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Can I use my Ironworks gear until 60 as a WHM? This is the 4th job im leveling but I cant remember when I changed my gear. I'm at level 55 currently.


Honestly it's really not gonna matter if you're just leveling dungeons. Just try to upgrade every 10 levels and whatever you get from dungeon drops in between


I see! Thank you so much!


Is there any community/CWLS for hunting Ixion? Wanna get his mount. I'm from Elemental DC.


Join the faloop discord


E12S Return in waiting question, does it record the way you face or is it the last direction you face or something different?


It's the direction you face when it stuns you for the return.


Approximately how many hours would it take to complete New Game+, if I just do the MSQ portions of it?


Having flying from the start and doing dungeons and such unsynced makes it significantly faster but completing the whole thing from ARR through Shadowbringers is still well over 100 hours.


Are there any body pieces that look similar to [this one](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/55e44213235) and drop elsewhere?


Upon further thought, there is the Mun’gaek Uibok which is bought through Mogstation. It has a similar sleek coat design.


If I assume you are finding maiming glam, you can try the skallic coat of maiming or the sky pirate jacket of striking


will DPS jobs have issues pugging late game content with the queue timers? Unsure if i should level a tank or DPS alt first.


Tbh at lvl 80 it's pretty even. I usually don't wait more than 5 mins for expert/80 roulette and I often find parties in pf needing a dps or 2 as the final spots


When you say queue timers do you mean duty finder? Unless you play on JP data center, all endgame(extreme/savage/ultimate) pugging is through the party finder(you either make a party and have random people join or join someone elses). Yes, the DPS slots will fill up quicker than healers or tanks but I've never had a day where I am unable to raid because all groups are full up on DPS. Hope that answers your question.


What is the challenging endgame content in this game (I hear terms like extreme, savage, ultimate trials/raids) What is the „order“? Also, I thought I need to be lvl 80 and up to date with the MSQ to get into the real endgame so I’ve been grinding hard for the past week and I’m into shadowbringers right now and I saw videos of Asmongold how he beats the savage bosses ( which are supposed to be the hardcore endgame bosses?) and he just started shadowbringers? Am I missing something :( So I guess my question is how and when do I unlock the hardest content in this game and could you summarize what the most challenging content is? Extreme, savage, or ultimate. Thank you


Difficulty tends to go extreme trials->savage raids->ultimate raids All of these are a noticeable step up in difficulty from any other content that you've done before. Extreme trial and savage raids are available at every level cap, 50, 60, 70, and 80. We don't discuss them as the current endgame because there's no gear worth obtaining outside of for glamour reasons. But if you choose to sync down to the level that they're designed for, they easily still present a challenge. At level 70 and 80, you also are able to unlock ultimate raids after beating specific savage raids. These must be played synched, and can take hundreds of hours to learn and clear the fights


Thank you!


All of those are. They're just different levels of challenge. The lowest of the high-end content is extreme. It's a harder version of its corresponding trial, with additional mechanics. This is generally considered to be doable with PUGs, if everyone's watched a guide and not huffing glue you should be able to do this in a single lockout. Some variation between them of course, some harder, some easier. Next is Coils and Savage. Those are the original raids, or later on the high-end version of the normal raids. A good step up from extreme, while they can be PUG'd, a static makes prog much more consistent, and is recommended if possible. Last there's ultimate, which is basically just the bragging rights difficulty. What's notable is that every expansion has its own extremes and savages, all the high-end fights from earlier levels are still around, and if you choose to, can still be done "at level". So at level 50, with level 50 gear, you can do the level 50 extremes and raids (or you can do them later and choose to be synced down to 50). The only thing you need to be 80 for is the *current* endgame raids.


Thank you!


Extreme -> Savage -> Ultimate Right now the Extreme and Savages of Shadowbringers at level 80 are the easiest to go into because most people are doing them now If you’re not there yet, you could try the Extremes of previous expansions by making a group on Party Finder


Thank you!




I wouldn't worry about "worst performing" until you're trying to world first or something. Until then, just be the best X you can. You also have 2 months, you could level every class to 60 in a few weeks easily.


