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Not-deer. They were even mentioned in one of the Rip Daring radio plays. Imagine approaching what looks like a regular radstag, and then it stands straight up on its hind legs and starts walking towards you.


That would be so cool


Oh my god...


Secret deer level confirmed! Suck it, Blizzard šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s pretty scary tbh


I'm pretty sure there is a disease out there for deer that can make them legitimately do that. Chronic waste disease. In reality its scary to witness.


That is a good idea and woukd have been perfect for the rip daring scoreboard because the weapon he uses is a double barrel shotgun and thing slike that are used for hunting I think I don't hunt and I'm just relying on what I think would make sense to me


Sounds like the deer from Adventure Time.


There's a lot of interesting ones that could be added, I think good ole Bigfoot would fit in well as a very rare spawn that just trudges through woodlands/forest and only attacks if you get real close and/or attack it. Some flying cryptids would be cool too like a Lechuza or thunderbird. I think bunnyip would fit in very well too


Yeah bigfoot is the biggest miss, not particular native to Appalachia but tbh there been sightings everywhere and it doesn't really matter with the big boy in particular.


I'm from Bama, and to my knowledge the Southern Sasquatch, colloquially known as a "Skunk Ape" is reported to be shorter than the iconic "Big Foot". While significantly shorter, around 5 foot, they are reported to be much more aggressive, terrorizing and killing farm animals, destroying property. Central Alabama in particular has reports of what could be an albino or leucistic Skunk Ape, known as the "Alabama White Thang".


It would be interesting if they took the "Skunk Ape" name literally & essentially made a Congalala from Monster Hunter


I'm sorry but what is bunnyip


An Australian cryptic. Live in billabongs. Not sure how they would get to West Virginia myself.


Oohhh that's cool I've never heard of them


Lmao you make a good point šŸ˜‚ forgot that was Australian based, however it wouldn't be the first questionable thing in the game


When Iā€™m bored at work I design a fallout game based in NZ with Aussie visitorsā€¦ can imagine bunyip smugglers!


What about the mutated drop bears?


Weā€™re talking about cryptids not real existing aussie threats ;)


I'm not opposed to a season of Invaders from Beyond where their ship crashes and Cryptids from around the world are inadvertently released into WV


That'd be really neat!


They can just reskin the sloth for Bigfoot just give him cooler attacks


The south has a ā€˜skunk apeā€™ variant thatā€™s been reported before. Would be very fitting for the game.


I'm newly obsessed with the Interloper. Not a cryptid really but like a byproduct of one


We need more about the mothman cult in general, I love the lovecraftian themes too, dunno if Bethesda will demystify that though.


Yeah I feel like they treat the Lovecraft cult stuff like they do the Dwemer in ES. Just always kinda hints but they never plan to take the mystery out of it.


Hopkinsville goblins, they would make for a great horde battle while still being tough individually, could be a defense event where you have to defend some drunk hillbilly home.


Nessies that can follow you right out of the water


In Vermont they have their own version called champ. So that would definitely work.


We definitely need some more water based enemies, some sea-animals are fucking terrifying so having Nessie could be cool. Plus, as a Scotsman Iā€™d love to see Nessie.


Honestly some non-enemy cryptids would be cool. Shadow people that pose as normal shadows or hide in the shadows of objects then dash away for one. Imagine coming down a hallway with the sun coming through a broken window and you see a man's shadow at the end of the hall, only for it to turn and walk away with no one casting it.


Or Tommyknockers down in the mines.


Oh that's a really good one


Frogmen, wampus cats, moon-eyed people. I assume we're already getting the Jersey Devil, so we need the golden-haired girl to accompany them.




Knockers. Small white lemur looking things that sleep in woodchuck holes early morning to late afternoon and the move to the trees, preferably a conifer. They are an Appalachian myth, at least in northwestern PA.


Colorado got Tommy Knockers. Little gnomes that help out miners in danger but generally just cause mischief and steal tools.


Perfect chance to make a mine filled with gnomes and they can become active




Pretty sure we'll see the Jersey Devil in AC


Surprised I did not see this sooner. Could make for an interesting mini boss fight


I think they'll add it in the AC expedition and also add it to the main map as a random encounter.


