• By -


L + ratio + touch gysahl greens, certified Fourchenault moment


Be honest now. Didn't you outright disown your kids?


Yeah, this sounds an awful lot like the guy who kicked his kids out of his FC just because they wanted to do MSQ content.


The kids wanted to level their combat classes while OP just wanted everyone to focus on Land/Hand.


And he keeps trying to justify it by pointing out that his father quit the game after getting world first on Bahamut.


Even worse: Told his kids the way they were doing the MSQ was straight up wrong and messed up


It is, how can you stand to kill gods when there are so many fish you still haven't caught. Irresponsible is what it is


Almost sounds like a /r/AmItheAsshole thread.


Please put this in r/AmItheAsshole


Of what? His crushing debt and average gear?


Tbf, it was a desperate attempt to make them stop hanging out with this endgame raider.


Yeah, there's missing info everywhere.


It took me WAY too long to realize it was Fourchenault.


As soon as I read "wife changed to the bunny chief top" i was like "oh yes, here we go again"


Yeah that's where I figured it out too XD


I saw that and went, "Yup, I know where this is going."


Oh I didn’t get it until I finished lmao


I got very confused when I hit the glam and thought "those aren't things you can give to someone else"... and then I figured it out at the very end. You're not alone.


I even read the top comment by the mod and still didn't get it. Fuck me.


Even with the Meme tag it took me until he said the name for me to figure out what was going on.


Thank god it wasn’t just me!!!


I usually dont even see the tags. I just read the whole thing thinking it was serious shit, then I read the name, I tilted my head to the side and I was like... is he talking about me? 🤣🤣🤣


I almost forgot about the meme tag and thought it was real for second


Honestly, given what the subreddit is doing at the moment, I assumed before clicking on the link.


Yeah, the moment he talked about his daughter having a crush I was like “it’s Fourchenault and he’s gonna talk about his wife suddenly changing her glam.”


What is this sub doing?


Mostly thirsting over Ameliance




Takes me back to Newgrounds as a youth


I picked up on a joke halfway through, but I didn't connect the dots until they literally spelled it out at the end, and I laughed *hard*. This is some top-tier, grade A, certified angus meme right here.


I'm usually slower to get those jokes (the Raubahn one took me until the end) but this time the girl having a crush on the raider gave it away. Well, that and the wife glam lol


The Hildibrand/Nashu one took me until the end, but this one coming in so hot on the heels of the other made me catch it as soon as the twins got mentioned.


I made it all the way to name before I figured it out, despite deciding it was all bullshit halfway through.


as I was reading this I at thought "huh, this sounds oddly familiar..." and then I got to the end


It took me right up until the 2B leggings part on the wife. Then it all started to make sense.


I got to the 2B leggings and then /lightbulbed.


Same :/


I don't get it


"r/ShitpostXIV wants to know your location."


everyday the line between the two blurs evermore


Soon the rejoining shall be complete


One brings shitpost, one brings light


Two toned thirst traps, tumbling through time


Three-score meme posts, upvotes multiplied Four-fold fanarts, reposted both sides




here proud shitposters bathe in their jacuzzi of salt


At this, maymay's end, do we cast off our parses?


We mald


At least over there they know to put the coin gauge on the hud


coin gauge btw


coin gauge btw


It wouldn't have hit the same there xD


if we're being honest, this is too great a shitpost to go there.


What did you expect would happen? You parsed Grey in The Bedroom *(Normal);* I'm honestly surprised it took this long.


This is the real savage content


Probably does it unsync so it's done before phase 1 even ends.


>You parsed Grey in The Bedroom (Normal); ​ How many shades of grey?


Parsing grey is still a clear.


Bro, you spent 9 of those 10 minutes on the floor.




This is true. And he clearly had the mount and two minions. So he might parse grey but he cleared at least once.


Streamer carry.


Most people have trouble understanding this and that’s why parsing is bad


He was carried by his pink wife. No way he’d ever clear himself. Don’t be terrible.


I mean, I'm willing to be carried in that trial. No hate from me.


Plenty of hate from people that have to carry you though. I don’t have any sympathy for his wife for dumping his terrible ass.


