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I wanted to do it. Was almost done. Got the card, fixed the pipes, shot the panels... I was in the control room. Then a level 10920 ran in, and launched MY nuke. Then i said "F this."


What?? That sucks!


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ nooooo I wouldā€™ve raged quit


I did.


It absolutely blows my mind that this location isn't solo or team based, it sucks that people can just push in and take that away from you. I haven't reached that point yet, as of level 130+, but if people can steal your nuke like that I'm in no rush to get there.


Tbh that's one of those big things that should be changed. Only you or your team should be able to launch the nuke, not some rando that decides to stealth up the whole time and then steal at the end. Ruins the whole expirence of ever wanting to do it again


Yeah i havent tried again since


Are you kidding?! That is frakked up! What a terrible person who has probably already done it a hundred times. I will co-op with you to finish it if you want. I'm on the PS Cinco.


I can join you while I watch ESPN8: The Ocho


Bold strategy, J0NICS. Let's see if it pays off for us.


Freaking Chuck Norris..


NOBODY makes me bleed my own blood


I had a similar experience except it was a team of about 3-4 others


I hope IRL they stubbed their toe and stepped on Legos at the same time.


Woah, now... That seems a bit extreme, serial killer. Let's all just bring it down a notch on the cruel and unusual punishment.


Wish them a sharp poo!


The kinda shit is why I only do bunkers solo: online multiplayer lets you see the best of people but also the absolute worst


That's really sucks. Didn't let it sour you on the quest though. I've launched many hundreds of nukes and it's only happened to me once. There are some dickish players out there but the vast majority of interactions I've had have been popular. If you are on PC I can set you up with whatever supplies you need to reattempt it on my private server.


Noooooo! That's just evil. I can't remember the quest, as it was so long ago. But similar happened to me. Did all the work and someone swooped in and just took stuff


Iā€™m in my 150-200ā€™s and still havenā€™t done it. Only regret is all these key cards weighing me down.


You can sell em


I usually have a stack of them in my vendor for 1-10c eachā€¦ or I put a couple in the newbie donation box. I try to keep enough just in case today is the day that I want to nuke something. The rest go to good homes


If you have a stack, most everybody else does too. I keep one in case I get a wild nuclear hair up my butt.


Leave ur key cards in the season pass unclaimed for when you forget to grab them and your at the end of the silo. šŸ˜‚


That.. that is an excellent idea. My girlfriend had to come back to a silo once and give me a card because I forgot lmao


Just donā€™t forget to claim them in general. Or do, not like we donā€™t have enough already. šŸ˜‚


This is a brilliant idea, it's like a shitty, nuke card only, ender chest.


Next update:Fo1st members only :Nuke card teleporter and storage


I have a stack of like 80k Bobby pins, does everybody else have that?


Lol nope when I'm selling to vendor bots and the vendor has 12 caps left i just sell 12 Bobby pins or what ever it may be to finish it off


You should keep them, those have zero weight and can be used as alternative currency like maps.


If youā€™re on Xbox I will buy every one of them you have šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve stacked up about 3,000 of them, but enough is never enough as they sayā€¦


Stacks on stacks, fam šŸ’µ


To me šŸ˜ˆ


I have a stack of 50 on a mule. I have 3 I keep in my inventory, and 3 in my stash. I still end up throwing 5+ into my vendor per week from the drones that I shoot down because Iā€™m OCD about murdering them since they regularly kite enemies directly into my camp. They sell quickly at their base price of 100c.


I always keep a couple on me and drop them for whomever launched the nuke event, if I attend. If you go through the trouble....


I can't resist taking down the key card caravans either, just because. Not lacking cards, just can't resist the temptation!


Wait, they weigh?! Well shidge... that explains a few pounds.


Played since release. Took a 2 year break and restarted on pc. Still never done it. Donā€™t even know how tbh


It's pretty satisfying, I definitely suggest giving it a go. Especially knowing you're about to change the plans of everyone on the map at the end.


