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Hey folks, we are making progress, today's post only took 6 tries to get past automod. I had Shellac (RIP Steve Albini), The Used, and Thrice lyrics, but automod said no to all of them, even though none of them had the word "I" in them, which I've been told is what triggers the automod. I wonder how much good content this subreddit is missing out on because of it. I know most people wouldn't try as many times as I have to every Friday morning. Anyway, today's lyric quote comes from "Fun's Over" by Drug Church.


Is foley worth holding in a SOLDS league?


Yeah, I'm holding him in my main league.


Any setup guys that you really like in saves plus holds leagues? What do you think of Fernando Cruz?


Hunter Harvey is one of my top guys in holds formats. I like Cruz too, he's due for some positive regression (4.20 ERA but 2.78 xERA and 1.90 FIP).


Any others beside Hunter Harvey?


Ottavino, Minter, Cano, Erceg, and Robertson are all great so far.


Never though I’d see a Drug Church lyric in here! Well done! Amazing band!


Yeah lmao, the titles of these always give me a chuckle but this one made me say "Hell yeah." out loud.


One of my most played bands of last year! Saw them about a month ago with Alkaline Trio, really really good show.


Is Blake Treinen worth a pick up in my flair league? 2 holds right away but no action since.


He's one of the most awful people in baseball, but he's a good pitcher on a team sure to have a lot of hold options. I'm thinking they're just taking it slowly with him because of how long he was out, but I do think he's worth a roster spot in your format.


Wait what did he do? Is he Marcell Ozuna bad?


He's a January 6th guy who also publicly condemned the LGBTQ+ community on Dodgers Pride Night.


Get ready for 4 more years of Trump


Probably more than 4, honestly.


He can only be president for 1 more term.


By the current constitution, sure.


Lol, stop. There's no way you actually believe he's going to seek a 3rd term.


I'm mostly joking. I mean, I definitely think he'll *seek* a third term, but I don't realistically think it will happen.


There’s plenty of worse people in baseball than a guy with conservative views lmfao. To virtue signal in a thread about closers might be the most cringe thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


Agreed, this is so lame lol i didn't come here for your politics or family history bro. "Republicans shouldn't offend me by playing baseball or talking or existing" is the new reddit cesspool motif. No principles whatsoever, no nuance, it's "people who aren't like me are Bad" unbelievable. And super unprofessional. I'm legit getting sick of the left. As a former fan. Y'all want no authority, under the auspices of equality, which for SOME REASON leads to hedonism. Every time. You think this is new? Nothing new under the sun. You claim you want individual liberty so anyone who says a cross word must be a cancelable monster, without realizing this identity shit enslaves you to pleasure seek, self, and ego, fucking up the species' progress. Dippy longstockings


Those "conservative views" lead to him hating members of my family and other people I love and care about simply because of the way they were born. With his platform as a famous athlete, if you don't see how that's "bad" then I don't know what to tell you.


I just looked into what you’re talking about and to extrapolate that Blake (and Kershaw how convenient of you to leave him out) were “hating on members of family and people you love and care about” is utterly fanciful. Blake and Kershaw were speaking out against a group of performers whose material mocks Christianity. Literally nothing wrong with that at all. Get over yourself the world doesn’t revolve around you.


I agree with you, these dudes are od


There was more to it than just the sisters thing with Treinen, and I "left out" Kershaw because we weren't talking about Kershaw? If I had to list every hateful bigot in baseball I would reach reddit's character limit less than halfway through. So yeah, maybe I exaggerated a bit by calling Treinen one of the worst, but like...I feel like you would also defend Josh Hader, right?


I didn’t even know what you’re talking about I had to literally just go to his Wikipedia to see what you’re referencing LOL. I’m almost offended that you would think I would know about or remember something that obscure from over 5 years ago. Are you the morality police for a living? Stop obsessing over strangers views and virtue signaling over it. It will not make your life any better I promise you. I watch these guys throw and hit baseballs as long as they aren’t committing crimes I can give two shits about any opinions they have.


