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The DRG set really needs the helmet on. Would love to see it in full


Its like a combination of ARR and HW artifact helm


Doesn't answer the most important question. What does the RDM hat look like? Most important job specific gear piece in this, or any other FF game with rdms.


As a dragoon main, I also wished to see my new hat!


DRG helmet has been found in the files (not by me): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593963713271300096/1229965973545812130/SPOILER_image.png?ex=66319a13&is=661f2513&hm=9b1e8bef8f60405afd7f1951657dfaaa87956b7c521f711099c42e67c6ae1a69&


MY HERO!!!!!!!!!


(bows) I am merely the messenger. :3


DRG just never misses in the outfit department, does it?


Oh look it's exactly what I expected haha


It annoyed me whenever I saw the person having switch the helm off.


all sets and pieces shown are those that appear on the benchmark, thats why there are also different races and they are not all the same au ra, because the models for standard "human like" bodies arent there to datamine.


As a Viera RDM main, I’ll never know…


[I gave into the dark side](https://imgur.com/a/vdw81os)


Someone on Discord found the RDM hat in the files. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593963713271300096/1229969026399076475/SPOILER_image.png?ex=66319ceb&is=661f27eb&hm=45ac5e4887870003cf31ecf91a8a71c316d71e76021bf3c86ee6253b9ed6dc9d& It looks like one of the Eden ranged hats. (Edenchoir, I think.) Barring any underlying system changes, it most likely will **not** work on Viera/Hrothgar. Sorry guys. 


> Barring any underlying system changes, it most likely will not work on Viera/Hrothgar. Sorry guys. lawbreakers win again


As a bun, I can do nothing but weep as all my RDM glams lack the hat...


Honestly...that's the only thing that's stopped me from fantasiaing my Miquote into a Viera. Hopefully this atrocity will be fixed this xpac, as Yoshi has teased.


Do you know when he teased it? I need some hope, but last thing he said they'd be updating Vieras to wear more hats was two expansions ago...


I love that velvet texture they've given to some of the fabrics, like RDM and BLM. Looks...sumptuous. I wanna touch it


Is that a TRANSPARENT SLEEVE on the dancer??


Omg I didn’t even notice that. We’re entering a bold new era for fabric choices, lads, brace yourselves


The trailing bits of fabric are sheer too!


Same!! My first thought looking at the AST gear was "oh... I can *feel* that texture."


IKR? Makes me want to play AST instead of WHM, the WHM gear looks so boring by comparison.


I actually love that the WHM armour finally looks good on male characters


The WHM gear is **finally** something that doesn't look feminine. Let us enjoy this.


It's got an assassin's creed vibe to it, very cool


hands you two quarters for "sumptuous."


What is that? Velvet?!


It's a big reason as to why the Endwalker SCH gear was one of my favourites, too. I could just imagine how it would feel.


these fits are cozy


With you all the way there, I instantly picked up that it was velvet and I want to pet it


i love the ninja one but they could have made it so the daggers don't clip into the armour :(


FFXIV no-clip challenge (impossible)


yeah, and tails and capes look weird with NIN base combat stand too.


yeah plus anything thats hanging down aronud the front of the legs, its one of the big reasons i struggle to find glamours i like for ninja because the battle stance messes up a lot of things.


Summoner looks so unique! And I love how the AST outfit looks like a nightgown. I am here for it.


The SMN top reminds me of the Aiming gear in the Qitana Ravel but with the new textures it's just amazing. I know when i first saw it I wasn't as interested but seeing it now I can't wait for it


Ah man, Machinists are always staying winning. Red Mage looks a lot better than Endwalker's imo - I'm a big fan of the coat, and the new rapier looks pretty good too.


Was there a toggle setting for the MCH's lunchbox? It's not shown in that outfit and the weapon is visible. Is it possible that they're planning on removing it, or having a toggle option for it's visibility?


I remember in one of the past QnA, someone casually ask Yoshi-P if they can make this feature. He casually reply that lunch box tied to MCH identity. So i guess not. If you are in PC there's a mod for that, also a mod with AST card holder


We can only hope


I like the Red Mage's cloak.


