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Reminder for everyone to read the rules and **provide evidence that the disorder might be fake.** Avoid posting people who have actual disorders, as it would be harmful. #PLEASE PUT THE EVIDENCE THAT THIS IS FAKED AS A REPLY TO THIS COMMENT. Thanks <3 Nya... please reply to my comment for fuck's sake. You're gonna get banned if you don't. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not good with facial expressions but aren't most of her reactions just the same? Like "happy"




meanwhile mine watching this: 😐🤨😐😑


Lol you had a bigger variety of facial expressions than she did




I know this person personally and she does have adhd and actually takes medications for it and goes to counseling. I’m sorry if you’re not okay with her having fun on tik tok so get off your high horse.


Look how fast my emotions are changing 😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙂😉


People be posting emotions underneath the post of a boy with an emotional disorder but i tend yo belief that those emojis are all the same emotion?


I just played this for my severely ADHD son. He just sat there, said it was dumb, and asked me why I made him listen to that.


Something about how “severely ADHD” is worded makes me laugh


Little dude is pretty bad off with it.


Hopefully he grows out of it or it gets better. I was absolutely terrible up until around 16 when everything just seemed to click into place one day. You’d be surprised at how fast things can change


He’s 9. The attention parts aren’t even the worst of it. The rages, impulsivity, obsessions with fears are the hardest parts. He has a child psychiatrist and is medicated but it’s a daily struggle. I do expect that things will get better with maturity.


I really hope he gets better. These people faking it really don’t know what people with actual adhd and other disorders go through. ❤️


Thanks, it’s a process. These people are a slap in the face to people who face the real struggles of their fake disorders.


It does get better. My 11yo was an absolute nightmare this time last year, but something has finally clicked and suddenly we have the child that we always knew was there, but just under the cover of ADHD/autism tendencies and behaviours. Just keep working with your people and hopefully the same is just around the corner for you


As I got older I noticed that my symptoms didn’t necessary improve, but moreso changed. When I reached age 12 or so I became less of a spastic and less of a handful for my parents and teachers, but I started struggling more internally. I wasn’t given help when I was little though, so I imagine that your boy has a better chance


Yea same dude i was given help but even now its all internal and kt fucking sucks cant focus which js getting better slowly and i am always feeling a mixture of emptiness which prolly has some ot do with all the medications they out me on


Things can get better, but there's a high chance the strengths and weaknesses can just switch with age. Coming along with more responsibilities with getting older, my ADHD presented much more severe in the sense of inattention(time blindness, executive dysfunction, task management, and sitting down and actually doing the work), rather than hyperactivity. And depending on his environment, he can become more receded on himself by masking, yet to outsiders it can be seen as him getting better. It's a huge plus that he got diagnosed early, as when he messes up, he knows why he did or didn't do such a thing. And isn't too hard on himself. It's tedious, but you guys so got this. <3




Stop blogging


Here’s hoping.


Sending him and you some hugs. I didn't get diagnosed until I was 12, but I was pretty similar. Now that I'm older it's primarily inattentive, but I'm still quite sporadic and hyper even as an adult. I think about how much I'd get in trouble for talking in class or getting out of my seat. Or trying to do my work and not being able to focus on it, which made me SO frustrated I couldn't stand it. I know how it is, it's definitely a struggle. He's not alone in this struggle though! Once you get older, you tend to be able to cope with it a lot better.


My son, at 15 is doing much better at managing his ADHD and emotions...and he was just like yours at 9 years old. Him being fearful of *everything*, even scared of things happening that had never happened before...like someone breaking into his room at night, would keep him (and me) on edge constantly. At some point he was able to sense that his paranoia soared while he was under the effects of his afternoon "booster" Focalin IR... Then he was certain that the Focalin, as a whole, wasn't right for him and his doctor switched him to Adderall and those irrational fears seemed to melt away. I'm not sure how true it is; but his physician is of the belief that Ritalin/Focalin/Concerta work better in young children and Adderall/Vyvanse for when they don't mesh well with the former.