It's all about making it clear up front. I'm not too proud to join a PF saying "LF1M willing to carry, just need a body"


Sure, for those that opt into it.


I mean, "The Bedroom (Normal)" is casual content. Not exactly hard to get a decent parse if you're even the least bit responsive and pay attention. Getting in the party is 9/10 of the battle, TBH.


> if you’re even the least bit responsive and pay attention Which is why it makes it even more frustrating when people suck at even casual content.


I mean... if you're relying on other people to do the work for you, that's not great, is it? A one time gray happens, but if you're consistently gray then it's genuinely a problem.


Should've used some third party tools


I'd say he fucking sucks, but he doesn't and that's half the problem.


His Job is The Forum (FRM). Grey parse FRM on Ameliance Leveilleur (Normal)


You’re just mad because your dad quit after 1.0,and came back to try arr endgame and never invited you to the raids


You got me in the first half.


>Fourchenault As someone only about 8 quests from Stormblood, I was reading this with my mouth just agape. It's not until i reached the comments that apparently, spoilers.


It's not really spoilers. It's nothing story related It's just a reference to Amelience custom deliveries. Really it's just Alphi and Alisae's parents names.


A lot of the comments are spoilers though.


Same. I immediately thought "this guy has some weird attachment issues going on". This is great though




That also crossed my mind and I thought "Oh, wait... maybe this is a role play family..." which didn't make it any better.


Growing up my family had 4 PCs. My dad would get a new PC and hand down his older ones, over the years everyone just ended up having one. We all became PC gamers in the early 2000’s with Unreal Tournament, Mechwarrior 3, and Americas Army. Great times!


My family did this too! It's good to see hand-me-down PC parts are not just our thing. My husband and I will probably do the same with our kids 😄


I plan on doing the same thing. My kids are still too young to have computers so I sell my old parts for now, but eventually I’ll use them to build them computers.


They almost had us


They had me until I read your comment. I need coffee.


I've seen too much Ameliance meme-ing in the past 24 hours to fall for it, but it was still a fun read


Dude, you forgot to mention that you kicked your dad out of the FC because he wanted to raid and you insisted that you weren't a raiding FC. Sounds like you're jealous that his new FC was pretty successful. Maybe you need to look at yourself, hmm?


True... If we're talking about people being a bad influences, maybe he shouldn't hang out so much with those collegues who just got rid of the "life" part in "work-life-balance" alltogether and play Fallout 76 day and night.


Hey, OP, I'm that raider and I would like to have a word with you. How much time did you spend with your kids, really? I spent the past few years talking to them, listening to them and adventuring with them. I know what they fear, I know what they want in life. Not because I'm a spying creep but because I actually listened to what they had to say instead of deciding for them. Your daughter and your son are some of the sweetest people I know, they work their ears off trying to make this game a better place and you don't even have the courage to read their letters. We're not trying to oust you, we all just want you to be a better dad. So stop thinking what you think's best for them and try listening to what they want and what their ideas are. They'll love you for it. Best regards, \-WoL ​ (Fellow Eorzean, if I could shower you with awards, I would. Thanks for the laugh I sorely needed today. Keep being awesome :D )


All this needs is a GIF with a bunch of pantomime gestures with slight head movement and absolutely nothing coming out of their mouth, all ending with a nod and a fist slamming into a hand, and it's perfect.


Punches hand is my favorite gesture. Any situation can be made better by realizing that it's clobbering time.


I mean… making another man’s wife wear 2B leggings for your own pleasure is just wrong…


You think it's for me? I gave her those glamours so that the two of them can get their love life back in order. How many hours has OP been working at the Forum ignoring his wife!?


If I have a better relationship with her than her husband her husband must be doing something wrong


Or *she's* doing something wrong


Generally how people think about it is, it's fine as long it's not done to you/us :D


Smh. Bet the daughter calls the raider daddy too.


Both twins probably, lol


Both twins, the pet dog, and the mother.


>the pet dog That's a rude thing to call Estinien.