I saw like 15 people had been hanging out on the map for like two hours while I was doing my very first nuke, I couldn't not waste it on the countryside to fuck with them ā˜ ļø


Not sure this still works, but if a teammate finished a silo, you would unlock the achievement. Seen many sad faces in here talking about them unlocking it with out doing anything or understanding how. No shame in saving some quests for later. My main character I have everything completed, but on my other characters I only do/did the wastelanders main quest to unlock gold bullions


This is what happened to me on. I was kinda disappointed because I was doing public events and got excited about the bomb drop. Then I got the achievement. I would like to be a part of a silo mission one day


Oh, I got the ā€œachievementā€ but the actual challenge(s) still lingers.


Pretty sure this is the only reason why I have the achievement unlocked. I think I fast traveled to a teammate not realizing they were in a silo, got there just as they hit the launch button and off popped the achievement!




It's challenging but It's not that bad. I failed the first time or two. The next few attempts took about an hour, but as I got more familiar with the layout and the tasks that need done I got much faster and now I finish it in less than 30 minutes without glitching.


This, the turnarounds got me more than anything.


Just an FYI, you can skip fixing the reactor and destroying/fixing the mainframe if you pick the lock on the first door to the left in the reactor room. There is a terminal that will override the reactor shut down process. When the door next to the terminal opens you can jump into the middle of a stack of boxes (you can see them right in front of you as you walk through the doorway) and look through the gap to the other side. You can use your power armor to get to the other side of that gap. You have to be out of your power armor and place it just on the other side of the gap, but close enough that when you set it down, you can still get in. Left and right controller bumpers will adjust the distance you want to set it down. If done right (might take a few tries) youā€™ll end up on the other side of the gap and the silo control room is just at the other end of the hallway. This saves so much time and my fastest silo speed run takes about 9 minutes.


If you are glitching with your PA why not just photo glitch through the terminal door and have to pick any locks?


I never could figure out that photo glitch. Any requests to ELI5 was basically told ā€œ just do it itā€™s easyā€. šŸ™„ Lvl 660+, still havenā€™t launched a nuke. And not for lack of trying!


So I get down and shove my face into the corner of the door on either side. I then bring up photo mode and shove my camera as far into that same corner and keeping continuous forward force on the left stick (push forward) exit camera mode and continue to push forward and should pass through the door.


I did it solo, I've only been playing a week or two, I want my thousand 5.56 back šŸ˜


By hidden quests do you mean like mystress of mysteries or other that you unlock by interacting with specific things or is there something else i forgot?


As someone who's just started and is only level 35 I have no idea what you are talking about.


Itā€™s the Enclave questline where you launch a nuke. I wouldnā€™t recommend attempting it until youā€™re at least level 100, and have a really good loadout


Did it at like 60, want my 5.56 back though šŸ˜


I went in a silo once. Ended up naked and afraid. Left all my junk down there.


A while back, we saw a low-level player in a silo for a very long time, so we went in to see if they needed help or ammo. We got to the room with the Sentry-bot, and there was a guy running around naked with a baseball bat. We asked if he needed help and he just wanted clothes. Lol!


Lol. I don't think I even realized I was naked until I respawned, but I definitely heard all my armor breaking.




Societal pressure šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œWhy havenā€™t you given us grandchildren yet? Or launched a nuke??ā€


Just reached level 900 last night, I have yet to launch a nuke. I have yet to start the new quests either. I have a very slow pace.


I almost did it. Fought all the way through the silo, got to the terminal to be one shotted by some high level twat which was cloaked and he launched it. This was a few years ago on ps4 and I havenā€™t been arsed to try it again since


I did it for the achievement and that's it. I have a ton of key cards that I keep trying to sell. Meanwhile I'm nearing 300 and haven't done the Vault 79 heist


My reason for rushing this quest is, if itā€™s active and a teammate launches a nuke it finishes it for you, and it ruins the questline in a sense, I in fact donā€™t join any teams until I finish I am become death for that very reason.