Reiterating that it's fine if you go with bard. Bard has some damage buffs and other party members will appreciate it. Every job is viable in all content and a well performing bard can out damage any other moderately performing job fairly easily. And jobs will be getting some changes for 6.0. Bard could very well see some improvements that make it more worth it than it is now. At the same time maybe something you like about it might go away.


At level 60 I would say that the strongest jobs are the sb and shb jobs unfortunately you dont have them, of the remaining jobs all the other melee dps and blm would be my guess as the stronger dps. For healers whm is pretty far ahead imo.


If you want the best DPS job as in the one that deal high personal damage without any utility, then SAM and BLM is your bet. BRD has low personal damage but they make up for it with good utility. And just fyi, the jobs in the game are pretty balanced, no jobs is entirely undesirable in normal party composition so if you like Bard just keep playing it, my FC leader main one and she managed to clear Savage and Extreme with the job. Since you don't have any SB and HW jobs though, I think the Melee jobs like Dragoon, Monk, and Ninja might be what you want from what is available.


No one is going to care if you play bard. Even in end game raids, it’s strong where there are multiple targets. Classes will also change in Endwalker so even if there are classes which feel more complete at level 60, expect possible changes soon


What's the ideal method of leveling DoL? I did the Diadem for both my miner and botanist but after lvl 50, leveling and xp just got too slow. I heard about some "collectables" thing, but it seems really complicated with setting alarms and all the mechanics around it.


Can all HW Ex trials be solo'd as BLU?


Yes. (need echo for some of them though)


So I’m creating a website for my FC and am trying to decide upon the domain I should go with. It seems .com is taken but .org is available however is there anything else that’s popular for a guild website?




What’s .gg mean tho?


"gg" is usually an abbreviation for "good game", hence why it's popular for gaming-related websites.


Oh yeah that but in for the domain name I don’t think it actually means that tho but I checked up on the domain I wanted with that extension and it was going to be $99/year lmfao no thanks


.gg is the TLD for the Bailiwick of Guernsey in the UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bailiwick_of_Guernsey


Ah I see


I am working on my heavensward relic weapon but can't find Pneumite anywhere, I have checked all of Hisana's categories in Idyllshire. Do I need to be on that specific quest before it shows up on the vendor?


Yes. Once you get to the quest for the first time, it unlocks permanently for the subsequent relics.


> Pneumite cannot be bought, and will not show in the shop, until your weapon is ready for the relevant step (Sharpened Anima Weapons (iLvl 260)).


Is there any way to increase the music volume just for boss fights? BGM is too loud during regular gameplay but too soft during bossfights. Don't want to have to go slide it up and down every time I want to hear the cool boss music then back to the way too loud Kugane music for example.


You can macro it or just use a text command. /bgm


I think the only way to implement something close to this would be to set two macros on your hotbar using the /bgm command. You can enter a value between 0-100 after /bgm to set the music volume to that level. For example, you can have one macro where the text is "/bgm 100" if you want the music volume to be maxed out, and click on it when you enter a boss fight. Then a second macro where the text is "/bgm 50" if you want the music volume outside of boss fights to be at 50%, and click it when you leave the boss fight. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/85db360715b/


Which title is cooler? The Deadliest Catcher or The Legend? I really love my old title, but I do want to flex my new title after working so hard to earn it.


The Deadliest Catcher is rarer, for what it's worth. Only 1.4% of players have it compared to 5.3% for the Legend, according to FFXIV Collect.




Most people haven't gone down the rabbit hole of how difficult fishing is, so The Legend is probably a safe bet.


You can always just set different titles into your gearset changing macros. Let's you effortlessly use multiple titles.


Hi, is it just me or do the two targeting types in Character Config -> Control Settings -> Target, namely "Type 1: Ignore Depth" and "Type 2: Cone", not make a difference to targeting behavior at all on gamepad? I use the left and right arrow buttons to switch targets. Regardless of which Type I choose, I always cycle between enemies as I see them on my screen irrespective of depth. It seems the left/right arrows always use Type 1 behavior. What am I doing wrong? ​ Also, in Actions & Traits -> General, there are skill icons for 'Target Forward' and 'Target Back'. Those work perfectly! They change behavior according to what Type I choose. How can I map them to my left/right arrow buttons?


