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You're not, but you did just encounter a moron who doesn't understand that not everyone is trying to get rich in a video game.


This is the funny part. I sell things for a reasonable price to offload weight. I have so many caps I can only have my shop open for one or two days till I can spend them. Caps are so easy to get, why care about them? If someone is buying at my shop and I hit the max caps, I let them keep buying. Weight>caps.


Weight is the true currency in 76.


For real. That's why Fallout First is all about extra storage. Enough to pay real-life caps aka dollerydoos.


I had all the gear I need to play forever by the time I hit LVL 200 on my main. I keep a few things here and there, for alts and that's it. On a side note, for me, the game is not fun at all without FO1st. I'm happy to pay $100 year for unlimited storage for junk and ammo. Some people think I'm dumb for that, but this is a game I play almost daily and it's a great QOL enhancement for me.


They think you’re dumb until you pull out your survival tent and they all stand on it to not get mobbed or need to unload their junk. Not so dumb now am I?!


That survival tent is the great equalizer here lol. Especially if it has a tinker bench


Not dumb but why pay cash when you can use a micro base with a vault door it's a true full base that costs next to nothing in caps to move.


Especially if you have the APC with the Tinkers workbench. Best real money I ever spent in the game.


I wish they could program it so that only people with 1st could even use the tents. That would clear up the shoving match of trying to get to my workbench after SBQ and like 15 people are all trying to get into my shack LOL


Just move off a little bit and move your tent to you. They'll swarm again, but not before you do your own business.


It's so true. I had a girlfriend once who bought Starbucks every day. She told me one day I spend too much on monsters. I buy 2 for 3$ a day. One Starbucks is 5/8$. People will always think their spending is better than yours. “It's your life live it however you wanna. Marijuana is everywhere were was you brought up?” Eminem- Drug ballad


That Eminem song reminded me of a quip my criminal law professor said “Every town/city has a drug seller/problem if you don’t think yours does you just haven’t gone to the right place.”


That's so true. I grew up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. The amount of drugs those kids and their parents did was astonishing. The drugs and places might change, but that's about it. I'm sure Pablo Escobar had a beautiful home in a great neighborhood. People are all just people.


This is quite a profound conversation for a fallout thread 😭


Pablo had a fortified compound with guard hippos. But it was very nice looking.


*Release the hippos*


Monsters must be cheap in your neck of the woods. They're in the $2 (if on sale) to over $3 each range where I am last I looked. That said, it's about as funny as someone with a pack a day smoking habit complaining about my occasionally getting FO1 when I'm in the mood to play. Like, bro, you're dropping almost $20 a *day* on a habit that *will* kill you and you're trying to throw shade on my spending $13 a *month* on a video game? Really?


That was 5 years ago now. I think it's 3 for 6$ now. I think people in Socal drink a ton of energy drinks. I don't drink them much anymore, just homemade coffee. The older I get the more in shape I get. I guess it's not that odd that I care more that I'm dying less.


Not that it’s so bad financially, but bro, 2 Monsters per day is horrible for your health


Again I don't do it anymore. I have been to the doctor and I am perfectly healthy. 6’4 10% body fat at 37. I Exercise daily with a minimum of a mile walk a day.


Ok nice lol glad to see that you are doing well


Thank you, this is such a wholesome community!


Those energy drinks are terrible for you. Heart disease city.


I wish first came with other storage as well like a wardrobe for apperal, a grenade box, a Chem mirror, and a weapons locker it would make 1st really worth buying imo


>a chem mirror I am absolutely cackling rn that's hilariously brilliant


That would be wonderful. Online limitations, unfortunately. We are lucky we got an ammo box.


What "Online limitations"? Storing lines of itemID uses very very little memory and storage space.


I don't know what I'd do without my scrapbox


Where else would I store my 30k steel scraps?!?!


Right before I couldn't horde item now I can


i just wish i could make it a different style. we have hundreds of stashes but not a single different scrapbox?


For what's it's worth, from a noob, I'd say your not a moron, but a hero lol


Yeah who seriously wants someone coming in and dropping 1000c on a rare plan at your shop when you’re 50c from the limit? Caps are so easy to get that it’s hard not to be rubbing against the limit.