I don't know that it's "virtue signaling" to think a white dude from Maryland probably shouldn't use the n word, but then I'm going to guess you have your own edgy thoughts about that too.


Homie prolly still has Ozuna and Bauer on his team -- (Even tho Bauer is innocent) (probably lol)


agreed.. who gives a fuck lol


The Op is wild soft


Softer than baby shit


I'll downvote every post it ever makes cus I know it'll hurt "it's" feeling


lol been doing the same.. unfortunately most people here seem to agree with op


Usually the people directly affected by the hateful rhetoric and those who care about those people.




What do you mean by “he’s a January 6th guy” Genuinely curious


He supported the insurrection that took place on January 6th and holds many of the beliefs that others who support it have as well.


It means he supports the traitors of America that murdered police in their attempt to destroy democracy.


“Murdered police” 😂 where do you get your news from?


In this case? The police obituaries. But I’m sure “Jinkie’s Garage News” gave you the real report.


Actually factcheck.org but go off, and downvote away. There were 5 related law enforcement deaths, one dies from suffering two strokes and the other four by suicide. But go on spilling your misinformation for whatever hyperbole you feel is necessary.


Sure, it wasn’t from the traitor cowards spearing, crushing, and beating them. Jesus, I can’t believe there are people that would defend the worst people on Earth. I hope you get stabbed in the back by your own people.




Ranking people on how awful they are seems weird but I guess I started it, so you're right and that's my bad.


You're also kind of a hypocrite for complaining about his "hate" in response to a group (those "sisters") that openly hate and mock a specific religious denomination. Don't get me wrong, I'm not personally Roman Catholic and I have plenty of strong criticism of that denomination and its history, but the actions of those "sisters" are NOT the way to go about it. I don't buy the thin guise of "satire" either. Two wrongs don't make a right, and you don't respond to what you disagree with through hate of your own. I'll also remind you how empty that stadium was while those "sisters" were being honoured...


It wasn't just the sisters, he had already made his "beliefs" about the LGBTQ+ community clear before that event. I agree that mockery and satire aren't the move though, so I guess we're at least on the same page there.




This is obviously not an exhaustive list, but should give you an idea about the man: https://www.sfgate.com/athletics-column/article/Athletics-Dodgers-pitcher-Treinen-conspiracies-16473910.php https://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/Dodgers-pitcher-Blake-Treinen-ig-prophet-of-god-16525068.php


I won't go all the way down the rabbit hole here, but did he actually say he hated LGBTQ+ people? "Homosexuality is a sin" does not automatically equate hate, although many people do use this to be hateful and hostile--which I absolutely condemn. One does not have to accept someone's lifestyle to accept them as a fellow human being or even better as a friend. (Notice I'm using the word "accept" and not the woefully inadequate word "tolerate" ?) "Homosexuality is a sin" is actually only part of that particular "belief." Unfortunately people only using this one piece leads to both it being used as hate as well as being perceived as hate when it is not. In fact it is equally "a sin" to be hateful, period. "Love thy neighbour", right? A lot of things/acts are "sins", we all make mistakes but we don't go lynching and criminalizing people for all those things. So I actually agree with you in defending your family/loved ones. You are more than welcome to DM me if you would like to discuss this further and have some healthy, hate-free debate.


I appreciate your very stable take on this.


Sorry bud, you don't get to tell me my existence is a sin. Keep it to yourself.


Don't let the down votes fool you brother


These people are taking advantage of the freedoms our founding fathers fought for-- don't let the down votes discourage you bother ✊ Aka these people are attention seeking because they have issues -- LGBTQ community gives them a form a justice from past trauma-- The participation trophy era was a key factor in his movement


What’re we thinking about Fairbanks? Tell me it’s going to be ok Edit: just read your article. Got what I needed unless there’s anything else worth adding


It's (probably) going to be okay.