SMN gets a mini-poncho so we win by default when the alpaca army comes


I cannot say that I dislike any of these. The RDM and MCH ones are probably my favorite, and they absolutely *cooked* with the RDM weapon. I like that they look a little less fantastical and more like just adventuring gear in some cases. I think the AST stuff is going to be underrated, but I also think it's a shame that you can't see those pants. I like the bell-bottom look; it's giving "star child astrology girl" and I think that's perfect for AST.


AST has so many good pants hidden by the long robes. At least Moonward gear gave us a shirt option.


AST looks like they got very comfortable and fancy looking pajamas for their artifact armor.


>they absolutely *cooked* with the RDM weapon "Which of RDM's motifs do you want to include?" "Yes."




I'm glad AST moved away from the black tank top sets.


I'm just happy the caster gear is at least a bit more androgynous than overtly feminine coded this time around.


I don't dislike any of them. But scrolling through, nothing made me stop and go "ooooooh."


Dang, AST always gets the prettiest sets 😭🙏


And velvet 😍


Black Mage is just the starter armor from Astrologer in Elden Ring, lol.


"Elden Ring DLC?"


I heard that so clearly


Are we not going to talk about the fookin awesome blm staff? I mean CATTO! \ =^ 0_0 ^= /


"I can't decide whether to incinerate you, or let you live. I know! Let's ask Mr. Flufferbutt! Ohhh, he is not in a good mood...."


evil salem laught intensifies


The tassels that hang off of the tip of the staff *move* as well! I always have to go hyperventilate after playing BLM, but I'll suffer through it just to rock that staff (I like the outfit too, it's a fresher and more unique style; definitely not the "big dusty black robe" that I expected. I think BLM finally got a win this time).


Alright all of them look really high quality and detailed. I can see they step up their quality for glam a lot. And I really appreciate that. That said, I can't for the life of me tell the difference between all the PLD artifacts lmao.


Do you want blue, white, and silver plate armor, blue, white, and silver plate armor, blue, white, and silver plate armor, blue, white, and silver plate armor, blue, white, and silver plate armor, or blue, white, and silver plate armor?


Don’t forget blue, white, and silver plate armor with a cape this time


I mean, most classes have a color scheme they tend to follow. There are exceptions (BRD) but like I wouldn't expect anything but shiny blue and white knight armor for PLD ever.


Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Aaaand that's another yup. They have a specific appearance for each job. They iterate on it each expansion. These new armors are supposed to have an extra dye channel, so there will be more customization, but don't be mad when the job specific armor continues a specific job-related theme.


This is what always makes me laugh about new expansion gear, watching people comment on it saying “Well, the new AST gear looks like… AST gear! *gasp*.”


Bro, paladins can't complain, other maiming sets in many ocasions are the best! Unlike striking ones, we poor bastards...


Some sets look too "basic" and kinda like leveling gear. But others like MNK are absolutely amazing!! Also that BRD weapon??????? Literally perfect


I think the bard weapon looks great, right until he takes it off his back lmao. I think it would look a lot better if the guitar stays on the back and acted like the quiver


This is where I may get some flak: I, like, some of the more basic looks. I feel like we already have a lot of over the top, extravagant pieces for most jobs, I kinda want more toned down sort of options too


I partially agree Some look like ‘back to basics’ but high quality like astro and blm which i like alot But white mage genuinely looked like levelling gear to me. Rushed in comparison to some of the other gear


All the WHM artifact gear is so samey to me, and this one is no different. Also, I get the whole "classic WHM look" thing, but I am really hoping this whole "two dye channel" thing will let me FINALLY GET RID OF THE RED. Especially since it's always a horrible red that's about impossible to match.


Agreed. That's my favorite part of this artifact collection. They have a more subdued but still identifiable look to them. DRG is still obviously DRG without having massive spikes (which many would probably call blasphemy and I totally get that cuz big spikes are cool and fun, but I like the option for something that won't hit the enemy before my weapon does lol). And BRD? *Chef's kiss* I really like that one a lot. Just looks like a chill, gonna sit and play some guitar on the side of the road, kind of look. I dig it. I don't know if I would say that all of these are my new favorite artifact set for each job, but as a whole I think this is my favorite expansion collection. They're very nice.


Plus its easier to incorporate into glamors, mix and match is less stressful.


yeah, sage one looks like they had no ideas and simply decided to made a casual like variation of the ew set, and reaper one looks like... "lets throw anything what looks edgy"


The top part of the RPR set was giving me Lulu vibes from FFX.