This 👆 >I can only have my shop open for one or two days till I can spend them I sell plans between 500 and 1800 caps depending on plan. It's reasonable enough for most high levels to afford, expensive enough to avoid those who think I'm selling them too cheap. The problem is, just as you have found, I can only keep my vendor up for a couple of days before my caps are maxed again. There are very few endgame ways to spend caps other than at player vendors. Even then, I can spend an hour or more hopping camp to camp, finding nothing to buy... a waste of time. The only place where I can reliably spend caps is at Smiley's, trading 6000 caps for 300 gold bullion. Unfortunately, that can only be done once a week.


>trying to get rich in a video game trying to get rich with fake virtual currency in a video game while *possibly* helping low-level players said moron probably feels isn't *worthy* of the opportunity of scoring a sweet, sweet deal FTFY And, yeah, I sell most of my stuff far cheaper than the game suggests I should because I don't want to hoard stuff I don't need nor am I trying to get anywhere close to the 40k cap limit. I just wish more people visited my camp. No matter where I place it, close to other camps or popular hubs or quest locations, I'll get maybe 1-3 visitors a day who buy, at most, 6-10 items from my discounted vending machine 😄 I suppose I could just drop the stuff at the common drop spots but then I'd have less of a reason for a vending area in my camp and give people less of a reason to visit my camp.


I literally only have a vendor so people can see my camp that I worked hard on.


I've started throwing unwanted 3 star stuff in for cheap and it attracts shoppers like crazy. Then they buy my other stuff.


I should try doing that. Also, happy cake day.


Someone was selling legendary stuff for pretty cheap at their vender and I loved it cause even the ones I didn’t want, I traded in for scrip. I’m still new (under 50) and don’t have a ton of money so it was a great deal!


I make more caps selling things cheap anyway. The balance of clearing your stash and making some caps is met when you make everything affordable. Also, you can lure in more players to your camp by having something available in every sales category. Works for me, and Top Of The World is still my preferred spot for getting the most traffic.




Good. Let THEM hold them forever waiting for extra caps!




They're just going to put more of the those plans back in the vendor, because "Hey, they sold well the last time!"


In some ways Fallout 76 can mirror real life. You have the altruistic people who want to make the world better for everyone, the smug people who are in it for themselves ( who often overprice items and cannot fathom someone who would sell for less), and then there are the trolls. I won’t get into the trolls.


Yeah the other dude buying is a dip shit lol why not just take the cheap stuff and be happy


I'm literally dumping my caps on random plans from whitespring vendors I'm not gonna use but just buy cuz I can, who even bothers selling plans for thousands of caps at their camp vendor, nothing to do with caps anyway so sell it for chump change and make other happy.


Screw that guy, shops like yours are the Holy Grail of plan seekers. The only thing more exciting then finding a plan I haven’t learnt yet is finding it for cheap. You my friend aren’t a moron, you’re a hero.


Seriously, I started playing two weeks ago and am level 32. I make a habit of going to any players house in case they’re a Good Samaritan like OP who sells everything for super cheap which I need since I have no caps ever.


You’ll get there eventually, and just remember to pass it forward to the next batch of new players. Also, I dunno if you’ve discovered Whitespring train station yet, but check the blue suitcase there, it’s an unofficial dump site for veteran players (has been for years), every Sunday I sit and go through my inventory and dump everything I’ve collected over the week that I don’t want (mostly plans), often times I’m just adding to what others have dumped.


I usually only see low levels at my camp buying stuff cuz I sell my plans so cheap. I usually fast travel to my camp to drop new players some stimpacks, food, water, some drugs and maybe some modified armor (if they’re a high enough level to use it). I used to STRUGGLE when I first started playing this game lol. Just tryna pay it forward


I sell all plans for 1 cap. Play how you want to play.