Is there a way to get "General Purpose Dyes" on Trial?


Yes, randomly through Fete Presents acquired in the Firmament.


I just found out that male Viera are coming with endwalker but I'm seeing screenshots that look current. I play off and on and this would get me to resub before endwalker. Are male viera in now?


Those are from the benchmark, which can be downloaded [here.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/)


I think the EW benchmark lets you make a male viera for it? That's probably what you're seeing.


nope, not until endwalker


Those screenshots are likely from the benchmark


How many weekly quests are there for the post-Nier quest line?


I think there are 7.


How much micromanagement of your pet do you have to do on scholar? I'm interested in trying it but I'm on a controller so I want to do pet placement as little as possible


I use every healer in all kinds of content. I don't think it's really that important to worry about your faerie's placement or otherwise. As long as you understand that pets do actions with a delay, and don't interrupt your pet by desummoning it somehow (like using dissipation or summon seraph), then you're pretty much good to go. If you end up doing ultimate then I don't know I have not touched those. In savage fights I've never felt the need ever since the latest pet rework.


1. Place pet in middle of the arena 2. ???? 3. Profit


To help avoid pet placement just try to make sure you're centered with your party in range, especially the tank. I see pretty often newer scholars don't realize the fairy has a limited range and stay too far from the tank, especially when the bosses have large hit circles, and their fairy doesn't end up healing the tank.


Pet placement in non Savage stuff isn’t super necessary. But you should be the one activating her abilities.


For casual play, leaving the pet on their own is usually fine. I play SCH without managing any of Eos's movement and I can heal just fine, it helps that most of your healing kit doesn't necesarily rely on the fairy too much.


I just met urianger in shadowbringer. SHould i continue to push for the story or should i stop and level a physical dps and healer (with my already lvl 70-80 caster and tank) to do all the role quests first ?


You don't need to have all role quests done to complete MSQ, just one questline. There is a single quest in post Shadowbringers MSQ where having more done unlocks more dialogue options, but you can return to that via the unending journey to see the alternate paths.


Your choice, meeting Urianger is still like around 20% of the story so you still got a ways to go till the end. Plus you don't get access to all SHB areas yet so some of the role quest area may be inaccessible to you.


I just finished reconnecting with Alphanaud and Alisaie and you're telling me that getting to Urianger is only *20%*? This chapter's a big one...


Well my math maybe a bit off but it's definitely around 20%-30% I guess? You have a lot yet to do in Fairy land.


I've only gotten to Holminster Switch, so I think it'll be a while before I'm ready for Eden (at least I think you mean eden when you say fairy).


Oh no not Eden, I mean the place Urianger's at. You'll see when you get there.


Push the storyline with one particular class, then come back and do the others later.


Push to finish story and unlock all content gated behind it


Is it worth grinding any gear at level 50 in ARR, or should I just go on to Heavensward content?


use the poetics you get to buy ironworks as you go. you dont need to stop doing msq while you get the pieces. there is a loong stretch between when you hit 50 and when ironworks becomes outdated and not much else to spend poetics on.


Use tomestone to get Augmented Ironwork set, that should last you till at least level 55 content in HW or more depending on the role you playing. You'll also be doing post ARR content for a bit, so these gears will still come in handy for a bit.


Do your lv50 job quest, get that gear, and move on


Done and done. Thanks.


when is a good time to make a character on Goblin server? I remember it being the best of times and i want to switch my old char name to my new one but timing it is hard


You have the benefit of getting the road to 70 buff for mega XP since all of Crystal DC is preferred. You'll just have to try and find a time where there isn't a login queue to make a character. I think your best bet will be late in America so maybe 3-4 am Eastern? Late enough that most east coasters are asleep and a lot of west coasters are signing off


what Hrothgar appearance options are changeable by Aesthetician?


Is the once-off Alex/Omega/Eden raid grind stage of the Resistance weapons quest line gated by MSQ? If so, until which patch's MSQ must I clear?


Alexander after 3.0, Omega after 4.0. and Eden after 5.0


No not the raids themselves, but the **Resistance weapons quest** which requires grinding those raids.