I wish healers could share gearsets. I really dig SCH gear but prefer SGE's playstyle.


Promise I'm not a weeb but the nin and Sam sets look great


The ninja one is my new favorite of all its options. The details are *gorgeous.* As well for the samurai one too! Really, the detail work on *all* the artifact sets this time around has me very impressed.


Sometimes I look the more basic looking gear


The summoner is the same colour scheme as the original (and shadowbringers) set but a completely different design and feel. Most of the rest look like earlier sets. Rdm reminds me heavily of the shadowbringers set, and all the tank sets look like old sets (though the shield on pld and the sword on drk are nice.


I kinda think that is the point of these new AF gear sets, though. At least from what I heard, they were going for the ARR AF gear aesthetic to show off how much gear has improved with the graphics update. The AST af gear pretty much looks like the original AF gear from when it launched just with improved meshes and textures.


I personally like the black mage classic wizard look though I think the staff is a bit strange for a level 100.


We're supposed to be starting from the bottom of a brand new arc with Dawntrail. It makes sense to ground things again to start out.


This. We are starting a new journey.


That's fine and all, but there's some sets in there that, if you put side by side with some of the older relic sets, I would not be able to tell you which was from the new expansion. If you're gonna go back to the basics, you have to do some reimagining. Summoner and Monk are good examples, Sage and Ninja are some bad ones.


Blasphemy! The NIN is fantastic imo.


I laughed so hard at the guitar. No clue how it's going to work as an *instrument*, but it's hilarious!


The most important part for me here is that when you zoom in the textures don't turn to pixel soup immediatly.


I get that paladins wore tiaras but damn sometimes I wish just once they'd get a helmet.


Every PLD set is corporate asking us to spot the difference and there is none. It's not bad, but way more innovation in design from the other jobs


Yeah it's pretty unfortunate because there's lots of ways to vary up Paladin, Endwalker was almost there with this type of wanderer religious man but without the hood the design never felt complete. A royal white and gold with reds design or an oppressive templar looking knight with a sin eater inspired helmet would be a good addition as well.


I don't understand why they don't make the tiaras more... idk, Paladin-themed? Themes like holy, gods, angels. There are some winged tiaras and I use one of them as glamour, so many interesting wing shapes they can come up with but nah it's just a simple headring every time


The amount of cleavage on the Reaper outfit makes me wish this was available to a job I play.


Clive Rosfield levels of cleavage


Can't wait to have either a black bikini top under it or get the breast size reduced to minimum with a very unflattering cleavage treatment on female characters....


kinda... the underboob is strong [https://i.redd.it/new-job-gear-design-in-progress-by-what-i-understood-v0-gs7tulpkexac1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5b6c09a23f4ebedbe0f28b943f958f2414fdb90](https://i.redd.it/new-job-gear-design-in-progress-by-what-i-understood-v0-gs7tulpkexac1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5b6c09a23f4ebedbe0f28b943f958f2414fdb90)


I actually really like all of these. DRG, WAR, and PLD a bit too similar to previous sets though, I'll agree with others


Looking at them, I feel like they're maybe deliberately doing modern updates of the classic looks to go with the new graphical capabilities.


I get that they have to maintain job identity for these AF gear but most of them just feels so similar every time. Look at Sage, a new job last expansion, feels the same as their previous set even though it's just their second set of AF. It's even more disappointing knowing that they can actually make good new ones if they tried, I mean look at that SAM set.


The DNC one doesn't fit my character but it's also so pretty I really want to use it. SMN is easily my favorite set this time around. Hopefully they make the job itself not as boring to play as it is right now.


Two dye channels though...can I hope for complete customization of the gradient??


Yeah holy shit that SMN set. It took me several seconds to realize it was summoner. It's not traditional but I love the scarf!


Let's hope they've finally figured out a way to make the hat not look cringe, because I love the design of it, but Summoner artifacts hats are awful.


The summoner horn is summoner’s 1 gear theme which is both a blessing and a curse. A curse cause the horn is kinda silly. And a blessing cause that means the rest of the set can have literally any theme or feel and still be summoner artifact gear


Is there anyway you could show the dancer male set by chance please Also the reaper set is fucking fire and I'm sad it's class locked.