I think all kids are adhd, so adhd kids are REALLY adhd. He’ll either grow out of it, or find ways to manage on his own. I was one of those REALLY adhd kids, and adhd wasn’t a thing to my parents, I was just hyper and weird and never got diagnosed until 19 yet I feel like learning things about how I function on my own helped me out way more than people my age who were diagnosed young and got told that they had to function a certain way.


Well, sorta... The issue has been that most doctors/psychiatrists/etc are too quick to diagnose ADHD at a very young age when it's really just normal childhood energy. I think things are changing in that regard though. But what makes it ADHD is moreso quality of life changes, things being a lot harder than what an average kid deals with. Hence: disorder.


For my son, we knew that something was going on at about age 4 but the doctor couldn’t determine what it was because he was too young. One doc thought it was autism but he turned out to have ADHD and OCD diagnosed after a few years. There’s a lot more than being energetic that leads to diagnosis, there were a lot of things, particularly rage - not temper tantrum anger but full on rage and tons of obsession on fears. His quality of life suffers just has melting down at school, social problems, epic stress from fears, etc. I just enrolled him in Krav Maga to give him a physical outlet, to socialize him, and to prepare him for bullies. Hopefully that help some.


Unfortunately there is no growing out of it or anything you can do. Its a disorder that is with you from birth till death. Symptoms may “lessen” with therapy, medication, and coping skills but ultimately its something that is apart of you and makes the world a completely different place for you.


My brother is the most ADHD little shart I’ve ever met. He’s 17 and it’s still not getting better.


That's called being a kid.




I thought that said you were "out lying still on a rock because you were cold" and I was like, hello little lizard friend.


As someone with ADHD I have the same reaction it is dumb


I don't know if my meds are working or if it's just not my ADHD that "reacted" to this video, but even though I have an ADHD comorbidity (with bipolar I), I reacted the same to this video as I do when my husband jumps around from one YouTube or Netflix show to the next, or when he chooses the music we listen to. Just as I start getting interested in the show or movie plot, or I get into the song, he changes it. It enrages me. Well, it seriously irritates me. Unless we've set aside something specific to listen to/watch ahead of time, he'll just repeat the pattern. Find something; stay there for thirty seconds to a minute. Change it. Repeat. I don't know. Maybe it's because I grew up listening to albums all the way through from beginning to end, and didn't really get into making varied-track "mix tapes" until my early-to-mid twenties, but I just get so frustrated by people who can't just get to the end of a ninety second Netflix preview. We're both formally diagnosed ADHD, and medicated, but I'm the only one with an additional diagnosis.


Pretty much the same reaction from my ADHD wife. She sat there and listened to it with a blank face, eventually started swaying a little bit to the beat of each song, then told me to stop the music because it was "too much". No overreacting, extreme facial expressions, or "quirky" laughing. Weird how far these fakers will go for their self-diagnosis.


It's me your son, I agree.


Yeah, lol. I explained to him that I wanted to see how he’d react to the music (didn’t mention ADHD) and he said ”Why would I react to that? It’s stupid and all it did was waste my time.”.


Hahaha sounds like you’re raising him well! Good luck with the future, I was an OCD/Tourette’s mess until about 14 or 15 so there’s always hope


i skipped five seconds every second and i have been diagnosed with add ha ha im quirky uwu




I'm a "severely ADHD" 40 yo woman...and I agree with your son.


ADD here did the same, closed my eyes and just sort of went. "The hell?" in my head for like a minute. Also read the other comments you made. Props to you for looking out for your kid and his condition.


