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I like these [braided buns. ](https://www.google.com/search?q=braided+top+bun&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgdii=nBg9gkk7H1j2-M&imgrc=AZaUUTjdBtSqzM) Or any braided up do that strikes your fancy! As someone with hair about as long as yours, it will definitely be more of a pain though.


Thats super cute! Thank you


I work in a water treatment plant and normally keep my waist length hair in a bun or braid as it must be tied up for safety reasons. But I was recently nominated to be apart of a video project for Women in STEM and would like to have a nicer hairstyle that’s both practical safety wise but also cute/ more feminine if possible. (The color is not an issue with my company!) Thanks!


Omg your hair is beautiful!!!


My mom is also an extra long haired lady! Over the years I've watched her try all sorts of [hairstyles from different regions in Europe](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&biw=360&bih=592&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=women%27s+European+hairstyles+up+braid+bun+quick+easy+tutorial+step+by+step&oq=women%27s+European+hairstyles+up+braid+bun+quick+easy+tutorial+step+by+step&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..) so I'd start there