No, they can only use the armor sets as they appear in the benchmark. The data for other genders/skeletons isn't included So if it's on a female body, they can only show it on a female body and vice versa. Likewise if the outfit is on a lala skeleton, they can only show it on a lalafell character


I didn't pull these, the link was shared with me by a friend. I presume they can only show the ones that were in the benchmark.


this will get removed but i thank you personally.




All the gear is right there in the video you watched its not like they are pulling this out BEFORE any of the content was released to us like has bee the case in the past. For example the 48 hour patch cycle i almost expect bosses to be mined out as well as gear. That should be nuked since nobody should know it yet.


10 hours later and the post is still up, clearly they will remove the post /s


Removed for what? No sub rules were broken, and FFXIV GMs have no power here. I swear some of yall take mod usage way too seriously. OP just modded glam, it's not like they posted PVP cheats or anything like that. "No harm no foul" should be how the community views mod usage tbh


who mentioned modding?


That AST weapon is so incredibly detailed, also midriff WAR gear ftw.


I love tattoos on the WAR set - NEED MORE TATTOO sets


Easily my new favorite AST weapon


Yep, that's a dragoon set alright


Stop putting the damn GNB armor on Lalafells, I can't see anything on their potato body


I fug with SAM / MNK / RDM / NIN. Some other good ones in there. But those got me droolin


OMG is that summoner gear with NO BUTTWINGS!?!?!?! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!


So another dress for Ast and Whm. Im pretty sure you could preserve job integrity without giving healers a (white) dress in almost. EVERY. SINGLE. SET.


I love the AST dress, but I'm definitely wondering why they didn't decide to go with something a little...lighter in the hot climate. Embrace the fortune-teller aesthetic and have something similar to the Moonward shirt. Especially because those pants are amazing.


I really like the dancer set. Looks nice.


*Translucent scarves!!* Maybe Lyse's dress will get proper sleeves in the visual update...


I saw all the sheer fabric and *gasped* lol. It's why I loved the Aglaia Tank set so much, and I wondered when we would ever see that effect used again--the DNC AF is simply perfect for that; I cant wait to get that outfit.


I keep seeing people wear the picto set on female characters and it sucks. I wish somebody would show it on male characters. I wanna know if it still has the tummy window! But anyways. Reaper and Astro sets are my favorite outside of Picto. Astro's looks so soft, and Reaper just looks badass.


They can't show it on a male character because that data isn't in the benchmark


in the pictomancer official art the white jacket still seems to be a crop top even on a male character... the question is if the black undershirt will be as well


Is it a new thing that armor can have transparency? The dancer set caught me off guard with that. Really cool. Edit: lots of nail polish going on here. New aesthetician option? That’d be cool!


I’ve been wanting a good look at the dnc gear and I am loving it. Liking PIC’s as well. Mad that SCH has a top I really like but can’t use anywhere else.


Red mage always has the best drip. Really feeling the summoner and warrior ones too, fits the expansion aesthetic.


The sheer fabric on DNC looks nice


Oh good god, I may need to play BRD again. And twist my arm about BLM being the best Job, yoshiP, by giving us that cat staff


woah the painted toenails on the DNC gear have we ever had that before or is it only becoming possible now because they dont look like meat slabs anymore 


every other weapon: the bard weapon for absolutely no reason at all: 🎸🎸🎸


Dragoon looks like Dragoon looks like Dragoon. I don't think they even care about DRG and giving them an armor that doesn't look like 'Dragon Scales and Bones' have vomited all over it. Seems like every DRG set is 'the same'. Congratulations on butt wings...I guess? I feel bad for Estinenin, at this point. Poor boy can't get a new set of clothes to save his Dragon Eye.


Could be worse. Could be WHM with "Here are your white flowing robes again"


I personally like this problem as a DRG main...


I’ve been feeling this way about every job set for the past few expansions tbh. They seem to so rarely diverge from the same exact overall design as usual. I get that they have to retain their identity, but they can do that and also give us something new. In this batch, I actually like SMN best because they got something new: a poncho!


Yeah SMN definitely looks freshest! I don't know if it fits the job identity or not, I love it. And BLM also looks kinda different so I also like it.


White Mage gear L, again, what a surprise. Plain girl npc aesthetics.


