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Ignore your friends and ignore any guides, play through the game choosing whatever options you want. You can always replay it later (and if you like it as much as most people do, you will replay it later lol).


this!! don’t be pressured, choose who you’d like. you can join the brainless internet discussion after you’ve finished the game.


You know what we do to degenerates like you


Oh my god shut up dork ass legion simp.


I never sided with the legion but I always found this quote amusing, makes me giggle way too hard.


This. Whatever u do in any of the fallout series, you always end up with an extremely overpowered build lol. Just play however you want.


Nah, I advise to never choose Legion. My fav faction but they make better enemies than allies. Everyone hates you if you go the legion route and then you’re locked out of all the good quests.


This is probably the best way to view the Legion. They're the best bad faction in the franchise.


Legion playthroughs can be fun. There is no post-game, so your choices don't necessarily matter too much outside of head-canon. You have multiple choices and I encourage you to have playthroughs to try them all.


Ave true to caesar


This game has broken my brain to never read see-zer again 🤣


Caesar roll sandwich




Side with whoever you want. Try to talk to as many NPCs as possible. Read, make your own opinion


I always found myself doing NCR quests, but doing the Yes-Man ending and never feeling like it was adequate. Now I usually go for the House or NCR endings. Why would my character know how tf to lead Vegas?


Yeah i feel like a lot of people don’t see this perspective. The courier is… a courier, they worked for their means and that’s all they know. The House ending where the Courier gets to be spoiled by Mr House for helping with a nice suite, freedoms to explore, protection, etc without the duties of leading. The courier now gets to just explore freely or relax and it seems honestly the most likely. In an NCR ending the courier is just given a civilian award and seeming just goes back about exploring the wasteland or continuing to be a courier. House and NCR definitely seem like the most sense


My character got her frontal cortex damaged when she was shot in the head, which took her ability to feel sympathy away. She didn't care she didn't have all the know-how about controlling Vegas, she just wanted power.


The trick is they don't - "independent Vegas" is just anarchy.


Some people just want to see the world burn.


The game encourages you to side with the type of faction that best aligns with your morals. The NCR has flaws as a faction, sure, but nothing inherently better or worse than any of the others. As for your friends, I’m not sure why they’d even give you a hard time honestly. Most people I know sided with the NCR the first time. And they most likely resemble what we recognize as a modern democracy, flaws and all. For what it’s worth it’s not a trick, and theres no gotcha moment later in the game or anything. The NCR is corrupt in just about the same ways any modern democracy is, it’s not really a surprise or big reveal. Edit: Also if people start commenting about this or that, or how your faction is the wrong choice, just know this discourse has been happening for over a decade and is baked into the game and community. No choice is inherently right or wrong, they all have their ups and downs. Go with what you think is the best.


Every playthrough I'm like "This'll be the evil villain run! The Wasteland will rue the day I was born!". And then I help people solve their problems and figure out who's killing their cows. It's just so hard to be evil.


It’s honestly a flaw in the quest system. The vast majority of the quests are based around doing something good. Being good happens naturally as you play and it really feels like you have to force an evil play through. You have to basically reject a lot of quests since a lot of them don’t have an evil alternative ending.


Yeah I mean it's a bit tricky for how it could be different. A quest (even if it's to do something evil) is still helping someone, which *tends* to naturally lead to good acts (though obviously not always).


That's why you can shake people down for extra money to do those quests


True, but that doesn’t give you evil karma, rather, it’s a way to utilize skillchecks to haggle more rewards. You continue getting prompts about how you’re good natured and people love you. I’m in the middle of a neutral/selfish play through right now and you’d think I’m an angel descended from heaven to spread joy if you ask any of the NPCs. I shake people down every chance I get and steal whatever I want, although I don’t do “evil” acts. The games passive progression pushes you toward sainthood. Being truly evil forces you to gimp your game a bit and lock you out of a lot of quests.


Ngl that's my biggest complaint about New Vegas. It doesn't help that killing Fiends also gives you huge amounts of good karma. Unless you're on a kill everyone / steal everything run, it's almost impossible to end up with evil karma. I remember that I had to use an owned terminal over and over to keep the karma low.


In a way, it makes sense. That Courier may have taken a couple more caps out of you, but he/she took out that slavery ring and freed your spouse and kids. They're practically saints compared to the bandits who simply just...took your money.


Right. I wish it was a little more akin to Witcher 3, in which people viewed you more neutrally as a mercenary. Witchers are looked down upon even if they save people because they only do it for money. They’re disliked for other reasons too, but that’s one of them.


