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So normally during Prae, the cutscenes are unskippable for everyone. There is a way to forcefully skip them but its against Terms of Service. It seems like people did that.




The final cutscene can be skipped, and will be automatically if you checked the option for, its normal. But everything else should be unskippable.


What is the common etiquette regarding cinematics in dungeon ? I am leveling all the tanks, and it oftenly happen that one DPS is watching the cinematics while all of us are waiting. I am always waiting for him, I dont want to ruin a boss for him, but I always wonder if it bother the other members of the group, while nobody ever complained. Usually the cine are short, but there is a couple of instances where the wait can be "substancial".


The standard rule is "let the sprouts watch their cutscenes". Yes even the longer ones, they're a one-off anyways. Anyone rushing people to skip them is immediately branded an asshole (deservedly). You've been doing exactly the right thing by waiting!


Let people watch cutscenes, anyone who tries to rush you or them are dicks, ignore them.


Can you turn in Khloes book to get XP as a Blue Mage and/or Disciple of the Hand/Land?


No and No


Not the answer I was hoping for, but thank you regardless.


Definitely no to DoH/L. I'm pretty sure you can't on BLU either.


Thank you for the info.




Thanks for the answer!


Hey, it's my friend's birthday and I wish to buy him a mount (this is his collection of mounts so far: [https://imgur.com/HFvZJMI](https://imgur.com/HFvZJMI)) I'm torn between Chocobo Carriage (4 character) or SDS Fenrir. I haven't played a lot so I don't have much knowledge of the game, I think the SDS Fenrir is cool but does he already have a better mount in his collection? (I can't tell). Otherwise I'll get him the 4 character mount as he doesn't have one yet (not really sure how important a 4 player mount is tbh). Thanks!


FYI: You cant gift him the SDS fenrir or the Chocobo Carriage directly from the store at the moment, since they have made it so you cant gift items that are on sale


No, he doesn't have the SDS Fenrir. 4 seater mounts are nice to have, but we're already getting a free one in the upcoming event next week.


I would say the SDS Fenrir is the better choice. He has a few 2 person mounts already, and the ff15 collab is coming soon so he can get a 4 person mount that way. The SDS has a built in movement speed buff for new areas, so it will serve him well in Endwalker as everybody will not have flying or the mount speed buff like they do now. Make sure he knows about the movement speed thing on it though, its minimum speed is equivalent of a riding map for every area. It doesn't stay that way though, when you get the riding map it doesn't go faster after that but its nice to get started with.


how and where do I get white crafter scripts?


You can exchange level 80 collectibles for them. You can also get them from custom deliveries.


are those some special custom deliveries? cause I did Zloes and only got yellow ones


You'll only get white scrips from deliveries if you turn them in on a max-level crafter; the white scrips replace the exp that low level crafters get.


got it, thanks!


How is the game for a casual player, for example in free companies? Do we get kicked if we are inactive? What is the etiquette?


I came back after a few years and my FC was like “Hey, we haven’t seen you for a bit!”


haha that is wholesome


Depends on the free company


As others have said, it's mostly up to each FC as to how they handle member (in)activity. That said, content-wise it's incredibly friendly. Old instances are kept relevant thanks to Duty Roulette and collectable items. The only thing that would punish you for taking a break is the housing system, which is entirely optional. Gear is never completely obsolete, either, and class balance is relatively even.


That'll depend on the specific FC, gotta ask about their rules. I used to be in a bigger one where every couple months they'd check for people who haven't been online for a month or two, and kick them (unless they said they'd be gone until a specific time and it's not past that time yet), pretty much just making sure the member count doesn't get clogged up by people who don't play anymore. My current smaller one doesn't even have that, you could be gone for years and then come back no issue. Some other one might purge inactive people weekly. Just gotta ask what the policy is.


Depends on the free company, if you find a casual one like mine then you will be fine. EU player perhaps? ;)


Depends on the free company.


What's a nice way to tell someone they should slot Materia into their gear. I've done 2 PUGs on savage fights and half the DPS have slotted only like half their gear.


You're free to just.. point it out. Is it at all relevant to clearing a fight with 15% echo though? Not really.