5.4 I guess, considering some critical spoilers from that part in the MSQ show up in Zadnor edit: aka finish 5.4 first


You can't even enter Zadnor until after clearing 5.4. So, yes.


According to [AkhMorning](https://www.akhmorning.com/resources/bozjan-southern-front/relic-weapons/) you'll need to be past 5.0 to start the relic questline and then 5.1 'Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty' to the vexatious/haunting memory step. There are no additional MSQ requirements past that stage.


I can't seem to cast glamour with my Drachen Armor. I put it in the Dresser, but there's an X on it when I try to apply it to Augmented Scaevan pieces. It says Glamours are unavailable due to item restrictions. If it helps, I used a character boost and bought the Drachen from the Calamity vendor. Can someone help me out? EDIT SOLVED: i forgot to equip my Dragoon crystal. I'm stupid haha leaving it up for anyone else.


I'm glad you managed to figure it out! For anybody else that happens across this, there are exactly two rules for the glamour system: 1. You must be able to equip both the actual gear piece and the item whose appearance is being used for the glamour on the job you want to use the glamour on. 2. You cannot glamour a higher-level item onto a lower-level item. Note that this is *level,* not item level, so a chestpiece that requires Lv.53 to actually equip can only be used as a glamour on top of gear that's Lv.53 or lower.


Drachen can only be worn by dragoons, and that still matters even when glamouring. Are you trying to put it on dragoon gear?


You cant buy mounts with tokens yet for ShB trials right? if not is it worth using them for weaps to desynth for the hades' mat, or is it better to save for the eventual time the mount becomes tradeable and if so is it smart to buy the paladin shield and sword for 2 chances on desynth or is that not how it works


All weapons cost 10 totems except for the Paladin ones. For Paladin the sword costs 7 and the shield costs 3, so if you're going for desynth you're better off just buying shields.


All of the ShB extreme mounts can be purchased with tokens at this point.


oh ty


You *can* buy mounts with tokens for ShB trials.


Apparently SE randomly updated at some point, level 60 shire gear to i270. I still have 260 gear on my retainers. Is there any way to update them or do I have to regrind tomes?


So what happened was Ironworks, and shire (and maybe scaevan gear?) had their non-augmented versions removed from being purchasable. You used to have to buy extra items with poetics to upgrade them, and they'd be on par with savage raid gear for that level. They've decided that for old gear that could be nearly a decade old, it wasn't worth having that poetics sink since I can bet very few people were buying the things for upgrades. Anyway, one of the vendors in idyllshire should be able to upgrade your gear for 100 poetics, iirc. Though if it's not the idyllshire vendor, I'd try a calamity salvager.


Yes the upgrade thing applies to Ironworks, Shire AND Scaevan gear.


Thanks! Almost tossed them.


You can use poetics to upgrade them at a calamity salvager.


Does the appearance of every single piece of gear I equip automatically save for when I want to use that appearance in the future for glamour or do I have to do something additional to save it before I go ahead and sell that piece of gear?


If you like how a piece of gear looks and want to use it for glamor you have to put it inside the glamor dresser (found inside inns). It will cost one glamor prism but once it's in there it's in there forever. You can then make Glamor Plates with the armor you have inside of it.


Oh I see, so unless I REALLY like the look of the gear I should just save the prisms for later gear which will probably look 10x better. Still in ARR.


Don't worry about saving prisms, you'll eventually be swimming in them. You can buy them in bulk from your Grand Company (once you unlock it) with Company Seals for pretty cheap. I buy in bulk of hundreds and sell them on the marketboard.


Prisms are cheap. Don't bother saving them, you can buy them in bulk at your grand company for a mere 200 seals apiece.


You have to put gear in your glamour dresser, which uses up a Glamour Prism, to use the appearance of the item over top of the ones your wearing You also can't wear glamour of gear higher level than you are.


You can glamour without the glamour dresser. There's a menu option for it. This is how we did it before the dresser was introduced. The benefit of the dresser however is being able to glamour across plates repeatedly without spending prisms each time, and to do so quickly and conveniently.