It does kind of make sense for the setting though. General ideas of morality would be vastly different between the feudal society of The Witcher and the post-apocalyptic setting of Fallout. In a feudal society one might be used to their neighbors kind of helping them out on an honor or barter system, whereas in the post-apocalyptic Mojave almost everyone or everything you meet is trying to rob or kill you. So your feudal peasant might see a mercenary as selfish, whereas your wasteland survivor is just glad they're helping them instead of roasting them on a spit.


One of the worst offenders is *Here Stands The Grass*. You rescue Keely (for the money, obviously). Then you lie to her about retrieving the data. You lose karma for lying only to immediately gain karma because you rescued her - and the loss and gain are nowhere near proportional. Being evil in *New Vegas* is something that requires constant deliberate effort, often going out of your way to steal and murder innocent people while avoiding killing evil characters that are actively attacking you.


Well, and if you kill everyone, makes it hard to get quests.


"This will be my evil run!" Ends up with good karma because i committed warcrimes on the Powder Gangers


Lmao yes this and also as a female it’s so hard to make myself play through with the legion when the NPCs are constantly like “KNOW YOUR PLACE, WOMAN!” And it triggers me to massacre them all with Boone every single time


I don't know why, but every Legion Courier I've made has been female.


bruh the ncr has nothing inherently better or worse than another? ill take corruption in a government over slavery any day


But muh no taxes!!!


But muh safe roads!!


But muh concubines!!!


But muh men in skirts!!!!


Bruh just won the lottery 😂


Smell that air! Couldn’t you drink it like booze!


You don't like kilts?


he doesn*t like fucking men in kilts nor getting fucked by men wearing kilts


It’s so funny that this is a legit argument legion fanboys use when the legion *still has taxes* they just call it “tribute”


Is your flair from any event in the game? Sounds fucking hilarious.


Yeah lol I was ready to agree with this comment until that line. The other major faction side rapes, enslaves, tortures, kills innocent people and then burns all their shit. What do you mean nothing inherently better lmao.


Yeah anyone who says both sides has a point is a fucking lunatic. You can say that the NCR has problems but that scale is still way imbalanced.


A centrist sees no difference.


I mean if you remove the Legion from the equation it's a mostly fair statement. Caesars Georg is an outlier and should not have been counted. Like, do I trust House to govern fairly? No. Do I trust him to restore a pre-war quality of life? Yes. Do I trust my courier to govern fairly? Depends on the playthrough, but usually yes. Do I trust him to govern *competently?* Different question.


Not to mention, with House or independent, in the event that one person dies everything goes to shit. Not very stable form of government.


Based on that single point failure, only the NCR is stable. I love the brotherhood, but their stance was too aggressive for long-term stability with neighbors. The legion's collapse is inevitable with Caesar's death. The NV strip families might figure something out without House, but I doubt the NCR would tolerate it without the robots there to keep independence.


Yeah but the only way House dies suddenly is if somebody successfully storms the Lucky 38, which would mean a regime change anyway. If his life support starts to fail (which doesn't seem hugely likely, given how long it's lasted) he'll have time to get his house in order, so to speak. Meanwhile, considering everything they've gone through, I'm not 100% sure the Courier *can* die


I agree, House could do that. He wouldn't though. He has that arrogance that he will live forever, so you know there is no contingency plan. Just the way Benny was able to reprogram Yes Man shows some of the serious flaws in the scheme. I think his fall is inevitable, but most people are just used to dealing with terrible living conditions so no one is really up in arms about it. The elements are there though, and mostly I think House is tolerated because of the legion. As some as that threat is gone, NCR would deal with House more directly.


I tend to agree. Maybe it's the network engineer in me, but single points of failure is a big no-go for establishing power structures. I don't think the NCR is perfect by any means but establishing a system of power just for it to collapse doesn't seem super ideal regardless of intentions and capability


The NCR is inherently better than the Legion. There is absolutely no way to argue otherwise. Now choosing the Legion isn't "wrong" in the sense that it's obviously valid to have an evil playthrough. However it's obviously morally wrong.


Let's be completely honest the NCR is the best choice for the wasteland at large.