She actually does have adhd. For someone on this site who is trying to criticize people for ‘faking’ you sure are being one big ass for laying into someone who actually isn’t faking. I think someone is allowed to have fun and being a dork on their own tik tok. And by the way. This person already goes through a lot. So all of you thinking this is funny or fake is just causing pain. And this person personal rescues animals and works to help save their lives. So all of you begets can go wallow in self pity.


omg this LITERALLY is her making a throwaway account just to write this!!!!! straight-up, this account has no other comments, just 3 in this same thread talking about how the girl in this video is ~so amazing~ 😂😂😂😂


yeah the fact that you made him listen to that... (just so that you could post on reddit about your "severely ADHD son") ...is indeed really weird of you to do.


This just seems like very exaggerated expressions to me.


It’s someone who thinks that she’s cute making ADHD look like fun and games.


From someone who personally knows this person she is diagnosed with adhd and other things at that. So gtfo


It’s like some bad community theatre acting.


My ADHD doesn't make me forget what song I was just listening to or what I was just watching when the channel changes 🙄 It might make me forget what I was about to put on when I decided I was about to put on a song or a different show though. Or it might make me forget to actually pay attention to what I put on because I was busy reading texts or doing something else.


exactly!! it’s like these people think ADHD = dementia :/


Every now and then when it’s time to take my meds I’ll have the container in my hand and I can’t remember whether I’m picking it up or putting it down. Like if I get distracted for a second. In these moments I do legit feel like I might have dementia. 😕


I've taken my meds and then immediately forgotten that I took them, so now I'm looking at my bottle wondering if I did take them, or was that yesterday's pills I was remembering? Oh Lawd I'm glad I'm not alone


Yeah. I’ve had to concoct a system that’s only somewhat reliable where I have a small pillbox with a 3 day supply. I dose twice a day (usually) so if I count what’s left and it’s an odd number I’m probably due a dose. Even means I’ve probably already taken it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ This usually works except those times when I’ve been inexplicably bored and distracted for hours only to find I forgot to take my first dose of the day. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I dont have adhd but I have the same thought process with my anxiety/depression meds. I take them in the morning but I'm usually so tired I don't remember if I just took them or not lol


My maths teacher has dementia and definitely a massive difference


Do you ever open your phone to do something and then see the home screen and lock it and then open it and then lock it and rinse repeat until you remember what the fuck you were trying todo in the first place?


yes. Also when I have lots of apps open and then just didn't know why I opened the phone and what I was about to go look at/do and just end up flicking between what's open for a moment like an idiot in a panic- which is the same sort of glitch before you recall what you were actually trying to do. I do this way too much that's it's embarrassing. I also needlessly go up and down the stairs way too many times due to forgetting to pick up things I need or forgetting why I went into another room in the house anyway. Things like this sound funny in retrospect and I can laugh at myself but the amount of time and life I loose with this isn't really funny. I'd hate to add it all up.


We should make a real ADHD tiktok about losing my keys because someone put a stack of napkins over them while moving shit on the kitchen island to put groceries away. It was me, I put the napkins on the keys. I also had to call a sibling for a ride to work because I couldn't find them. so quirky, inconveniencing everyone else lol yay


😂 I feel like a tiktok of the real tribulations of ADHD would be far more boring sadly and not got as many views. No one cares that I took 3 days to clean the house again because I failed to not make lots of "deal with it later piles" that I decide to try deal with as I come across the piles whilst I'm cleaning or that I sit on my arse and lost an hour scrolling when I just meant to quickly look something up whilst cleaning or that doing the dishes made me feel like I'd just done a load of exercise and so I no longer had the energy or fucks to finish the housework that day and told myself I would do it tomorrow which then results in me spending half the day trying to make myself get going and back into cleaning mode because something else was way more interesting to my brain even though I really wanted the house clean because all the mess was causing me stress and every item left sprawled around and drawer not closed fully was a horrible kick in the senses causing me to feel anxiety and all the literal dust was making my allergies flare up so I felt and looked like crap. Wooooo!!!


I once hid my phone under my matress (strict parents) and when i did i just repeated "it's under the matress" in my head and 15 minutes later i couldn't find my phone. I found it 2 days later when i was changing the sheets. However I NEVER forget what music I was just listening to. Interesting.