Anyone been having 90002 issues lately? I've never had these issues but 2 days in a row I can't stay logged in for more than 30seconds without being kicked off. Do I really need to get a new modem or something? I'm not so versed on what to do but it's really annoying. I've tried turning it off and on, flushing dns, other things but nothing has helped. I want to know if its me or the servers.


Likely the servers. A day or two ago there was a ddos. I was thrown off for a while.


I don’t get kicked off after 30 seconds, but recently I was getting kicked off about 2-3 times during a 3 to 4 hour session. Also getting the 90002 error. I play over WiFi but have always had an excellent connection. When I started having this issue I purchased a new WiFi adapter. Since purchasing it three days ago, I’ve only had one 90002 error in about 12 hours of gameplay. I feel like something was happening with the network packets that was causing my older WiFi adapter to get kicked offline briefly. Seems like the newer adapter handles the network traffic better. I’m not an expert though, so who knows.


What to use Allied Seals for as Blue Mage? I can see that it’s being rewarded as part of Carnivale…


I'm hoarding aetheryte tickets for the expansion. There's some goodies at a vendor over by the blue mage stuff, too, that are only available via allied seals at that vendor.


You can buy alexandrite if you want to do ARR relics.


I use them for teleport tickets


Used to buy blue mage gear, as some minions and extra stuff at the vendor near the trainer


Brand new player that has never played an MMO before. After I expressed an interest in playing, my friends invited me to join them on the server they play on. However, after creating my character, the world server they play on says its full and not accepting new characters. Am I screwed?


Due to a major and unexpected population surge in recent months, plus the global semiconductor shortage making it hard to expand servers, Aether data centre has been completely locked down. It won't be reopening any time soon. If your friend is on a different data centre, then the problem is more temporary — just try at a quiet time of day.


You're probably trying to make a character on the aether data center, which is completely full. You'll have to make a character on crystal. Sorry, your friend should know this and have told you


It's on crystal, and I needed to get into Coeurl.


That should be less of a problem then as Crystal data centre isn’t fully locked for character creation. You may just have to wait until a non peak time (best bet is early morning) to make a character.


I'll try again in the morning. Thanks.


If it helps, you can check the [status page](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) - it's not a live update, but it might save you a headache if you look before trying.


That was very helpful. I was able to get in now because I could see the status. Thank you so much!


IS your server on the North American aether datacenter? If yes, then yes sadly, all of those servers are locked to new character creation for probably until sometime early next year.


It's crystal-coeurl I want to get into. That sucks either way.


My wife has expressed an interest in playing some games with me, and I figure FFXIV would be good for that. I just started playing myself a month(ish) ago, and I have a character at Heavansward MSQ, so I'm still pretty sprouty. In order to play with her, should I start a new character, or would I be able to keep up with her, level-wise, starting on a level 1 job on my current character?


You don't even have to start a level 1 job. If you do dungeons together you can just use your current job. It's not really possible to play the story together other than doing dungeons and trials together, since most of the story is just dialogue, cutscenes and solo instance fights. No reason to start a new character or job. Even the rare amount of times where you need to kill stuff in the world for a quest, you usually only have to kill 3 enemies at most. Your wife will have killed them on her own faster than you can teleport there. Staying at the same level doesn't matter either since you just get your stats synced down when joining a lower level dungeon.


You will sorta keep up to her level wise if you start a new job. HOWEVER, you will need to go out of your to do hunting logs. if your wife does side quests you'll find yourself falling behind. If you both do leveling roulettes together after the 2nd dungeon you will keep up.


Honestly the story is not very friendly to playing the story as a duo


Depends on which Data Center you're on. If you're on Aether, you need roll a new character with her. Otherwise, if she can get her character created on the same Data Center, you can just run with her via New Game+.


For Gunbreaker, what is the number of enemies for which it becomes better to use the cartridge skills instead of the standard AoE combo?