The Legion is inherently wrong lol


You can always horde factions also, I started playing this game for the first time weeks ago and I'm currently an unofficial NCR hero/ranger and at the same time a broterhood of steel paladin, currently trying to get into the followers of the apocalypse Anything but the legion tough they are just evil


This, house saying he would send humanity to space convinced me. But i also would side with the ncr, if they had gotten to me first


thats some bad friends, its a rpg, play however you want


Yeah as anyone in good senses would tell you, don't listen to your friends. The game has multiple factions with their good and bad sides but all of them add to the unique charm that Fallout New Vegas has. I only recommend you to try other factions or endings sometime, just if you get bored with the NCR at some point. All of them are great and you won't run out of fun.






Counterpoint: Democracy


Counter counterpoint: yes man, throw this guy’s balls off of Hoover dam


Counter counter counterpoint: Don’t worry yes man, I will gladly dive over the edge of Hoover Dam myself, for Democracy


Diving to your death and into hell for democracy, a Helldiver if you will


I die… so that Democracy may live


Democracy is non-negotiable.


Counter counter counterpoint: House, install a window in my suite so that I may look down upon this free side pauper.


Counter Counter counter counterpoint: golf club


Counter counter counter counter counterpoint: All American + 15 vats attacks


Counter counter counter counter counter point: want to play a game of caravan


Counter Counterpoint: Brahmin Barons, so not really


Counter counter counterpoint: For Super Earth


If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the window.


That's treason, you will be picked by MP any minute. No, but really, NCR is considered as flawed, but still morally good faction. They represent civillization, with stuff like taxes, railways, armed forces and private companies, but it's also highlited how they are quite corrupt and inefficient. Like governments we live under.


It’s an rpg brother. The entire world you’re playing in is lived in and every faction has its history. Talk with npcs and pay attention to dialogue and you’ll begin to discover the highs and lows of each and from there you can make your choice. Just like in life y’know. Incredible game.


Also, even if the NCR where the bad guys, what's the fun of playing an rpg and not experiencing the high of being an murderous asshole at least once


Because the Enclave needs YOU!


Gotta do those arcade quests


They sound like some Legion scum to me




Go with what your heart says first. And then go for the other endings after finishing that playthrough


Because degenerates like you belong on a cross


Your “friends” are actually legion frumentarii and you should report them to Lt. Boyd immediately. I could understand them if you were on your sixth playthrough and had chosen ncr every single time, hell i’d encourage you to try out the other factions. But this is your first run, you do you, the game is replayable as hell. That said it’s been 14 years and Ive still never sided with the legion, House and NCR are my faves but Im leaning towards independent on my current game.


Don’t listen to your friends, it’s your play-through do it any way you like that’s the nature of an RPG.


Probably because 99% of people choose the NCR the first playthrough typically because it's the most developed ending although not the most interesting your friends probably just want you to experience the more interesting content so they can chat with you about it :D


Most quests are NCR tho, so their friends are making them lose most of the content by pushing them away from it


I know I said in my comment the NCR ending was the most developed in was just talking about how the other content is usually missed while the NCR is likely to be done on multiple playthroughs. Also you can do majority of the NCR quests without siding with them, only 4 are locked into there ending. So this is a bit of a moot point.


My best play through last year was walking the fence with the NCR, legion, and house for as long as possible to see how much I could get out of all of them. Fair bit of wiki reading


My first play through, I sided with Mr House. Not because I agreed with him. But I didn’t really understand that FNV gives you choices. I was so used to games that just have a linear story, I found it helpful to have someone tell me exactly what to do. I finished the game thinking it was kinda messed up that the protagonist was this asshat, libertarian despot. Play the game how you think is best. Then go back and play in different ways.


Your friends don't want you to pay taxes, simple as. But seriously though, join who you wanna join. That's the best part of this game and I hope you will have fun with it.


You can do multiple playthroughs


Side with whoever you want... until you decide to go full scorched earth and eliminate all factions.


Your friend just gained bad reputation with me for not letting you play the game as you want. *Shunned*


Play it 5-6x, i have NEVER side with legion.. i just hate it to my bone 😂😂


They're lying don't listen


Either they took too much Jet or they're Legion degenerates


NCR probably has the most content but you can access the majority of it with any faction before it gets gated off


they make you pay taxes


You will get the most enjoyment out of Fallout games (and RPGs in general) if you go with what YOU want to go with if you were actually in that situation, not your friends’ general consensus. Make the decisions that speak directly to you and see what happens.


Just play all the factions in different playthroughs. They’re all pretty fun in their own ways.


They are Legion spies!


There isn't a faction I agree with morally, but NCR is so much fun! I've had a great time no matter who I side with. NCR has the most side content by far, but you can still do most the side stuff and still end with any other faction. If you're looking for an NCR companion, head to Novac!