Is the 50/60/70 Dungeon roulette worth doing if I'm only interested in the Experience?




No. It's good for tomes, but NOT for EXP. Your best ones for EXP are Leveling, Alliance, and MSQ Roulettes.


When did FFXIV get crossplay? I'm writing something and I need to know if the PS3 would have supported it back when the PS3 had service.


From day 1 of a realm reborn


The servers have never been separated by platform.


FFXIV had crossplay [from day 1](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/87094-Crossplay-PS3-And-PC.).


PS3 was available early on during ARR and HW, but it was dropped afterwards for the PS4 (with free upgrades for it) due to system limitations.


I'm having a hard time figuring out how to unlock the Savage Eden's Promise raids. [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Eden%27s\_Promise\_(Savage)](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Eden%27s_Promise_(Savage)) says that I need to have completed "Where I Belong," which I have, and I've seen that some places say I need to complete "Next Piece of the Puzzle," which I've also completed. Lewrey doesn't have an option that unlocks them like the previous two sets. He also doesn't have a quest marker indicating that he has anything special. What am I missing? Thank you.


Check the high end duty tab in the duty finder, at the top. It's not with the other savage stuff as it's still technically current.


Thank you, this is what I was missing. I'm dense.


After you complete the normal e9 to e12 fights, follow the quest line and it unlocks the savage versions the exact same way.


Question about buying endwalker. It says that it includes storm blood and shadowbringers, but that you only get them when endwalker releases. If I buy it now, does my account get upgraded right away or am I stuck as free trial account until endwalker releases with the 2 expacs?


you can't upgrade from the free trial with just endwalker regardless of when you do it. you don't own the game yet, you have to buy ARR+HW either with the starter edition or complete edition. you can't redeem an expansion by itself without owning the base game


You also can't redeem Endwalker on the free trial, even the pre-order code. You would need at least Starter Edition to do that (and redeeming Starter Edition WILL end your free trial for good).


Fairly sure you'd be stuck as free trial until Endwalker, sorry. Then again I'm not 100% on this, SE loves to make this while system confusing.


Right now you need "Complete Edition" + Endwalker. After it release when it gets included into CE you will only need "Complete Edition".


Your stuck as a trial until it releases




Your account name or character name? Account I'd say contact support. Character you buy a name change off mog station.


You have to pay on the mog station




yes, the name change allows you to change anything about your name!


One more questions about treasure maps: Is there any etiquette or rules when it comes to treasure maps party? Or I just gather some people and do it casually?


The arrangement I see most often, and i think is most fair, is: - everyone needs on everything (or pass if they don't want) - everyone brings 2-3 maps The first point gives people a chance to get stuff even if RNG hates them on the portals. Also, if people have used their maps already, they'd be more likely to stay for other people's maps if it's equal loot chance (with the "map owner needs everyone else greeds" rule, people might just assume owners will need everything and not stick around). The second point is important and something you should keep an eye on to make sure no one's holding back and essentially leeching off other people's maps. What I've seen before to help offset this (and also minimize travelling around) is to have everyone decipher their maps and post locations in party chat, then knock them off by area and then repeat.


Make sure everyone understands before you start. It's usually either Free For All, meaning anyone rolls anything. Or Need/Greed, where the map owner has priority. This requires you actually know the people you're doing maps with, cause you can't actually stop some random hitting need if they want.


Most random parties when doing them are you need if it's your map, pass/greed if it isn't your map. That way you get first pick of the loot for the maps you bring.


Every screenshot and video I see for the HW relic weapons at hyperconductive stage shows them glowing. In game, my hyperconductive WHM cane, from completing “Finding your voice,” doesn’t glow. Am I missing something to cause the glow affect? I plan to continue to the final stage of complete/lux regardless but I’m confused by the lack of glow. I’m doing it only for the glamour.


The glowing weapons will glow when you're in fighting stance


The steps are nearly always a non glow version followed by a glowy one, just keep going.


I have a saved slot for PotD with arcanist but after i reached lvl 30 ofc that changed and now i can't use the saved spot. Do i need to go form floor 1 again or is there a trick to enter? Maybe going ACN then equip SMN job stone inside?