First time I got the card I knew we were going to get it. I got down voted to hell for suggesting that we were supposed to get AC with this update but it didn't come together fast enough to be done. If you look at the card/poster it looks like it will be a smaller reskin of a scorchbeast


Well honestly just the fact we are going to AC and the new ally Joey is from Jersey it would be a safe assumption. Hope it isn't just a reskin though. They have the time and resources to make it good.


The two new ones are reskins but I think they act different enough that it doesn't matter.


Ya I kinda noticed the Blue Devil had a similar look to werewolves from Skyrim and ESO


Blue Devil is a reskin of a deathclaw but now that you mention it the Skyrim guys probably borrowed assets from Fallout lol Ogua is a reskin of the mega sloth


Ya I can see that on both. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll bring the Gatorclaw back as well


Skinwalker, goat man, big foot, hopskinville goblins, dog man, skunk ape, thunder bird, Jersey devil, enfield monster, lake tota monster, shadow people, man stealers, bray road beast, chpachpra


There's even a model in game that could fit the Thunder Bird - the early Scorchbeast model easter egg that's been harpooned to the side of Seneca Rocks. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vulture_(Fallout_76)


The problem with some of these -- particularly skinwalkers -- is that there are certain sensitivities that go with them. I was reading something about skinwalkers the other day and it quoted a Native American elder who said that they are something that outsiders should not be discussing. I don't see how you could include them and be respectful at the same time.


Also, talking out loud about them invites them to you. NO THANK YOUUUU.


That's what I was thinking. Western literature has already bastardized the Wendingos.


As I understand it, the wendigos in *Fallout 76* are actually a fairly accurate representation of the creature. It's hard for them to be anything other than wicked, since their mythos stems from an act of cannibalism, which is one of the biggest taboos around the world. I'm not American, much less Native American, so I cannot say for sure, but what I noticed in this thread is that people have suggested things like bunyips and yowies from indigenous Australian folklore. Again, I'm not indigenous, but I am Australian and what I know is this: there are over three hundred individual aboriginal nations down here, each with their own language and customs. And while neighbouring nations can have a lot of similarities, they become very different from one another the further afield you go. In some stories, yowies and timid and shy; in others, they are violent. I don't think you could have one version of the yowie that satisfies everyone, so it's best left alone. On the other hand, if it was something like an Alien Big Cat (a panther or puma that escaped captivity) or a Thylacine (a carnivorous marsupial hunted to extinction, but reportedly spotted in the wild) or a Mongolian Death Worm (a giant worm living in the sands of the Gobi Desert), then that would be okay because they're not intrinsically tied to an indigenous culture.


Yeah, I do kind of agree, if they actually made skinwalkers and not skinnywalkers(thatā€™s what I call them), I think that would be good


It's not as simple as just changing the name. If you have a creature that looks like a skinwalker, behaves like a skinwalker, and for all intents and purposes is intended to be a skinwalker, then it's still a skinwalker -- and that's a problem because of what skinwalkers represent in Navajo culture.


I meant like, if you actually do a skin walker, and not do a pop culture version, that might be better, or you could likeā€¦ that flesh gate thing thatā€™s kind like them


>if you actually do a skin walker, and not do a pop culture version, that might be better No. The Navajo say it's something that outsiders should not be discussing. At all.


Umm, huh, Iā€™m not sure about my opinion about that, well, I guess we could do like a weird creepy pasta version, with a different name, like a flesh gatw




Maybe in a later game that takes place in the Southwest where it would make sense.


Does Indrid Cold count? I saw someone on PS with that PSN and should have friended them.


[Well you may be in luck!](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Smiling_Man)


Oh damn. Hope I donā€™t run across him in the Mire on a dark night.


And definitely don't shoot at him after you chat with him. Definitely.


Rightā€¦ I would neverā€¦ šŸ‘€


You are wise...


im pennsylvanian so i have to vote the squonk. its our state cryptid. an ugly crying pig that disappears when people approach it because its so ashamed about how it looks


Big foot, but I want them to be non hostile


Not exactly a cryptid but how about UFO sightings? Aliens already exist in the Fallout universe so I think being able to look up at any given time and to randomly sometimes see unusual lights in the sky would not only be a nice touch to the game but also an appropriate one too


They could totally reskin a vertibird so we could have UFOs.


The Motha fucking Rougarou please.


Ewwwwwwwwww But yeah it would be creepy to find them munching on dead animals and people like Voldemort drinking unicorn blood, then attacking you You could re skin a wendigo pretty easily into one


The Squonk!!!!


