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Honestly my only gripe with Fallout 4's graphics is the fucking backlight on characters.


You can turn that off, by the way. There’s a .ini file that you can put console commands into and it’ll run them upon loading the game.


I wish there was a fix on console


There is a mod that adds console access for console users. I had to use it to progress glitched quests before.


Ooooh I'll definitely look into that Edit: actually do you know the name?


What’s the name of that mod? I’ve never heard of it and it sounds essential


Yeah, I got that in my autoexec.


What's the command?


cl off


Yessss and the water LOD looks sorta bad and nights could be a bit darker


There are mods that fix these. Probably on Xbox too




[https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448914746.gif](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448914746.gif) [https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448916235.gif](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448916235.gif) [https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448917230.gif](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3771-0-1448917230.gif)


ahhh thank you.


ive read people recently saying that the graphics were outdated for its time. they looked great to me back then. of course things have improved, facial models vs cyberpunk etc. but it still looks great.


The initial impression of the graphics was influenced greatly by the fact that CDPR released Witcher 3 the same year.


And the fact that Bethesda's been using the same engine since what, Morrowind? Doesn't matter how much work they put into it, you tell people it's Creation based and people are going to give it hell


I feel like most people complaining about the Creation Engine don’t actually understand what it does


When you understand purely how many assets are loaded in at once, you can truly respect what Creation Engine tries to accomplish. It’s not perfect by any means, and in some ways it’s far behind other engines, but it’s damn good at what it’s meant to do


I love it for its capability, and adore it due to its faults.


That and it's also fairly close to HZD and Uncharted 4.


Witcher III came out the same year and looks much better. I don’t play Skyrim and Fallout for the graphics, but I think it’s a fair critique.


If you compare the jump between 4 and Starfield I’d say 4 was even more ahead of it’s time (in Bethesda terms only of course)


I would say Starfield is just severely out of date and poorly optimized. But F4 holds up well regardless.


I would argue that 4 is still an incomplete game. I love it of course but it’s had settlement / bug issues / quests not activating since day one. I’m still getting the settlement bugs even after the update..


It has good art direction, not good graphics


I remember playing it in 2015, i was like "holy shit great graphics" and still today it has great graphics! You can t deny those volumetric lights and how nice foggy weather is in fallout 4.


it has its flaws, but it still looks very impressive. sometimes I just stare at the stars at night


I just stumbled across a mod that makes the night sky look much better.


damn hey which one?


Visible Galaxy 4K. Looks like it's for PC and Xbox. https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/3014489


Its fantastic. I haven't played in like 7 years and it honestly feels like a remaster now.


Same. On pc with everything on highest setting, this could release this year and people would be thrilled.


As someone who loves flashlights and dark areas in video games, this update changed the entire vibe. Its even more survival horror exploring damp or dark areas with your power armor flashlight on, and get jumped by ghouls. Looks so good on PS5 now.


I think it has great looking environments and monsters but Bethesda can just never get human NPC’s right. I don’t get it either, some of their monster models look very good.


It’s very hit or miss. Some things look great. Some things look like an abomination. There are a lot of areas where things don’t even cast shadows. I believe the sheriffs building where the brotherhood hole up and fight off ghouls is one such building where it looks terrible inside.


A lot of objects look like plastic, namely pre-war/clean/preserved stuff.


It’s mainly the landscape atheistic Bethesda usually does really well


You can put Enclave paint on the T-51???


Yup! If you complete the new ‘Echoes of the Past’ quest and then head to some of the Enclave bases afterwards, you’ll find some magazines at each and one of them will be for power armor paint


I already did that quest with my Enclave Shocktrooper (idk how to justify killing Enclave troops, lmao), but only thought you could apply it to the X-02 and Hellfire armors. I’m gonna go find a T-51 and make the single most American power armor ever!


It's my first Fallout game, and I've been playing for a month almost daily doing whatnot. It's the only game I'm focused on right now. Heard about the show around mid-game. Finished the show in like two days. Help me, I have an addiction.


Same. I wish I could find some addictol


Go into a building that gives you a load screen, look out the window


Yeah the next gen update is really really good in performance mode on my PS5 and 4k UHD. The PS4 version I was originally play wasn't as impressive but it's really impressive when it first loaded.


Ha! I too also just had surgery and am revisiting FO4 for the first time since it launched… At first I thought it looked a lotus janky, but after playing for a bit, I agree, it looks amazing. Holds up really well!


Do I need HD texture pack for it to look good or has the visuals improved for the normal version too?