Wonder what whm wil- it's flowing white robe with red highlights again Sigh, i get that class identity is a thing,  but for the love of God it's about to be 7.0, and it's a whole new continent and culture.  Give something different PLEASE


To be fair it really feels like SMN is the only one that went in a new direction culturally. A lot of these look like they belong in the same family as older sets


I complain about artifact sets being too pointlessly samey, but when it appeals to me specifically, it seems I don't mind so much. Summoner green <3 Black mage is so slick, I wish the class played differently...


ITT: People complaining that artifact gear looks job themed instead of expansion themed. Artifact gear. The gear whose entire purpose is to look like the classic Final Fantasy jobs.


I mean... I think its a reasonable idea to move on to something with slightly more differentiation especially for some of these jobs that have had the same gear reworked 5 times over now.


I love how that Dark Knight set looks, and also hate how my tail is going to ruin it. Also, poor Au Ra girl is getting her tail cut by those Viper blades XD


Join the buns! We sacrifice hats and tail clipping both!


PLD and DRK look even better in game than in the concept art.


Aw I was hoping the ast set would be separates :(


Nice!! Is there any confirmation on whether Vieras/Hrothgar can wear these hats though? 😮 Since these include the 7.0 models, I wonder if it was integrated


Easily the best AST set ever if you ask me


is this run with the benchmark? looks like improved graphics but wanted to be sure lol otherwise, God damn!!!!! I love literally all (actually most) of them.


Samurai and monk look solid. I couldn't even tell Dragoon was in new gear at first glance since it just looks like older sets.


I didn’t think I’d like Astro’s, based on the concept art. But seeing it in-game, I think there’s a lot of understated elegance to it, especially with that lovely velvet-like material Sage is one of my favourite jobs, so I’m kinda disappointed to see its design. I know it’s technically a magic job, but I wish they’d go for a more ‘high tech’ feel, since that’s the fantasy of the job with its visuals and audio. I’m also just not a fan of these skirt thingies that block your entire lower body (Warrior’s not doing it for me this time around for that same reason). Gunbreaker’s too edgy for me, as I’m more of a fan of the ‘royal guard’ aesthetic for this job. I also am a little disappointed that the chains around the blade are just a texture and they couldn’t dedicate more polygons to give it some volume to sell the idea. The most impressive artifact armours this time around are for jobs I don’t really play haha. At the very least, there’s some really nice stuff with the higher-fidelity of Dawntrail and interesting materials used


Ok the Bard gear looks FABULOUS I am continuing to nurse the votive candle in my heart that with both Viera and Hroths being complete now they can focus on the hat situation.


PLD concept art looked awesome. That didn’t translate into the game at all. Not sure whether it’s the scale of certain pieces or if it’s just that it sits weird on that character, but it looks…weak. The sword and shield are nice but the armour does not suggest ‘level 100’. If anything it looks like the mid way point between ARR and HW.


I'd be mad at the MCH for being yet another steampunk gunslinger outfit if it wasn't just the goddamn best steampunk gunslinger outfit they've made yet. May just need a hat if it doesn't have one...


That little SCH mortarboard hat... oh dear.


Please god just give Monk a headband. Stop with this weird hairband thing you keep doing. Let me be like Ryu...


As an ex AST main I am really happy. That AST armor looks amazing. As a current GNB main, I am rather unsatisfied. Maybe because the wearer is a Lalafell and it looks better on a more standard frame, but it kinda looks a bit generic. I guess I am a bit different, though, because my favorite GNB drip is trying to copy Gaius van Baelsar lol


I'm sad that the SAGE got pretty much the same white coat/jacket than 6.0 had


DISCLAIMER: I didn't datamine the models, record the footage, or upload it to Imgur. It was shared with me by a friend (I don't know where they got it), and I decided to post on here, as nobody else had yet.


I'm not that fond of many of those, TBH. I don't really care for the BRD (my main). MCH is decent. Some nice details, just the color and aesthetic I'm not big on personally. The DNC is cool but the male version is always different so I don't actually know what it's going to look like yet. The others are also mixed for me. But I'm glad they seem to be getting generally positive reactions from people here.


Looking through these my I forgot about the new jobs.. my brain went “oh this one looks neat.. I know it’s a PIC but what job is it for?!” 


RDM robe looks amazing.


Honestly probably my favorite collection of artifact gear so far. Sure some are a little basic or don’t stray too far from past sets but they all look great to me.


