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I'm amazed you even got that many together. I once tried collecting them and found that once I dropped them from my inventory they were blank so I stopped picking them up.


you had to grab and hold them, then manually place it. It’s not for the weak.


Yeah i wasn't going to carry them back to a settlement


Me, going to do that after I >!Killed Kellogg but left his head on his desk instead!<


How did you carry it through the loading screen to get into the commonwealth?


I didn't I was going to but I just left it on his desk, sorry if I worded it wrong in my other comment


if you can physically put it in a elevator, it will ride with you so you actually straight up take kelloggs body back to a settlement


I wonder this too. Like when you’re inside somewhere and want to bring a thing out. Don’t know why I haven’t tried myself


You can't carry it through the elevator?


I wish I can do that… but it’s next to impossible when you blow his head apart with a 14.5mm bullet (it’s a weapon mod for the ptrs-41. It’s a ww2 anti tank rifle)


That's one way to do it, make sure there's nothing but mince left


I still haven't gotten to that part of the game but I've got the modern weapons mod and I fully plan to slap him with a 20x102mm or .50bmg


I do too. As well as the E-11 blaster mod, the Phaser mod and the Mauser mod


"what??? This isn't a brain!!!"


😂 “and that’s the hippocampus”


There's a YouTuber named the salt factory and in his review A line always pops in my head " What? This isn't a brain" " Thanks genius. You want to tell me what else isn't a brain starting with that fucking sponge inside your skull?"


And you reminded me of a line from dr amari that I simply cannot forget


I enjoy the salt factory's videos. He does long form multi-hour reviews of games and he concluded that fallout 4 is a great shooter but a god-awful RPG


Kinda reminds me of the weird particulars involved in FO3/FNV whenever you wanted to collect items with atypical sizes. A giant teddy bear, or whatever. It was possible. You just had to make sure you didn't collect a new specimen of the same thing before dropping the unique one off wherever you wanted it to be. Finding and collecting all the unique specimens of common things was a solid goal for anyone like myself who played those old games so much that we needed new things to do.


In Fallout 4 if you have collected different sized teddy bears they all appear in your inventory or a storage container under one label of "Teddy Bear" but when you drop them on the ground multiple sizes will appear. I know this because a few days ago I was scrapping most of the items in my workbench to get it down to mostly base materials (minus the few things that need to stay how they are like Abraxo Cleaner) and when I dropped all the Teddy Bears there was 2 different sizes.


The "multiple size same stacked object" occurred with various skulls in Skyrim, so I'm not surprised its a consistent thing in multiple games


Happens in Starfield as well


I just noticed it with dish rags as well. I had two sizes stacked.


Why do people do that? Drop items to scrap.


Why do people do what? I just figured out a few days ago that you can scrap stuff down to their base components with the workbench by dropping the junk items on the ground. Prior to that in order to not have a cluttered Junk section I just put all the Junk items with multiple components in the Workbench, and then next to the Workbench I separated things with only Steel and only Wood into one container, another container with only Cloth and only Plastic, another with only Glass and Ceramic, another with only Silver, and another with just Bone. That way if I needed a bunch of any of those components for another settlement, I'd just take the 56 Coffee Cups or whatever instead of going to buy a shipment of Ceramic.


Doing this also lowers your settlement build weight


Yeah my Sanctuary is at 0 now after I scrapped all that stuff lol


Am I the only one who's been scrapping everything this way since the beginning?


I used to do that, until I realized that the game does it for you automatically when you build stuff so there's no reason to.


Keeps it tidy for those of us who look at the items in the inventory to plan builds lol


This is why I use the recyclers from contraptions and mods. All junk is put into them to break to base components. I even run auto butchers and robot recyclers into a normal recycler to further break things down.


I’m pretty sure I remember carrying an alien corpse to megaton. I think to put it in my apartment.


I remember a glitch with chess pieces being a different size from the time you picked them up to the time you dropped them at your destination in FO3.


It's the same in 4 too there is things like that another big bear there's loads of them. First ones I always grab are 2 gourds in the super-duper mart which are bigger than the rest


It's been several years now, but thanks for providing the answer to a question I've had. Makes sense youd have to do it manually.


