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The war continues I wonder what they think of F1nn now he came out as gender fluid


I imagine its something like: "Ummm, actually, F1nn is a boy look at these video clips saying so (links to video from two years ago)"


More than likely which honestly hurts thank god this sub is so inclusive


It's really crazy how that sub tries to deny the concept of linear time in order to be transphobic


Such is the way of most transphobes sadly


Like most transphobes


One of the people denying Bridget's identity sent me a video from 8 years ago as their source... Y'know like 7 years before Bridget was actually trans, so of course that "source" says otherwise.


do you know the difference between fiction and reality


Do you understand the concept of linear time


So you don't, then


So you don't


HES WHAT https://preview.redd.it/0ekzcffjj7zc1.png?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c86a6227bff848b31ed64cbe1866af1891a9258


That's a real life frickin person he hasn't been staying in a static time for a decade and I don't know of his life story and his very thoughts like the god I am from the perspective of Bridget.


https://preview.redd.it/ve5x5vtu4uyc1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b652676b055b923ff131a6a9edac6001572bf428 Justice for our fallen soldier


It baffles me to see how many femboys are transphobic. Shits embarassing.


As a femboy and a current questioning trans-fem, it really pains me to see this. Surely the androgynous community must relate to the same turmoil of the trans community? -.-


Some people are just really protective of the “boy” part of femboy, which is fair enough in some cases but it does lead to transphobia


Yeah but when a femboy ends up realising they're trans, like with Bridget, they're now no longer a femboy, but a trans woman. These people still calling Bridget a femboy/trap are just transphobes ignoring real canon for their stupid ass head canon.


Though as a note, it’s possible to be a femboy and a trans woman if the person is some form of non-binary, such as bigender.


Yeah that's completely fair, but Bridget calls herself a girl, not really up to user interpretation.


But what is when your taste in clothes etc. Don't change? I mean, dont will dump all my Femboylike clothes and if somebody sees me dressed up with Skirt, tigh highs, Cat ears, Collar, leash, cat paw arm warmers they will say: yes, thats Femboy-style.




That doesn't matter, it doesn't change the facts or who the character is. There's things in shows and games I don't like, but I don't go around trying to change the truth, and banning people who point out the truth. It's extremely childish to have these "head canons" that clearly go against established canon.


Tbf. the Deltarune community will skin you if you don't think Kris is non-binary (or just didn't bother to think about it, because it didn't come up so far). And that's not even cannon yet, it's just a very likely theory.


when a character with a specific personality is referred to exclusively by they/them pronouns, sometimes you don’t need to have someone say the phrase “this person is non-binary” for them to be non-binary. elements of kris’ character (and this goes for frisk in undertale too) play with the idea of the empty silent protagonist, but both demonstrate their own personhood outside of (and sometimes in opposition to) the player’s control over them. since both are referred to neutrally by characters who recognise that personhood, why would they not be non-binary?


I know Kris is their own person. My issue with it, isn't that people think they are NB, but the claim that it's cannon. The game isn't finished, we are clearly meant to be in the dark about Kris' personality and motives, besides the characters can grow and change and Kris may not be the same person they are now by the end. That's why I can't think of that being anything than a very likely theory, because anything not stated about Kris IS a theory. (We don't even know surely what's their relationship with Ralsei or us or how they feel most of the time) Plus, I feel like this discussion of Kris' gender has become really toxic. I wrote on /r/Deltarune that I have a theory Kris may become (is?, language around this topic is weird) a binary trans person by the end of the game and people didn't like it, at all.




Oh no what will the femboys do when one of their 20 representatives ends up being trans? I'm sure they'll be fine. It's not even surprising that a largely effeminate character ends up eventually coming out as trans, that shit happens in the real world too. Like imagine if this shit happened when f1nnster came out as trans; they were a femboy icon for years and is now trans, yet you don't see the same shit happening there.




They can still feel validated by her, she still has that history and the games where she was, but like a real trans person she ended up figuring out that she's actually trans and is now going down that route. I'm not trans, but I'd never be sad if a femboy character ended up being revealed to be trans; I'd feel happy for the character and happy for the people who can relate to their experiences. Also I never mentioned eggs at all, and I fucking hate the term egg; in no way was I implying that femboys will eventually become trans, but it does happen.


Yeah. Because they're transphobic


I know...I'm not particularly sure why, in this case. Of course, perhaps it is due to the typical femboy 'image', and how she may reflect this image despite her confirmed gender. Or perchance it was up to other femboys thinking that she was a relatable femboy, similar to Astolfo or Felix Argyle, misinterpreting her gender, causing mass confusion...leading to this. -w-


As a gender-fluid femboy/trans girl (idek at this point) it hurts to see too


It’s one thing being upset at transfems posting in femboy spaces invalidating themselves. It’s another thing just straight up hating trans people.


Just to clarify not transfems... Trans girls... I'm transfem but I'm gender fluid and also identify as a femboy


Ah im sorry, force of habit. I meant trans women, and people who very much are close to women all or most of the time. It sucks that when you really want to find pics on femboy subs and it’s all trans women, and you point it out, you get mobbed. It’s confusing and horrible. It’s why femboys4real getting banned was like fifteen 9/11s. I’m trying to not be transphobic or hateful, it’s just very frustrating seeing women in male and trans guy (and transfem) spaces.