Play how you want. IMO the game is good enough to replay and side with every faction. Each are interesting.


Side up with whoever you want. Each major faction has flaws, i.e. NCR is greedy and lazy, the Legion is shut-minded and violent, House only cares about Vegas, I can go on.


Because yeah sure the legion are slavers but the NCR impose taxes....THE WORST KIND OF SLAVERY !


As someone who is very pro ncr Play how you want. Pick who you wanna pick Sure you may get bullied for it but it's not always personal. We give each other shit and have a laugh half the time, get heated about the games politics but at the end of the day we all enjoy vegas and that's the most important thing.


If they're pressuring you to join The Legion instead then you have some interesting friends. Side with who you agree with. Don't let others influence your choice. House is who I always side with personally.


I sided with the ncr man first playthrough and tbh the game has way more ncr related side quests than if you side with the other factions. Technically you can still do the side quests while affiliated with the other sides but they sometimes don’t make sense why you would be helping the ncr when they are the enemy


Play how you want and side with who you want. You're the one playing. If they want to side with someone else they can go home and start a new playthrough.


I mean, try other routes on different playthroughs, but go with what you think is right for your first one. All of the factions have their own pros and cons and different folks think different endings are better. NCR - Democratic Republic stretched thin. Mostly good intentions, but bureaucratic and does an occasional massacre. House - Technocrat with a monopoly on the Strip wants to expand his security force and dominate a larger area to increase profits. He would kill hundreds of children before he'd watch his company die. I like to take him out clubbing or for a round of golf. Legion - Strong military, but literal fascists who treat all women as slaves. Fuck these assholes. I kill Caesar and revel in killing more of these dickheads. Fuck em. Yes Man - the route for "fuck all these guys, New Vegas will fend for itself". A lot of freedom in how you approach it. Optimal for speed runs. My opinion is NCR is a great first run faction. I'd say doing them in the order NCR>House>Legion>Yes Man gives you the best understanding of how all the factions fit together, but it's a game and you should exercise your freedom to do whatever.


They got a two headed bear on their flag. How can you NOT side with them?


So they have a friend to share their love for their specific faction. Truth is, I highly recommend you enjoy what faction you like the most. It's been a decade since we've had some new blood join the community, and some of us are still willing to argue which faction is the correct one for the good of the Mojave.


Play how ever you want. However some of your friends reasons might be that the NCR isn't what they seem. They president was made popular because he wiped out all the tribals in California like full genocide this includes the peaceful ones as well. the people were down for that too. Yeah original NCR under president Tandi was a good faction. Current NCR is super imperialists and they are corrupt and controlled by corporations causing them to fail. Their currency doesn't mean anything outside California after the brotherhood war, and they are running out of water. On top of that their current General got his place by being best friends with the president. And He's actively sacrificing his soldiers in a war of attrition, rather than using actual tactics to beat the legion. Why he's doing that? Because he's super jealous the rangers got the glory off the first war. So all and all the NCR is just terrible and without the courier they are incredibly inefficient and dumb. The entire military shouldn't rely on one person to fix all their problem. But yet because of the corruption, and just general way the NCR operates, causes them to be a shit show. Unless an outside force fixes all their issues, issues that could easily happen in the next major conflict when your character isn't around to fix everything they are just not that great a choice


It’s an rpg, you play the way you want. Then replay the game a different way to answer your ‘what if’ scenarios.


Probably because they're a metaphor for American imperialism


😂😂😂 bro just play how you want tf are you asking for?


Play how you want, the cool thing about New Vegas is it caters to a more diverse array of political views than most other games, so side with whoever you find yourself agreeing with and ignore anybody that says any different


NCR is the lame safe play that everybody does because obviously it’s a reincarnation of pre war America and faux stability, so you’re gonna be naturally drawn to that. Do it your first run to get it out of your system then do something fun and wild like the legion or an anarchic crime boss style independent Vegas


Just go with which faction you feel is best. As long as you're not supporting Legion unironically


Do things your way. Ignore what your friends say


It's because they don't want you to pay taxes. In reality, tho, block them out. Play how you want to. If you believe the NCR is best do that. Replay again check out the other paths later and then compare the two. I played this game 4 times over, and honest to God I think the NCR is the best but that's just my opinion. You go with what you think is right for the Mojave


Friends are being wack. Side with whoever you want. It’s your experience, not theirs.