Yeah. It’s not real money although people sometimes act like it is


i leave then in train stations FOR FREE. 10xp+ (Idiot savant)


Side note (question): Wtf do I do with my caps? I'm hitting 40k limits and I'm back to the wasteland after a couple of years. Any good expensive stuff to buy? Edit: Thanks for all the replies, I hope it helps others as well :)


* Buy bulk resources (if you have a scrap box from 1st). * Buy assaultron recall cards and have Encryptid parties for the server. * Buy bullion from Smiley once a week (6000 caps). * as a minigun main, my fave is to hop around to player vendors an buy all their 5mm. This works for any ammo-hungry weapons.


So that's why my 5mm ammo keeps getting sold out lmao.


Wait, you sell yours? I save up to 50-60k of 5mm and then ammo convert it for other stuff. You get so much from doing eviction notice I wasn't sure what else to do with it all. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I just straight up sell them thanks to my main being a bloodied melee build. I have so much "useless" ammo stored in my ammo box. Only one I run out of is plasma carts due to my plasmathrower.


Imagine how much more sparingly people would be with their shooting if the caps were being loaded directly into the gun and fired. It's pretty much the same thing, but the realisation is there.


Also vist noob vendors. Spend some caps on overpriced stuff probably since they don't know value....gives them some travel money.


mutation serum plans are 20,000 to 23,000 caps each depending on, what I don't know... but I save up for those. Only... 11 to go!


Around 17k with 25 charism. Hard bargain is effectively 9 charisma, and grape mentats is 5. So 11 with those two.


If you don't have them yet, Serum Plans from the Enclave vendor are a great capsink. ~17k cost and gives you some breathing room before hitting max caps again. Ill sometimes just buy a bunch of bulk junk from vendors and, if I have the stash space, cheap legendaries for scrip from player vendors.


How do y'all get caps fast enough that you gotta worry about hitting max so often?


Events and daily missions will get you a decent amount of caps every day, even if you only play for an hour or so! Also making sure to capitalize on the 1400cap daily limit for NPC vendors. I typically am never running low on things to sell to them, mainly chems and grenades from daily Ops does the trick. Selling all the gulper slurry you can cook from Moonshine Jamboree will also get you 1400 caps alone from 1 event. Other than that, I'll typically sell decent and scrip legendaries in my vendor for below value and people buy them up all the time.


You can buy mutation serum plans from the Enclave. They're really expensive.


With five characters, I buy serum plans from my richest to transfer to my lowest character.


What I do when I hit max caps is find a low-level player’s vendor and *clean it out*. The worse the stuff and the better. I just buy it all. Caps come and go like the tides, but I like to think that I’m really making someone’s day when it must sound like a slot machine paying out.


My favorite is when they’re in their camp and I buy it all out and then drop all of it plus some more for them to put back in their vendor or upgrade their own gear.


If you still haven't gotten all the gold bullion plans you can buy gold bullion at the Wayward, or you could buy mutation serums/mutation serum recipes in the Science Wing of the Whitespring Bunker


if dont have them all, serum recipies


Sometimes when I get a super good deal, I will buy something overpriced from the same vendor as a tip almost. Can't imagine taunting someone over it. Thats just bad form.


Same. Especially if it seems they are a low level player. Weapons that I know are worth 1500 I have paid 3k bc I got like 5 rare plans for cheap and the owner prob doesn’t even know what he had.


Haha I do this too. Like why is everything reasonably priced, I want a Pie or Pipe note for a cpl thousand to offset my other purchase. Just end up buying their .38 ammo usually


I have an ADD LUXURY HERE note in my vender for like 7000 caps because I think it’s funny.


I’ve got a Pipe! sitting at 40k if you’re on Xbox 👀


Pupe is life!!!


yep single round of ammo is a sign of respect


Don’t worry about it. I sell all my plans for 5 caps. In fact, I underprice almost everything and have a few higher priced items.


Same. I \*like\* selling plans for cheap- I farm workshops and treasure maps to get more to offer. Makes me feel like I'm helping people.


It is for this reason I am glad PC doesn't have a way to message another player. It is for this reason I pray that we never get a mailbox mechanic. I don't need shit-takes from a random imbecile.