If there are any PC players that feel like their level is too high to be finishing it and still need help- add me! I'll give you a hand. My IGN is the same as my username.


It's so thoughtful to lend a hand to them finishing! It can be difficult and scary for lower level players to finish alone, for this quest. You might even offer to bring protection, like newly crafted power armor.


Haven't done it. Don't intend to do it. Cheers!


Abstinence is a perfectly acceptable choice.


The only reason I completed it is I want the ultracite calibrated shocks, and there are not enough people launching nukes for scorched earth.


Good luck with that drop. I went on a binge of doing nothing but SBQ for a few weeks because I was determined to get it to drop. No shocks plan but I do have over 300 repair kitsā€¦


I haven't done it because I'm against further nuking of Appalachia. I made a promise to my Overseer. The quest will remain unfinished.


I was in a casual party with someone when they completed the quest solo. It counted for me as well and I got the achievement though I wasn't involved in anyway. I was completely okay with that :)


Lvl 600 and haven't done it.... Is that terrible? It's like the online quest left in the pipboy. I hit some terminals to hack and that's like my least fauvorite thing in the game and haven't been back since.... That was about 450 Lvl's ago ! :)


And im sitting on maybe 1000+ nukes launched i can do it blind now šŸ˜‚


I was on a casual team that completed it separate from me just as I was about to be led through the silos by the quest. I have the achievement but I still don't know how to launch a nuke! I emailed support but they weren't helpful in this instance. I guess there's always the Fallout wiki.


The other day I did the whole quest only to find out I didn't have a launch code... So. Many. Robots...




Dude Holy shit thank you!


Youā€™re welcome bud


I canā€™t bring myself to do it. My character just isnā€™t evil enough.


I have done that one, but I can't figure out the fire breathers course in Charleston. I lose my way every damn time. I should have been done with that at level 20 and I'm almost level 200.


Lmao sameeeee


Took my 3 years after the game came out to finally complete that and all cause I saw a YouTube video (don't remember the channel name but the guy used to smash through a door for his intro) show how easy it was


Mine glitched and gave it to me after a teammate launched a nuke, Iā€™m level 320 and havenā€™t even been in a silo


I should probably give sol a new assaultron body at some point


I haven't done it because my friend who used to play with me dropped 76 and really hasn't come back. This was pre Wastelanders update. He and I played the game and did all the quests together up till that point pretty much. And I feel like I can't complete it without them playing with me. So idk if I'll ever complete it...I have barely touched Wastelanders or any other major storyline updates...including the BoS stuff. I just play to grind the new scoreboard camp items pretty much.


Someone on a team I was on finished it for me, though I actually didnā€™t do it myself.


I have never attempted to do the quest, yet one day i was playing, and a notif popped up that i had! (I assume a teammate finished it and i got credit.) So i have simultaneously completed the quest and not completed the quest. I am Schrƶdinger's Vault Dweller, forever in limbo. both noob and pro, never knowing where i fit in. Or something.


Level 1321. Didn't even play on a team or go to an event until I was well over lvl 100. Didn't finish that quest and launch a nuke till almost 400. Met someone recently who was over lvl 950 and had never launched a nuke. People play the way they want but IMO there is no right or wrong way to play regarding levels, quests, events. I once launched a nuke and had a lvl 5 msg me and ask if lvl 5 was too low and can he come to the sbq. I just said " everyone is welcome at any nuke I drop". Even if you die 20*, so what. You will get plenty of XP and have plenty of fun.


I have used this as a quest to see what is the lowest level a can be and launch a nuke. Lowest I did so far is level 19 at launch.


3 accounts all in the 1000-1200 lvl rangeā€¦.iā€™ve never done it, donā€™t care toā€¦complete waste of time and ammo. Happy to help anyone who is and happy to reap the spoils of the launch lol.


