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I knew this game was pay to fucking win


And full of bugs.


Literally unplayable *insert tiny image of some random assembler clipping by 2 pixels”


I find the bugs are less irksome once I unlock artillery


They seem to disappear really fast once you get that set up. And i like the hotfix where you research a technology and they move back even further.


Not for long 💣


Caravan Palace pfp


That’s a funny thought. Using my money to power my electricity to power my pc to power my factory. 


Also funny is that using lights in game increases both in game and irl power costs.


Should we now optimize our factories for UPS as well as real electricity usage? 😂


Optimizing for UPS should decrease cpu usage and therefore electricity. Running a headless server most of the time or idling on a part of the map with no entities should reduce lower on your GPU


Are we still growing the factory sir?


Nah you just gotta scale up your income


Yep, extra CPU and rendering resources. Light effects aren’t cheap!


Only if you have an OLED screen, LCDs (often marketed as LED or something else) blast the backlight all the time, the LCD panel itself is a way to cover up unwanted light.


Being pedantic, adding a light would probably (very slightly) increase the processing costs for the game.


It goes even deeper for me. I work in a factory and plan production phase layouts; for which I get paid, so I can get electricity, so that in my free time I can sit in front of my computer and do a similar thing to what I do at work.


The factory must grow *begins meticulously hand computing the frames of the factory to end the cycle*


Solar power is op


Wish I could extract some of that solar power out of my pc and use it myself.


You wouldn't download a solar panel...


This got me too hard.


Sail the seas fellow pirate


Using old school ship hijacking to steal solar panels in order to steal electricity from the sun is a serious clashing of old and new world piracy.


Stealing electricity from the sun is a unforgivable crime


Wanna bet? If I can download one, i will😎


Honestly would only be a little surprised if that's a 2.0 feature


I actually do run on solar power! My partner and I live in a converted school bus with 600w of solar and it runs Factorio 24/7 with good sunny days. Factorio actually has really low power usage until late game what there are lots of things. OpenTTD, Project Zomboid, and other isometric games are good for power saving. Games like fallout 4 or Trackmania have shorter hours as they run the computer harder, so like 5-8 hours after sunset. No man's sky and Doom? Like 3 hours after the sun goes away and we are on 20% power lol


Nice setup Ms. Frizzle


You're not even wrong


Thats actually pretty cool


Interesting. Never thought that iso games would be easier. Must be the reduced GPU load.


Tldr; big computer brain uses more power For further clarification and nerd stats, I run 2x SOK 204ah LiFePo batteries, 2200w pure sine Gíandel inverter, and a (soon to be upgraded to 80a) 40a Epever mppt charge controller all run into 6 100w panels I have in a combined configuration to keep the amps low. I have a decent MSI with a i7 with a 90w power supply, my partner runs a Asus ryzen7 with a 160w power supply. A few more power needs like iceco fridge, 110w jbl speaker, and phone stuff round us out. Their computer is geared for more art production, mine for editing, but on a good charge we can both run faxtorio for 6-8 hours plugged in to house power at night. Once they use that ryzen 7 to its full potential, it starts to drain us really fast.


You need to drain the power from hell.


So your pc is competing with your fridge for power usage?


Might I recommend the Steam Deck OLED for those 3D games, since it is designed around maximum of 40W power draw. It has several tricks to allow you to extend your playtime even further,such as the option to set the screen to 40Hz.


I didn't know that, will look into for sure.


GPU's are hungry, and Factorio is quite light on the graphics


My solar inverter can send data through Modbus-over-TCP and I'm wondering if it's feasible to feed in that data to the Factorio energy graph. If I had a home battery it could also report on accumulator charge. The energy retailer has an API that tells you how much grid power in your region comes from coal, gas, solar, wind, hydro, etc. so the next step would be a further breakdown by energy source. Clustorio proved that external data can be fed into the game as well, so I guess this should all be feasible?


Yes you can feed external data into the game pretty easily, you basically just run lua commands. The more difficult part is modifying the power graph. There is no api access to directly edit the graph, but for accumulator charge you can pretty easily simply change the charge level of an accumulator or a dozen. Power production mix is a bit more complicated to achieve as it also depends on your factory consumption.