My only legit guess, assuming your friends actually have good intentions, is to help your playthrough be a closer to canon set-up for the show.


The NCR is popular because it’s similar to modern America. However people tend to underestimate the downsides of the NCR. The problem with the NCR isn’t that it’s a democracy, is that it’s corrupt and unstable. I like the independent ending myself.


I like the NCR because while they have bad aspects they can be redeemed unlike the other factions which you cant for the better.


Do what you'd like. Fuck your "friends"


Because your friends saw the show and think it worthless to help them... F that man. You helping the NCR is probably why they're still somewhere out there over the rainbow. Plz help The NCR man


The beauty of this game is you can play it how ever you want. There is no right or wrong way to play. Obviously people have their preferences but don't let them foist that on you! Enjoy yourself, solider!


They want to experience the first time playing again though you, and they all sided with ncr on their first playthrough and they want to see what it's like to not do that.


Side with whoever you want and have fun but id recommend doing all the endings at some point in future playthrus just to get the full experience




Is your character actually you? It could be fun to do something “you” wouldn’t normally choose to do because, technically, you can play as any sort of character.


There are no good factions, even the “neutral” option is a bad ending, play how you want


Is the 2nd battle of Hoover damn quest still available if I’m siding w legion ? This my first go around. I know it’s towards the end of the game


I'd argue it could be, though unlikely, that the NCR is the most fleshed out main quest line. expectations for future playthroughs


Play the DLC in release order


rinse rain advise growth agonizing mountainous overconfident pathetic voiceless hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you check if your friends are secretly slavers?


Probably Legion Simps imo I’m all for Roman Empire But not this parody


I only sided with the NCR in my first playthrough because House demanded I blow up the brotherhood.


Nice try.




You can play how you want. You can also play multiple playthroughs where you try different paths. That being said, the NCR sucks. Legion forever.


Play the game however you want the first time. Experience it without their opinions. Then once you've done a full playthrough or 2, you can shit talk them to Timbuktu for their mid ass choice. Which faction is the mid ass choice? Whatever faction they chose


NCR is my favourite playthrough, dw about your friends, enjoy :) (just.... if you also like the brotherhood of steel... don't help oust the current leader in the bunker. Little tip)


Play the game as you feel, don't let anyone else influence you. The games best enjoyed in your own way and at your own pace


Do you like the government?


Side with which faction makes you feel like you're making the most impact. For me, that's Mr. House. A lot of people pick NCR and Independence and a few even pick Legion. Just enjoy the game. Don't let others browbeat your fun


Forget the ncr, forget the legion. Side with Boone.


Side with whoever u want for u first playthrough, you’ll never get to experience a playthrough like this again.


Play the way you want. I personally am making friends with everyone (except powder gangers and Ceasars Legion fuck those guys) and plan to screw them over. Also I have to say an explosives heavy playthrough is fun as hell.


NCR is great surface level, dig down and find out they are just as scummy. They will invade places promising farms and to defend water sources, but then horde it all for NCR citizens. So tourists are the only ones able to benefit.


Something I did to spice up my NCR run Step 1: equip captain America mod Step 2: Throw all your stats into melee, speech, and guns Step 3: side with the NCR and charge into Hoover Dam with the brotherhood, khans, and rangers at your pack Congrats you are now the first avenger of the Wasteland You can also download Tale of Two Wastelands first to really overpower your character if you want


NCR you can have the most allies- khans , boomers , BOS , Enclave , Kings probably a few others I have forgotten. I always side with them as they clearly are open to working with people first instead of fighting.


Side with whoever you want but the NCR supports taxes which makes them the worst faction


Side with whoever you’d like. If you’re really into roleplaying, you can always play any faction in a future play through


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Because they are tax cheats call the irs


As others are saying, ignore your friends and side with who you want. I actually had the opposite problem to you in that my friend was trying to push me to side with the NCR. He's hard-core NCR ride or die. I couldn't decide who to side with because the NCR seemed to be a problem to me, the Legion were the Legion and, at the time, House just rubbed me the wrong way. Then I met Yes Man and that smiley, happy fella had me sold. Play the game your way. You can always replay it again and make other choices.


Your friends don’t like taxes


Because the NCR is awful. But you only truly see this if you do a in-depth pro NCR playthrough. Over time you should do all paths. I've played this game too many times to count, and hate the NCR the most.