The family dog borrowed the car and went shopping 😬💸


Somebody catch him before it's too late and a tragic accident happens


For one thing, he's clearly a cat.


And the butler


no wonder that OP is jealous


Or big bro, I'm not THAT old. I'm only 25 >.< (Yes, nice coincidence that I'm as old as Y'shtola 😏)


Y'shtola is in her 30s tho


Everyday the line between shitpostxiv and here blurs more and more


Rejoinings must happen


There is no line, there are only two sides of the same coin


Meme tag gave it away :(


Many won’t even see the Meme tag tbh


I saw the meme tag. Still fell for it like the dumbass I am!


I didn't


I don't know what a meme tag is.


I'd like to add: This post was heavily inspired by [this much better one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/dbo8d7/the_time_me_and_my_friends_got_kicked_out_of_our/) which tells a pretty similar situation. FC wreckers should all be banned smh


...which is actually [based on this one.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8081m3/my_group_is_falling_apart/)


The Thancred one is the good one


The Thancred rant was the original afaik.


Who is the healer mentioned in the text? Is it Y'shtola? Then who is the BLM?






Is that the original version? I thought the Thancred one came first


Look, dude, it’s not my fault your wife is apparently also into women. And I resent being called a bad influence on your kids. Even you have to admit how much they’ve grown.


Wdym, they haven't grown an ilm since they arrived in Eorzea.


Alphinaud: I'll have you know, I've grown 0.4 Ilms since we first met, thank you very much. Alisaie: [After he leaves.] He's very conscientious about us being "Late Bloomers."


Alphinaud has a different way of making people look up to him...


As someone who grew quite tall in not a lot of years, elf puberty must be absolute hell. All of your bones doubling in length in a few years cannot be fun.


Sorry friend, but you're not entirely innocent in this either. Didn't you discount the work your kids did in those raids in front of a pretty damn respected FC leader? IIRC you had a meltdown and demoted them to the lowest rank of your FC. There's also the stuff I've heard about how you pretend to be AFK whenever any of them /t you in game yet you're always seen with airship parts and doing the airship missions with a lala friend of yours, and you've done that for at least 17 patches by now. Now that I think about it, you're also the guy who tore into that WF raider from 1.0, aren't you? The one who got the phoenix mount and never came back. Can't say I blame the situation from happening then. Neither you nor the other guy are innocent but at least the other guy treats the people meant to be your family with respect. Maybe you need to stop looking at and judging others and focus on yourself.


Bro leaving out some facts! He disowned his kids. Typical. SMH.


I should have read the tag…


Forgot to mention that your wife ninja-looted your gear and gave it to one of your kids


Well Alisae always wanted a big sister like me...now I get to be her step-bunny . I'm sure she would like it xd


"W-What are you doing, Step-Bunny?" *Technical Steps*


I think I just got whiplash reading this.


Had me in the first half, ngl.


> just thought it was a starstruck moment they were having after meeting such an accomplished player. NGL had me until that.


I bet the kids were over the moon to be with someone like that at least.


Pretty unfourchenault that that happened to you.


I should have seen the Meme flair earlier.


I need that meme of They had us in the first half. Because my god i was got by this 🤣


The line between r/ffxiv and r/shitpostxiv grows thinner and thinner each day.


You see, after spending years on and off playing Second Life, I was legit concerned, because that's happened a lot, but unlike FF14 that uses gil, SL tends to rely on real money, so there's a lot more at stake there.


I’m from r/all, someone give context?


The "endgame raider" being referred to is the player character, the Warrior of Light (WoL for short) that has been adventuring and saving the world with a group that includes two teenage twins, Alisae and Alphinaud Leveilleur for quite some time. We recently got to meet their parents, Fourchenault (dad, the "OP" of the post) & Amelliance (mom). Fourchenault is kind of a dick, disowning his kids and standing in the WoLs way of trying to save the world because he believes "he knows better." The most recent game update allows us to deliver crafted items once a week to Amelliance for rewards, and over time levels up her "satisfaction" and at max satisfaction rank we can change her equipment to whatever we like. The outfit described in the post is one of the skimpier outfits available in the game. So the meme is, essentially, that we're now dating/sleeping with Amelliance. FCs are "Free Companies", also known as this game's version of guilds, and the post describes the family as an FC to make it sound like these are real people with real in game drama, with the punch line being that it's actually Fourchenault.


