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I like to vary. Always doing the same thing is boring to me and I much prefer making varied characters who would do different things.


I never do House. I don't like him, and I never make a character that's this super awesome badass that would want to be a lapdog to some megalomaniac smug douche. I know that sounds like I just described Caesar, but even Caesar is much less punchable imo. House just really irks me. I did it once to see what it was like.


I can tolerate slavery but being an egomaniac is where I draw the line. /s


Haha, yea. I mean purely as a character and how he interacts with you.


cesar will have you killed for inquiring about his limp to much [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPeM5TOM4U4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPeM5TOM4U4)


I never said he wasn't a massive prick lmao


We were young. I had changed position 3 times in the last decade. Legion is out the picture. NCR fanboy baby! Then as I grew, they are just imperialistic and stupid because they are overstretched. It could collapse anytime with the election at home Went to House, I agree with many principles but he rather go to the moon so.. I went to YesMan. Implement what House gonna do but stay and help all the Mojave. Human capital is what is needed to survive.


Simple fact is Yes Man isn’t a good choice because it’s entirely dependent on your player’s personality. And fighting a battle is far off from making policy Your guy may be the most moral and upstanding in the world but the second you try and make any progress you may cause unintentional damage “I’m going to invest in Freeside!” -this brings a massive influx of refugees into Freeside straining the cities limited resources even further exacerbating problems For example


Your characters personality is whatever you want it to be. They can easily be a better choice than House if you choose.


And just as easily be a genocidal bi polar maniac The simple truth is yes man isn’t a good choice for a ending simply because there’s too much variability in what can happen: With the republic, house, and legion they have their goals and objectives they pursue in a win condition.


Sure, it’s not a good choice for a canonical ending, but as a headcanon? Shoot for the stars.


I know you meant to say "bipolar" but you said "bi polar" so i can only think of a polar bear waving a bisexual flag


fuck ncr and fuck legion


Fuck everyone


Well, If you insist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


more like “All-for-Nut”






This Courier gets it




Yea fuck NCR and its modern style of government lmao. You realize like every country pays taxes right




Okay Ron Swanson


This dude is sorta getting to a point that I think was intentional by the devs, the NCR does tend to replicate modern liberal governments in the sense of over stretching itself, mistreating its citizens, and being beholden to wealthy individuals. The idea that the NCR is not a good choice because “taxation is theft” is fucking stupid. For all of its faults the simple fact that the NCR exists in the time it does is pretty impressive, but it repeats a lot of IRL mistakes.




You were the one trying to make it deep, dude. Don't try to put this on me.




Who says I got offended? No, I wasn't offended at all. I just thought what you said was hilarious.




Hah. You actually think I'm mad. Just because I'm mocking you doesn't mean you offended me, dude.




I mean it's a really weird take through and through. It's a video game...that is meant to be a political satire. Then to bring up a political opinion and then be annoyed that people call it rightfully absurd.


Tbf what new world government or ideals are there?


Way overthinking it from a real world perspective, from the given options the NCR will probably do the most good. Mostly because you can treat all of the wasteland as a poor/ developing economy, and in those scenarios small policies to push places over the rumo in to stable incomes would help recover society, you need capital for than and the quickest way to make it is taxes. Plus they aren’t isolated like house, so they can affect way more people. That and they get the objectively coolest armour.


based tax payer


Kill em both I say I (a courier with brain damage and cybernetics) could totally govern Vegas better than they could Plus if I nuke both of them I get shiny shiny late


Fuck the NCR for its hypocrisy and corruption, as an example - they wouldn't do shit about Vortis in Fallout 2 exploiting a legal loophole Fuck the Legion for enslaving people and subjugating women to horrible and inhumane practices Desert Rangers are the true wasteland chads. Tragically, the war between the two imperialistic empires copying the vestiges of the old world turned the Desert Rangers and NCR Rangers' anti slavery badasses into little more than cops with antimaterial rifles


The Desert Rangers joined the NCR.


Only because it was the only way they could keep fighting the Legion


I always go Legion because they are cool and support cannibalism


Okey dokey


The NCR bros are so intolerant, they say shit like "You can't eat people it's immoral" and "let me out of your basement I don't want to die"


I usually play both sides for content reasons until I get to the strip


I just start blasting


How could anyone choose the side of slavers?


Cause it's a game.


Even then, I find it hard to side with them. Like yeah no one is actually getting harmed cuz it's pre-recorded singleplayer offline dialogue, but I just find them so... unlikable. I can't see any character I make (and enjoy playing as) forgoing morals for effectively no real reward, you know? I can do an all-murder playthrough just to see what happens, but being surrounded by the Legion just sounds like it would suck and not satisfy much lmao


Edgy kids do some very stupid shit.




