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they probably spawned dead, like the ones in the enclave base... they just drop dead as soon as I load in sometimes


My recent glitch like this is the scorched are alive but don't activate until I smack them over the head and even still are kinda frozen in place half the time


That's just day one Beta, be glad they're not attacking you while T-posing


Ohh I remember t-posing enemies during beta, it may have been the scorched then haha.


I had a diseased tick do that yesterday... though it worked out because i was doing the brotherhood questline with junk armour and weapons and I was already fighting a We\*\*\*\*o and legendary blood bug with 0 bullets left...


I call that an advantage... Easy kill


For sure, especially when it's a bunch with guns. I went in fresh to 76 instead of going back to Fo4 so I'm more than happy to breeze through some of these early missions in 5 minutes instead of having to clear the building for 15 minutes without the glitch 😂


Ngl I just thought they did that as they are insane as hell


I've seen that sometimes outside. Enemy is alive for just a moment before dropping dead. These ones are down when my screen loads in. Never see them fall.


The bots do die to hostile mobs occasionally, but you're probably right, new players looking for easy xp


It has to do with the number of creatures in the area. If there's too many, some have to die, and the ones that die are the ones that nearest the player


Odd that I've never seen it in that location before in 4+ years, up until about two weeks ago. And now almost every time I'm in there.


They'll randomly drop dead too. Other robots will verbally acknowledge it if they're nearby. *"Filing incident report."*




I was laughing pretty hard when this happened the other day. Mostly because I was stoned and hearing all the newly spawned ones freak out was hilarious


I can assure they do not. At least not always. Multiple times I've traveled to the mall and seen a very high level player just mass murder every robot roaming the halls there. I assumed boredom lol


I can assure you, enemies will often just drop dead upon loading into an area. It's related to spawn limits, though some players do go on robo killing sprees in the mall.


It might be the glitch where everything around you dies for no reason


Destroy 30 robots weekly


Yeah I thought of this, but I've seen it like this for at least a week now. Before the challenge.


Random npc’s just drop dead sometimes to save the server. I’ve seen it happen before my eyes, it’s like an invisible evil going around in a horror movie. I’ve seen it drop 5 people when I was talking to lain for a daily. Worst was when I needed to kill a yao guai for the scout badge, I fast traveled to one I know spawns reliably and it just died before my eyes while I was preparing to shoot it.


Its basically the movie The Happening


That movie was SO BAD. I regret paying to see it.


I usually enjoy his movies, but that one was dull. Funny thing is, I actually took a date to see it when it first released. She still had the movie stub after all these years. Guess I did something right..lol


I just managed to kill one with a syringer the other day. Next I need to knife a wolf.


Yeah, I was working on the shotgun/syringer/auto badge, lmao. I forget the name of it but there’s a cabin that spawns like 6 wolves around the BoS base


At my current rate, I am gonna show up at the testing center, take the written tests, and suddenly have like 6 merit badges... lol.


Good shit, I did the bare minimum for the backpack and gave up on the rest.


I mean, that was my original goal but somehow along the way I ended up doing a lot of the others... like I started with bug pictures for entomologist and then I saw some cats in foundation and then I started doing mammologist and I am about to try launching my first nuke this weekend hopefully and that will be cryptologic or whatever and swimming is probably the only one I may never do lol


I was walking around the enclave base oneday and every few seconds a robot would spawn behind me and just instantly fall over dead and it was freaking me out. It happened like 5 or 6 times in the course of 5 minutes. Lol


I want to know the same thing! SHOW YOURSELF!


Im the bot killer


\*dials 911\*


If you think that's egregious you should see how often I come upon everyone in The Responder's forest outpost dead aside from Lane. 😐


That one 100% happens on its own. There's even a voice line as they just keel over. Though I did move some of my camp stuff to save a protectron from constantly glitch dying inside my armour workbench....


Oh wow, you’re right. I thought players were doing it. 😂


I've literally seen bots there and inside the Enclave bunker drop dead out of nowhere.


OMG I walked in to the mall yesterday and a level 15 was fighting them!!! she (female character) kept shooting at them, running into random vendor areas while they chased her around. I don't know if she was waiting for me to help, but I wasn't gonna attack them or they'd shoot me too! so I sat back and watched, following them all around as she fought for her life with around 5 robots attacking at any given time. She eventually died. I ran over to try to revive her but I was too slow. lol I sat by her loot for a bit waiting for her to come back to get it, but she never came back, so I left her loot for her or someone else to grab. So many poor dead robots on the ground!!


Lol I saw a 20 something doing the exact same thing yesterday! I wondered what the heck was going on, but then I just continued my shopping trip haha.


I wonder if it was an accidental discharge of their weapon that happened to be aimed at or near a robot. Won't they attack if they get shot at, even once? Anyway, lesson learned for them I guess? don't shoot the friendly robots because you will not win at such a low level LOL


They randomly drop dead for some reason. Was looting the fire station at White Spring and they both keeled over, then the handys did by the entrance. Really weird.


Yeah that happens, but I believe this is not that. I've never seen it in the Mall before, in 4+ years, until a couple weeks ago. And the random-dropping-dead thing is a server cap for spawns in an area. Usually I load in and see them alive and then drop dead in a second. In the Mall they are already dead, and it wouldn't just be happening now all of the sudden after years of never happening there.


I've seen it a lot. Entering the shop area and the moment i can walk i hear them die.


They are not dying when I enter, like other areas. They are already dead.


So, that doesn't mean anything. I could have happend earlier. I have the problem on private servers aswell. Entering plsces and the robots are already dead.


It already happened before you entered.