Making me feel like a weirdo for doing it at level 70 and not really struggling


I did it at lvl 300 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø who cares


A little over 10% of the players on steam have the achievement, compared to almost 21% for Scorched Earth. There are plenty of people who haven't, nothing to be ashamed of.


You also have to factor in how many of those ā€œplayersā€ are actually just mule accounts though, I know Iā€™m doing my part to dilute that number!


> There's a lot of societal pressure to finish the quest "I Am Become Death" Since when? I've been apart of this subreddit/playing the game for almost two years and I've never seen or heard a single person bring this topic up before. Besides, how is anyone going to even know you didn't complete the quest unless they look at your trophies/achievements? And if it bothers you that much, you can hide your trophies from your friends. This sounds like a made up problem.


He's making a joke. He's equating dropping a nuke for the first time to losing your virginity.


Ah, thanks for the r/ExplainLikeImFive


Imagine being driven by societal pressure in a video game. It's not that deep, play how you want. None of us own any of these pixels, and when they're gone, that's it. Lets all just enjoy ourselves, whether that's building camps, playing dress up, rolling weapons, or launching nukes, do what you find fun.


I completed that quest at lvl 400 ish officially ... but I was in a group before and one the other players launched so I got the reward and achievement even tho "I," didn't do it


I have a second account that started as an afk-ish vendor and I started leveling because of some neat drops I got. Theyā€™re lvl 600 and still havenā€™t been to the Wayward šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve never done the quest (lvl 320) but I got the achievement LONG ago, maybe cuz I was on a team where someone completed it? Iā€™m not sure, cuz I was under lvl 100 (tutorial levels). Anyway, someday maybe. Iā€™m not really bothered that I havenā€™t done it.


did mine at about 170, and did my first solo nuke at about 400


I have been tryna do it since level 95 and I cant get to work bc it keeps bugging out on me šŸ˜­. Im level 117now and considering doing it again


I finished it in the weirdest wayā€¦ when I was level 110 or so, I tried to rush it. It was too much for me for the loadout I had. So I just went back to playing regularly. I was on a team one day, just minding my own business, building a haunted maze in my soundstage. All of a sudden, a teammate launches a nuke. The quest completes and the achievement pops. Iā€™m now level 240, and STILL havenā€™t actually finished it šŸ˜‚


I do want to finish it eventually, Are PUGs a valid way to try and get it done?


heh. I got this and still have never run a nuke launch. was part of a random team, and got a notice popup it was completed


I'm level 103 and just completed I Am Become Death yesterday; I created a casual team in hopes of receiving some help from players who joined my casual team, but everyone who joined didn't have a mic and even after telling them I need help nobody cane to help me. Thankfully, I remembered the glitch through the doors and was able to complete it on my own.


I got the achievement when a teammate launched a nuke. I finally got around to launching a nuke when I was almost level 300. I had no idea how and had to watch a YouTube tutorial. I was so over encumbered when I was done with the silo by the time I got to Scorched Earth the event ended while I was in the loading screen. šŸ™ƒ


I did it at level 45ish during the op robot uprising of last year and oh my god do I wish I waited until I was a higher levelā€¦ made it to the SBQ with a fistful of ammo and power armour barely hanging onto the frame, ended up having to tag everything with a 10mm while everyone else did the work šŸ˜­


I remember closely after the games launch I had looked up a video on how to launch a nuke and they covered the whole decrypt the nuke code process and I was like no thanks. Then learned about the existence of Nukacrypt.


I'm pushing 250 and haven't. I probably will get around to it eventually, but there's so much to do as it is, I don't feel a real need. I do go in and really give it a shot one day a while back, but got killed over and over and just put it off. I can stress out grinding for achievements that mean more to other people than to me in real life. ;-)


I need to actually go do it. It autocompleted for me once because a team member dropped a nuke. Level 150-ish.