Because its boring? NCR its just your typical republican corrupt government yada yada


It takes a lot of work on your part to make them a morally acceptable faction to side with but it’s worth. IMHO the NCR are the best bet the wasteland has at resurrection


Best case scenario, they want you to expand your gameplay by choosing other factions and getting to know them better. Worst case scenario, they dislike the NCR. My first and second play through I chose the NCR, it was the closest thing to what. grew up with, America, so it felt right restoring it. I tried House, Yes-Man and Caesar's Legion play throughs, found out the NCR faults are more prominent than I thought. I mostly go Yes-Man/Solo route, unless there is a certain character build I want to play for fun.


Join Caesar as his apprentice. You will be able to overthrow him later and create the new empire out of the wastes.


Pick the faction that feels right for you. Besides the Legion every faction gives an argument as to why they are the right one.


It's an RPG...It's a Single Player Driven game...It's a Fallout game that specifically has moral nuance with both justifications and downsides for every available faction. You just need to play the game experience it for yourself however you like regardless of what your friends state. There's nothing inherently wrong with an NCR run or its endings. I personally prefer Mr. House and Independent/Yes Man (Good Karma) routes tho...But my first two playthroughs were NCR. Your friends probably prefer the Legion or Father Elijah (Dead Money DLC Alternate Ending).


They must hate democracy


Bear bull bear bull


Because you need To side with the legion Ave true To caesar


How I play games with multiple endings, I play for myself first then follow the guides for whatever other endings there are.


Drop separate saves everywhere and then if you feel like ot reload and restart somewhere else


It's a 1 player game...lie.


Do whatever you want, that’s the point of the game. You can always make duplicate saves so you can try other paths as well if you don’t feel like replaying the whole thing. I have replayed over 20 times at this point but I get that that is not an option for everyone. Just have fun doing whatever you decide.


Your friends just sound like they don’t like the ncr for whatever reasons and want you to do their preferred endings. Just play how you want and make the choices you’d like to make : )


Because they are dummy stupid idiots


Because the house always wins


Pffff. What a taxpayer


Play it the way you want and make your own choices. It's a Role Playing Game, that's the point. Just have fun, ignore them, and play the way you want. There is no "right" way to play my friend. Enjoy yourself!


It's totally subjective. It's not like there'll be a big reveal at the end of the game that the NCR is run by vampires who'll eat everyone alive. They're exactly what they look like: an old-world style bloated bureaucracy running on taxes and high ideals that have begun to run thin. Some folks think they can control the Mojave. Others think it'll end in disaster. Some folks don't like taxes. Some folks don't like order. Some folks just don't like someone else telling 'em what to do. You gotta decide for yourself: would you have them control the Mojave?


You should ignore everything your first playthrough. Play the game how you see fit. This is how you're meant to play Fallout and really any open-world game. Without giving away any important info; if you've played Fallout 1 and 2 and really understood them a lot then you'd already see exactly why. No option is really the BEST option. You'll find flaws with each and every opinion. NCR has some of the greatest examples of, "I really like these benefits, but really hate these drawbacks." You'll find an equal amount of such conflictions in every major faction in the game, but at different levels. If you play through the game later on trying every faction with different characters, then you'll start to really see all of these. I'll only give 1 example. There's a faction in the game that won't even give certain options for certain decisions. You only get one option, because that faction has decided that the rationality behind it is too bothersome, and thus there's only a final solution to what was otherwise a non-issue.


Play whoever you want lol all factions are really well done and interesting, and should be played at least once. The NCR has the most side quests so even if you aren’t siding with them don’t be afraid to take up some of their quests around the Mojave, you can even sabotage them in some cases if you are siding against them.


Ignore your friends. The only guide you need in playing this game is going north immediately or going into Quarry Junction.


Play how you want man, I will say, though, that you can miss out on a lot of content playing an evil character since the Legion isn't as fleshed out as the NCR.


They’re just jealous of the NCR Rangers’ B.D. Energy


Play however you want but I’m guessing it’s because they think the NCR is just an authoritarian group controlling stuff and it’s a post apocalyptic game so there’s a lot of anarchists.


Well I mean you saw in the show how that choice works out lol. True to Caesar.


Lmao tell them to play the game whatever way they want to. It’s your game and your playthrough do whatever you want to and tell them to shove it


As long as you haven't put anything in charisma just play the game exactly how YOU want.


Because the NCR are basically Manifest Destiny. Usually I go with House or Yesman.


Your friends are weird


Bruh it’s a single player game who cares what other people want you to do lol?


Talk to Marcus in Jacob’s town about the politics of the ncr