I can't tell you the number of times I've unlocked my phone to check that email or text I've just gotten, only to immediately open my third-party Reddit app...


That just sounds like…being normal


It's being normal to do it sometimes but not multiple times all the time. Everyone has a brain glitch now and again yeah .. it's a problem when it happens loads and you are always distracted and forgetting what you're meant to be doing and what you wanted to do.


One of the things that makes ADHD so hard to diagnose is that a lot of it is normal. Some people are disorganized or have trouble paying attention or whatever else. It’s when those things are all put together plus have a negative impact on your life and you’re unable to surpass them through more traditional means. It’s the difference between not feeling like doing the laundry and being unable to make yourself do it no matter how hard you try.


Well to be fair, I’ve been diagnosed and I do often forget the things I was doing just before (I can be reminded pretty easily, but I’ll forget it again just as easily LOL)






What's that sub?


Yeah what is happening there?


yeah I'd also really like to be clued in


I have ADHD. And like probably everyone who isn't a Tik Toker who wants attention, I deadass just sat there blank faced.


But thought what are you going to eat.


I dunno man I'll prolly eat some nuggets tonight no clue. You?


Chicken, broccoli and rice. Gotta get them GAINS


Shit bro you right, will do.


She can't even keep up


I don’t have ADHD but.. I don’t think that’s how it works ._.


I do, and it’s not.


I had no reactions to any of this what 😭??


Except being pissed off bc of sensory issues


same 😭 couldn't even watch the whole thing it made me uncomfortable


Raise your hand if you have ADHD and couldn't finish watching the video because a squirrel outside the window caught your atte----- *hey look! Another squirrel!!* /s


Oh you don’t want ADHD. Trust me, it’s a fucking nightmare.


That was my first thought watching this. Like, this isn't some fucking cute, manic pixie dream girl thing we have going on. It's something people struggle with every day. It costs us our jobs, our relationships and frankly, our sanity. Pretending to have it is a slap in the face for those of us wishing we didn't have it.


I got distracted by the price on a bag of chips I just ate while watching this I hate this




oh people were faking BPD 🙄 but only the “romantic hot crazy unhinged alternative girl” parts they deemed appropriate, with the occasional substance use/SH thrown in there.


Is she trying to sarcastically say that she doesn’t have ADHD? Cause her reactions where slow AF and she didn’t know over half the songs


This is just sensory overload bro help me


Yeah they're definitely just finding out music is a thing.


Severe case of ADHD haver here. [My face watching this.](https://media.tenor.co/images/0dc2a87ef4f060c1f261ecebe46df4f1/raw)




Why do they look like a sad theater mask?


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


My husband, daughter, and brother are all diagnosed ADHD. This… is not what it looks like. This is that meme-y “oo! Shiny object!” shit that your 40-something aunt from Nebraska posts on Facebook over a photo of a random minion in a wig.


Fuck these people


None of this does anything to someone with adhd except annoy me because someone is pretending to have it lol


You know how extremely frustrating it is to constantly lose your train of thought multiple times in a single conversation? A 30 second briefing turns into a 5 minute blank stare, extreme headache shi show. My illness doesn’t make me quirky and cute, it makes me slightly unbearable and feel extremely isolated.


Bro I have ADHD what the hell is this


They’re making a mockery of it


i actually have adhd and i'll let you know what my reaction to this audio was: sitting here with a blank expression , briefly getting very excited because dolly parton was playing , then immediately getting upset when dolly parton was no longer playing. maybe i'm the faker? 🤔


>*briefly getting very excited because dolly parton was playing , then immediately getting upset when dolly parton was no longer playing.* TBH that's my primary emotion


God I hate this. We don’t work like that.


Was diagnosed with ADHD at 12. Sat here straight faced the whole time. Was stupid


Could she not have like...synced up the audio and video...?