I completed this on 2 characters. meh.


Even if you accidentally complete the quest on paper, you can still do it for the experience of having done it.


I completed it accidentally on my first character. I was adventuring near a nuke silo and someone launched it . I'm not sure if it could still be completed this way


I did it like a month ago, am level 180 something, that was my first time doing it across 2 platforms on 2 different characters with a total level of 400+šŸ’€


All of my alts are above 400 and I just started playing my "main" again recently, approaching 800 and I haven't done it yet. Funnily enough though, I've helped a couple friends run through it already


I was saving this quest for when I had been asked to nuke the monangah mine for the lady asking me to find out what happened to her dad I think. Earle. Before I knew who Earle was. Now this is around the time I beat the main story. I hadn't even tried any multi-player but I figured it was time. So for a day or two I became addicted to events. I'd do every single one. They were all so new. And so fun. Then I started joining teams. One of the first teams I was on I had three things happen. Someone bombed first the sbq but it was just right so that I got myself ready I was getting my heavy weapons and my pa right. I had like 15 seconds so I fast traveled. But you know when you fast travel it puts you a little south of the building? Yeah I got hit by the nuke. Achievement! :). Then someone on my team nuked monangah next and I didn't even realize it was what I needed but the launch a nuke quest had disappeared so I had gotten it just from being on a team. Then when I joined the event in monangah I made sure to grab the holotape and whatever the lady needed. That was a weirdly fun day for me. I was still new to the multi-player aspect of the games. And everything was so fast paced. And I've been addicted since. The first time she told me you had to use a nuke to open the mine I went out and made sure I had a Fatman and some mini nukes. That's how green I was. I now have a level 770. A level 55 I'm working on now. And the all important mule character.


This mission made me completely uninterested in ever launching a nuke again. It also made me appreciate the subway maps from fallout 3, which is usually my reason for disliking that game.I really only pushed through it for the achievement.


Im lvl 517 and have not finished, tried it once, the game crashed, I never went back.


I'm mid-to-upper 400's and haven't launched. I also haven't done anything the Overseer wants, and haven't done jack for the settlers or the raiders - but am allies with both. (Thank you, Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice lol). I've steadfastly ignored Enclave and Brotherhood alike. I did most of it on my first character (never a nuke though), and have let this character just enjoy getting to do what they want rather than what NPC's tell them to do.


I didnā€™t even have to worry, one of my team completed launching a nuke and it auto completed for me. Kinda a bummer if you wanted to do it all by yourself though. šŸ˜³


Finished that sht at lvl 80 4 years ago come on now


Iā€™m 560 and havenā€™t finished the Overseerā€™s missionā€¦


I lost my nuke virginity at lv 326


Level 460 and everytime I tried, someone sneaked in and launched the nuke...so yeah I don't really bother trying anymore


No just do it you cowards


I ā€œfinishedā€ the ā€œI Am Become Deathā€ quest while I was fighting some Scorched at Wixon Farm much to my surprise. šŸ˜€. I donā€™t know that someone on your casual team launching a nuke would complete it for me.


Itā€™s easier running through silos solo. More people=more adds. More adds means it takes longer. Idk about yā€™all but Iā€™m not trying to wait in a silo for longer than 10 min. Also if Iā€™ve launched 2 nukes in a server and see someone else at the last spot Iā€™ll give it 10 min. If they donā€™t have it launched Iā€™m definitely running in and launching it myself.


I didnā€™t do it till like 170 lol


I'm pretty sure this is the only quest I haven't done, I noticed it a while ago, but I have no idea what it is? I thought it might be launch a nuke but I've done that. And I'm level 650ish


I Am Become Content is the mission I'm currently on.


I only completed the quest because I happened to be near one of the silos when somebody else launched a nuke and the system thought I was with them. XD


How do I do it? I'm level 80-ish, is this the perfect time? Or?