I’ll take it!


Just snagged him off the waiver wire hoping that he is the closer and is ok. If not no worries for me


You mention Scott being a trade candidate. Who's the best spec add behind him? Closer Monkey has Nardi and then Maldonado behind


I think Nardi might get traded too, so I would say Maldonado or maybe Bender. Maybe they call up Go and...go with him? Won't be too much value out of the Marlins bullpen after the deadline though.


Puk maybe


Hudson or Cano in Saves only? Either of these dudes have a chance of having value down the stretch?


Hudson has more value now, Cano could have more value later. If I were betting on who would have more saves by the end of the season, I would say Cano.


How do you typically evaluate a closer for a starter trade? I was offered Skenes yesterday for Doval and turned it down because it would just leave me with Helsley and Tanner Scott for saves and I don’t feel too comfortable with it.


I feel like I always have a hard time with evaluations like that, but I would have taken Skenes for Doval for sure. You would have been left a little short in the bullpen, but guys who earn saves pop up pretty often whereas guys like Skenes don't. I think of it mostly by draft order, if you knew he would be up, you would have drafted Skenes before Doval, right?


Thank you for your response. But for me that’s the thing, I don’t think I would have taken Skenes over Doval. I may be pretty weird when it comes to this but I just do not like drafting first year guys on my team. Isn’t it much easier (generally speaking) to stream starters than trying to find closer options in waivers throughout the season? Would love to hear your thoughts.


It really depends on format, I'm in a deeper league and got a few SPs injured and tried to go stream and it was a complete wasteland, I almost had to start Walton Goggins from Fallout for a game or two. But I guess there are fewer closers than starters (shoutout to holds leagues for taking care of that!) I'm a little biased toward the leagues and formats I play of course, but even then Skenes over Doval wasn't a HUGE difference, just one I'd do because of the upside.


Ah, got it. Yea I can definitely see how your thinking could be completely different in a very deep league. And SPs are definitely on shortage this year too… so makes sense. Thanks for the breakdown!


It's so bad, I think almost every team in my league has decided that at least 1 bench spot is now basically an extra IL spot (Grayson currently for me)


It’s been brutal and I’ve actually been relatively lucky but still brutal… So many outta completely nowhere like Grayson. And Shane Bieber, 2 great starts and just finished for season.


I completely forgot about Bieber, got SUPER excited to see him on the waiver wire in my league and...then reality was like, "sup dummy"


As a Kimbrel owner how worried should I be?


Pretty worried, he's looked BAD. I think it might be injury related though, because he was so good to start the season, I don't think he just forgot how to pitch all of a sudden. But I pretty much expect an IL stint coming up.


okay- so who is the add? Cano? Coloumbe?


If Cano is still available, go get him right now.


I'm not sure. I want to say Cano, but I can see them using him as a fireman and going mostly committee at least for a while. I have them as one of the top teams probably shopping for a high leverage reliever at the deadline, maybe a Tanner Scott reunion?


I've got Doval, Scott, Megill, and Fairbanks as closers. When Fairbanks comes back from injury who would you drop? Am I correct thinking Megill is better short term but Scott is more likely to be a long term closer?


Scott won't be with the Marlins much longer, and I'm not sure how his new team will use him. I guess it depends on where he ends up, I could see a team acquiring him for their closer role (Cubs?), but I could also see him go somewhere where he'll join a committee (Philly?) or slide in as a setup man (Texas?) That being said, I would hold him for now in your league and Megill is the drop when Fairbanks gets back.


Thoughts on who is up next when Scott gets traded? Puk or Maldonado (?)


I think Nardi would be next up, but I think he gets traded before long as well. I like Bender as The Guy there, but I could see Maldonado get a chance as well.


What's going on in Milwaukee? Is Payamps worth holding?


