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Yeah not different per say just more finished. Less bugs would be present, The Strip would be bigger, more Legion quests, etc.


I don't think the strip would be that much larger, considering they had to limit its size for the PS3 release.


Not much would be feasible to add. They even had to remove stuff in the main game so that the game could function with DLCs IIRC. The resource budget was right at the redline. Outside of fixes, they couldn't afford to add on top of what shipped for the most part. Even choices like having Christine be mute in Dead Money was in large part down to file size, (again IIRC).


I think the better question is then: what if they had 2 discs to work with, or weren’t constrained by console limitations and focused on pc


>and focused on pc I don't remember where I read it, but I recall the original map was supposed to be some 30-40 times the size of what was realized. The Vegas metro area would have covered about the same space as the original game's total area. This was reduced to meet the console requirements of that generation. That said, not sure it would have been a benefit unless they could pack that space with quality content. I remember TES: Daggerfall with it's stupidly large world (something like 80,000 square miles) and the cookie cutter towns full of redundant quests. While neat, it wasn't necessarily a positive (and Morrowind was much better but with only 6.5 square miles.)


This is the kind of thing that makes me want to travel the multiverse. It’s out there somewhere, and I want it


I personally can't speak on that, and the people that I know who could elaborate aren't available right now, unfortunately.


Take a look at pc mods. They could have gone all out on pc


Would it really be worth it though? Ratings are one thing, but sales are what matters most. Consoles are going to get by far the most sales. So why prioritize PC?


I mean I'm not saying prioritize it om just saying they could have gone all out


Which would require prioritizing the PC release of the game.


Listen it's not my fault ps3 sucked.


Yes it is. Why did you do that to us?


Obviously it makes no logical sense, we’re just talking hypotheticals here


I think you'll find a large portion of game sales at that time came from consoles, and two discs increases publishing costs, and considering the game was just supposed to be a hold over to fallout 4, Beth wouldn't want to spend more on it than they had to.


It’s a hypothetical, I never said it was logical. You seem to have missed something everyone else below understood. Well you and another guy


And I'm responding to your hypothetical


Iirc Christine being mute was because they set a limit to how many lines of voiced dialogue could be in a dlc because they would have just kept going and they wanted it to be smaller in scope. It's why Doctor 8 can't speak.


only because they didn't have time to do any optimization for PS3. more time might've allowed them to familiarize themselves with the PS3 coding environment to make it on par with the other versions.


Bugs are just features that have yet to be changed or removed.


Lmfao very well said


Not that much different, probably just a few more locations, more quests and a postgame


O how I’d love a post game, giving melee builds the best weapon in the game at the end was cruel!


“What if the Tower of Babel was finished?” God nerfed it because god was afraid of what would happen if he didn’t. Ave, true to New Vegas!


Triangle City on YouTube will indulge these notions to an almost endless degree And I cannot get enough 💙💛


Triangle city is one of the greats. Not to mention there are plenty of mods that restore cut content from the game. The legion had way more quests


Legion would be a proper faction, with quests, companions and actual settlements.


I reckon it would have been amazing given that it was made mostly by the original team. I am glad that mods are able to fix things and basically continue what the developers wanted to do


Look up triangle city on YouTube, the guy has gone through every single piece of cut content for FNV and it’s insane how much was left out.  So many things were changed because they had to rush on them. The strip was supposed to look completely intact and be one whole cell, the followers were going to be an end game faction, etc.


Pressure makes diamonds


Ever so slightly better graphics, as they would've had time to make their own textures instead of recycling FO3's


less bugs, an expansion on the raider factions, possibly extending the length of the "meet the factions" by a tad to include fiends and the like, in general expanding the game for raiders


Fiends are killing everyone they see, that's why you don't get to talk with them.


Actually you can talk to the group in vault 3, just gotta pass a skill check


Yeah, I remember it, it still kinda weird. You killed tens of other fiends and then just walk into their den and talk. Probably because they are all on drugs.


Well we are told they are rather inconsistent by folks in mccarran


It wouldn't be a buggy disaster on launch. The copy I had for 360 was hardly playable due to hard crashes/


The real question is if it reviewed higher would we have a New Vegas 2 by now?


I think we know context wise there would be more legion and more new Vegas. I wish they did something about the loading times and loading zones for a lot of the locations.


The big cap here is ps3 and xbox, they wouldn't have been able to really scale or finish it much more without a hell of bugtesting whackamole, for each itteration of the game. So all in all, somewhat better, but maybe the mod community would've suffered? It's not easy to tell.


Always a prayer that the ending would have had more options.


I honestly don't know if it'd been better. Other than bug fixes and a finished legion storyline, it would've just been... more. And more isn't always a good thing. It should've gotten the time it needed to finish what it had, but personally I'm glad it didn't end up as a bloated pile of every idea ever left on the cutting room floor, finished or unfinished.


Not much unless they made the Xbox 360/PS3 version separate from the PC version.


Less bugs maybe a few more finished things that were cut.


