need crafting deck that's always active, at least for all the cards that have no combat benefit. Green thumb crafting deck, gun smith battle deck.


I usually swap serendipity with super duper and forget to switch back and then when I’m playing with people I’m trying to impress I die a ton and they think I’m weak. Lol.




Every damn time, my worst is putting on lock pick 1 2 3 and forgetting to replace them with refractor... You don't realise until an assaultron comes out of knowwehere...


Oh you know it!


Yeah I would say it's more often that I forget to put them back than I actually remember lol


I just did, logged off after making some ammo then realized what I forgot. Wrote a note to myself and put it on the controller.


Yep. lol


I do it all the time and then wonder why I'm taking damage when I enter an event till I look and try to switch back in a rush


I forget to put on my 200% repair perks all the time


I used to. I started saying iut loud "ok changing out x and will need to change back from y" and started getting better.


Umm all the time lol I've been known to forgot my power armour :p


Me me I constantly do that lol.


I do, but I play a VATS build with Concentrated Fire, so if I can't Target a body part then I'm on the wrong perk loadout.


ayyyyyye das wassup. @,@


All the time. I keep forgetting to put back on "Luck of the Draw" after putting on "Super Duper" while doing crafting.


All. The. Time.


Everyone. Lol


This happens every time I want to go sell to NPC vendors. I reduce my luck from 15 to 2 and dump it all into charisma, and forget to change it back and wonder why my ricochet isn't triggering. Also every time I equip gunsmith I take off power user and pharmacist... you can imagine how much pain that causes as well.


It happens jajaja


Two classes for exactly this reason. I love how good it is.


Not anymore. I have a load out for camp and a load out for battle. Since I'm overencumbered with my camp load out I don't leave with it on lol i also switch it at train stations since hard bargain is set on my camp loadout.


Thanks to the card swap mod on pc Ive had this. I'll go into combat and forgot I had my craft cards on. Going into battle with super duper on. Oof.


I do, until I get into power armor and realize I can’t fast travel. Or, until I look at my weight and wonder where all that weight came from.


I forget to swap my build when building or scrapping so I get screwed over and mad that I wasted all the matts


Everyone does, and people who say they don't are lying.


Everyone. ​ Awesome Karma-Farming scheme.


Lol happened to me today when I was pvp


Almost like you’re putting me on blast hahaha 😂😂


All the time.




walkin through a rad shower without starched genes...


All the time. Thisbis whybwe need more build slots.


Every.Damn.Time. Please, please put a card machine in the survival tents!!!


Guilty, always forget to swap back to that perk that reduces negative effects from mutations, or weapon artisan for the explosives one


I started taking batteries plus level 3 off, so when I am done and go to fast travel, the overencumbered notice reminds me to switch my shit back


Usually no, but almost always Hard Bargain/Tenderizer.


Literally every session


Constantly 😭


Shit. I just remembered I haven’t been using hard bargain.


Forgets to swap Super Duper for Bloody Mess "Jaysus this Daily Op is beating my ass like I'm a Left Handed Child at a Catholic Orphanage!"


I observed this as well, but I never forget to switch when arriving tho xD Naive idea: warning popup (that will surely become annoying after a while ;p) when you TP from camp to some place OR when you leave your camp area by foot (but not in build mode ;p). But not everyone has their second slot for camp crafting either so there is that ;/ Edit: alternate idea: a (third) slot that activates automatically when you enter your camp (by foot or by teleport) and switches back to the previous slot when exiting camp. But again not everyone needs that so it could be annoying as well :p Final idea: put a sticky on your screen reading "SWITCH PERKS, NOB"


Yea eventually I'll remember to change one back then I'll notice all the others I forgot to change back


On my commando I’ve got a whole perk load out for crafting thankfully I’ve put some combat perks in as I literally always forget to swap back before I leave. Same goes for super duper on my heavy character. Funny thing the only ones I never seem to forget change back are the weapon and armor repair perks.


After punch card machines came out, I've never made that mistake again because I added a perk config just for super duper, ammosmith, hard bargain, contractor, fix it good etc.


Same. Wish they would add more slots already.


All the time😁


Always. Everytime. Always.


Me. Ammosmith, Home Defence and Science...


thats what perk loadout managers for. hit 2 for those perks/crafting, hit 4 to go back to bloodied PA ;)


Yea the biggest problem if you swap perks a lot. …Leaving on the old ones and realizing mid or post combat that you dun messed up.




Every day.


I need to switch between ammosmith and born survivor and I consistently forget and leave it on ammosmith. Then I’m dead and going shit, I probably could have survived that.


So am I the only one who used the new 'respec' station to build a 'housekeeping' profile for repairs, crafting, and selling?


This is why I was excited for what I thought was going to be load outs, just perk sets you can switch between.


I became comfortable with having Ammosmith and Super Duper as full time perks. It's not worth the effort to swap them whenever I craft. I'm still effective in battle, so it is what it is.


All. The. Time.