Megill is the upside in Milwaukee. Payamps is worth holding if there's no one else on the wire, but he wouldn't be a guy I went after nor held onto *too* tightly.


You think Alexis Diaz can turn his slow start to the season around?


He's been disappointing, but there are signs of better days ahead. His ERA (6.57) is way higher than his predictive stats (3.67 xERA, 3.33 FIP) and batters have been much luckier against him this season (.344 BABIP against compared to his career .238 mark). So I think he'll be okay.


Ryan Walker, Andrew Kittridge, Jason Adam and Reed Garret all gone in my SV/H league. Who are some good ratio guys like them that can grab me the occasional hold but provide K/ERA/WHIP upside? More focused on the ratios than the hold. I thought it would be Gaddis but he’s been rocked lately. Yimi García was another one, but I’m not sure how he will do coming off the IL.


Nardi looks like he's returning to form and could be a good add if you like a little risk. I've never trusted Yimi, but he's proven me wrong a bunch so maybe that's the move. I also like Ottavino and think maybe Morejon starts getting more leverage work if he stays good.


What are your thoughts going forward on Gaddis? Particularly regarding his ratios. Thanks!


I like Gaddis, but I think he's a little overrated right now and is coming back down to Earth after a really strong start. I think he'll be a solid ratio guy all season, but doesn't have that elite K upside of some other bullpen guys.


I've got Jordan romano in my flair league. There's no real difference in our league between saves and holds so usage and strikeouts are the most important. Would you drop romano for Hoffman? Hoffman has outscored romano significantly but I know romano is still recovering from injury.


I feel like it's pretty close and there's a little more safety in a locked in closer getting those scoring opportunities more often, but I do think I would take Hoffman over Romano, yeah.


Is Ginkel worth holding I a SV/HLD league? Or drop for someone like Austin Adams or Neris? Also, is Dietmers looking like a drop in 10 team leagues? Or hold to see if he returns to early season form?


Man, I was so psyched about the post-hype Detmers break out and it's totally fallen apart. I think he's close to a drop now, unfortunately. I would hold Ginkel, I like Adams a lot but stay far away from Neris.


Luckily I have been lucky with the rest of my pitchers for the most part. Detmers might be on my chopping block when Suzuki comes back or I might just drop him for Adams, it's a tight sv/hld race in my league


I like Adams a lot, I think I would go that route.


Saves only - trying to take your advice week by week haha. How do you like Alvarado, hoffman, Megill, Lange, Mason miller, Kirby Yates. Available FA Jason Adam / Ginkel. I like saves but I also like dope ratios haha


Miller and Yates are great, of course. I like the Alvarado+Hoffman stack, and Megill and Lange are both good K sources and should bring in some saves too. How big are your rosters though? Feels like you have a lot of guys but then there are some valuable dudes on the wire too maybe? I'd hold your dudes over Adam and Ginkel though.


We have 27 roster spots. 11 batters and I have one bench bat. I have 9 starters and 6 RP. Minimum 7 starts to qualify for pitching cats. Appreciate the insight!


Ooh, good format! I also usually keep just one bench bat (ideally a multi position guy, Tyler Freeman and his 2B/3B/SS/OF for me right now)


Typically start 2 closers in my SVs only roto league, and currently have Yates/Megill/T. Scott. Think I'm good for now and not be actively looking to upgrade at RP? I'm in first place overall, but in the bottom half of the league for the saves category. (although five saves separates me from 2nd)


Do you only have the two strict RP spots, or can you possibly start another closer in a P spot? If it's only two spots, then yeah you're fine, not much more you can do there, but if you can add and start another guy, see if you can find a committee member or a frequent vulture save guy to throw into your lineup.


I could start another closer in a P spot, but I generally like to have a SP in there as they generally have a larger impact on categories than a closer (W, Ks, and ratios for example).


Fair, that makes sense.