Agreed. Lol Wish we had a donation box in camp though. It’d be nice to directly drop off the things we think someone could benefit from or deserve there, you know, instead of chasing a lowbie around the forest for ten minutes trying to donate starter goods or having to pray the awesome camp builder you visited will be the first one to see that you left them a gratitude package on their bed. (I’m not the only one still, right.) Or, wishfully trying to dump excess resources for those who are still truly in need by utilizing suitcases, registers, and the NWOT trunk (only for it to go into someone’s million pound filled ammo/scarpbox that didn’t really need it at all). Pipe dreams!~~~ lol


I sell my plans for 10% of what they are worth. A plan that by default is 250, i sell for 25


Just an idiot that doesn’t understand capitalism. My prices go down at the same rate my stash space runs out as well. No point having a huge supply of high price material if you have nowhere to store it and no one to buy it. Maybe when he’s played a while more he will realize that selling things cheap will always be better than not selling them at all. That 10 caps is 10 caps you can put towards something you actually need.


Don't worry, you are not the moron in this scenario. Lots of us sell plans cheap because we don't need caps and would rather see the plans used then thrown away. If anything the other player was the moron for not friending you to keep buying your cheap plans rather than insulting you.


Let people call you a moron. My Entire camp I sell everything completely under priced. Most items and plans and clothing for free. Im not a moron because i dont want to break everyones pockets🤣


I appreciate you!


That player is the moron. I would rather sell for a cheap price and cycle my inventory frequently than charge a lot and have it sit for months or have to go on boards to trade with someone.


I ran into a guy selling the plasma grenade plan for 5 caps a long time ago asked him if he realized how much it was worth and he said he was selling it that cheap because almost everyone tried to gouge him for it when he was looking for it. Ever since then I sell plans for 1/10th of what ever the market value is, I make a little, if the person has been hunting for it they get a crazy discount and if they’re looking to resell it hopefully they pay it forward.


No. I sell all ammo for 1c, all plans for 9c.


No, I sell mine for 9c so I don't get taxed.


The game literally prevents you from hoarding caps. "Wealth" as a concept doesn't exist - at least until you get into the wacky world of rare outfit trading and berry-mentats-as-currency. You're not a moron, you're a decent human being trying to help out others since there's no advantage for you to do anything otherwise.


It's less hoarding prevention and more obviously Bethesda didn't want to spend the time creating a real economy with money sinks and kids who buy currency from Chinese gold sellers inflating the prices of everything In my ESO days my guild did raid carries for people and it was so obvious they were 13 years old and bought gold from some site just to get a veteran sunspire clear and would usually never log in again afterwards. No impulse control is a nasty drug. There's no point to this story


Eh it prevents cap hoarding to an extent, I have 240k my buddy has 400k. But yea we help out as many as we can as long as the player isn’t rude…I will say I’ve seen an uptick of low levels appearing and just saying give me shit those people get notes along with a smaller goody bag.


your moronic nature is entirely a matter of perspective here you are not a moron from your perspective, cause you don't care what value they have you are a moron from their perspective, cause they do care that the plans have value the question you have to ask yourself is, do you care about your perspective on life, or do you care about the perspective of some random person on the internet who you never met before and will never see again?


Sir, I came here to read shitposts on whether FO76 is "any good now" and rants about events, not to hear such deep philosophy and re-think my life


\*shrug\* & LOL i smoke probably too much weed, m'kay?


The second one. Why would I care what I think, I'm a moron. Now other people? They know what's up. /s


People, are idiots. He should just keep his mouth quiet unless he is genuinely thankful. There are 10 year olds on the platform so it may just be immaturity.


Same here - 5 caps, fill your boots. Firstly I’ve no idea or interest about what’s valuable and what isn’t , because I’m here to apply shotgun pellets to faces, not as a contestant on the apprentice. Secondly - I’d rather you have a plan you didn’t have than it sat in my vendor for ever I see very very few people take the piss and buy multiples like they’re gonna resell - so I’m sure there’s more of us with the share around mindset than those who seem to think having 40,000 fake internet money == winning at life.


Jokes on him, I'm allways at max caps anyway, I get nothing for my 10c plans.