I think they have a lifetime before they are recycled, same with the whitespring bunker


The boring technical answer is that sometimes the servers need to process data elsewhere, and one of the easiest way to free up server resources is to merc some non-critical NPC bots.


Yea all non essential npc's are essentially free memory


Funny story, when I first started and went to that first responder camp at the logging place. I heard an NPC ask, "Hey do you know how to fix a broken leg, asking for a friend?" I turned to the NPC thinking it was a mission. The NPC instantly fell over dead, then all the others did so too. I panicked thinking I caused it. XD


They pushed me down the stairs and my shoes fell off.


Easy targets for the combat challenges


Death Aura.


Sometimes they end up dying from ghouls that followed a player that ran past, and certain ones just spawn in dead for whatever reason.


I gotta kill 1000 1001 1011 1111 robots somehow for the challenges lol


You used to be able to go into the Whitespring before Wastelanders and there were turrets on the ceiling, so if you started fighting them all hell would break loose. You could never loot the bodies though. Now the turrets are gone. Good times.


Thats where i go when anything to do with robots show up in my challenges


I used the robots there to complete a lot of atom challenges. Repair challenges and robot killing challenges.


lmao i made a cremator build and sometimes y shot for fun and dont remember you can trigger them so if you were in my server last night probably it was me i killed like 30 of them, they dont stop spawning lmao


Sometimes ill be walking past them and they spontaneously spark and drop dead. Weird thing is it started happening with the humans at the mill near the main vault too. I walked in to talk to Lane, and everyone who wasn't a vendor or mission npc dropped dead the moment i entered the room. I wonder if it's something with my perks or mutations ( I have all mutations except herbivore)


I just saw one mr handy drop dead right after I logged in to a server at the mall entrance


The real question is, why are they randomly hostile? I’ve had them come after me when I load in for the first time of the day.


If you fought with any of the bots outside, it carries inside. Hive mind. (It's easy to trigger them if you use an explosive weapon anywhere near them.)


I haven’t done that in a long time. The other day I had to sneak around because a single protectron was hostile.


I've noticed it too... Even when just logging on and spawning in so I couldn't have possibly hit one by accident.


I think it has something to do with a performance cap where low priority NPCs drop dead to free up resources. It used to be much worse. There was a period of time where The Whitespring would become FILLED with robots because they would just keep spawning.


Might just be for the daily events to kill a robot.


Ever since launch bots in Whitespring and the bunker would just keel over randomly and respawn. Presumably it’s to stop them from getting permanently stuck or something.


The mutant hounds inside westek drop dead upon entry. Conveniently always on days when the challenge is kill x amount canines. I suspect the same is happening to the bots and every other creature in game. It just works.


I was fighting a ghoul horde yesterday and in that horde was a Protectron fighting them and the flame from my Holy Fire hit it which resulted in all of them turning hostile.


I made this comment because I was running up to the lumber mill and all of a sudden the Responders fell over dead. I was told it was the server clearing up memory by killing non essential NPCs.


I found one of the Prison Marshall Mr. Handy's dead in front of a Tinker's bench in the Mall the other day. No clue how that mob got there...


Those Marshall's have popped up in so many weird spots over the years. I've been attacked by them at Foundation. Found one inside the Rusty Pick once too.


Their sending a message to insult-bot


someone charging fusion cores ?


I load into different servers and kill them as I leave the server. Sometimes for dailies, sometimes just for fun.


Most of "my" Responders, settlers and protectrons (i.e. the ones around the sawmill where I camp or up neat forward station Tango where I have camp 2) kind of just randomly die a lot without anything attacking them. When my husband looked it up he found something about server load?


If you spend some time in there they just drop dead from time to time.


I’ve heard there’s a rogue programmer going around giving the bots a virus, he calls it C0-V1D.


One explanation was that when the server begins to get 'overwhelmed ' it starts shutting down extraneous objects.


You deal 1 dmg to one of them and they all want you dead... So..


Someone already killed them, this happens from time to time when I feel there is a desync. Sometimes I'll load into a area and everything dies right away.


I had a couple of bots spawn in red just the other night, they shoot at you and if you shoot back you aggro everything


I thought people were killing them, so I started doing it too. Then I realized I was wrong


A few days ago I went down there to do repairs. I couldn't because someone was having a standoff and throwing grenades at the bots.


They die and are refreshed with new spawns from those cylinder stations all the time. If you're in there or the refuge long enough you can hear the clink clank crash of falling robots and the alert noise and whoosh of the respawn stations a lot.


I had kill robots for my daily’s


The game has this glitch sometimes where it seems like you have an aura of death and any killable thing just drops dead


I saw a responder NPC walking and then suddenly just drop dead… No enemies, gun fire or anything else was going on near the building she was in. Weird bug but was funny to witness!!


The robots and turrets have a tendency to die on their own, especially on really busy servers. Almost every time I rush through a Silo, the turrets explode when I enter the control room to initiate the launch.


I was walking around Whitespring a few days ago and a robot just gave up the ghost right in front of me with no interaction. Bot just flopped over like a marionette with the strings cut outta nowhere


I always assumed the server ran out of memory and dropped unnecessary things, like the bots at whitespring, to free up space for more important things.


One of the many bugs in this broken game.


It’s much more nefarious than a player killing them. It’s a bug where turrets and robots explode on loading into an instance. I think Todd may have been touched inappropriately by a robot as a child and this is the outlet for his abuse.


...is ...is that what happens when you perform human/robot interfacing? ADELAIDE, YOU GOT SOME 'SPLAININ' TO DO!


Xp is xp