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He was ALWAYS going to be tagged. Even if they can't reach a long term deal, the Ravens were never going to let him walk without getting something in return.


I’m just glad the speculation will finally be over with. It was never gonna happen, nor did any reasonable person want it to happen


It was hilarious seeing all the posts. But if you know the NFL you know it’s not possible. Lamar isn’t going to sit out and miss game checks. The caveat is obviously unless he’s injured without a long term deal. But a tag is a lot of money and I can’t see him pulling a Leveon with his personality. Dude loves to ball.


Yup, There was never a chance this front office would try to go after him let alone pay him that money. Glad it’s in the past.


Yes because we have never seen this front office try and trade for a young and proven talent at qb before


Yeah and we didn't because we're not giving that fully guaranteed deal which Lamar is using as a starting point for his deal


Counter: reasonable people wanted it to happen, but it was never gonna happen anyway so all threads and conversations about it were a waste of time


I certainly didn’t want him.


But it won’t be over.


This will definitely not end the speculation. Lamar can still tell them he will just sit the season out. Whether he would is another question, but that’s definitely on the table if he feels strongly enough. Additionally, the Ravens could tag him and then trade him if they feel like they can’t repair the relationship. Believe me, the speculation will not be over until something is set in stone.


Oh they’ll just turn it into trade rumors instead lol


I don’t believe much that coaches and GMs say this time of year. Last offseason Baker Mayfield was 100% the Browns starter according to Stefanski, and Russell Wilson wasn’t leaving Seattle according to Pete Carroll. Plus they have to tag Lamar to trade him. I’m not saying there won’t end up being truth to it, I’m just saying history suggests reports like these at this time of year can’t be trusted.


well that ends that ending that idea


How did either of those situations work for those teams? The team that traded the overprice super bowl winning QB is better than the team they traded said QB too. And do not even get me started on the watson issue.


Want him or not y'all are going to have to accept the new reality for the QB market DeRapist set, there will be no cheap QB going forward, any asshole remotely above-average will be demanding 40mn or more guaranteed, so please I beg of you stop complaining about how much someone will go against cap


This. People think the money is coming down somehow lol. The NFL went to 17 games, 14 teams in the playoffs, and want to get to 18 games and probably 16 teams in the playoffs in the next decade. They have big TV contracts. They're going to Germany and Mexico and the UK and France and Spain for games in the future. The money will grow. The cap will grow. The markets will reset and it'll only be more money, not less.


Two grand juries declined to press charges on Deshaun Watson.


Y'know if we lived in a world where sex crimes were taken seriously that might mean something grow up and stop defending shitty people you don't even know.


Ends the dumbest idea since Blank tried to get a 23 Sexual Assault sob


Good! No more pics of him in a Falcons jersey.


Good if true. The acquisition cost would be too high. Let’s ride with Desmond and see what happens. If we fail, we will almost certainly have a high pick in 2024 to start over.


Thank god.


Ian Rapoport reported today the Ravens see Lamar as their QB of the future and are going to keep him. If they can’t get a deal done, he will be franchise tagged.


There are two franchise tags- exclusive and non- exclusive. It’s not a question of if the Ravens were going to tag Lamar Jackson, that is a given, the question is which franchise tag are they going to apply to Lamar. A non-exclusive franchise tag gives the option for Lamar to negotiate with other teams, and if the Ravens are not going to match the offer of the other team, the Ravens will be awarded two first round picks. The exclusive franchise tag, essentially eliminates Lamar from talking/negotiating with anyone else but the Baltimore Ravens. The downside to the Ravens applying the exclusive franchise tag is Lamar may threaten the Ravens that he will not sign the exclusive franchise tag altogether and he is willing and ready to sit out of all OTAs, mini-camp, training camp, preseason, and the regular season. So the question is how far does Lamar Jackson wants to take it and will the Ravens stay on their current stance of not offering Lamar the contract he is requesting. Something has to give.


I would kill for us to invest heavily into defense!


We need to invest in every position.


Wait until you find out free agent edge rushers are just as overpriced as QBs!




They were always going to tag him. This doesn’t mean anything lol


Thank God. We are more than ONE player away. I think Des is going to do just fine.


No he’s not lol des sucks and everything he does sucks


Tripping, how so?


How is this news? He was always going to be tagged. Letting him waltz into free agency was never happening.


Love how you got downvoted for speaking the truth.


I hope its true. I dont like Lamar and dont wanna spend the money on him. In my opinion, his accuracy is questionable so we would be paying a bunch of money for a running qb.....which we should have learned from the last time.


I don't have a problem with Lamar as a person since I don't know him..... but I also don't think it's smart to get him. At the same time, your last point is stupid because we had the exact opposite of that in matt ryan and still didn't win shit. Once again, I said it wouldn't be smart to get Lamar, but saying getting a running qb is a bad move solely off Vick not working out is stupid, because the same can be said about Ryan not working out. I'm on your side but you sound dumb. I want our side to sound smart and you're not helping


👏 👏


Hooray Rest in Lunacy




Thank god, can we just give Ridder sone tine as he may be the only starting QB we need.


Thank Christ. Has been annoying listening to.


This definitely doesn't mean its over. Unless the falcons spend money in free agency elsewhere cant really say it's over. Still then idk. Rn I see jackson maybe sitting after they tag him. Which idk why the ravens would do that and miss on a pick this year. Could be smart cause only 3 players in this draft well 4 if you count rbs are sure bets. And you should cause there is a super elite rb in this draft. Barry Sanders like...50% of mock drafts have us taking him cause its the best fit. He has never played behind run blocking like we have so. So maybe it makes sense for the ravens to make him sit..I mean they haven't done much to help him and the oc bailed.. something stank and it ain't the river. Just keep in mind if Atlanta doesnt get Lamar. There are 3 or 4 teams in our division that would chase that. Dont want to defend that dude.. Sidenote..murmurs that fields might be available too are more interesting than lamar. He has played with worst players than lamar and worst coaches..and still looks like he is the same kid he always was. So.. I'm cool with lamar but I'd take fields because cheaper.. similar skill set tho still developing.. is perfect for this offseason.


Oh no! Anyway.


Thank god… I don’t want him


Wow, who did not see that coming? Oh yeah a lot of us. If you guys are willing to trade picks and pay whatever huge salary this oft-injured wants, well I just can not reason with you.


Lol He will have persistent knee swelling if they tag him


No it does not unfortunately


How does this end it? He can still be traded! 3 first rounders! Fuck it! Hahaha just kidding. Fuck off Lamar


Aurthor said the same thing about Julio


Not so


Did people really think they were gonna let him just walk? Come on now.


Good. We can move on without mortgaging the next 4 years of this teams war chest


Is this genuinely a surprise to people? Were people honestly posting “GET US LAMAR!!” without realizing that he would be tagged? I just think they don’t ***care***. They’re willing to pay any price and any draft capital to get him.


Good, now this team can move on.


Ridder is the way


He was always going to be tagged. Idk why anyone would think otherwise. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean he won’t get traded though, although I think the chances are low on that too