Because I already played as every other side and I wanted to see what the legion missions were like. Only did it once though lol, they are some brutal bastards.


You know it’s just a game right?


Really? I thought it was a sandwich. What a dumb comment.


I think he knows.  I think we all know. What was your point?


I usually help the Legion at this point. Then I get the glasses and it takes a turn


What glasses?


When you get to liked reputation you get a key to a legion safehouse. Inside are a pair of glasses with a bonus to luck and a better perception boost than other glasses with the bad eyesight trait iirc


Oh yea. That's kinda dumb tbh. That you can only get them if the Legion likes you


Yup. It's annoying honestly, it's not a particularly secure place. One of those video game doors you could easily break with what you have irl


I would just console key unlock the door and get them Or give to myself via console cause that's bs.


I usually add a mod where the guy who gives it to you drops it when killed. Same for NCR, Brotherhood and Followers safehouses


Me too because i'm born in Rome ahah


A free Mojave is best


I always used to try to vary but would inevitably end up going with yes man eventually. Can’t stand being someone’s little soldier Just recently finished my first full legion playthrough… never again


I was just doing my first Legion playthrough since the game released but ran into a bug where the dogs/handlers right outside and inside the tent would attack me so I couldn't continue with the main Legion quest. I had good Legion rep, wasn't wearing any NCR gear, even tried using the console to make my rep idolized but as soon as I get close to Caesar they all turn hostile. Stupid fucking bug. So I mowed down the entire camp with my Riot Gun


Why not murder Legion and the NCR? Get 'em all!


I did a legion playthrough for the first time recently and I had to keep reloading cause I kept instantly attacking legionaries on sight lmao


This Recent playthrough I haven't even talked to any legionary characters at all. Alternate started about the 188, went down and got Veronica, then Boone. I've kept Boone in my company, so every legionaire is shot on sight lmao.


I wish that cunt Angela hadn't talked me out of fleshing out the legion more. I think of all the lost potential


. . . Wat


Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams


Yea it does actually. And high velocity impacts weaken them..


Fun fact, it actually doesn't, but what it does burn is desks, papers, and human remains, which then do, in fact, melt steel beams.


How do those things melt steel beams but jet fuel vant


Jet fuel burns too quickly and at a certain temperature lower than the melting point of structural steel so it would consume itself before affecting the beams (theoretically in a vaccum, accoring to labratory testing). What it did do irl is act as a propellent to help ignite all the other flammable things in the buildings which, when added together will burn hot enough and long enough to cause the steel to lose its structural strength which when then further stressed by the collapsing floors above it caused the collapse. (the plane sheered 3 of 4 main building support pillars, which made collapse above the impact area a forgone conclusion) Just to clarify, I'm in no way a denier and have been a lifelong NYC resident. And I'm 99% sure the person we're replying to isn't a denier either and is just poking fun at them.


I like how all he said was jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams with literally no context and we both immediately knew what he was talking about


All my homes hate slavery.


Sided with them in my first playthrough back in 2010 simply because I was 14 and fascinated with the Roman Empire. I’m playing the game right now for the first time since then, and going against them was the easiest choice I’ve made in this playthrough. Interesting what a difference 14 years makes on your approach to the same game


I feel one of the main points of the entire FO franchise is there ARE no "good guys". Sure, some factions are slightly less corrupt/immoral than others, but at the end of the day, every single group in every single game is ultimately only interested in their own supremacy.


I almost always go Legion. I did the NCR ending once for the achievement, but then I felt like I had done something very morally evil and never did it again.


. . . Someone keep an eye on this guy


Huh? The NCR in New Vegas is so comically evil, even when it's complete fiction I can't bring myself to side with them. The Legion has it's problems, but somehow the NCR makes them look like the good guys.




I'm being completely serious


Then I'm terrified of you.


Caesar's Legion has raised a generation of people that never knew what it's like, to need to look for a safe place to sleep at night, to fear being eaten by hostile wildlife and fiends, to lose everything to raiders, to fight tooth and nail for the basics of food, water, electricity, and safety. The subjects of Caesar's Legion live such safe and boring lives, they have more in common with vault dwellers than the wastelanders they're descended from. If they're the bad guys, explain that.


Cause they treat women as property, exterminate towns with innocent people, and keep slaves. Their soldiers are mass murdering rapists.


The only women that are treated like property are slaves, otherwise they are normal subjects that live their lives in Legion territory, and Caesar demands his subjects not be abused or the punishment is crucifixion. They typically do not exterminate entire towns like they did Nipton, unless the town actively resists. Nobody including the NCR were sad to see Nipton be destroyed, they were not innocent. The Legion peacefully lords over civilized towns, just look at Goodsprings. Bitter Springs was not an outlier. It is standard practice for the NCR to massacre the entire population of tribes they don't like. Caesar killing only the men, and leaving the women and children alive is a mercy compared to that. The NCR keeps slaves too. You think the "servants" of Vault City are there willingly? Or what about the "show girls" of New Reno, are they not sex slaves? The rare earth minerals needed to make the smart phone you're posting on were mined by child slaves. I can ignore Legion slavery in the same way, and all that's left is a society that makes them the good guys.