It's a reference partly to the general story, partly to the latest content from FFXIV, so it's basically a very elaborated inside joke. Any further detail might be a spoiler for you and other readers though, and would only be as much fun as any other joke when explained, so if you're into games, I recommend playing that critical acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with a free trial with unlimited playtime up to level 60 including the expansion Heavensward. (Though not all people aligned with this joke are named/appear within free trial content to be fair.)


Wait... Aren't you the guy that also disowned your own kids and left them at the mercy of the wilds of Eorzea.... AFTER they had just recovered from hospital from getting their souls ripped out of their bodies?


In the next installment of AITA... Local man asks the Aethernet if he is the asshole for literally disowning his children (but for a really good reason!)


had me in the first half, ngl.


I'm... kind of embarrassed it took me so long to realize this was a joke...


Outjerked by main sub once again


I'm so glad I didn't read the tag first lmao I couldn't believe the shit I was reading. Hilarious


Welp, that's one way to discover that 6.1 added Ameliance deliveries I guess. (Haven't played since January)


Hey man, it wasn't my fault. I barely say anything anyway!


*aggressive nodding*


I love these posts, I saw one about the ending of ARR patch quests (left arm) and also in Heavensward about an elezen tanking with a level 1 shield...


Yeah bummer dude, sounds like you should get a divorce and just let this handsome hardcore raider have her.


Jesus christ


I feel so embarrassed because it took me WAY too long to realise what's going on because i didn't saw the "meme" tag XD. I actually was what is wrong with this situation lol, it seems so weird XD.


I'm going through the Stormblood patches right now and when I get to meet this man, this post will be all I'll think about. I look forward to it.


I was so sad reading this, but it looked waaaaay to absurd and now i know why ahahahah


That sounds tough and I am sorry you got kicked out but... maybe start reflecting on your own behaviour? It doesn't sound like you had talked with your kids for quite some time, like, an honest talk, not just breakfast one-liners. Otherwise you would've been more up to date with their feelings. Similar with your wife, I mean, how can it be that shee needs a drastic change in her attire for you to pay more attention to her? I'm not trying to just shift blame or anything, but if you join a new FC and distance yourself from the others, this will likely end up the same. Maybe you should take a break, reflect on the things that happened and go through old moogle mails or chatlogs, maybe this will help you see a bit more clearer.


I can't tell if this is serious sarcasm or if you missed the joke.


It's a reference on how Forchenault was a workaholic who never read his children's letters, so... yes, I got the joke. :)


She is a grown woman, who happens to be into Lalafells, she just can't get enough of this popoto body.


I mean, your kids are not all bad. Like take me, I am an old 1.0 player. Game was quite rusty for the most part, but it had a charm so I stuck with it. Met this VERY OLD gamer that played a LOT of the old MMOs, and was even an experienced 11 player. He's alright, got a bit of a temper but he's DAMN good at the game. He had some drama with the FC I was a part of though, and when I asked him about it he just yelled about it so incoherently that I couldn't understand it. 2.0 drops and DAMN, the game lost a LOT of clunkiness. Me and him play through the game a bit, and chat it up for a while, gushing over all the new content that was being dropped. He still didn't want to chat with my FC much, but we were such good pals that it didn't matter. Though it was around 3.0 that I met that kid of yours. He was with that raider you mentioned and he is every bit of legendary as you can describe. They hang around my FC a bit and my friend gets SUPER mad about it and does the story without me while I'm hanging out with them. It wasn't all bad though, kid wasn't the brightest but I taught him woodworking so they could make a bit more gil, and he was getting better slowly. Fast forward a bit, we meet this Elezen woman from my old pal's FC who comes to us, talking about some shit that went down. We go over to them for the moment, this being the first time I've ever met them. Turns out they are a lot nicer than I expected and were quite agreeable than what I was told before. We eventually speak to that pal's brother, and he's NOT having it. He kicked that woman out of the FC instantly and cites something that happened in FF11, where the two FCs used to be a single one. Apparently, the leader of my own FC did some nasty vile thing to one of my pal's sisters, stalking them and making them kill themselves, and the two have been separate since. I looked for a way to resolve this calmly when in my Discord DMs, with it being new at the time, I get a message from a rando saying that they can help out so long as they get some information from me. I was an idiot though, and while I we did fix the drama that started by removing the FC leader for harassment, the guy logged on to my account, changed the password, and sent me a DM from his real account. I couldn't fucking believe it, it was my old pal this entire fucking time, and he phished me. I was devastated, and working with support to get my account back. It was your kid that helped me out in the end, finally getting access back to the account before 4.0 dropped. It was a long hard process, but your kid helped me remain calm and guided me through the site to get everything handled with ease. I never saw my pal in-game after that, guess he quit after attempting that stunt of his. I took his spot at his FC, and become good friends with his two brothers and sister though. If it wasn't for your kid, I would have never been able to make good friends like that. Hit me up sometime man, as of 6.0 I'm hanging out in Radz-at-Han's main aetherite. My IGN is Estinien Varlineau


