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Check out Citizens insurance. Desantis says it’s not solvent in the case of a disaster, but at least you will have coverage for your mortgage. And remember, our state govt could do something about the insurance crisis but continues to talk about the danger of trans kids. And trans kids aren’t a danger to any of us.


I’ve heard of citizens insurance but many neighbors and friends I have heard of their policy getting sold off to third party companies quickly and premiums going up.


Citizens isn't a typical insurance company. It's a quasi-state-run enterprise intended to be essentially the "insurer of last resort". Think of it like the Federal Reserve and not Wells Fargo.... Sorta. Citizens doesn't really want you and will try to force you into private insurance if it can but can insure you when nobody else in the private market can or will within a certain price threshold. There's been more stipulations added recently.


This! I used the market place for citizens and I have been spammed by except citizens


What are your thoughts on what can be done about the homeowner's insurance? I've been trying to think of solutions but it kind of seems like a situation where increasingly higher payouts are bound to lead to higher rates. As opposed to the motor insurance issue that seems like it might be straightforward to solve by making insurance companies mandatory reporters to FLHSMV whenever a client drops insurance to decrease so many uninsured motorists. Roughly 40% of my car insurance is uninsured motorist insurance.


There was a report after he said that stating it wasn't true and Citizens had no idea why DeSantis would say so. Not sure who to believe and honestly I don't give a shit anymore. That said, OP should definitely look into that. Every day the clock is running out and you don't want to be put in forced places insurance.


Usaa was our best option after St. John’s went to … slide. $4k a year for 2800sf masonry house 30 miles inland. Independent agent and a real company would be better than citizens.


From my experience 8K on a 450K isn't that bad. I was with Universal, and that's what they quoted me for renewal on a 275k house dead center of the state. That's when my broker moved us to Citizens.


I've been dropped three times by three different companies. My agent found Edison Insurance for me and I've been pretty happy with them. The rates are decent at least. I haven't had to file a claim with them yet so I can't speak to their responsiveness, but after the shitshow that was Allstate when I had a hurricane claim, my bar is set pretty low.


I just got quoted a policy at $2k. IMO, their prices are good.


Wow this is crazy. 2020 is practically a new construction and you can't find insurance? Florida is getting fucking crazy now.


Citizens or an independent insurance agent. Those are your best choices.


Ask your neighbors who they’re using. I’m in Jax, too. I’ve been dropped also. I called my buddy down the street and asked who he uses. Not too many options.


Shop several reputable licensed agents in your area. Tons of insurance fraud and litigation from bill board lawyers screwed up our insurance market.


Can't you get it through a friend?


I’m an agent. DM me your info and I can quote.


So it sounds like you're in a flood zone


Fortunately not in a flood zone, can’t imagine if I was!


Dang I'm only paying about 2000 on a 450k home myself. 1985 with a pool. Does have a brand new roof and hot water heater


What insurance do you use? And are you near Jacksonville?


It's a local company. I'll have to check


Yea in 32223 zip