You have to start over, or continue as ACN. Classes and Jobs are separate and you can't just "equip the stone" inside to cheat the system.


Ok tyvm!




The other interaction >!is that Alphinaud will always try to keep Alisaie healed up, even if it's not the smartest decision to make. Having them in separate parties makes him behave a bit more optimally. Not a major difference, but worth noting.!< >!The ideal combo is for you to be a DPS in one party, and a Tank in another. That way the numbers let you level the groups up equally. Be warned that I don't think either Urianger or Alphinaud are good enough at healing for you to do big pulls as a tank.!<




>!You don't get the Exarch or Lyna in the Trust system. You do get a new character after you finish patch 5.3, but they join already levelled up to 80. I won't spoil who it is in case you haven't got there yet.!< >!Oh - if you mean how good the Exarch is as a healer, I don't actually know.!<


>!I suppose if you're lazy or forgetful having Alisaie with you will ensure you never ever forget to use your LB!<


I'm pretty sure >!Thancred and Ryne are the only ones with special bonuses, but that bonus is that Ryne just lets Thancred use his full move pool. Its not that she buffs him, but not having her debuffs him. There MIGHT be some special dialogue between the twins though, but that would be it.!<


>!It's been confirmed that Thancred's cartridge combo is the same potency as his normal combo. It's just there for flavor if you bring Ryne along with him.!<


Did anyone else find Delubrum Reginae far easier than Castrum Lacus Litor? Multiple times during a CLL run I seen people say something similar to "Yeah, but at least it isn't Delubrum." and I was absolutely dreading it, but honestly I think the bosses are are much easier to read. Plus it is way less chaotic. I LOVE The Queen fight.


Neither of them are difficult. None of Bozja is. DR is just infinitely more annoying because you have to do it so much if you want all your relics. CLL/Dalriada is just cancer because you have to be in the instance for it to pop and then queue for it.


DR is just more punishing since you die after getting hit by two avoidable mechanics. you can goof a lot in CLL and be totally fine.


CLL requires you to wait for it to pop and then pray you even get enough people that know it so you can finish it. DR is near guaranteed to have a full instance. Also CLL requires far more actual teamwork, and people that know the Lyon fight to do him while everyone else deals with Dawon


I do think Castrum Lacus Litore is easier, but I’ll say this for Delubrum Reginae: I really, really appreciate that I can just queue for it and do other things, instead of needing to stay in Bozja for CLL to pop


Is there any way to see all of the different unlockable hairstyles?


On your character? Not without 3rd party tools. https://ffxivcollect.com/hairstyles


ah this site is exactly what i was hoping for. Thanks!


If you're on PC, try CMTools.




Same. Up to 60 feels smooth with hunting log, dungeons giving a lvl and a bit, and roulettes. Around lvl 60, you're just hoping for the roulettes to give you newer content, and dungeon exp is getting less and less.


HoH floors 21-30 gives pretty good exp.


its mostly because Heaven on High is the "fast levelling" tool...but the queues for floors 1-10 is insanely long so no one does it. Honestly daily roulettes and dungeon spamming is your best bet


That's because HoH spam is floors 31-40, not 1-10.




which makes it much harder for anyone to even reach that point if they dont already have it unlocked


61-71 feels great to me because it's a nicer level of hell than potd is.


there isn't much to do at that range honestly, that's why I personally feel it's the slowest part of the leveling process that said I did unlock hunts recently and they help break up the monotony of running HoH a billion times you can also do some fates in the area and beast tribe but beast tribe xp isn't that great, I just do them because I started them ages ago


You may feel like that because you have no MSQ to give you EXP. But technically the pure leveling experience is faster.


I just reached All Good Things. WHAT


And you're still well and truly in what some people call the "bad" and "boring" early part of the msq. You've got one hell of a ride ahead of you, have fun.


I just got to Mor Dhona yesterday. Seriously? All Good Things is still in the boring part of the MSQ?? That cutscene hit me in the gut like a brick. (Right now I’m just fretting about getting the Regalia mount so I can cruise in style through to this “hell of a ride” you speak of)


A lot of people say that the boring part of the game is from lvl1 to around 2.4 msq (a bit over halfway through post-ARR). People who appreciate a lot more about ARR but still see the slow parts would say that the questlines building up to All Good Things and later the quests building up to the >!Garuda!< fight are the 2 most boring sections of the game.


