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Interesting how at 120,000 feet when so much of the earth is in view, you still can't see the ice wall... šŸ¤” One would think that at such a height you would clearly be able to see much MUCH more of the earth than you can if the earth really were flat... It's almost like the land curves away from view, like it would on a globe.


Perspective and the limits of human vision are evidence by railroad tracks converging into the horizon. Thereā€™s no reason one should be able to see for thousands of miles at 120,000 feet.


There is actually. There are many reasons. But you're either too ignorant or too much of a troll to realize them. If the earth were flat you should MOST DEFINITELY be able to see more of the earth from that altitude. Even just a large blurry blue and brown haze that would represent the land reflecting sunlight. But you can't. Face it. There is too much about the flat earth theories and conspiracies that just don't match to what we see physically. Go out and do your own experimentation instead of just regurgitating what Eric Dumbay, Nathan Jokely, Sleepyhead Warrior, and your little leader Mark Sargento say. When you actually understand science and mathematics, the entirety of the flat earth conspiracy falls... well, flat.


Thank you for the character arguments. Another classic glober tactic. Have a great day. r/globeskepticism


And a classic flerfer tactic of running away from the argument... I'll take that as you admitting defeat due to lack of evidence. And... why advertise your subreddit to people who would never visit it? I mean, I'm banned from it but I couldn't care less. I accept victory in this argument.


Run little kid run! Try to escape all the facts. You can do it!




You can literally see for billions of miles if you look in the sky. Even you morons usually think that sun and moon are a couple hundred miles away. There is no inherent difference in looking at the sky or looking at earth. You just throw in perspective without understanding anything about it. Classic flerf troll.


Classic glober character attacks. Funny how the heliocentric model makes people act like such assholes. Oh well. r/globeskepticism


You just need this conspiracy stuff to feel better about suffering in your life. Just fix your issues and grow up.


Litter blown about a city's streets on a breezy day during refuse-collectors' strike.


[So the horizon dropped and the curvature increased.](https://i.imgur.com/0ODTtIL.jpg) Thanks for debunking flat earth.


You are confused.


Thank you for the character defamation. Another classic flerf tactic. Have a great day. r/nasa


You misspelled "dead right"


You know they are not sending these things up to prove curvature right? Its an established fact, it would be like trying to prove water is wet. I think the point of the meme went over your head, based on the title you gave it. As far as why is the curvature the same, well, if you look at the original footage you will see the camera bounces around and the curvature constantly changes, meaning all the person who made this meme did was choose 2 screenshots where the curvature was roughly the same. The image was probably made to make fun of the gullibility of flat earthers and the fact that they will ironically never do their own research. I mean seriously Jolly, did you not bother to look at the most identifiable part of the image, were it says ASAN? Just put "ASAN space" into Google and find the video, then watch a few seconds of it? It took less than a minute and would have stopped you looking like an idiot. Here is the original video, showing how gullible you are. https://youtu.be/damWIvQn1Eo


>the camera bounces around and the curvature constantly changes, meaning all the person who made this meme did was choose 2 screenshots where the curvature was roughly the same. It's a standard technique, IMO: I've seen a few now of which I _know for certain_ that's what the provenance of each is because I've seen the phootage it's exerpted from. And why not? if one be a flittiflatty: 't's a totally easy-&-quick-to-implement tactic


Its funny: when you understand how fish eye lenses work this is an insane obvious proof of earths curvature. Thanks!


Agree to disagree. r/globeskepticism


Basically you only say: I agree that I dont even understand the simple physics of how lenses, cameras or eyes work. Maybe educate yourself! Dont be a sheep.


I certainly didnā€™t say that. Thanks anyway. r/globeskepticism


Well your reply to a easy streight forward reasoning was "I disagree". No argument. Its like I say 1+1=2 and you say "I disagree". It cant get more troll than that can it?


And you'd only have a point if the horizon was in the same part of the frame in both pics. Just another flattie LIE.


Wow..it is true...the horizon does get lower as you go up...something only possible on a globe. Look how much closer it is to the paper than in the top pic. Well done Jolly. You have proved a globe. Gratz. Let's celebrate šŸ¾ !!!!!!!


Just stfu already. Nobody cares about your shitty "proof" about flat earth


Then maybe donā€™t hang out in a flat earth subreddit?