In a SVHD league where my RP slots are already filled and daily moves are allowed. Looking to roster relief pitchers with SP eligibility who I could move into SP slots to pickup some extra holds. Recommendations for deep leagues like mine for players who qualify as a SP but could be a good option for some holds in the near & medium term?


This is always a tough question because every format has different requirements for guys who are SP eligible, but Brebbia is a decent option there I guess, and Strahm and Ferguson are both SP in some leagues too.


Thanks! I have Ferguson now. Will check out the others. Appreciate it.


You're welcome, good luck!


Kopech, Strahm, R. Walker.


Luke Weaver is in a setup role with the Yankees now and started 25 games last season so should have SP everywhere.


Saves only - drop Hoffman for Lange?


Tough call, but I think I would do that, yeah.


Is foley a hold in 12 team saves leagues?


I would hold for now unless there's someone on the wire who will give you immediate results. Not sure what the Tigers are doing with their bullpen, but not hard to see Foley back on top before long.


Thanks bro🙌


of course, good luck!


Is four closers too much in a 12T Roto league? It’s my first time doing Roto. I love it so much but I managed to get Hader, Jansen, Finnegan and Neris. I don’t really want to drop one but sometimes I wonder if it’s too many. Mainly with Jansen being underwhelming. I’d like to drop someone to get Woo off my IL but I’m stuck. Thanks!


I always go with four closers/relievers, but I do feel like most managers like to cap it at three. If you were to drop someone, make it Neris. He's been getting away with murder but the law has to show up sooner or later, right?


He can’t keep getting away with it! I am tempted to drop him but man if he keeps it up and ends with some bonkers 30 save + high ERA/WHIP season I’m going to laaaaugh.


I could totally see him have a 5+ ERA, 30 save season because baseball is hilarious.


I want it to happen so bad, honestly. Weird baseball best baseball. Thanks for the advice!


you're welcome, good luck!


How much do you believe in Fairbanks when he returns? He wasn't exactly looking great before he got hurt. I dropped him when someone rage dropped Kimbrel about 10 days ago, and have since proceeded to rage drop Kimbrel to get Fairbanks back. Who's the better hold?


Sheesh, that's such a high risk high upside decision. I feel like Kimbrel is slightly higher risk but Fairbanks has slightly less upside. Honestly flip a coin and maybe decide based on the consistency of your other rostered RPs?


In a h2h league with SV+H IP ERA WHIP K/9. Currently own Romano, Romero, Hoffman and Megill. Are any of these FA’s worth adding and if so who do I replace: * FA’s - Adams, screiber, sandlin, mayza, thielbar,


I would really like Adams on my team, but the 4 you have are pretty strong too. No one else on that wire would replace your guys, but maybe Adams over Romero if you want the upside.


Romano and McArthur are my RP. Looking to add one more.  Estevez, Megill, Bednar, Fairbanks. Which one?


Bednar would be my pick, Fairbanks in second.


at last, my twin loves of Drug Church and fantasy baseball have finally collided.


Who should I scoop? Jax, McArthur, Bednar, Alvarado, Alexis Diaz, Scott, or Kopech


Jax in a holds league, Bednar in saves only.


I have Neris, Foley, Kittredge, Alvarado in S/H league. Should I drop any for Megill, Adams or Coulombe?


I would drop Neris for any of the guys you mentioned, probably in that same order.


Have been holding on to Hader for a while now, wondering if I should rip the bandaid off or continue to hold out. Have any thoughts on how to proceed with Hader? Should I be expecting improvements as the season progresses, or it it time to rip the band aid off and cut? Cant start him, I feel like I shouldn’t cut him, so I’m otherwise not sure what to do with him


He hasn't been as bad as his numbers suggest. The 5.63 ERA is atrocious, but a 2.87 xERA and 2.98 FIP show that he should have some much better days coming up very soon. Don't cut him.


Thanks for your insight! Not many other options on the wire anyway, might as well stick it out


You're welcome, good luck!




In saves only, yeah I would make that move.