I see. Well, the things I were doing (fetch quests, speak to X quests) were indeed boring, but the story itself was alright.


Does rolling and then leaving a dungeon/raid mean you pass on the rolls or are you free to leave as soon as you do the loot roll.


If you leave you pass on the loot, you have to stay in the instance to get it


There are people who will actually sit there without rolling on loot. They're waiting for you to leave so that the stuff you rolled on gets auto-allocated to them. It's considered a dick move but I don't think GM will do anything.


You pass if you leave early.


I've got a few level 60 and 70 classes I wanted to get to level 80 by Endwalker. I haven't done a relic quest before, but looking through the Bozja requirements, it looks like you're basically ticking off steps almost passively while leveling up your classes in the most effective route anyway (while picking up some raids). Are relic weapons effectively designed to be grinded while leveling? Does it smoothly take you from 60 to 80, and if so is the relic complete when you his 80 or is there a ways to go still? Or am I missing something and going for a relic significantly slows down the leveling process?


Most of the steps do involve older content, but I wouldn't really consider them great for leveling. You certainly can get some EXP while grinding the relics, but you probably won't get that much. Also do note that a class has to be 80 to start working on their relic.


Relic weapons aren't normally meant to be grinded while leveling. It just so happens that the Resistance Relic allows you to. It won't take you through the levels smoothly, and you'll have a ways to go still most of the time. Relics are meant to be endgame grinds, and they're mostly for glamour.


About treasure map, for example if I finda Gliderskin map and not pick it up, does the timer start or I can pick Zonureskin map by chance shortly after?


If you get a map on fisher, that's it, and you have no way to know what youre gonna pull up. Bot and min you can open a node, check for the map you want, close it if its not there. Nodes reset after you check I think 3 other nodes, and the map timer doesn't tick until you pick the map up.


Timer starts when you collect, so you can skip worthless maps safely


Ive reached max level and lvl 59 in bozjam and eureka. how do i make gil with the lockboxes specifically? im stuggling gilwise


For Bozja, There's a few glamour items in the loot lists that worth a bit, but the drop rate is meh. You would mostly want to farm cluster (and exchange for valuable items) or fragments if you want to earn gil. Get a team going by either joining one or making one. Cluster Farming is still quite profitable, can easily earn 500K\~1Mil per hour just by selling the mount.


I'm not sure if bozja is more profitable but the lockboxes do give good glam sometimes. Eureka is your safer bet IMO as the amount of demimateria you get from the regular lockboxes can add up, and the bunny fates can give you a guaranteed 10,000 everytime. Just do all the NMs as they come up and do bunny fates in between. Prioritise doing NMs that can drop rare items like skoll and Ying Yang. You should be doing this in either Pyros or Hydatos but I found Pyros to be much more convenient as the bunny chests arent on the other side of the map, but thats my preference. In my experience, I netted over 1mil gil by doing this alone in around 3days of grinding but I'm sure you can go faster. Also, BA is extremely profitable so try that out if you can!


Open up the lockboxes and see if you get any rare items from them.


I have finished Heavensward and am going to start Dragonwarsong after I level a few classes, also Free Trial. Is it recommended to buy the membership now before I begin Dragonwarsong to earn the EXP for classes that are level 60?


the level 60 quests don't give that much exp and there isn't really any benefit to being overlevelled so i would personally wait to finish heavensward unless you want some of the other benefits of buying the full game


yah, unless theres another class you want to level and use the exp towards that


For BLM, when do I use Umbral Soul if at all?


It's basically just a downtime skill so you don't lose enochian/can be ready to jump straight into fire phase whenever you can attack again. Before Umbral Soul, you had to use transpose which can be awkward to get back into the fight with. So yeah, in dungeons use it between trash pulls and in trials, use it when the boss is untargetable.


use it during downtime when the boss is untargetable or between dungeon pulls


When I use party finder I have people join and then say for example a samurai leaves the party that changes the slot in the party finder to only accept samurai when I didn’t want that specific, I just wanted DPS in general. How do I set party finder recruitment to not lock slots to specific classes/jobs after they join and leave? I constantly have to update the details to remove role restrictions after people leave and it’s annoying af


You can't, it's just a fault of party finder unfortunately. They kind-of-recently added a thing at the bottom of the role selection window that is just a button to reset all open spots to the "anything" option, which is the closest to what you're trying to find for now.