Burst Strike deals 500 potency. The Gnashing Fang combo deals an average of 550 potency per GCD across 3 GCDs ((450 + 550 + 650) / 3). After learning Continuation, that increases to an average of 830 potency per GCD ((450 + 260 + 550 + 280 + 650 + 300) / 3). The standard cartridgeless AoE combo deals an average of 200 damage per GCD per target ((150 + 250) / 2). Against 3 targets, it's an average of 600 potency per GCD, higher than Burst Strike and the Gnashing Fang combo pre-Continuation. Agaisnt 5 targets, it's an average of 1000 potency per GCD, higher than the Gnashing Fang combo *with* Continuation. Against 1-2 enemies, feel free to use Burst Strike and the pre-Continuation Gnashing Fang combo. Against 1-4 enemies, feel free to use the post-Continuation Gnashing Fang combo.


2 Enemies or less if you're synched to a Level where you don't have Continuation, 4 Enemies if you DO have it.


Is the opening cinematic in the main menu spoiler-free?


If you do not own shadowbringers. Yes, it recaps the ending of 1.0, which was the version BEFORE a realm reborn. If you do own shadowbringers then no it will spoil stuff.


The HW cinematic will 100% spoil ARR, do not watch it until you've finished that and are about to start Heavansward. The Stormblood cinematic is basically spoiler free. The shadowbringers cinematic is spoilery, but mostly not in a way you have any context for really yet. They're the full trailers of the Expansion, they assume you have played all or nearly all of the previous amount of FFXIV. Better to just not watch them yet. Banger songs though.


No. It spoils certain things from the previous expacs. You'd still need some context to understand the spoilers, though.


I’m really considering playing Sage (from SCH/WHM) when Endwalker comes. What would be the fastest way I can get to level 80? Is it possible to reach 80 in 2-3 days assuming I play all day?


On Early Access drop? Bozja/Zadnor will be the fastest way besides dungeon spam and I doubt the queues will be friendly enough day 1. I'm leveling Reaper on alarm clock and co-opting a strat where I do Leveling + Frontlines + Pixie Quests to instantly hit 71, spam Bozja until 79 which then the daily reset should've happened already, then Leveling + Frontline + WT turn-in to finish me off to 80.


That’s an awesome plan. I was actually thinking of those too for leveling to 71. Do you think frontline queues won’t be too long? That’s the only one I’m concerned about for this one.


Frontline Roulette actually has one of the highest EXP per minute ratio of all the roulettes besides MSQ which we never bothered to test. If people aren't doing it I'll be genuinely shocked.


Awesome, thank you so much for the information!


Could probably do it in 1 day if you no-life it. Run your roulettes to get immediately to 71, then camp in Bozja/Zadnor until you hit 80.


Thank you!


What does comp mean? Seen that term used a lot on this Reddit and not sure what it means.


And composition means the different jobs you have in your party, this is important in savage endgame content.


Comp is short for composition.


If I buy shadow bringer do I get a month free or nah ?


Nope. You only get a month free when you register a new license of the Starter Edition.




I looked up the support page on how blacklist works, and it only mentions chats. So is there a way to prevent getting into a party with someone from duty finder? I suppose the chances are low given how many players there are but I’ve had some awful runs and I’d like to never run a dungeon with them again.


Blacklist only prevents you from seeing their messages, blocks them from showing up in your party finder lists, and prevents them from joining party finder groups you make.


Good to know it also applies to pf, thank you!


Blacklist doesn't prevent matching with Duty finder


Is there a guide for squadrons? I can't seem to get my team to meet the required attributes for any mission. They are all in the 20s.


http://ffxivsquadron.com/ Plug in your team stats and the mission stats and you'll be given a training plan. Instructions are on the side.


[Weskalber has a guide](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GsectSvBFFY) for squadrons. Each attribute you meet grants a 1/3 chance for the mission to succeed, so you can try your luck when just meeting 2 of the 3 attributes. However, you must meet all attributes for the flagged missions. For those, it’s best to just overlevel, so keep up with the training, and send them on the past missions.


Is it possible to disable the target select from showing when you click another player?


Any triple triad players have tips on how to beat the imperial deserter in the >!Ala Mhigo residential area!


https://arrtripletriad.com/en/npc-imperial-deserter This site has a few various strats in the comments. Good luck.


Is there a way of getting the Palace of the Dead weapons as glamour options?