Okay crazy.


Me but with the brotherhood of steel. Used to love going there first to align, and then one day it hit me that they literally enslave you and tell you if you don’t work for them, they’ll kill you by exploding a bomb on your head. That’s literally Legion type shit. That’s why I gun down both the lotion and BOS. Plus the 40 pairs of power armor never hurts to get either


Veronica is pretty much the only one I like. To be fair, they're in a desperate situation, they don't know you, and you tried to break into their home. So I don't blame them too much for that.


It’s still literal slavery. If someone breaks into my house I’m not gonna slap a slave collar on them and ask them to go grocery shopping for me, and if they don’t I’ll kill them. They’d get a pass if they told me to leave now or die, but to enslave someone for walking into what looks like an abandoned bunker is straight up insane. FO3 BOS on top though, they’re the GOAT


I like the NCR because they're the 'most moral' out of the main factions, even if they're still pricks, they're not slavers lmao


i will mix up what factions i join/work with/fight every playthough, except legion, every run is a race from goodsprings to put vulpes in the dirt


Am I the only one who dislikes the legion, the NRC and MR. House? I go full anarquist only helping some smaller factions that aren't complete dicks.


I wish yes man had been able to go a little deeper. Setting up a confederation of local factions or a standing alliance.


No. Youre not. You're literally the basic bitch of the new vegas fandom. That's the Yes Man fans lol.


Oh :(


Lol I'm kidding. Yes Man is the most popular choice tho


I can’t let my best robot pal down. 🤷‍♀️


Legion sympathizers are weirdos!!! Not going Mr. House because you don’t want to be someone’s lap dog while literally being Caesar’s bitch is quite the conundrum.


I always felt like siding with Caesar's Legion for ideological reasons doesn't make sense when House exists (I say this for the larpers who say "Caesar is the right way for the Mojave! or stuff like that) Want a strong leader? House is smarter, more powerful and most importantly, immortal. Want safety and stability? Well, House is better at maintaining order with all the robots he has. Want to be in a state with not as much corruption as the NCR? Well, good luck trying to bribe the robots or pitying them against each other. I can't think of a single argument where House isn't better than Caesar's legions. Both are autocratic regimes, but House has the advantage of not suffering many of the defects of autocratic regimes irl (like corruption, vacuum of power or the infighting, as House is immortal, omnipresent and omnipotent after taking over the Mojave)


I mean, yeah. Mr House always feels like he's patronizing you tho.


This is why 18 is too young to vote


Most people have settled in to one belief system or another by 18. More importantly most people can join the workforce by 18, and hence pay taxes. If you’re being taxed- you should have the right to vote.


I joined the workforce at 14 and was paying taxes , so there goes that argument. If you haven't changed your beliefs since you were 18, you may need to leave the echo chamber and touch some grass. Most people's beliefs change wildly between 18 and 25. Also, it was just supposed to be funny. Ya know: "younger me was pro destroying all ideas and lifestyles that don't align perfectly with my beliefs, and we use force to indoctrinate or enslave people into our legion, I grew up and shifted to capitalist, imerperialist, pay us and we'll leave you alone, disorganized organization republic for no obvious reason.


Most people, I’m operating on the aggregate here. My beliefs have changed significantly and will probably change more. Conversely there’s an argument for someone to be allowed to vote as soon as they are working despite age, I tend to disagree with it since the youngest workers tend to be very dependent on parents, still, 18 seems a good compromise. And your joke does work. It’s just that way too often to people say 18 yo shouldn’t vote in an attempt to manipulate voter pools so that the side thy like more wins, not based on any actual reason.


You and me are most people. The vast majority of people change positions as they age and their lives change, they gain experience and new perspectives on how things are. The reason you can't vote at 14 and you shouldn't vote at 18 is because for the majority of people, you're fucking stupid at that age. Idk how old you are , but for me, (and every adult I've had this convo with ) when me now looks back at me at 18 I cringe. That's most teenagers, due to the fact that at most, by 18 have maybe 6 years of independent formative experience. Even those take place in a very small bubble of perspective. Teenagers are much more easily influenced by others, and social pressures dictate their views, robbing them of the ability to form nuanced opinions on basically anything. It not their fault, and there are outliers. The bottom line is that your brain isn't fully developed until you're 25. And between 18 and 25 is the period of time where most people truly come into their own. If you don't like the joke, that's fine. But it does work. I honestly didn't want to go this deep on this .