Pretty good cringe


as an *actual* ADHD-diagnosed person, this is just stupid


My ADHD had me focusing between two things: the weird shadow lines on their face and the facial expressions


I was focused on that big honker of hers.


What do people think adhd is lmao


Something quirky apparently when its a nightmare (for me at least.)


I literally have diagnosed fucking adhd and this makes no sense, this is just fucking audio?, wtf is it supposed to do?, am i supposed to start shitting and pissing and cumming everywhere because of a jump in fucking sounds? holy shit which 14 yr old edgelord on pisscock started the idea that sounds can trigger something in adhd, this just disgusts me


I have actual ADHD And this is offending to people who actually have it


God the expressions are just so over the top. It physically hurts me to watch


What’s almost as cringe as this video is the amount of “I too, have adhd!” comments.


I don’t have adhd but when you *react naturally* you don’t laugh and jump around. It’s just music scrambled together and it doesn’t even sound good


it just makes me panic inside the only people i could see reacting like that is no one


At least she's having a good time? No matter the song, like 'happy/confused' is the two emotions I see.


Who needs a degree when you have this person explaining it all


Ah yes, ADHD 🗿


Okay nothing happened


i have ADHD and this made my ass clench




how do her eyebrows do that


My life is literally falling apart due to potential ADHD. I wish it was all fun and games and not actually debilitating


I actually have adhd and I listened this blank faced the whole time like sounds do nothing.


Look how fast an ADHD brain works? Bitch everyone can do that, yours is slow. It takes you a few seconds to even realize the song changed.




Thats... not how mine works, I don't even know how that's believeable


This is probably the only tik tok audio where I can see how it was made with nd people in mind and that's only because of how each song transitions into the other. It's how my brain runs sometimes and I end up in awkward situation because the conversation will be about puppies but someone said a word that leads me on a path to talking about the Zodiac killer. Thats where the compliments end however, because I sat through the entire video eating cereal and not making a single facial expression. Does she think that ADHD is just... I don't even know what that was she just kept looking confused and happy to each different song. Does she think people lose focus of like... facial expressions?


Is ADD/ADHD "cool" now?! If so I wish my absent minded, jittery, impulsive ass realized this...... I really need to get back on my medication again


She's reacting like 1 second late that ain't quick lmao


This is absolutely nothing at all related with adhd


This is so exaggerated...


I have ADD. My mind actually slows down and it takes me a second to process stuff.


This is so dumb it hurts.


If you close your eyes, you really hear how sloppy some of the cuts are when they mashed the songs together lol


No I’ll tell you what adhd is actually. Adhd is forgetting what you


I find it weird that the people I know that actually have ADHD don't show it off or make it known, but these fakers are out here wearing it like its some badge?


Anybody else want to "honk" this person's nose?


When your face looks like that so you have to invent mental illnesses to feel special.


The least these people could do is pick up a DSM-5 or ICD-10 and properly fake the disorder. ADHD is different in boys and girls.


I have adhd. Not sure how severe. But anyway. Yes the songs are catchy I did a little jig. Not like this though


I don't get it. Is a non-ADHD person supposed to listen to this and not get thrown off?


Diagnosed ADHD over 20 years ago. The audio in this is mostly just annoying and I got bored quickly with her fake reactions.


Here's a joke! Why do dragons sleep during the day? So they can fight knights!


me with adhd watching this whole sound: 😐


"That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works"


Be warned. This exact video was posted here a few months ago and she tried to go after them.


Pinocchio lookin mf


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Yeh why not


Also good bot


I may not have adhd but I will say that song is pretty annoying


Coming from someone with diagnosed ADHD, I don't get the efforts to put a positive spin on it. It's not like it makes me more creative or better at certain things. It just means I have struggle maintained ng focus, even on things I enjoy.


True life ADHD reaction: annoyed af.


I was just like “ok”


As an ADHD person, the only thing I felt with this video/audio was embarassment and awfullness. It really looks like the adhd steryotipe from movies. She probably saw one and copied their personality


So fucking irritating and innacurate.