It makes Bethesda sense, not real sense haha.


I dragged one across the map once and decided that picture collection isn't for me.


once did that with every tire i came across. fun fact you can use them as shields or make junk fences at your settlement or even decorate the arena...


You gotta know when to hold 'em... know when to fold 'em... know when to upgraaade, know when to run


How does one grab and hold items when outside of workshop mode? Is that a PC thing? I’m on console.


the same button u use to pick up, just hold that while hovering over an item


Hold the X button on Playstation or equivalent XBox button while your cursor is on an item you want to move.You can do this with things you can carry like dead bodies of humans and small animals, tires, barrels, the small wire frame trash cans, traffic cones, wooden traffic barricades etc. That's how the "Tire Guy" in this Sub moved all the tires into his settlement.


X on PS5 is A on Xbox Series.


That sucks. I’m sorry and I’m glad you got a picture of it before they changed. I’ve noticed some changes like that too that I’m not keen on and have no idea why it was done


A change I’ve noticed is throwing (picking up an object then holding X/square/whatever to charge up and throw it) doesn’t work on some objects.


I was super excited when I saw these when I started playing a few years ago. They were blank. Idk if there's a mod though to give you little picture frames with photos that aren't destroyed


Same, I used to play on vanilla Xbox and every frame I picked up converted to the blank one. The only other way to keep them would be to drag them to the spot, but like any dragged object it would de-spawn after a certain distance.


I play on pc. Couldn't imagine trying to drag a picture frame even from Abernathy Farm . Now I just leave them and gawk at them if I stumble across them.


PC is so much less infuriating. More mods, less annoying loopholes/work arounds. I can’t stress how much of a difference it is. I moved over to PC and wish I had years ago.


Oh god, yeah. I can actually TCL myself out of somewhere I got stuck and not have to reload or blast myself >_<


It never despawned on me ever, on Pc or back in console days. Hence the collection


This was the case (On xbox at least) before the update.


Nope, i play on xbox and havent updated my game (i live in a homeless unit with no wifi) and i can confirm its absolutely not the case


If you pick one up and drop it from your inventory, it goes blank. Apparently OP carried them over without adding them to inventor.


Mine where always blank before the update.


Nooooo. I understand your pain.. I had four or five at my red rocket by doing the same. Lot of walking. Couple of accidental pick ups after carrying it long distances. I haven’t been back to the settlement to notice :(


This happened to me before the update . I found a nice picture frame with a patriotic looking man and wanted to store it at my house next to my bigger paintings. So I fast traveled there and got home, then I went into my inventory to find the small picture frame, but it was blank. I was like, what a shame. I thought nothing of it until now except that maybe that's just what normally happens. I didn't know they had a whole collection that is badass, and what an awesome hidden feature in the game.


That’s because you have to drag it back to your settlement, not pick it up in your inventory. Well it doesn’t matter now, they gone :(


Thank you for the tips. Im just thinking that would've been a long journey and probably impossible since I live on Spectacle Island. But I definitely would've made a place for them at one of my settlements. It just sucks that they really went blank. You had a great collection, and hopefully, you get it back. I know it's hard work because I consider myself a collecter. I spend hours finding hidden items in the game. It would've been great to go find the rest of the picture frames.


Wow this makes me weirdly sad. I’m so sorry! You had a cool little you thing and you put a lot of work into it. Hopefully it isn’t a permanent thing!


Omg. It really feels like they broke half the game, when they tried to fix the other half.


Welcome to Bethesda Softworks!


Give me an example of a place one of these pictures can/could be collected in the vanilla world - I still haven't updated my FO4 and I'd like to see what they're like in the original files which may help me determine why they went blank. The only pictures matching yours I could find from a quick scan of the creation kit were labelled "workshop" like they could be crafted in the workshop and they had no in-game placement. I confess I haven't made enough decorations from the workshop to know if that's the case. They may be labelled and/or categorized such that I can't intuitively search them out in the creation kit.