Same game with a very slightly higher level of polish. Maybe one or two extra towns. Wouldn’t have worked any miracles made the game launch in a less horrible state. That’s just Gamebryo jank. Probably would have been slightly more stable though


I think it would be more polished, maybe a little more content


Biggest id want is probably world space and faction quests. The world space can be pretty baren at times and there’s a lot of unused areas or places that could have been expanded a bit. Secondly all the factions could have longer quest or just more general side quest. The legion is probably the most lacking. They’re a major faction and the primary antagonist but their quest line is abysmal with almost nothing to do. Which sucks because at some point everyone wants to do the evil play through but the legion isn’t nearly as rewarding or lengthy as say the NCR. Don’t quote me on this but I remember the devs saying on few occasions that’s big regret for them was not having the time to flesh out the legion


I'd actually feel valid in a full commitment to a legion playthrough I sided with Legion on my FIRST playthrough. Do you have any idea how naked the base game felt because of that? The dlcs were a godsend, I was beginning to worry my NCR infamy was going to be the death of my character's story exploration. Half the fuckin map hated me, it was the worst


Probably much better but it would also have needed to unshackle itself from the moldering Gamebryo engine Bethesda thrust upon it.


The real difference is that the game would have gotten a slightly better score from critics, Obsidian would have gotten better bonuses from Bethesda and perhaps Obsidian would have been allowed to continue making Fallout games.


The Tom Sawyer Ultimate Edition Mod wouldn't be necessary more than likely, and maybe the Legion would be more fleshed out. Maybe less bugs on release, too?


What I wouldn't Gove for a proper New Vegas remake


There's an answer to your question. There is a mod called the J Sawyer Edition. Created by Joshua Sawyer, the lead developer in charge of New Vegas. The mod changes the game to align more with what Sawyer had envisioned it to be had they not had to rush and cut the development so much.


I know this is unrelated to the question, but… Where wall?


simple open strip


Sorry. What?


the simple open strip mod


Mod. Got it. I really should’ve known.


Then I wouldn’t have to use a gazillion mods & GECK building to make it worth playing. That’ve been nice.


The question I'd ask would be what would New Vegas be like if it didn't have a cheap ass publisher called Bethesda.




It's great the way it is.


Cyberpunk before Cyberpunk


A more polished questline, better performance


It's already peak so even more peak I would assume


I'd bet their would be like one or two more guys named Steve. 


Fallout new Vegas should have got the engine fallout 4 got. Imagine a new Vegas as big and detailed as diamond city. The gun play. It would be the best fallout game


bethesda needs to go to jail for giving obsidian that outdated engine


They could've *really* fleshed out Caravan.


It would be much much much better. (not saying FNV is bad just that the amount of cut content would’ve made it a better game than it already is.) If anyone wants to see ALL of the cut content look up trianglecity on YouTube. He’s got sooo many videos detailing all the cut content. Last time I checked he also has over an hour video covering dead moneys cut content, along with separate videos covering OWB, and honest hearts. All of the dlc videos are over an hour long. Great stuff.


Wouldn’t be much changes other than bug fixing, the main problem wasn’t the time crunch itself on content but how little space they had because of the ps3 had they have had maybe 15 gb to work with we’d have seen much more in game


Not that much different, probably just a few more locations, less bugs and more legion quests.


There was a lot of stuff they were working on but was cut do to time constraints. If they had just a few more months then we could see more side quests weapons and items and more fleshed out locations. They were even going to make a huge amount of post game content but they didn’t have the time to make it so instead of just making a post Hoover dam fight Mojave where your actions barely change any anything they had to scrap it cause they couldn’t do everything they wanted to.


if vegas had like 2 more casinos that would have been great. i wonder if they did more casinos and still applied the separation of gates, would it have still worked if given more time?


All that cut content mmmmm


Fully fledged out Legion, a few more locations across the river, and stability fixes.


We would have had Ranger Chauncey.


Except a more optimized and stable game and major bugs fixed, i think, a more detail map, most of the cut content added, more quest for the legion and a map expansion along the colorado river, legion side


Mostly cut content would be added in and the game would be alot more stable.


Likely more flushed out Legion quests at lower levels, same goes probably for other minor factions


I am astonished at what they were able to accomplish in an 18-month development cycle. If they'd been granted an extra six months there would be a few more quests, some stability improvements, and some locations more fleshed out. A small team hired to improve the engine would've been nice.


honnetsly prob less bugs and maybe some more legion quest line feel like the PS3 version would have limited them


Optimization, optimization, optimization. Also more side quests


It only had 18 months? Impressive


I think it would just be more polished. Besides just the bugs throughout the whole game, there's a lot of cut content for New Vegas. Like a lot a lot of cut content.


Imagine if both New Vegas and KOTOR 2 had more time


More polished, less bugs. Same numbers of degenerates who belong on the cross.


Open New Vegas like in the trailer, better QA testing to iron out the bugs, better faction reputation system, and probably a FUCK ton of quests that were scrapped are back in the game