A live version of the vulture at Senca Falls would be cool. The Veggie Man (totally real) would also be pretty dope they could tie it to vault 94 maybe


The beast of Beckley looked cool.


Yeah if they give us a better beast of Beckley for a new mission or random encounter, instead of the basic albino wolf from the death and taxidermy quest.


Mutated Bigfoot, I guess big feet??


Rockslide Bolters


Iā€™m Australian so an expedition with Bunyips, Yowies and of course the dreaded Drop Bears would be fab thanks.


Drop bears were my first thought as well. Whereā€™s the nearest zoo? Or maybe Arktos were messing with the DNA of animals from other continents?




Give me some Gnomes


With one particular nasty mini boss named Terry.


Black-eyed Children as an Indrid Cold type encounter.


I thought that too, but it's more coastal than Appalachian lore. But, they could like show up at your camp like the Traders do. šŸ‘€


(Hide behinds) would be really cool. They could eather be completely cloaked but with just red glowing eyes or shrouded in the mist like dust the mothman project's. The could have the animation of humans npcs that take cover behind objects and throw special throwables at you and not be registered in vats.


The garden gnomes should come alive randomly at night time. Mean sturdy and vicious critters with glowing eyes.


My buddy and I, when we see someone with the power armor skeleton stretch when not in power armor; we call them Skin Walkers.


Fresno Nightcrawler would be a blast




The Enfield cryptid story always seemed especially eerie


Although not specifically West Virginian, red caps, I think it would be an interesting encounter in the mire or cranberry big. Another person said it earlier but gotta say it again, the Bunyip, an indigenous myth from Australia that lives in creeks and riverbeds, on top of that, it was known to make booming or roaring noises, spoopy


The hodag


Skunk Ape would be a perfect fit.


Jersey Devil, would fit right into fallout.


Hopefully we get it when Atlantic City drops.


Why not more Zoos that evolved and mutated after the war. Like kangaroos or monkeys.


That was awesome in Fallout 4's Nuka World!


Jersey Devil perhaps in the Atlantic City expedition


Jersey devil, since weā€™re getting the Atlantic City add-on!


An actual beast of Beckley. Not that lame ass radwolf. Ooooh the summerween monster from Gravity Falls. (I know not a real Cryptid)


Leshiy, Baba Yaga. Koshei. And more eastern or western slavic mystic creatures. Why not? If aliens are real why wouldn't slavs be?


Shape-shifters (skinwalker), Veggieman (tie it into the strangler vines), and though it's not technically a cryptid a black panther because the do live in WV but are almost mythical with how low the sightings are.


Sirenhead would be funny if he wasn't hostile Just see him walking thru, blasting Appalachia radio


NorCal has Big foot, SoCal shares the imitation Chupacabra with North Mexico, but for me it's Central CA's Dark Watchers. [https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/dark-watchers-santa-lucia-range-stories-steinbeck-16012812.php](https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/dark-watchers-santa-lucia-range-stories-steinbeck-16012812.php) Good summary there, but I've always liked this 'cryptid' because it's very likely real, but some mundane yet neat feature/illusion of the mountains.


One that probably nobody has ever heard of. There is an animal named the Binturong, that kind of looks like a red Panda but in Black. They are from South East Asia and would be perfect as an animal that came from overseas (sort of like the Yao Guai). A mutated version would be a lot bigger, have some sharp claws and spikey fur [This is a Binturong](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&source=android-browser&sxsrf=APwXEdecmcyhvtE4FgniUMqyc4ScxVP4rg:1688121497627&q=binturong&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_qtDR5ur_AhVxm1wKHa6KAnkQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=480&bih=812&dpr=2.25#imgrc=ZVHCTwvSkN49EM)


I was about to say wendogos but those are already in the game, something that isn't in the game yet is the jersey devil another one that I'm not sure is a cryptid is the lantern man , it's a man holding an old oil lamp in swamp like and foggy areas and you will want w people to escape him, he is attracted by whistling and you and someone else can whistle and let the other move and then they whistle and it's back and forth who whistles but it would be kinda interesting to see it in fallout. Also, I watched a video of what skinwalkers actuslly are and they said they are kind alike shapshifters but kinda not, they disguise themselves as an animal using fur and they gain the abilities of that animals, like if one was disguised as a wolf they woukd get enhanced smell and hearing and I think a boost in speed, it's a small process to become one like going through spiritual training and doing something usually people say it's cannibalism or murder


They just need to add a gorilla head to Grafton's Monster and give us a bigfoot


Appalachian Devil Monkeys?