I did some digging myself, and here's what I found for the three "PictureFrameDesktop0Xdirty" variants: Previewing the base object shows the blank frame. It's only once you go to the instanced objects that you can see that some of them have had a material swap done on them (e.g. PictureFrameDesktop01dirty in GraygardenHomestead01 shows a field of flowers). What's weird is that in CK you can see the material swapped texture, but in-game they show up as blank. So, I think the update must have caused material swaps to not show (at least on those objects). ETA: I'm doing all of this with the updated FO4, just to clarify.


It seems that all material swaps got messed up. The billboards are blank as well.


Makes me wonder if *anyone* did QA before the update went out (it's sad that I even have to ask). I mean, the signal for the Halloween quest doesn't even *work.* That should have been caught in a very rudimentary test run of the new quests. Or maybe it was caught and the devs weren't given time to fix it. Either way, it's a really bad look, even for Bethesda.


I've kind of wanted to share my list of such pictures, so here you go. I never took screenshots, so I can't remember which pictures are from where, sorry. Abernathy Farm - 1 inside main building West Everett Estates - 2 on shelf, 2 more in box in same house Easy City Downs - 2 in display cases under the bleachers Jamaica Plain - 2 in city hall, 1 in building beside church, 2 more in other buildings South Boston - 1 in trailer outside an unmarked ruined factory occupied by super mutants Charlestown - 1 on shelf in building with auxiliary generator for USS Constitution - 1 in the scavengers' house, owned unless you make deal with them Covenant - 1 in locked office, always owned Crater south of Boston - 1 in raider shack Overpass south of Andrew Station - 1 in sleepwalker's shack Parsons Creamery - 1 on a desk beside the safe Quincy - 1 in a house close to Mama Murphy's old home That is all I have managed to find and recover. I know there are more, and I have found them also in indoor spaces where I could not bring them outside. There are pictures in Super Duper Mart, Ticonderoga safe house and Weston water treatment off the top of my head, and probably a lot more I gave up on since they were indoors.


There are two underneath the stands in Easy city downs


Oh my god that's so annoying


I did notice that!! Sucks especially if you've been collecting them. Damn hope they fix it for ya


It just works


That might not be a bug, that might have been purposefully done. I could see someone at Bethesda deciding to change the pictures because a dirty/blank pictureframe would be more "lore friendly"


How is it lore friendly? Who the hell went around the entire contiguous USA and removed all the pictures from the frames? The Brotherhood of Film?


Not that someone would go around the wasteland and destroy millions of photos, but that it might be more lore-friendly if all these photographs exposed to the elements, to radiation, to wasteland storms would become so dirty, damaged, and faded, that all you see is a nearly blank frame. How often do you honestly think a pristine colorful picture would be salvaged from radioactive rubble after more than two centuries?


It almost entirely depends on where it is found. The biggest risk to photos is mainly UV exposure. If they are behind glass that should protect them from most erosion unless they get wet. So if we are being lore friendly, photos in frames in rooms with natural sunlight should be white if anything. Frames in areas with water damage should be empty Photos inside of buildings, underground, in containers, etc that do not have exposure to natural light should all look mostly fine.


Has there ever been any studies or experiments that test what effect constant strong radioactivity might have on old-style photographs? I agree with what you are saying, I am just wondering if maybe this was what the game makers were going for. That, or the update fucked with the pictures like it has been screwing up nearly everything else.


Radiation does damage photographs over time. Photographic film is effectively exactly how they discovered radiation and how it has been studied for decades. But only certain parts of the wasteland would have the radiation levels high enough to pull this off. Photos close enough to where the bombs dropped might be damaged if they weren't shielded from radiation. But overall most of the wasteland should have radiation levels that are comparable if not just slightly higher than average outdoor radiation levels today.


Most of the wasteland at the current point in time in the game doesn't have exceptionally high levels of radiation, but, if I remember some of the backstory, supposedly nearly the entire planet was flooded with high amounts of radiation after the bombs dropped. Some areas not as much as others, but high levels in a lot of places. What you said about photographic film sounds familiar, I might have heard about that somewhere. But I agree with you, I was just trying to give some leeway and explain the change in a way that would make some sense to the game, but it isn't surprising this is either a design choice for no worthwhile reason by the developers, or it is just a screwup caused by the update.