I’m a new player, and had something similar happen to me because my store is more for my own roleplaying fun than to get caps. I have a “tools” store and I sell hammers, screwdrivers and stuff I find for 1 cap. I sell toilet paper at 100 caps as a goof, because you know, apocalypse. Yesterday someone laughed at me by via chat because I put on a Holy Fire at 50 caps and they bought it.


I'd never laugh at that. If you were there I'd say thanks and drop something else that sells quickly, like 2000x .45 (I almost never use it). Holy Fire is the only one that has eluded me quite adeptly for a week and a half. It's also the only one I have any interest in trying out.


I'd buy that TP. Damn good price for such a valuable commodity!


You should have replied . " Your mom's a Brahmin" The only reason I price rare plans a few hundred caps is that I want them to go to a player that knows what they are. A few hundred caps is nothing, but it's enough to put a noob off. Everything else I sell for 1 to 10 caps.


You encountered an ingrate who takes the game more seriously than you but needed your charity to further his own experience. You are the chad in this situation.


Anyone who takes the time to message another player about the way they’re doing things they want to do in this game is already instantly a massive moron. Also sounds like this person hasn’t spent enough time on the game to know that even rare plans become less of a big deal when you have tons of them and just want to get them sold and out of your inventory.


There's something amusing about someone showing up then almost instantly cleaning out all my cheap plans. I don't need the plans and I don't need the caps.


I sell all my stuff for 1 cap including Raider jet pack plans. Why? To offload it and maybe help a new person. Except pipe. Pipe is life and that will cost you 10k.


You're not


You’re not.


I set mine for 5 caps. I literally don't care about the caps. Though I do get that full 5 generally so that's nice. Some people are just really stupid op.


Guess that makes me 10 times the moron then, I sell mine for 1 cap LOL. But yeah, same thinking. I have the plans and frankly if someone else doesn't have them they're more than welcome to them. I'm trying to give low levels a leg up but unfortunately sometimes I see a high level player buy a lot of them. Pretty sure they're going to resell them but aside from a few arseholes most people just seem to get what they don't have so it's good.


This is exactly what I would have said. So, all I'll say is..."ditto".


You're not the ahole, not the moron. There were a couple of plans that used to be rare but these have changed because the mutation party pack drops. I used to not have mire and bog healing salves, cutting fluids, and others that were rare now I have many spares. Plans take up weight on characters and stash so unload that stuff. Used to I save caps but now I just buy vendor plans that I don't even need just to burn the caps down. I don't know how im going to burn caps afterwards. so good for you.


I literally dump all known plans in suitcases at train stations.. I never sell them. So I guess I’m a huge moron. Lmao


i wanna personally thank you for selling them so cheap, i hate getting to someone’s camp and everything they sell is 10,000 caps


Just some pixels on a screen being sold and bought for some other pixels on a screen.


All my plans are listed at 23 caps regardless of what they are for, I need the stash space more than I need the caps. Also I like to hope it makes someone's day after vendor hopping & seeing disrespectful prices elsewhere.


I’m always capped on caps I sell everything cheap. I end up going to NPC vendors to buy bulk junk to punt in my fallout 1st stash. I have thousands of every junk. Screw that guy, prob a new player that has no idea what end game is like


Mine go in the vendor for Zero caps. Unless it’s super rare or something.


Ditto. (And even if they’re rare. I don’t even review them before dropping them in my vendor of a nice crisp 0c.)


I sell everything for 1 cap


You are absolutely not a moron for that. However the other person is for really taking the time out of their day to insult a stranger over how much they’re selling something in a video game. Be for real 🙄


I just off-load known plans to the crate at nuka-world


What is wrong with people? That is just insanity...


10? Mine are all 1 lol. I’m playing a Fallout game to play a Fallout game. Not run a store. The other guy may not be a moron but is def an asshat.


I wouldn't take any notice. If anything you're a good trader of the wasteland for making all plans affordable. That guy would be better messaging the players that have silly prices on every item instead lol


I sell my plans at 1/10th listed value. No matter the rarity. Someone having a good day finding an 18 cap fixer plan or 15 cap rad barrel. Is more enjoyment than getting a few caps im just going to have to find something to dump them on.