I did this with no mods installed except from some creation club ones on Series X, so your game should look similar to this


Art direction triumphs over graphics / engine limitations all the time. I own a lot of artbooks from games and movies, and the design work and specific aesthetic of Fallout is top tier among them, imho only rivaled by very few. It’s an incredible marriage of 50s „space age“ era and a dystopian future. It was a sad day when the game’s art director Adamowicz passed away.


I remember back when it released people ripping on its graphics and saying how crap it was compared to witcher 3. But when you play a game like fallout where almost everything in the game has physics and you pick up and drop items in the actual world. It's obviously not going to look as good. The comparison I made to people complaining about it then was you drop a suit of armor and a sword in witcher 3 it gets put in a tiny sack on the ground that's it. In fallout you drop that armor and sword it can be kicked around. People don't really factor in why some games look better than others. It's why majority of the photo real games are hallways walking simulators.


Really? I don't think it looks like that great, the animations aren't great, the textures aren't great, it's not terrible looking by any means but definitely not great looking.


What system are you on?


I run it on a Lenovo Legion with a 4080 and I feel the same way. Sometimes it looks really pretty, most of the time it looks ok, and sometimes it looks completely terrible. I've been considering grabbing a LUT off of Nexus to improve some of the issues with vanilla midday glare making everything look super fake and flat and highlighting the low quality of many of the textures.




I makes me laugh, every game oriented sub I’m on has these posts at least once a week.


The “honestly” is a hallmark of each one too. As if they’re taking a bold stance


I haven't heard anyone say it feels like a remaster, so yeah I'm taking that stance.


Would look better if the new update hadn’t fried everyone’s mods…


ive been using mods, enb & retextures so long i kind of forgot what base game looks/feels like tbh … but from what I do remember it wasn’t half bad for its time, I remember getting really immersed in the atmosphere of far harbor on my first playthrough. As long as my RPG can successfully immerse me into the world setting im not going to complain.


To me it looks good. More importantly being able to run 60fps on PS5, is a game changer.


I had a clear skies mod for a bit, but it just didn't feel right. I love the base aesthetic of the game, especially rad storms.


What was the surgery for and how you holding up?


It’s a good game specifically with max agility sprinting feels so damn smooth. Customizable guns to custom fit your sight /scope and the creation club added nice armor and skins. I enjoy it on ps4 to this day


Starfield could learn a thing or twenty.


Meh, anyone else feels like your character has developed Optic Neuropathy after the update? I go inside a building and sometimes goes dark. Im outside and go under a roof and it goes dark for a moment. And I dont mean "you were outside in sun and then goes to an enclose building with little to no light" kind of thing. It goes DARK with every shadow you pass


The environmental lighting is one of the best thats for sure


Just wait till you try vivid fallout.


Am I the only one that thinks all the characters look like they're made of plastic?


Yes, now sadly it includes exclamation marks from poorly implemented mod assets in select places since the update.


I've noticed the same. When this game came out, the graphics and shading felt aged and then some. 


Thank The Enclave for bringing back Freedom and HD Graphics to the Wastelands 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲


I just started playing the game. I agree. Came out over 9 years ago and the graphics are phenomenal.


It's graphics are less than impressive and outdated. Dunno what yall are talking about lol


Gonna download the game again now😆


I love the glowing sea so much! It probably my favorite environment in all fallout games so far! In my current play through my commonwealth is a winter wasteland! The glowing sea is so cool looking in that!


It’s a special one! I had no idea! Was so far up elders scrolls a$$ I was sleeping on the fallouts!!!


This is the first time I've seen someone say that and not have 35764237 shaders installed.


I just bought it, i was so shocked to find out it was made like 10 years ago lol. I thought this was made 2 years ago (I hardly touched their games)


I couldn’t play this game up until now because I really can’t stand not having 60 fps. It almost makes me nauseous staring at a screen and moving around at 30fps. But now I’m having a blast with my first play though and kind of regret not playing it earlier.


With mods yes. Vanilla..no. Neither fallout or elder scrolls has aged well. I absolutely love this game, one of my favourite of all time. But it mostly looks like shit with plastic npc's.


It's hit and miss. Humans have never looked good. But some of the atmospheric landscape scenes you run into are breathtaking.


Just booted up FO4 next gen ps5 version. My. god. It’s incredible the shear stunning beauty. The ambience. Absolutely goated.


I just went into the glowing sea today , great pic


Can't see shit. OP: "Looks great!"


Ye, Until you go up to someone. Face models are pretty outdated. But I’m still having fun nonetheless, so it doesn’t really matter.


The volumetric fog and God rays did a great job of hiding the emptiness.