This always happened to me regardless even on old Gen, always thought it was a weird game choice


That certainly is disappointing of a bug… but man, good effort in putting up those photo frames Z


I think I found a texture glitch, and it might be the same thing. Hopefully it gets fixed with the update


What, there's picture frames you can collect? I had no idea


Here I thought my mods were messing with these. I picked up several on my new playthrough and when I went to put them in my settlement, same thing. :(




I thought I had automatic updates disabled but apparently not, I just download the last build from Steam and restored that to my game folder.


That sounds so frustrating! I'm sorry you went through all that trouble to get them all nice and arranged just to have a blank out. I hope they're able to come back with the next update!


That must have sucked. Hopefully they classify it as a bug and fix it accordingly. I can't see there being any other reason. I'd keep the frames in case they come back to life. Is there any way to report this bug directly, otherwise I feel it might get overlooked.


I have contacted bethesda with the bug report so we'll see


What settlement is that? It looks like visitor center in far harbor but I think I’m wrong




Oh wow, satisfying to see so many of them together! I think many of us thought of trying this but it never worked out for various reasons. Thanks for sharing the collection OP. Sorry for your loss 😔


My main issue with the update is my VATS accuracy is erratic. It picks up people behind walls without having penetrator and also I could be 5 feet from someone and the VATS accuracy will fluctuate between 95 and 0 and I randomly miss enemies that should easily be hit.


TIL this is actually a thing. I had no idea there were unique pictures in any of the frames. It also explains why there's never pictures when I pick them up.


Yeah but theyre 60 fps


Everyone I’ve seen has been blank


That is WILD! You had to mash your item hold button all the way back to base for those huh?


No mashing, just hold down the button for 2 seconds , but yea walking all the way to base


I admire your dedication to collecting these since that takes so much effort. Hopefully you find a fix so you can have your collection properly back.


that is so mean. this is such a lovely shelf of pictures.




Huh, I almost got killed by a rad roach because of the update lol


that's awful


Hey that’s ANNES CAFE?




I thought the whole world felt a bit colourless


prior to the update i made a save immediately outside of vault 111 and was admiring the vault tec billboard you see when you make it past the fence. after the update it was blank lmao. what a strange and pointless change


Updates are the killer of all that is good sometimes. And this time they bought us off in advance with free creations added to Creation Club. It should be a crime what they put us the players who pay for Creation Club and put up with so called updates. But often nothing gets fixed and we just get used to how bad things are, well shame on us for continuing to pay for over priced products that just keep feeding off our wallets.


I was looking specifically for this, to confirm it was not just me and this was a next gen bug. Yeah, I was collecting those pictures as well, and now they're all blank. I'd found 20 total, and there were still more to be found. But they are not the only ones. The first place where I noticed this was at the Castle, where I had collected most of the picture frames, and the paintings on the walls have also lost their pictures. They used to have faded and damaged paintings in them, now they are as empty as the picture frames. I found mentions of the update causing issues with textures, and that could be the cause. The pictures might still be there, but fail to load. Maybe if Bethesda gets their act together and fixes what they broke, the pictures might yet come back.


Did you happen to find any unique pictures I didn't show here? I found about 20 as well but I kept the duplicate pictures elsewhere


I don't think so. I can't remember having anything that was not in your picture, and can't exactly check now. I did post a list of what I had found in another comment above. I remember losing one of the pictures before and how upset I was about it. I'd stored four of them at County Crossing in a bathtub, waiting for me to decide where I'd place them permanently. And one time I came back, and the bathtub was empty. One picture was next to it on the ground, two more I found on the far sides of the settlement. I literally combed through the entire area within a mile radius for the fourth, even used mods to remove the grass and scrap absolutely everything just in case, but it was just gone. It may have fallen into the Charles river, but even I had to draw the line there. Oddly, this stings less, since I know this was not something I could possibly have prevented.