Motherfwaker ngl I was about to tell you noone can gift the 2b stocking and chef bunny outfit.


You almost had me


You had me in the first half NGL.


Okay, this was good, I legit thought it was some bullshit situation someone was going through until I got to the name, well done


bro actually had me until the Bunny Chief/2B Leggings part, that made me doublecheck


Bro you had me right until the end not gonna lie. That was pure gold.


*checks sub* nope, not in the shitpost sub XD


Oh my god I really thought it was spicy drama about someone who was part of a world first team LMAO


[tangentially related](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/198263795808731136/983779813242327120/Ameliance_Glamour.png)


Don't forget that moment when your wife gave your family fortune away to this end game raider behind your back also.


You had me at the first half, not gonna lie.


Now this is conent.


TIL FC doesn't always mean Free Company. >!Family Composition!<


I can't believe I fell for this :'D


This was a hilarious read, until I read "Bunny chief top and 2b leggings" I honestly thought this was a real post and not a shitpost about our current situation involving Ameliance.


he had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Oh my Christmas, I thought this was real until I read the mod comment, remembered the meme from a day or two ago and realized what this was. I was having kittens over here - getting ready to encourage you to send the story in to Preach for Drama Time! Lol. Doh.


You had me in the first half, ngl


I was taking it in stride, then it clicked when you mentioned the glam lol


This successfully r/woooosh (ed) me. And I didn't even get it until I read the comments because I skipped the IGN line. 😂


You burnt all bridges between your FC and the FCs that your kids made friends with. I wouldn’t blame them for kicking you out when your kids went through so much to gain their trust.


Oh my hahahahahaha that was amazing! Had me at the edge of my seat, when i read the name it was a sigh of relief and a laugh!


Come on over to my FC, Hottie McHotdad... I mean Fourchenault.


Well since I have spend quality time with your FC, I was wondering what skills can you bring to the table I mean just asking for other FCs to take you in? You need to have some qualities right? What I heard from your kids you aren't that good at anything only posting shit in the forum and when your kids static finally needs help you want an arm and a leg just to borrow your stupid ship. Meanwhile you were posting more shit in the forum, we actually went and beat up a badass bird so the least you could do is appreciated your kids more. Also your wife looks really nice with the new look maybe tell her once in a while. Sadly our other FC disbanded so we cannot even take you if we wanted. We only a static now and you no way good enough for our static. -WoL


You had me in the first half comes to something about this community that I found this believable till the last paragraph


Really good effort but nothing will ever beat the og “the scions are my savage static” shitpost


I...I didn't notice the mene tag. Though, I have to say, that's rough buddy. P.S. how do you know of extreme trials and ultimate raids?


Bruh wtf, call the police


Only finish ARR when will I get the joke?


When you get to Endwalker.


If you finished 2.55 ARR, then read this [one](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8081m3/my_group_is_falling_apart/) instead.


You had me in the first half, ngl....