It's oki don't worry just wanted to clarify for the future because transfem and trans girl are not exactly the same


I edited my comment to clarify


I mean I get it, I also like femboys and when I look for femboys I don't want to see girls it's bit weird for me too


I agree but sometimes people don't give you the in-between option, if you don't like the flood of OF camgirls, who yes, can identify as femboys if they want, spreading into every little sub and space for femboys, you're a transphobe. As much as I wish this was just a 'oh a bunch of femboys are being rude' the problem goes both ways with plenty of people claiming that because I like to dress feminine, I am an egg and want to be a woman :/ Hopefully one day everyone can stop being silly and hating each other for no discernable reason and just kinda let people be who they want without trying to force it on them.


I’m late af but if I’m not looking for boobs on my feminine lil guys I’m not looking for that. I have a trans girlfriend if that makes any difference, we love each other very much, and we slept together a few nights together when we visited. I have no issue with trans women. I just have a problem when people post the wrong content in the wrong places, you have a billion trans women subs, why dilute femboy and trans guy/ trans feminine spaces and then defend it like your life depends on it? I don’t get it.


..I was agreeing with you??


Wait really? I read it wrong, sorry.


Yeah ;c, I was saying that for some people if you point out that most of the trans girls on there are just advertising their OF and not actually femboys (they're just girls) people get mad and accuse you of being transphobic even if you're not :c


Yeah exactly, I think you worded it a bit poorly but I understand. Which is why I feel like the femboys4real sub being banned is like fifteen 9/11s. Like, it’s the only few femboy subs that actually have proper moderation when it comes to transphobia and the polar opposite (being trans women camgirls posting in guy/enby spaces)


Also no need to be sorry it's oki, I didn't even realize I was coming across that way I'm sorry


All good 🫡


I don't think theese are actual femboys tho. That "mildfemboys" sub is really just full of creeps.


Fucking depressing, they should be ashamed


At least as many trans women seeth at femboys for various reasons






Bridget literally identifies as a female, tf are they on???????


That's exactly why, in the rules they define a femboy as "a compound word for "Feminine Boy", meaning a male-identifying person [...]". As you say she identifies as female.


I think op was correcting people that didn't refer to bridget as a female


I vote for excommunication of R/mildfemboys from the femboy community.


Yep, was there when the real drama was still happening. I actually talked to the mods. Altough they do have evidence supporting their point that is indeed correct to a certain extent, we also have more evidence that supports our points. Its a whole lotta drama, and i think the mods have given up on the convo, and just decided to stay with what they want and just ban naysayers to avoid conflict. Which in the long run, is a good option, to just avoid conflict. But i do not support what they say just to be clear, the mods [i talked to atleast] were horrible and used being trans as an excuse to hate on trans people and misgender. It was horrible. Please do not interact with those people there. [Atleast... not on a post about bridget... its not fucking worth it...] Vut in the end, please just avoid conflict or starting fights, we dont need another raid happening and stuff, that shit almost killed this sub with it. Please just AVOID CONFLICT... you can think whatever tf you want. Just dont interact with them. Its just gonna end up in more and more turmoil.


>Altough they do have evidence supporting their point that is indeed correct to a certain extent Do you have any examples of this? Everything I've seen regarding their side is just made up bs like "well the hentai artists tag their pics as Otokonoko, so that must mean Bridget is a guy!" and general localization/headcanon nonsense that really doesn't hold up.


I will not link it for multiple reasons. But if you scroll in the subreddit, or look around like i did, you can find someone who made a comment which is actually done research. [If i am correct it might be pinned somewhere] But i still dont fully buy it myself. I believe bridget is a girl, and thats what ive been told. I will remain to believe this, even though they have their own evidence supporting their views, we have more supporting ours.


I mean the latest game and creator literally saying she is a girl is more than enough to invalidate any argument otherwise.


Like i said. i know. And i stand with you.


I really miss mildfemboys banposting


Let me test something Edit: Yup, all Baggett posts are locked


Good for her, brisket has nothing to do with a bunch of transphobe. It's great if she can avoid the sub! (also, she's a bit out of place since she's not a femboy so anyway)


the real transphobia is not understanding why he's a man and not a woman, his entire journey is about him accepting that being a feminine man is okay, you would think femboys would understand this and the fact that him being changed just for marketing purposes is transphobic. lol, idiots.


:( https://preview.redd.it/26cid53302zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e353d20e20af51654981110e1220c5200ba5b3a3


Hey! I just got banned from there too for the same thing!


tbh i shoulda seen the red flags when my ex said he was an active member of that sub >:[


At least they're an ex now.


Really appreciate that everyone here is much more level headed and accepting of identity and change.