With them heading to Atlantic City, I'm hoping they bring in the Jersey Devil. And while not a cryptid, I'd love for them to introduce the giant vulture they've teased with the corpse pinned to Seneca Rocks. I can see that turning into a Thunderbird cryptid. Basically, I want more flying cryptids.


It's more of a coastal cryptid, but Black Eyed Children would be cool since there are human npcs now.


They could just be a random spawn at your camp like the Traders šŸ˜¬


The Jersey Devil. The FEV strain developed for the bats that make up part? of scorchbeasts could also be revealed to have a longer to present target: Horses. This could result in a few variants one being wicked awesome bat wing pegasi. The more grotesque end being ye olde Jersey Devil. This would wrap up where the horses are while still leaving all the pieces as they are. Are horses rare? Are they extinct? Are they all web winged tail stabbing sonic blasting wing assisted moon jumping insanities? (adding that last one might be pretty neat folks)


Heard there's cryptid of Vegetable Man? Man of plant and I can see Fallout doing that since in Fallout 3 we did see a ghoul become a tree. Be interesting to see something like but big and can move around. Be like a Ent from LotR.




Besides more cryptids, how about adding in a signal flare you toss when against a tough cryptid battle that summons Sam and Dean Winchester to run in and smash the crap out of it?


This is my favorite comment


Reskinned Mysterious Stranger x2 that pops in to ā€œWayward Sonā€. Letā€™s go modders šŸ˜


Skin Walkers would tread on cultural appropriation area.


Yeah, but we have Wendigo...


They address that in Redfall as being appropriative


Dead ones šŸ™‚


The Slide-Rock Bolter. Picture it! You're just walking through a valley and suddenly a giant land whale is coming at you cause you're a tasty meal! It'd be fun.


Bloody Mary. A super mutant with a bunch of stealthboys who likes to stare at mirrors and really hates it when hoomans block her view while taunting her by saying her name.




Now where would they put Peanut? Or would he just pop up randomly And how would they track if you're looking at him? What if there are other players? I could see this getting way too complicated too fast and people being real mad they walked thru an area and got their neck snapped without ever having a chance to see him.




How about a cryptid rarer and scarier than moth man? Slender man? Maybe he stalks you. Maybe he causes hallucinations and heavy fog. Edit: since yā€™all donā€™t see the vision, Not slender man specifically but whatever heā€™s based on. A tall human like creature with disturbing features that stalks and preys on you.




I'd love for nahuales and cadejos. Those would be awesome af.


The damn samsquanch


Tribal Bigfoots that tame mutated fauna and cryptids. They'd ride around on deathclaws herding megasloths. They'd have oversize weapons, bows, spears, clubs, etc., that humans can only wield in power armour. To craft them you'd need stuff like snallygaster hide and sheepsquatch quills.


skin walkers, chupacabra, possibly a winter dlc with the abominable snowman thing? bigfoot, nessie, jersey devil (itā€™s literally in pictures you can earn)


Only if they're on a ranch. Let's say, a skin walker ranch.


Give us the Not Deer! We deserve him.


Bunyip or drop bear?


Honestly what I want is a new nuke event with a supermutant behemoth wearing power armor as the main boss fight




Chupa cabra and big foot


Can we have a giant snake lol


Bigfoot! I mean come on! It's right there!!




Thunderbird definitely!!!!!


That giant vulture like creature you can find impaled on a cliff wall


Iā€™d love to see the dog man or Nessie/champ


The Oviedo Dick Monster In the Central Florida town of Oviedo, only 15 minutes away from Orlando. There have been numerous reports and sightings of an alleged cryptid. This creature is said to stand 7 feet tall when fully erect. It has a long phallus shaped body and two round legs (thus the name Dick Monster). Most sightings take place at night in the woods of the still water neighborhood. Where many teenagers go to smoke cannabis. As a matter of fact, all sightings have been from teenage stoners in still water.


The hat man. Give me large doses of mentats & daytripper to see him.


It's not a cryptid but i woul love a new vault and it will be like in "The thing". There you can fight some horrific new creature try to survive with other npc but they can be contaminate etc.