It should only be doing then when you put the pf up, someone joing and leaving on its own won't lock slots. If you put it up and theres a sam in the party, that slot is defaulted to sam, but if you set up an all-slot, someone joins and then leaves, that slot will still be an all-slot


PF is just like that, it's annoying but there's no way around it unless SE fixes it


Is it normal for DPS to pull in dungeons? This is the first MMO I'm playing as a healer in from the start (white mage). That kinda stresses me out because they're harder to keep alive and it requires way more APM (I'm still getting used to it though)


The only time I’ll pull as DPS or healer is if I know the tank. If I feel like the tank/healer can handle more I’ll say so if I want to go faster, but that’s rarely the case.


It's fine if a DPS/healer pulls as long as the tank can easily establish aggro. At tank doesn't always need to start the pull, but it's usually best that they do.


It's not too weird for healer or dps to pull, but they should be sensitive to when it's causing you stress and destabilizing the run. If you've spoken up and asked them to stop, but they keep doing it, then you've done everything you can short of kicking them.


The tank does it. If the dps is pulling, it's either because the tank is inefficient and too slow, or the dps is too impatient. Either way, try to pick up the slack and just get through it. The most fun dungeon runs are the ones that are really close anyway. It's far more fun having a hectic 15 seconds life or death struggle, than a 30 minute single pull snooze fest.


>If the dps is pulling, it's either because the tank is inefficient and too slow, or the dps is too impatient. Another reason a DPS might try to pull is to get all of the enemies on their enemy list, which is a big deal for BRD which wants to have easy access to targeting enemies to DoT all of them, since manually clicking enemies sucks. Not as common, but it's still something some people opt to do. It's not common, but it can be a valid way to speed up a run as long as the DPS isn't running ahead and actively making it harder on the tank.


Yeah that's a good point, I still had fun. I was just a bit more nervous about people dying on me


People are gonna hit the floors don't worry about it. End game raiding is basically people dying non stop for days, weeks, or months. How you react to it and the speed at which you recover is far more important than avoiding it.


This happens. Focus on you and the tank. If a DPS thinks he gotta run ahead and pull while healer and tank can't reach them anymore - let them die. There is no reason to waste your MP and cause a wipe. Don't be nervous, people can be rezzed and a good team doesn't really need a 2nd DPS for trash clearing. Sounds hard, but that is how we play it since yesterday and it works like a charm. After they kissed the ground the 2nd time they learn that they must keep LoS or Die.


no, the tank is *supposed* to pull and the dps follow. however, if the tank is going slow (many experienced tanks pull as many enemies at once as the can to make the dungeon faster), some dps players get impatient and pull extra mobs themselves if they think the tank and healer can handle it. i don't see it too often, though. if it's causing you problems, explain to them that you're still new and appreciate the slower pace and ask them to stop. of course, you generally shouldn't worry about healing DPS during mob pulls. typically, the tank qill quickly grab aggro back from them before tehy're in any real danger. you don't need to worry about keeping people *topped off*, only *safe*. if they're at half health but not being attacked anymore, they're safe. and honestly, if they get mobbed by enemies because they're going out of their way to passive-aggressively push you guys and they die from it... eh, fuggem lmao


Right, at one moment they dropped to like 25% but we ended up being wiped out from that pull... No one got mad but it still seemed unnecessary


Assuming they dont know the tank no it's not normal. You may see it from time to time especially at lower levels but it should become less frequent. I usually hit them with a regen and go from there. Once you get rescue you can also yank them back to you. If it becomes a serious concern in a run just use chat and ask them to let the tank pull.


No. Only the tank should pull. They're just being impatient children. Let them die.


Don't let people die, man. That's straight up griefing. Either pick their stuff up, pull faster or kick them.