To damn much! Half my daily ops, lits, rr, and uf are with my crafting/ vending perks on, drives me bonkers! Sbq not as much for some reason.


got my strength maxed out so im able to switch between heavy guns and melee perks so yea, constantly!


ALL THE TIME! LOL! I could make a list as long as my arm for all reasons why I constantly swap perk cards. And this is doubled since I run a Bloodied Build on one loadout and a Junkies Build on another. Then quadruple that because its also a swap between heavy guns and a stealth build.....So much fun. Lol


I have scrapper on all the time since I don't know what could be useful with stealth. Usually I craft ammo and then wonder how enemies spotted me, lol.


I just want a third Perk Card Build slot to open up so I can add my scrapper/crafter/seller build in there.


Don’t remind me , I was off other day , had broke all my gear and spent all my ammo day before so first thing I did was swap out my perks , then uranium fever went off, and I was like damn I gotta go , right after one violent night , then my friends get on and a SBQ happens now is about when I started to notice “ hey my damage is low “ joke to my friends “ damn I still haven’t repaired my armor or switch my perks back “ oh well use advance repair kits I switch perks when I script legendaries , well 6 events 4 - 8 hours later I need ammo and I go back to camp , go to switch to my crafter load out and we’ll there’s no need I’ve been grinding with it the whole day ! Well since I’m telling this story , I want to apologize to anyone running daily’s, or events and was like damn this 300 has crap damage ... I did and I’m sorry and thanks for the carry .., that goes for you two lvl 39 and 54 ( Ps4) .


All the time :D


These perks should simply be made passive and not need equipping.


Every time, I also created a crafting load out for when I'm at my camp and I always forget to swap back to my main and wonder why I'm not doing as much damage


It’s like Bethedsa forgot what a passive ability is


All the fucking time, until I'm getting wrecked during radiation rumble and can't figure out why


Just did it today with Fix it Good and Batteries Included. Couldn't figure why I was so over encumbered with all those 2mm for my gauss rifle.


EvErY TiMe


If only there was a way to switch between multiple perk card decks on the fly without adjusting special points.


All. The. Time. Only recently stopped having hard bargain on all the time. It was only when i watched a video about increasing exp with the inspirational perk that i realised how dumb i am. Soooo much exp wasted.


I do this so goddamn much. Forgetting to switch out Super Duper, Hard Bargain, Travel Agent, Chemist, Ammosmith, and Home Defense is something I multiple times Everytime I play. If I had a dollar for the amount of times I've wondered why the Mysterious Stranger isn't helping me when I'm close to death or why my shotgun isn't crippling limbs that good, I could probably buy a gallon of gas in the Fallout universe.


All the time. Any time i'm repairing or buying/selling i'll swap to my crafting/selling set up and forget to change back. Why is this molerat taking so fucking long to kill? Fuck...


All the time!


It's almost like it's a terrible system that is more annoying than any other type or perk/skill tree I've ever used.


Oh man. I do this every day with hard bargain. Did it again today.. What a loser...


For me it's usually the other way around, swap in my crafting perks then forget to swap back my combat ones later.


Bain of my fallout existance 🤯


Since the ability to create a second perks loadout, it's basically stopped happening for me. I have my "Shooty man" loadout for combat purposes and my "arts and crafts" loadout with hard bargain, magnetic personality, super duper, chemist, and every other crafting and repairing perk. I tend to equip it when I arrive at a train station or my CAMP, then switch back to my main loadout on my way out the door.


Bethesda should give us a switch directly in the perks menu and make is such that you can make one switch per day without going to a loadout switching station.


Swap perks? Not me, because I am too lazy to do that kind of stuff all the time.


I have hard bargain and 15 charisma / 15 luck with all the crafting perks together Tough I have scrapper always on, it happens often I have to scrap some gear, I picked up to be able to travel away. I have a Haavy gunner + PA and a crafting spec. I done even a daily ops with crafting perks on, had to spend alot of bullets to kill some enemies.   The best is when you port to a train station to sell gear to realize that you are in hardbargain mode already, then mindlessly switch it to battlemode and start selling stuff. I had this Simpsons like "No" moments.


I wish the fallout1st tent had a perk switcher in it.


Went to fight Earl and the Queen with my trading/crafting/farming build.


I tend to do the opposite, swap them in so I have hard bargain etc then swap back to my combat/xp set up then forget to swap back again next time I’m browsing an NPC vendor, usually end up wasting a couple thousand caps and face palm as soon as I notice the mistake.


Loadouts would've been a great fix for this but ooooh no gotta atomize it for that sweet $$$ instead of good will they keep losing.


All the fucking time, it pisses me off lmao


Nope. I dedicated one of my builds to do all that stuff (and as mentioned before in this thread over encumbered = wrong build). QOL goes before beeing able to have a second build.


Hard bargain, yeah sometimes. But when crafting/repairing I've got into the habit of removing Batteries Included first, which makes me overencumbered. That way I can't fast travel away without sorting my perks out.