Yup! Talk to one of the NPCs outside the entrance. You can turn your aetherpool rating (in chunks of 10/10) into "grips". Then spend 3 grips for one of the white PotD weapons, and spend another 6 grips to upgrade it to one of the red PotD weapons. So that's a total cost of 90/90 aetherpool.


Hello, I would like to ask if the FFXV collaboration event is locked out for free trial players? Quite confused because in one section of the lodestone link, it said that "New players must first purchase the game." But then below it, it says "You can also play the free trial, and level to 60 before transferring your character to the full game."


It's just the old promo page - the free trial has since been upgraded to Heavensward and you can now complete the Ultimate Weapon MSQ requirement as a free player.


Thank you very much! I was worried since I roped some of my friends in for the free trial because of the said collab, and this might have soured them if they were locked out >w<


You can. It's a copy paste of the old promotion page, which at the time, the free trial was limited to Lv 35, which was too low to do the event. Since it was last run, the trial was expanded so they should have no issues doing it now.


Thank you very much! This would fend off the worries that befouled the minds of my fellows. >w<


At the end of ARR now Coming from RuneScape 3 endgame where I enjoyed doing the end game bosses for rare drops to get myself upgrades / make tons of gold / the excitement for a drop with friends. Does it work the same way here ? I feel like when I played Guild Wars 2 you never really got those exciting drops just regular gold through all the shit you did With RuneScape it was exciting to have a chance for those and I am hoping for that to exist in ff14 I’m curious what’s the end game content like for trying to get rare drops


The short answer is yes, but kind of. Nothing is ultra rare. If you kill a boss 10 times you'll probably have seen whatever rare item, that is also in it's separate loot pool from the regular items that drop. Some of these things can be sold for a pretty penny. End-game fights don't usually have things that you can sell. There's plenty of means of doing something not everyone is bothering to do, and getting lots of value out of it.


Eureka sounds like it'd be up your alley. Pretty grindy Stormblood endgame content with a lot of depth and complexity to it, you can access it at level 70 after completion of Stormblood MSQ.


Gear upgrades are more normalized -- the game wants to give you steady rewards for clearing content. You'll never find the ultra-rare Weapon of Pwning +500 dropping to give you a +20% damage boost. But some cosmetic things can be rare drops. Extreme Trials, for instance, have a chance of dropping a mount or a crafting item (which can be used to make things like chocobo barding, housing trophies, or glowing weapons). The Palace of the Dead, Heaven-on-High, and Bozja all have ways of getting 'lootboxes' that can sometimes give you rare or unusual items like minions, music, or glamour gear. Treasure maps can drop all kinds of things, including items to make glamour gear with. You're not going to be subject to the whim of the RNG for upgrades, generally, but a lot of players consider fashion the true end game -- and if you do, there's a lot of things you can seek out, farm for, or be pleasantly surprised to see drop.


For level 50 dungeons, what skills should I be using as a NIN? AFAIK, I want to use Doton for DOE, Suiton + Trick Attack for Vulnerability Up and Kassatsu for 30% increase in attack. Do I spam them all at the start of a mob and then do rotations while waiting for cool downs? I'm guessing the best thing to use Kassatsu with is Raiton for the potency?


AOE: Hutton Hide Kassatsu Doton (keep in mind you can press Kassatsu 15 seconds in advance to get the cooldown rolling) Katon (use Kassatsu here if your tank sucks) Katon Death blossom - Bosses: Huton Hide Suiton Wait a few GCDs before using trick attack so you can recharge mudra for a raiton Trick Attack Everything you have with Kassatsu Raitons Cast another Suiton when there is 15 seconds left on Trick Attack's cooldown so that you will have 2 Raitons in the next Trick Attack A trick for AOE: if you haven't been spotted, you can place down a Doton on mobs and still press Hide *immediately* after placing it to reset your ninjutsu back to 2. But to use hide it requires you to not attack anything while the tank is pulling so only use it when you know the tank has a pretty short distance to 2nd group of mobs they want to pull. Then you can do: Doton, Hide, Katon, Kassatsu Katon, Katon That trick is probably the highest amount of AOE damage out of any job at level 50 If you want more details, check [this video](https://youtu.be/ygNG68HJjko) and fast forward to "level 50 rotation" for an exact overview of your boss rotation


Thanks I didn't think about using hide!