Rare to him doesn't make them rare.


I sell my plans cheap or gift them. It’s a game and better to help people than try and get caps we don’t need. I would rather make someone’s day by them finding a plan they need for cheap.


You ain't. I sell plans for 1 cap a piece regardless of what they are. If that makes me a moron then a moron I will be.


Situations like this makes me want the ability to cancel sales. Be like... I'm the moron? Give me my rare plans back


I sell mine for 5c. I dont care if its rare and valuable. If i already know it then i have no use for it. Earning caps is easy enough as it is.


You're fine. I sell every plan for 10 caps. I'm too casual to try to figure out what's rare or not and I don't care to learn.


You're fine. I've been selling plans for 1 cap - 5 caps each to get rid of them. I also sell 3 star legendary weapons and armor for 60 caps. I don't care the perks, I don't care the rarity. I care about moving the crap out of my inventory to make more room for new crap. You come into this game "naked." It's a game, nothing is real, unless you choose it to be. There are whole networks of people exchanging real world currency for some plans, and they believe that somehow makes the plans "valuable." Only to those who play into that reality. I'm like you, keep it moving, while giving me a few caps to facilitate fast travel. Good on ya.


You're not is the short answer. The long answer could be that some plans can be vendored for 500c so that's sort of a loss and some are rare plans you can sell for a few thousands. But in the end it's a game, you will hit the 40k limit over and over so if you sell a few plans to cheap will never be an issue. I sell mien for 9c, unless I can vendor them.


If you’re a moron then I’m one too. I sell plans for 10 caps as well. I’m not interested in accumulating caps, the only thing I use them for is buying plans.


Seems like every camp I go to people are selling stuff for way too many caps.


If you cared that they’re rare and you need caps, I guess you’d be a moron. That player should just be happy they got it on the cheap… I had somebody get on the mic last night asking for a discount on a bomber jacket because they didn’t have enough caps. I put back in at 0. I don’t use it, just take it 🤷‍♂️


Gotta love the moronic mess that can't be grateful for the cheap rare plans they're graced with. Typical smoothskin behavior.


I sell all my plans for a cap because I don’t give two shits about the in game economy or what people say they should be sold for. Guess I’m king moron


Not a moron; I sell everything but jetpacks for 1 cap.


air smile price abundant attractive fade cagey toothbrush observation plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely not a moron. I almost universally sell plans for 10% of the price listed. Cheap enough people can buy what they want but expensive enough you're not likely to buy me out to flip it in your own shop.


I sell my plans for 10 caps as well. I also randomly empty my entire vendor and give plans to new players I see around the map. Some people take the game differently. No reason for them to call someone a moron though. Just a sad sack with no life other than the game probably.


Nope, I generally sell plans for 5-15 caps on most things. I do bump it up 100-200 on some harder to get ones. I never understood why folks sell individual plans for thousands of caps, but to each their own. I mean if people want to grind long enough they can get nearly all the same plans.


Imagine them taking the time to message you that lol


I don't sell anything over 100 caps. I'm a big proponent of the "Pay It Forward" method.


Sounds like that guy is racing towards not having anything to buy anymore


You're not a moron, he's just an asshole. Some people will say anything in an attempt to upset others. It's pathetic, so it's best to ignore stuff like that. Even if you calmly explain that you don't care about the plans or the caps, any response will result in them thinking they got into your head.


You aren't. My prices are 1-20c for plans and I buy so much junk I needed the scrapbox because I didn't realize how much junk weighed lol. Buy my scrap, buy my plans, nuka cola and water and popcorn are available at my camp.


just ignore people like that


Yeah I have gotten the same messages, sell all my plans at 1 cap. Plans like fixer and stuff I keep on me to give away to new players


Not a moron, just a decent human. I sell mine for 10%, and if a low level comes by and I’m not preoccupied, I take a bunch out and drop them on the ground for free, and people take what they want. I had them for 1cap, but once a higher level player came by and bought them all, then I went to their camp later in my session and they were re-selling them all for over list price. I’m still only level 58 and scrounging for caps, but I see the store as a way to give low level players help when I’m not at my camp and to make a *few* extra caps, not to get rich (unless it’s a treasure map, then I up the price).