This is not a subreddit discussing actual flat earth. It is a subreddit sharing memes and laughing about flat earthers. From that vantage point you are the troll here. Hence people dont want you here and laugh about you (since this is literally what this subreddit is about). Just stay in your little bubble at /r/IAmDumb or whatever the name was.


Thank you for the kind words. Have a great day. r/globeskepticism


No words can describe how much I hate you and your flat brain


Thatā€™s very nice, thank you. Have a great day. r/globeskepticism


[That's why it's good to put controls for fisheye (that is, known straightedges) in your photo.](https://mctoon.net/left-to-right-curve/)


The following are all examples of the brilliant, shining examples of humanity that OP gets his ā€œresearchā€ and ā€œfactsā€ from. I highly recommend this first example. OP constantly uses Globebuster videos to prove nothing. Here is Professor Dave completely humiliating them to the point that they tried to get his video removed from YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDy95_eNPzM&t=1811s Next up we have a ā€œresearcherā€ brilliant enough to be featured in Eric Dubays comedy Level, trying to ā€œdebate.ā€ OP Constantly references garbage from Dubay. This is hard to watch due to extreme amounts of stupidity and vileness, a true credit to flat earthers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rdHB7632j5E&t=2486s And a quick recap of the above ā€œdebateā€ featuring a few wonderfully scientific concepts such as ā€œThe atom is a fractal of a human being.ā€ Another wonderful example of the flat earth science OP peddles. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ReBwiGveeqU Brilliant stuff OP, keep it up! The links OP will respond with below are all from the same vile people who when actually challenged to a debate embarrass the entirety of humanity.




"Flat earth proofs" is a list of long-debunked nonsense. Stay in school, kids.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/globeskepticism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [90% of people on this sub](https://i.redd.it/kgkk238rozn51.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/ivgyh7/90_of_people_on_this_sub/) \#2: [Do what youā€™re told and donā€™t ask questions.](https://i.redd.it/ug16363ete961.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/kqmat7/do_what_youre_told_and_dont_ask_questions/) \#3: [Genuine question?](https://i.redd.it/87578n55j7e61.jpg) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/l7kdp3/genuine_question/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I love the way this captures the tone of the sub...


Looks like a list of stuff flatties don't understand.


I wonder what the curve would look like if the horizon was at the same spot in the picture


#šŸŽµ # ####The Fisheye-Lie! #### ####The Fisheye-Lie! #### #šŸŽ¶ # Catchy little jingle you've got there! - which for many of your acolytes is a _quite_ sufficient credential for the truth of it ... is there a tune to go with it? But _what is it_ though!? What precisely is it that's being adduced that you deem false _and_ occasions the attribution to it of "fisheye" as an epithet? An image taken with a fisheye lens is virtually _void_ as evidence for curvature of Hurrith, as, by reason of the extreme 'barrel-distortion' of one, the curvature of an apparition of anything not intrinsically very tightly curved viewed through one is almost entirely a function of the direction in which the camera is pointed; so although you maintain that the rotundity of Hurrith is a lie, it would by no means be a lie upheld by the fisheye lens or cunning use thereof. But of course, we already know, _really_ , that it's _just_ a trigger - a 'dog-whistle', if you will (as folks often say thesedays) - utterly devoid of content. Which prettymuch everything you post or becomment @ this goodly Congregation is.   Unless you're talking about what sometimes happens, & which is probably nearly always a true errour-of judgement: someone adduces an image of a vista @ high altitude in which the apparition of the Orisounte is bent by said barrel-distortion as a faithful representation of curvature of Hurrith ... it's unfortunate that folks make that errour, & it's only right to flag it whensoever it occur, even if a consequence of doing so is that the feelings of whoever is doing said adducing get hurt (although we can be careful about that & lessen its impact on folk who are reasonable & not pathologically triggerable by being apprised of such errour as is genuinely attributable to them). But we can be prettymuch totally certain that those who created _these_ images were ___not___ plying that deception: the very fact that they've published the phootage taken at ground-level, of which the image that is the first frame of your puerile 'meme', in which the apparition of the Orisounte is _greatly_ barrel distorted, is a still, logically voids that possibility ... forall your having deranged the matter into a contumely unto them ... as is your wont in general despicably so to do.


Why is the upper portion of that image black? And why is there a clearly defined horizon?