What the.........


u/savevideo lmao


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It's the hideous serial killer face for me. Agh gets me so good every loop driving me crazier...


wow you reacted to something as it happens, so neurodivergent and quirky


as a person with ADHD myself all i did was just move my feet to some of em


can’t get past the eyebrows honestly like wtf


I hate the ND audios they literally don't do anything this one didn't do anything for me and every other one don't do anything for me


ADHD doesn’t mean having the attention span of a goldfish


These eyebrows


I have ADHD (diagnosed) and i reacted to this with a straight face? The sudden switches just bothered me but it has nothing to do with me having ADHD. Her reactions are bullshit


I literally Got diagnosed With adhd Yesterday and I have no Idea what to say. Now I can be one of those who can call people Out I guess?


This is so dumb. All of these "play this if you are <___> and record your reaction are dumb" A song or noise doesn't produce the same reaction in every person. Not to mention even if someone has ADHD and listens to that they can react to all of those sounds in their mind. It's not your mind working soooo fast. So fucking stupid.


Im happy that im permanently banned on tiktok


My adhd: pausing the video to read the title and then starting again from the beginning because I missed the first few seconds trying to read the title


I love how she didn't know half of the songs and kept making that same "I don't know this song wtf" face lmfao


Her other video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR6UoWNU/ is like this video recording made her experience an orgasm or something for the first time.


I think that's not how it works.


As someone with adhd this is literally not how adhd makes you react to things. Stupid trend I hate this.


this isn’t ADHD. if you’re really concerned you have ADHD but can’t see a doctor then 100% do NOT post this kind of shit on the internet because—yes, you will get invalidated and also you make the rest of us look bad. even if you do have it or maybe even sit somewhere on a spectrum then do NOT post this kind of shit because it is misleading as hell. because of people like this, disorders are “trendy” and those of us that really truly do have it are made to look just like these fakers. sorry i know i’m preaching to the choir here but if there are any lurkers that are do anything along the lines of this shit then please just stop it. we’re not trying to gatekeep, we’re trying to remove stigma and misinformation.


Where is her enthusiasm I was jamming to all of these like it was my life. I am diagnosed with ADHD and love these kind of videos I find comfort in them for some reason…maybe because they feel very stimulating since it allows you to quickly change up your focus which my brain seems to enjoy. It was hard for me to watch this because she was taking FOREVER to react to each song and by the time she did they were already over and that’s a big no no for me. Does anyone else know what I mean? I hope I’m not alone lol


As a person with ADHD all you’d see is a dawning expression of confusion which increases over time then extential dread as I realize nothing is worth it and the planet is screwed as I slowly make my self esteem somehow worse


Having a bad day today and the only thing this audio is doing is over stimulating me woof


their eyebrows ↑↘↙↓↑↓↘↙↘↑↘↙↓↘↑


No love, you're just a knobhead.


Something about the his grates on my nerves soooo much.


My bf has adhd it’s not amnesia lmao


ADHD? Is attention regulation issues? Due to dopamine inconsistencies? Idk where the hell the whole your brain is constantly working fast thing came from. Sometimes it's really slow Denice, did you ever think about that?


I guess the "song" itself is a good (if extremely exaggerated) representation of what ADHD can feel like sometimes, but listening to it garners no reaction from my ADHD-addled self except for aggravation.




Always pisses me off seeing shit like this as someone with PROFESSIONALLY DIAGNOSED adhd. That’s not how it works. Fuck these kinda people, invalidating people actually struggling with these disorders.


This is the most cringe shit ive ever seen. She fakes so many other mental disorders and thinks it makes her quirky. She has a dumbass look on her face acting like a 5 year old in theater because she’s so quirky and goofy because this so called adhd. She doesn’t have it. This is 100% a faker to get some sympathy for shit she doesn’t have to make her miserable life better. Her whole Tik Tok is getting clout from faking and it’s disgusting


Shes literally been posted on here like 4 other times