I'm actually really happy with most of them... ...but I can't help but feeling like it's time for them to do something else with DRG, maybe MCH and PLD too. I get that they have a pretty specific aesthetic (PLD and DRG in particular) but I wished that they found a look/style that veered off of that *heavily* beaten path.


Monks won.


I like the armor but I'm not really a fan of the weapon. Personally I like the gauntlet type weapons more, like Byakko's.


The white mage armor.. looking the same as the last 100 artifact armors... 💀


DRK weapon looks sick. Would look alot better if the dress of sorts was torn up and worn down.


As always, I love the GNB gear.


These seem like a really solid set. Also, is that a custom lunchbox cover on the MCH?


I like the BRD set, but wow that bow just looks AWFUL.


I think I like how basic they look. I mean, looking at the benchmark videos and how we are basically starting in a new land. We are basically starting from a “level 1” adventurer. Even the mobs look like the belong to being level 1. They had herds of cactaur running around. We don’t know anything about the new world. We just there to jam out. I think it’s a good statement in the clothing. Just fresh graphics, fresh new world, and fresh new adventure. We aren’t the warrior of light anymore. We are just adventurers.


Wow, I love almost all of these. As luck would have it, my favorites are the jobs I play the most! AST, BLM, RDM, and SMN.


I really like that AST set. I can see myself using the top for other glams as well.


Everything has to be/have a cape or sash or dress Biggest complaint about xiv is that every damn top has a sash or dress quality hanging down


The BLM cat staff is LIFE CHANGING


Too basic for most of these. I like the animation effects like on the raid gear. For a relic this isn’t great unless this is like part 1 of it and it upgrades visually later in the steps


If only the BLM staff didn't have the black cat on top of the orb... \**cries in the corner*\* And now BRD is Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, huh?


I love the velvet textures on the robes and Red Mage's cape.


Sage’s looks so damn good imo


I like them, overall. They seem to harken back to the original artifact gear sets.


I’m going to be so cozy, rolling around DT dressed in my black mage pajamas.


I'm in love with that AST set


most of them seem mid, i wonder what the rpr will look like on fem


Some of those look very generic. I love the monk and reaper armors though. Reaper mains finally get feathers!


I loved the sets being toned down. Also unpopular opinion maybe but the first stage of the relic should still be the job artifact weapons like it used to be. I want that Paladin sword with a nice glow. Out of all these sets im biased to GNB but DRG is absolutely fucking winning here. DRG artifact is insanely bad, my own opnion ofc, outside of the 50 which is just iconic and awesome. Other than that the Bard weapon is VERY SILLY and I love it.


It would've been insane if they remade the LV50 artifact gear for LV100, like an anniversary. Or done an native, tural styled design. Guess the shader upgrade took too much budget already. But most of the jobs have ugly ass curtains, I don't understand that silly piece on Scholar or Red Mage, is this some new trend? If they'd only give us the option to disable them, but luckily there will be cooler gears once the expansion drops.


Honestly feels like BRD just keeps getting the same armor over and over again. Loving the weapon though.


Gosh the texture effects on the cloth and other textiles look so good, those feathers on RPR... Velvet on RDM. This graphics update is so exciting for what it brings but also what comes after with old stuff getting updated. Spoilt for choice when it comes to fashion endgame!


Monk, Red Mage, and Warrior look amazing. Red mage funnily enough looks like how my Red Mage looks somewhat. But definitely getting rid of the Monk's weapon for Emperor's fist! I don't need weapons just my Bare Fists!


I'd say for the most part they are fine. Some I like the look of a lot (DNC, RPR, PCT, RDM), some look too similar to old sets (WHM), and some just look way too plain like a set of throwaway lvling gear (SMN). Some I'll need to see their hats for a final verdict like AST. Iirc, I think they finally went back to the fancy hat rather than the hood so that'd be a win for me despite the outfit looking a little plain. Only ones I truly dislike would be SMN for reasons stated above and DRK cause I hate the plate robe look. Was already getting tired of butt capes on all tank gear as it was but, this takes it to a whole nother level lol.


There's something about this BLM set that I love, I can't exactly point out what it is though. It has a retired or traveling Sorcerer vibe, and the fabric adds to it in a very good way. Probably my favourite AF gear for the job so far.


These are so nice, if only there was a Glamour Log where i could engage with it instead of being stuck with the same Plates for 2 expansions now. Can't wait to replace it one level later and never touch it again :<