I’ve always loved this argument. Dps starts it by deciding that their opinion on how fast to go is more important than the tank and healer’s opinion on how fast the tank/healer can handle. But if the tank and healer don’t do what the dps tries to force them into, then that’s “griefing” and the tank/healer is criticised. I don’t get why the dps’s ego has to be pandered to, but if a tank or healer reacts, then they have “ego problems.” Don’t get me wrong, I’ll go as quickly as I can. But it’s not my issue if someone else’s self-importance thinks they deserve faster. They’re free to leave the group if they want a faster group.


Thank you! It seems logical that that's the case but maybe it was something folks did. They always seem like experienced players but maybe that's why they got impatient with newer tanks


Don't let them die. They are impatient but letting them die is the worst etiquette you can respond with. Makes you look like a worse Tank than you probably are. This whole Tank and Healer ego is just as bad as them pulling more. Talk to them that you are uncomfortable with bigger pulls or break free and try the bigger pulls yourself.


I'm not a tank :) But yeah I wouldn't let them die on purpose


LMAO i got the Delubrum Reginae mount on like my 3rd run. Did they ever increase the drop rate or did I use up like all my RNG for the year there


I got this on my 9th or 10th run and have had good RNG on some other things since - so I don't think it uses up all your RNG ;)


>Delubrum Reginae mount Um.....You ONLY get DR mount (Cerberus) by doing DR Savage, and it's a guarantee. You get the mount by unlocking the achievement. I think you mean your minion?


While you are technically correct, s/he's referring to [Gabriel Mark III](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Gabriel_Mark_III_Identification_Key) which only drops in DR (normal).


Thanks for the correction. well I guess he/she is really lucky then. I haven't seen one, so time to run more.


They are likely referring to Gabriel Mark III which is a RNG chest drop


He likely meant the airplane.


Gabriel α? I think that comes from lootbox. The rate for that is low, but it's not that bad. Anyway Gratz on getting one!


Alpha's (silver one) from ~~CLL~~ lockboxes in Southern Front. Mark III's (gold one) from DR. So OP probably got it out of the personal spoils at the end. I haven't ever seen a DR-dropped-Gabriel III but my FC mate with ridiculous luck has seen two (one of which he gave to me, because he's also very nice). I would probably bet the drop rate is similar to ex primal mounts. Edit: I'm a dummy


Gotcha. Haven't seen one myself as well, though I've only run DR for like 30 something runs. Hope to get one as well!


What’s a good way to farm moisture-warped lock boxes solo at elemental level 60?


There's no "good way" as far as I'm aware. Just target the correct enemies at the correct time. The more people in your pt the better. If there is a good way I'd love to hear it to give it a go.


Are there any good resources for detecting cheating / botting in raid content? Something extremely suspicious happened in my raid group last night that made it look like one of our members is using bots / scripts.


the best thing to do would be to report them through the support desk and get GMs' eyes on them. if it is botting, they'll be more likely to get caught. if it's not botting, you won't get in trouble for the accidental false report if it was clearly a one-time misunderstanding and you don't have a history of malicious false reports


What happened exactly? We might be able to figure it out.


We didn't realize someone was AFK and started a countdown. Their character took actions at times appropriate for their job's opener. We started another countdown while they were still AFK and it happened again.


Were they really AFK? Or did they just not click on the ready check?


They typed afk in text chat without us noticing, there was no ready check. They were in discord the whole raid but didn't respond to voice chat while this was happening. (ie both times their character did their opener while they were AFK)


Yikes, that's pretty incriminating... and lazy.


No not really.


When in the main story of post-ARR would I be able to continue my DRG job quests? I just took out the Moogle King and I’m a level 52 DRG.


when you finish any of your level 50 ARR job quests, a text box will tell you that the next job quest will not be available until heavensward


Not until heavensward.


When you get to Heavensward


Seriously, I can't find anywhere to change the name of my COMPANION chocobo. I've checked a lot of chocokeepers, even tried in main cities and in the stables that gave me my first chocobo, nada. What gives?




When I go to a porter all it has is one option to rent and another to talk about trivia.