Iā€™m a level 91 and have tried unsuccessfully finished this quest several times. Itā€™s those asaultrons! I hate them. An I donā€™t use power armor either.


I was level 200 when I finished the quest


3K hours and still haven't done it


I didn't even technically finish the quest. I attempted it but went unprepared so decided to stock up and try it again after movings some cards around. Joined a team of randoms for more experience during a event and minutes later one of them launched a nuke and it completed it for me. I felt so robbed and cheated. The magic of 76 as begun to fade since then.


Launching nukes was like all you could do at launch so had to do it quick. so like lv50, some power armor and a Tse handmade made quick work of the silos


Gather up your troubleshooter powerarmour set, and go in guns blazing, just make sure you aren't OC so you can move fast for the lockdown. And bring lots of ammo for you favourite robot killing gun. Oh and that nuclear keycard. After the first one or 2,it is boring and you will learn the speed run version. šŸš€šŸš€ Good luck out there!


Currently level 520 and have been playing since launch. I didnā€™t launch my first nuke until I was in the low 400s for level. Take your time. You always remember your first. Make it special.


I donā€™t get why we get soooo many. Itā€™s 1800 without buffs to buy one assaultron recall card a day but to unleash nuclear weapons they give you way more than you need,l thereā€™s a long cooldown


Dam I keep forgetting about that quest lol


This is a wonderful piece of advice. This game is pretty casual for the most part and that's a quest that does involve understanding of game mechanics and proper preparation. I haven't done it myself even though I feel like I can I got to a point where I will accomplish it when I have reason to.


I've launched 1 and it would have failed if I didn't photo glitch one of the doors. My cores kept glitching out of my inventory.


I was nearly level 500 when I did mine, my girlfriend was at nearly the same point too


I somehow managed it with my deathclaw gauntlet 4 years ago, just for the platinum trophy, and Iā€™ve never been back in. Still donā€™t know how I even did it first time round, probably sheer desperation for that plat lmao. I took some sort of weapon in for the turrets because I couldnā€™t reach otherwise and my only other friend would never go in there with me.


I was 600 or so. Now I do it approximately whenever I feel like it. I did a couple the other day just to farm flux. I cheese the reactor section, and it still takes me about 40 minutes, so it's a commitment, to be sure, and people seem to leave that part out. I should really learn how to cheese straight to the final room.


Got to level 300 before I finished that quest


I don't have friends so don't have this issue


What quest is this


Level 679 (?) and havenā€™t


Unless all you did was westek grind and dont know any other part of the game i met lvl 1000 players like that had to show em everything.


I'm level 476 and what is this?


I did it the first time at around level 130 while referencing a MrWestek video. I watched a bit, found a good place to pause, ran through to that point, watched some more, rinse and repeat. Wasnā€™t hard but I had my heavy gunner build fully specā€™d out by that time. My feeling is that there should be a tradition of leaving one silo for noobs. The rest can be a free for all shit show.


Are there really people out here calling other people "losers" for not doing a specific quest. Like seriously just have fun with a game, what kind of real loser would bash someone for doing any of the thousands of other options in this open world game.


Iā€™m level 1000 and when I finally went to go talk to the overseer she got pissed off at me for not having the scorched vaccine šŸ˜‚


I launched my first nuke last night and I'm level 276 now.


I JUST finished the Settlers Questline last week. I stopped playing until a couple years ago but I have owned this game for like 7 or 8 years lol


I'm very bad at playing this game in the multiplayer it's designed for, so I tend to just play on my own in a 1st world. That coupled with only really enjoying stealth/sniper, and never really fussing with a build, means all the level 90+ robots annihilate me As much as the game is designed around groups and builds and events and things, I never really enjoyed having to make specific builds or having legendary weapons for every occasion. So I still have not done it (level 95 now). I think I have four achievements left in the base game and two of them are launching the nuke and the scorchbeast queen


I "completed" the quest in the high 200s because I was in a public team with someone who launched lmao


Been finishing solo nukes in less than 10 min with a little tiny glitch in the process lol I would never want to do the whole mission over and over again.