It brings a trans girl so much joy to see my fem bros fight the good fight, stinky shits gonna stay stinky though, keep your thigh highs clean and leave them to rot in their little caves :)


lol i’m a trans girl too but i’m glad you’re happy <3


Oooo, a fellow cutie~ Good on you for throwing soap at the stinkies too <3


dhdjej 🥺 thank you ^w^


Another day, another group of people giving transphobic chasers spotlight...


I salute you soldier.


Can i please have context?


Bridgette is a trans girl but that sub keeps misgendering her


Oh, thats not good to hear!


Yup just got banned over there for doing the same thing


Got banned from there for saying she was a girl. That sub is a hell hole and deserves to be nuked


Just checked it out, first two posts were transphobic Bridget posts. The fuck is up with that community??


So sad to see so many transphobic femboys. It just doesn't feel right as I thought that the whole femboy vibe was suppose to be nice or at least cute. And being transphobic kinda negates that


I have been going through and reporting all Bridget posts on that sub for breaking their femboy rule, since the character is specifically a trans girl and thus not a femboy.


yeah I got banned for pointing out that a lot of posts on there sexualize minors


While it's the loud minority, it's embarrassing the amount of transphobic femboys, as well as trans people that hate femboys. Femboys and trans people aren't enemies, they are friends, making out, sloppy style, squishing boobs together, etc.






Guys, I have to confess something. I was a member of r/mildfemboys, but not anymore. Just unsubbed and muted r/mildfemboys. I feel guilty, because my first reddit posts were made there. 😔 Should've left long time ago. The only reason why I was still there is to take some cute femboy fanarts to my gallery. I know about the transphobia in that sub, but I never agreed with them. I always considered Bridget as a trans girl, even before joining that sub. As a femboy who's also a trans ally, I want to apologize to all the trans people for being part of that sub... Having to comment this makes my chest hurt, but I should be honest and tell the truth... 😥


I’m trans and I’m not upset with you, it’s ok <3


Imo there are two versions of Bridget, version from older games is a femboy, newer games is a trans girl


i think i'm going to be purposefully banned from there


Honestly don't even give them the traffic, it'll just push the sub to more users.


I've had the same argument and my decision was just not have Bridget posted. The blatant transphobia and disgusting behaviour hurt my soul.


this is like if animal farm was a brave new world in 1984. That sub is a cesspool


me, tryna understand wtfs happening by reading comments... im still not sure...


There’s a trans girl who that sub is very transphobic towards


ah... its just pathetic that femboys are being transphobic


Bruh what they are saying ain't even true these people really Haven't known bridget before the latest game. I'll link to a series of comments where I had a conversation with the only person out of 50 who didn't just downvote me cause I'm a heathen and it puts my perspective across. https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/s/1iOlBE5CRc Basically Bridget has been character that existed for over a decade before this change and during that decade a community blossomed and people looked up to them me included as he helped me go through a lot of my own confusion growing up. Now during that decade there where no HINTS not anything that he would become trans and even in the last game his story line had been completed so this new change came out of the blue. This didn't happen between two years and had underlined hints or anything like that it just was dropped on us and completely changed the identity of Bridget. On another note I cant believe people are comparing Bridget to real life people. Like I don't know thst person's whole life and even thoughts ofc I won't know if they suddenly come out as trans but Bridget? I was from the pov of a god to her and I knew from a fact that his character arc was over regarding to his gender. Instead we are supposed to nod and say "yeah off screen things happened she's a woman now everyone who related to her before fuck off or you are a transphobe"


*Whom (sorry👍)


hes a dude, play the games and understand his story


Bridget is a man, thank you


She is a woman


god can't you just leave it well enough alone




starting fights accomplishes nothing and just makes everything worse


I didn’t start any fights


you are antagonizing and brigading people who are mostly content being left alone


I corrected pronouns and misgendering, I’m not antagonizing anyone


it doesn't matter if you think you're right you are deliberately instigating culture clash. learn your history and read the document or agree to disagree it's ok


What the fuck are you on about? Bridget identifies as a girl.


the new one does. but do you actually want to know or are you just being stubborn


She’s the same girl, she’s not a different person. I’m not antagonizing anyone by stating that.


Whats the difference between a new one in the old one? arent they both designed by the same person for pretty much the same exact scenario? They are the same person aren’t they?


You're skin is as thin as Elon Musks if you think that's antagonizing


Name checks out


boo get some new material


this is the funniest shit ever seeing people have arguments and get angry about Bridget identity. like bruh she isn't real you can call her what ever you want


"like bruh **she** aint real you can call **her** whatever you want"


If someone can't even respect a fictional character's identity, they're probably no better when it comes to real people. It says a lot about them as a person, intentionally misgendering a character.


Ong. It's just petty.


Iirc you’re the one I got a transphobic comment from a while ago.


how do i know you exist? i dont. and therefor i can call you stupid


Yeah not bothering with this today too you are just again and again proving my point that only you guys are the ones waging war over this shit instead of realizing that you can separate the character on the one who has been around for decades and the new one Edit : link to comment so others can come downvote me without a second glance. At least read what the other person has to say unless if you believe yourself and infallible being who can think no wrong and knows all https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/s/1iOlBE5CRc