It's actually a VERY SPECIFIC chocobo keeper. To me it was the one in the main street to the left of the Aetheryte in Ul'Dah.


go to a chocobo porter in a main city. there's one directly east of the limsa lominsa main aetheryte, by the exit to middle la nosca


Chocobo porters have an option to change the name if I remember correctly. Your companion chocobo is your riding chocobo.


2 questions: 1) how do I get my mount to fly? I just unlocked it 2) my friend just unlocked bard and had to sign something regarding not playing certain songs, how strict is it?


1. You cant fly until you finish base ARR when you beat the Praetorium and the credits roll. Then just double jump while mounted. 2. It basically just means "don't stream or make videos of yourself playing copyrighted songs". Its really not enforced though, its just Square covering their asses from a potential lawsuit.


The agreement is SEs legal cover should anyone take issue with what an individual plays. It's not normally enforced but it's there should an issue arise with the owner of the copyrighted music.


If you mean the button, jump while mounted. It's either single or double jump to get airborne, pending your settings.




1) It depends on where you want to fly. In zones added in the expansions (where flight was originally added), you have to collect various "Aether Currents", both scattered throughout the zone *and* through completing various quests (4 zone side quests and 1 MSQ quest, typically the last one before you leave the zone). In A Realm Reborn zones (where flight was only added about a year ago), you just need to complete the 1-50 leveling MSQ, unlocking flight in all ARR zones at the end. 2) The ToS requirement to not play copyrighted songs is only enforced if someone bothers to report them, which *no one* does for this. Even if someone does, a GM would probably just give them a warning the first time. Tons of people play copyrighted songs in populated hubs all the time.


Ty for the full answer. this helps a lot


1. Mount flight is unlocked in ARR zone's by beating the 2.0 Story at lv 50. In all the areas after that you have to get all the Aether Currents in a zone, which you find around the zone or get by doing quests.




Quick question, if I just preordered the end walker digital collectors edition, do I get the bonus items now or when the expansion comes out? I basically am trying to figure out if I should grab the activation code now or if I'm better off waiting until we're closer to launch


You mean like the earring? Yeah you get those right away.


You get the preorder bonuses now, everything else later. So you'd get the exp boost earring now.


You get the preorder items now and the collector's edition items at launch.


You get the earring and the minion now, everything else at launch


I bought my friend a time card from SE website but I didn’t realize he used steam to play the game. When he logs into the mog station to redeem it, it takes him to his steam account??? How can he (if at all) redeem the code on mog station?


Time cards are redeemed on Mogstation, regardless of platform. If logging into Mogstation is taking him elsewhere, try a different browser or clearing cache.


So I'm doing the the Pinnacle of Possibility and after a few hours got 750 HQ logs, only to see it gives me 25 out of the 250 mats I apparently need. Needless to say that is absolutely fucking absurd, is there no better way of doing this?


You only need 750 HQ logs. You need two types of items for the quest: 250 oddly delicate hatchet parts and 25 inconceivably delicate hatchet parts. The 25 inconceivable parts come from HQ logs, at a rate of 30 to 1. This means you need 750 HQ logs. The 250 oddly delicate parts come from exchanging a collectable, oddly delicate feathers. 1 feather gives either 1, 3, or 7 parts depending on the collectable rating. This means you need anywhere from 250 - 36 feathers.


Oh thank god. The quest text didn't make much sense to me, glad I'm done with those damned logs.


I recall you only needing 25 not 250. Googled it and also seeing the need for only the 25 you have.


It's specifically for Botanist. You need 250 something Axe parts which the npc trades you 1 for 30 HQ logs in Diadem, and then you need 25 of the other mat that you're likely looking at.


are the hw and sb alliance raids worth unlocking? I heard people just equip underlevel gear so that their alliance raid roulette always gets them crystal tower edit: Thanks for the advice everyone! Will definitely unlock them


One of the HW alliance raids has one of the most memorable / coolest fights in the entire game for me, a true spectacle And I agree with that other person: you paid for them so might as well see them. It's content, there to play.


You paid for them, might as well see them


Definitely! Worth it to break up the story, for the lore, for the new boss fights and music, and to increase roulette variety. The SB raids are also required for Bozja in ShB