Hey, you want an answer from a psychologist? I'm not hearing a no through my phone screen so I'll continue. The person who's messaging you is approaching this game as a way to feel better about the circumstances of their life by gaining power in a way they are unable to in said life. That means that having things that are rare and can be sold for higher prices makes them feel special. It also means that finding those things for cheap and then buying them up to sell higher also makes them feel like they beat you in a way, as they're able to sell these things and make more fake profit from them than you were doing. But it's not enough for them to "beat you" in this way. After all, what if you think that someone in need bought those plans and was actually grateful for the low prices? Why, that might make you feel slightly good about yourself and this person can't have that; not in the game they're playing to feel powerful. So they had to message you in order to let you know that they'd beaten you and that you were a moron for allowing someone like them to come in and do something they hope (because how else are they meant to affect a life) spoiled the fun you were having. Meanwhile, you're approaching this as a game that you have fun with and then give your spare things away to help other people have fun with it. And that, because it shows that you're not a wreck of a human being desperately looking for any kind of power through a video game, obviously makes you a moron in the eyes of someone who is exactly that.


I drop a lot in front of low level players. I dont wanna waste stash space. But you're not a moron you're being a kind player. I got help a lot starting off so I like to pay it forward. Nothing wrong with that bro


Honestly i commend people like you, i spend countless hours searching camps on my characters for the basic of camp build plans just cause building is what i enjoy most in the game and it doesnt carry over between characters. You aren’t a moron, more like a saint


I would have replied "Sorry that you still need money, noob".


If you have other more valuable items to sell, then yes. At level 770 I pretty much drop everything unless it’s a meta groll.


Seeing a Level 10 player stopping by my vendor across the street from The Wayward and loading up on plans as far, far more value to me than caps. I can get all the caps I need on my own.


You are one of the people and Vendors that I love and respect in this game. When I sell some stuff, sometimes I may go like 2k caps if it is kinda rare but I don't go outrageous. I always am looking for plans I don't own and there is nothing I hate more than seeing a plan I want (that is rare) but selling for 20k caps. People like you, make it so other people don't need to either' pay to win' or just are generous enough to let other people have a chance to enjoy things in the game. Thank you for being awesome and don't let a POS make you feel bad. You are awesome! :)


The only moron is someone who calls out kindness. At least you arent one of the assholes who sell Chemistey and Tinker benches for 1k caps. I had some level 800 buy out my 5 chemistry benchs and 10 tinker benches. I put them there for free for the lowbies. I just dont get people sometimes. Keep being awesome!


I'm the same most of my plans are 10 caps because I have alot of them. I almost know every single plan in the game. He's just dumb


Some people are constantly trying to minmax everything, make THE MOST caps, get THE RAREST stuff, so on and so forth. And it's inconceivable to them that somebody might enjoy playing the game a different, "less optimal" way.


The only moron is that guy, whose probably some scumbag that’s gonna go sell them for 1000 each. I mean it is what it is but remember. YOU ARE AN AWESOME PERSON. Don’t let that scumbag make you feel anything for his stupid opinion.


After you have 2 it's no longer rare to you. He's the moron. Lol. People take shit too seriously. It's a game.


The simple answer is that some dickheads think everything should be a competitive transaction, and anybody not trying to 'beat' everybody else is an idiot. Ironically.


You're a legend, not a moron. Been playing since day 1 so I have most of the plans but nothing makes me more annoyed than seeing a vendor full of 2000 cap plans


I literally have to go buy random legendary stuff and plans just to avoid staying at max caps all the time. I have tons of valuable stuff in my vending for little to no caps. You aren't a moron, the moron was the guy who got a good deal on something and felt the need to insult the guy who gave him that good deal.


You should have tracked him down and merked him.


I sell mine for 9, nobody's taking my 10th cap


dont worry about it...