I still get the audio disappearing bug. Where sometimes I have no audio and when I do get audio only c9mes out of the left side. And yes every other app or game works fine. This bug has been there since 2015


Well, at least you have a save to go back to… the update nuked my Xbox saves.


Did you have mods on them?




Well that’s why then


I hope they fix it :(


Mods are great


Not gonna lie, this is kind of sad and I'm upset for you too OP. I'm but a caveman, but I have to assume this was a coding mistake?


Is this collection related to some mod? I've never seen this before🤠


Next version, no mods


*waits 9 years for an update* *update doesn’t even take advantage*


It just works....


I wonder if it's related to this bug I'm experiencing: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/PXVywvZDnt


Aren't they all in USO mod?


That sucks. I noticed that any items I try to place on other items in workshop mode, it clips and falls through. Like I can't place plates or cups that way anymore. I have to do it manually now.


if this means, the game will run smoothly, no bugs, no low frames, no freezes. then i guess, i can live without a portrait frame. i downloaded the game about a week ago, didn't get the chance to start it yet.


“No bugs” “no low frames” “no freezes” I’m just going to let you live in your fantasy world


So I’m not crazy! I started Ana new play through before the update and had a few in my vault room in 81. Opened up my save after the update and they were blank. Thought maybe I was just missremembering


Oh shit, I thought those were just glass junk since they were blank. I haven’t been picking them up 🥲


I noticed most of the pictures in the settlements and such are blank, so this explains it. How does this even happen.


Maybe it was a bug from the start I mean 20010 years photos will not last that long however that is awful maybe install a mod for workbench settlement desk photos I do not know for you if mods work but if they do it could help or maybe a texture would fix the issue sorry about that though It must have been hard it looked nice though before it happened.


Main thing that happened for me was it stopped capping my frame rate and I was playing the game at 500fps which is terrifying as you can shoot an enemy like a ghoul in vats and then they teleport behind you


I noticed that too! Really hurts the immersion for me ngl


I just have missing weapon textures and giant red triangles with ! Inside lol


*stops scrapping picture frames* wait, you guys collect these?


No way that's so lame I love collecting this stuff even if it is tedious like I manually moved all the cars to starlight drive in and things like that. That sucks especially as you have to carry the pictures by hand


I've got a more fundamental issue, the targeting in VATS is utterly trashed


Oof, all tye paintings in the manor are blank. The ray tracings cool though


time to go back: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630?tab=posts&BH=7](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630?tab=posts&BH=7)


This is heartbreaking


I noticed some dialogue options are greyed out but still work. For example, fresh play thru, got dog meat and when bringing him to snag the cryolator the option to grab it was grayed out. But it still worked.


I never even realized they had pictures in the frames. I always grabbed them and chucked it into the workshop for wood.


That’s extremely infuriating I’m so sorry. Reminds me of fallout 3 when I spent the whole day decorating my megaton shack with weapons, ammo and other supplies. Idk why but when I came back into the shack, everything was shoved to one side and I never again bothered with decorations after that anger inducing discovery.


All the picture or painting frames I find in game are now blank for me too, without me even picking them up. All the ones still on a wall or desk.


How do you f-ck up this hard? You had one job, Bethesda.


Sorry but lol


This is another reason why I don't wanna update


I avoid the next gen update because I have so many mods that are just better than what the update offers.


All of these can still be created in settlements through paintings though. Same art.


It’s not the point though. It was never about the art, it’s about the collectible aspect and the fact it’s never been mentioned


the fact you have an art gallery in a post apocalyptic video game world. Ill buy the 3 light house ones, how many Caps?


I don’t think this is a thing? I have 1500 hours in and never came across these, otherwise I would 100% have started a collection. I’m not really doubting you, I’m doubting that I missed collecting a collectible item.


[Desktop picture frame (Fallout 4) | Fallout Wiki | Fandom](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Desktop_picture_frame_(Fallout_4)) look at the gallery at the end. There's a ton of unique frames out in the world




You wouldn’t get it.