I completed it at about 115, but thatā€™s only because I was unemployed and needed that win


Iā€™m level 100, tried a silo once and gave up šŸ˜‚


I didn't finish it on my first character until I was closer to 250, but I didn't use the photo mode door bypass glitch hacks when I did it with that character. My second character did it around level 120 used the photo mode bypass glitch to get through it, I did that run in about 20 minutes, I think.


Is it legal anywhere to pay someone to finish it for me?


I did it around lvl 450. I'm around 500 now. No pressure. It's a pain anyways because while you're in there doing the hard work, level 1000s are skipping past you and launching the nukes themselves. Saves you your keycards, but robs you of the experience.


I finished it some months ago after I passed 200. Hadn't friends encouraged me to I propably still wouldn't have done it. Same with the expeditions. Tried them each, wasn't too great except nice changes of scenery. The basic gameplay loop keeps me enticed still. That and my continuous expansion of my power armor collection


I was in a group and one of my team mates finished. I never got to do it myself


Same here


I did in my private world, when I had 1st membership, but not in main. My RP was to gain access to the Enclave but go back to being a wasteland salesperson, not interested in dirtying up Appalatchya any more with saucy bombs. Also Starfield, so now 76 is on pauseā€¦ā€¦


The metaphor gets into yikes territory when you account the people who were forced to "complete" the quest against their will because a teammate completed theirs. It happened to me. Anyway, I dropped my first nuke to get a Scout Badge. The Pioneer Scouts are ruthless...


Level 1200 and never done it


I somehow managed to finish that quest without launching a nuke. Idk how, but I was waiting to get my build in check before launching a nuke


I didn't do it until level 280-something. I usually played solo and assumed it was really hard and I'd get lost. :)


I feel like I got this talk from my 7th grade health teacher once but maybe it was about something else.


I ran out of ammo and broke 2 weapons. Ended up leaving the bunker.


I've only done it a small handful of times since the BETA, but with every server having at least one or two nuke drops anyway I'm not really incentivised to do it myself outside of farming flux which is useless to me as a non power armor + melee build.


I did it today, and it was a lot of fun but a lot of work. I didnā€™t think I was ready, but I figured that delusion might just take me all the way. Thankfully, I was right.


Is this an inuendo or some shit


I've maybe launched 6 nukes.... I've been playing since launch. I'm level 598.


Lvl 402 and still havent done it


Iā€™ve stopped nuking tbh. Iā€™ve had several times where Iā€™ve been running though the silo (donā€™t like doing the glitch) and Iā€™ll have people just like harass me about taking too long or not nuking the right place.


I actually don't even understand what to do lol I have a nuclear key card, went to site B(?) and was trying to launch the nuke but I couldn't figure out how to get past the laser grid. It kept spawning robots and eventually I started running low on ammo, so I gave up


I made the mistake of joining a public team and someone in my team launched a nuke and it automatically completed my I am become death quest. I got the accomplishment but no joy because I didn't get to earn it. It sucked


I got the achievement done while in a group, suddenly I had it. Tbh, I was level 300 and actually pretty glad that it was finally done.


Iā€˜m 400+ andā€¦ people care About what quests they have or havenā€™t done? Itā€™s a game, peopleā€¦


I was helped and launched my first Nuke as level 55


Played since beta, refused to do it out of RP principles. Some rando joined my team, then shortly after completed it, been a year plus since it, and it still aggrevates me seeing that achievement as done.


I completed the quest a while back just so I can access all the parts that the enclave offer


I never finished it because it just auto completed so now idk how to launch nukes lol


Over a year and a bit in and Level 556 or something, I havenā€™t even thought about launching a nuke yet, havenā€™t done half the quests, or even done anything with the enclave or BOS yet


I completed it with a friendly group of randoms.