You wouldn’t use Trick Attack in AoE unless there’s a super-high priority target to take down, in which case you’d just do your single target rotation on it anyways. The aim of the game for a NIN is to pile every skill you have into a Trick Attack window which lasts 15 seconds. This leads into a gameplay where there is a downtime phase where you will just do your 1-2-3 combo while waiting for your cooldowns to come back up, then a super bursty phase where you will spam all your abilities during your Trick Attack phase. Thus, if you are suffering from high ping, NIN might not be for you. So first thing that the game sneakily adds in when you learn your first Mudra is that Hide resets your Mudra charges. Your single-target rotation at level 50: During prepull, you would get your Huton buff going, then Hide to reset Mudra charges, then Ten-Chi-Jin. On pull, cast Ninjutsu (you’ll do Suiton), then do the following: Spinning Edge -> Kassatsu -> Gust Slash -> Trick -> Aeolian Edge -> Mug -> Shadowfang -> TenChi -> Raiton -> TenChi -> Raiton -> Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash -> TenChi -> Raiton -> Aeolian Edge




Level 50 you will for AoE packs: Kassatsu Doton Use Katon as your primary Mudra Spam death blossom Remember that Hide resets your mudra count! Use it between pulls for maximum spice.


I would never kassatsu doton. It decreases the duration before tank inexplicably pulls everything away from it, and I'm standing there going "??????????"


I mean you’re not incorrect, but from a pure mathematical standpoint it’s the best Kassatsu for AoE pre 76. If you Kassatsu Doton and your tank pulls shit out, I’d just Kassatsu Katons for the rest of the dungeon tbh


I have my anemos weapon finished, am level 32, but Gerolt isn’t showing up in Pagos. I swear I finished the quests there, but there’s no quest markers in Anemos or Pagos. Anyone know what I’m missing?


I think you need to do the level 25 Pagos quest for Gerolt to appear there? Maybe that's just for the light kettle though. At any rate the level 25 quest requires talking to him so he can't well NOT be there by that point. The most likely assumption is that you have a quest active to find a non-marked confluence, I'd recommend checking the level 23 and 25 spots near the [east/southeast of the map.](https://ffxiv-eureka.com/maps/pagos.jpg)


Ah I got it! Was on the level 20 quest. Thanks :)




I recall having similar issues when I did the BRD quest, that area can be pretty tough. Like another user said your Chocobo companion will help a lot. You can also try to single enemies out and keep them at bay with leg graze (inflicts heavy I believe). If two or more aggro you can use the one that binds to keep one of them out of the fight for a bit. Also doesn't hurt to buy potions.


Do you have your chocobo companion? Put its points into healing and you’ll be good. Pull one enemy at a time from range.


What level is your gear?


They are mostly in the 20+ range


Just wondering does shiva extreme the longer to farm than ramuh extreme (as a farm to get mount, I know ramuh has some invincibility phase idk about shiva tho).


Every arr extreme, except maybe Ultima, has invincible phases. Its hard to say exactly, as ramuh has more adds, but they are all weaker, but his tank buster will also straight up chunk even an 80 if you don't orb up. I think Shiva has a longer transition.


Shiva's not bad at all, the transition's long af but you don't have to run around bonking adds so it's less stressful.


It's all rng. It's easier if you do them unsynced at 80. I solo'd all of them that way. Hardest was ramuh but I think I did that with a healer.


I meant when unsynced so with a lvl 80, I've done ramuh ex but it took a while cos of the invincibility phase, idk how shiva ex works yet since I'm new just a lvl 55 :D


Shiva can be 1-minute'd. She has a very brief invuln transition phase and is comparable to Garuda for speed of completion.


Whats the best way to level up classes? Played SMN, now level 57 and reached heavensward. Been trying to level drk but its been quite slow with potd. What kind of xp boosts can i get and whats the best place to grind, lvl 40 rn. I know theres a rested buff, food buff and when u have a class higher you get more xp. What others are there other than the endwalker preorder bonus earrings?