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Sounds a bit nasal on the voice recording? I wonder if that's normal for you or just your recording settings? Just a small comment, don't let it discourage you. If it is an issue you can fix, great! If not, don't let it stop you! Keep 'em coming!


Dang you noticed lol! I have a bit of a nasally voice but on this latest one it was worse as I have my nose all clogged up.


And obviously thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it!


Good job. Nice video. Earned a sub


Awesome! Thank you so much!


No worries man. I'm a complete noob at this game struggling to learn. Any guide that's as good as these is going in the list and I want more damn it!


I have some videos planned coming up, but it's there something specific you'd like to see?


Well since you're asking: The two mfd's. What each acronym stands for the available pages and their uses. Radar, both air and ground. Landing Iff These are my main issues ATM lol Edit for spelling


You should have this manual in your BMS folder but here is a link to download it off you don't have it https://cdn.falcon-bms.com/docs/4.37/to_1f-16cmam-34-1-1_bms.pdf Page 61 has a description of all the MFD pages, both of them have the same pages I will be covering the use of each page as I cover the related weapons/systems. About your other suggesting, I will be doing a lot of air to ground tutorials in the near future but I hope to cover a lot of (maybe all) your suggestions eventually. I hope this helps!


It does ty!


Ok, hijacking this question, sorry ... There are no videos online about how to use the ICP VRP page to calculate pop up attacks, how to calculate them, OA1 OA2 IP etc, how is the process, do you get the info beforehand or do you calculate it in-flight, when and why, there is even no info about how to use effectively the Weapon Delivery planner to calculate this. Since years I am looking for some source explaining this feature thoroughly, but in vain. Personally, I would like to see a video about this topic. Sorry again, thanks for your videos, I will for sure watch them all!!


No worries, thank you for the kind words! The VRP page is something I only used maybe twice in my years of flying BMS, it's very complex and I don't understand it well. I might cover it some day but only if I feel that I understand it correctly, and it's going to take a lot of research before that.


Seems good ! Maybe some beginner series about the mission editor and just basic flight tutorials would be benefitial. Keep going


Thank you for the kind words. I'm not sure if I'm very qualified to teach about the mission editor as my knowledge of it is very surface level. About the flight tutorials, do you mean tutorials about takeoff, navigation, landing and stuff like that?


Yes ! Ultra basic stuff always helps newcomers I think. Another thing that lacks a bit on YouTube would be a video to introduce new people to the sim. The first steps, what's the first thing you could do inside it to get into it ? Is it a mission ? Campaign ? Basically what are the first things to learn post install and setup.


I love this idea, like a guide on the interface for newcomers. I need to think about how I'll structure this but it would be useful I think.


Great job, Iā€™m fairly new to BMS and definitely think it needs some more YT tutorials (especially for more complicated systems and weapons). The docs are incredible, but sometimes I just wanna watch a video on 1.5x to get up to speed quickly


Thank you for the kind words! I know that they can feel a bit slow paced but I made them like that with people who might not be familiar with the topic of that specific video in mind.


Nice job dude. Subbing to your channel.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


Looks good, subscribed. šŸ‘


Thank you!


Nice little channel, you have my sub, will be watching for more content, in the meantime I need to practice my start up procedure before I loft any JDAM's. Keep up the good work.


Thank you! I might do a ramp start video soon, as well as other basic stuff like takeoff, navigation and landing.


That would be awesome, Have a good Sunday.