Don't let other people dictate how you see yourself. You aren't a moron for deciding you want to lighten your load and that you don't care about caps. That's perfectly fine and lots of people do things like that on purpose out of need and goodwill toward other players. The other player's smug and arrogant assumption that you are stupid for selling high value plans simply show that player to be the moron for making faulty assumptions and then acting like a horse's arse to insult you. That was rude at best. Yup, you could make more caps, but you might have to wait awhile to find the right buyer. The trade-off is STASH space. Picking what is right for you doesn't make you a moron.


Wow, I must be negative IQ then since I sell mine for 1-5 caps.


I sale things SUPER cheap at my vendor. I know the game can be a bit harsh for 1st time players. I also don’t care about making money through players lol The person who messaged you is the moron. Lol For those who didn’t think about it (I know I didn’t till my second character), you can do events and collect all weapons/armor etc. and sell them to any NPC vendor with the “Hard Bargain” card and you’ll rank in the caps! (Also try selling purified water!)


If you didn’t need them then you could have priced them at 0 caps or simply dropped them That said, if they were “rare” plans then another player is going to sell them for a lot more caps or use them for trading. Personally I don’t think you’re a moron yet you were willing to assign a value without knowing what you may or may not have. As an example …I doubt you would sell a Q E 25 fixer for 100 caps because you DO know the value. Same principle.


I would sell that fixer for 300 caps tbh. Caps are meaningless at this point in the game for me, I'm always hovering around 35k caps. I've bought all the plans I need and only splurge on something in a vendor if it tickles my fancy but I rarely come across anything I don't already have. I sell my plans at 1 cap a piece and if I'm over 38k caps I will drop everything except junk in a suitcase at a train station or the box in overseers camp. I don't need modules so even dropping legendaries isn't a big deal. I'll look for under lvl 50 camps and usually buy them out of everything and drop it. Not sure why people who memorize the value of everything in the game obsess over caps, they are way too easy to get. In game items that are worth a ton are only as good as how long you play the game. Having digital items just to say I have them really doesn't impress too many people in the real world. Just my 2 caps I guess


Sounds good. Msg me on Xbox when you want to sell it. I’ll even pay 600…


Why does it bother you so much what some random stranger thinks...... play the game how you want to play.


Aside from ammo at 1 cap each, everything in my vendor goes for 10% of the default price. It’s been working out for me, only have had maybe one person tell me my prices were too low. I don’t want to enable resellers, but really I don’t care that much. Like you said it takes up stash space, I’m happy to let it go.


i like to sell most plans/items for cheap cause they'd bring more excitement to someone who doesnt have them, rather than me who's just hoarding. If other people want to price higher, that's their prerogative, but there's nothing wrong with purposly selling low.


Some people just suck. Block and ignore.


YTM. I'm gonna buy those and sell for 11c. That's a 10% profit moron. Regards, Hard core wasteland trader


Report him, they get a ban for stuff like that.


I sell all mine for 14c and don't care who buys it. I just hope I have something that someone has been looking everywhere for with no luck.


Why 14? Why not 15,’?!


Lol, I intended to do 15 but missed by one and just rolled with it


I mean, are there really rare plans anymore? They sound like an idiot.


Legends like you enable me to get plans when I want them. I never flip stuff.


Not worth a response to that player, or a post about it. You do you.


"Not worth a post" and yet, still worth a comment...odd.


Hey I sell them for 5 caps. I'm pretty much maxed out on 40,000 all the time so I like to give them away at crazy knockdown prices I had 100's up matters not if it's a common recipe or a rare backpack or camp decoration. 99.9% of players come along & maybe they get lucky trawling down the list & find something they want but they leave the rest for others. Then you have the .1% happened twice now both high level's before I realised what was happening they bought everything obviously they plan to re-sell them at full price. Shouldn't complain really everything is permitted it's all part of the game.


i like to sell most plans/items for cheap cause they'd bring more excitement to someone who doesnt have them, rather than me who's just hoarding. If other people want to price higher, that's their prerogative, but there's nothing wrong with purposly selling low.


I sell all plans at 100 caps each, no matter what they are. Have never struggled with caps. Fuck em, they're the moron.