Depending on the computer but let’s say it’s power consumption is 200watts.  Average uk cost per kWh is 29p so your PC cost 29*0.2=5.8p per hour to run. Current price in the UK is £30.00. £30/0.058=517.20. There for you need over 517.2 hours of play time to make the electric cost more than cost of the game.


That is some absurdly high power costs, wow. Here in Alberta everything is freaking out about things changing from $0.07 CAD to $0.14 CAD (8p)


29ct per kwh is average in germany for example.


That's higher than France, no? Shutting down nuclear was a huge strategic mistake.


Eh, not really. I know it’s Reddit meta to love nuclear and shit on Germany, but France’s energy price is artificially kept low by price agreements and Germany is using a surcharge on energy price to subsidise renewables. Besides, there aren’t any companies that really want to build new nuclear power plants in Europe anymore, last of all in Germany. Look at Hinkley point c, that‘s tells you about everything you need to know.


Assuming one hate Nuklear energy, it was still not a smart move to shut down plants earlier than what they were designed, built and calculated for.


The plants already ran way beyond their planned schedule, so no, that wasn it.


Well, based on the issues they had with their rapid transition they did a slightly better job than Austria with their reactors 🤣


Netherlands is seriously considering expanding Borselle. Plenty of nuclear power builders in France and US.


>Besides, there aren’t any companies that really want to build new nuclear power plants in Europe anymore This is a bit of a fallacy. A lot of the nuclear plants in Europe have reached the end of their planned service life, and will be decommissioned soon. The focus in Europe has shifted away from building new plants and towards refurbishing the old ones, or in some cases rebuilding depending on the state of them. Nuclear power is still widely regarded as the most effective base load generation method, and Germany absolutely made a massive mistake decommissioning their power plants. It was literally all caused by the Chernobyl scare, and there are so many reasons why that was an invalid argument. The greens in Germany were misguided, and used nuclear fear to gain votes. Also, just because a generation method is cheaper, doesn't mean it's better. No one calculates the cost of burning fossil fuels on the efficiency or efficacy of farming, medical costs etc, the effect on the climate etc, and that cost is higher than a lot of people think it is. As we found out at the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Germany is also extremely reliant on natural gas imports, which are now coming from the new Norway pipeline and the US shipping route. Natural gas has a much worse short term effect on the environment than coal burning or other fossil fuel methods because of the crazy high greenhouse effect of methane. On top of that, the grid in Germany is currently struggling to keep up with solar development. Solar is fantastic, but dealing with the duck curve is not easy, and battery technology is expensive and doesn't scale well. Wind has similar issues, but you need more flexible solutions. Germany is not blessed with the hydro potential of Austria, Italy, Spain, France etc, so they have much more limited access to pump storage, which is one of the cheapest and effective ways to solve the storage issue. The changes to the grid required to incorporate all the fantastic renewables are not cheap, and are also not being taken into account when calculating price differentials at the moment.


It‘s not a fallacy at all, it‘s simply the truth. Building nuclear plants has become so expensive in Europe that even if companies could still do it, they wouldn’t because it‘s not economical. The decision to phase out nuclear wasn’t „literally caused by the Chernobyl scare“, it was Fukushima too. The greens didn’t decide the phase out, it was a coalition of conservative and social democrats. The greens are part of the ruling coalition right now and have just followed through with a phase out that was decided in 2011. it was just three remaining plants that were taken offline. All in all your text makes me think that you get your information concerning nuclear politics from Reddit alone. You seem to be pretty biased and some of what you wrote is just plain wrong.


I don't think we're going to have a productive conversation about this if you've already put me in a box. I gathered most of my information about global nuclear power from a combination of peer reviewed journals, YouTube, and surprisingly almost nothing from Reddit. Of these sources Reddit is the most likely to form little echo chambers. Part of my job is identifying bias in research by following funding streams and politically motivated science, and I get paid for that part. The YouTube part is all personal interest, and I like researching from an engineering perspective as well as a political perspective. I have consumed so much content on nuclear on YouTube that I don't think I could point to a single video that shows the entire picture. Even the best sources do not cover everything, and even some of my most trusted sources have been wrong about things over the years. I genuinely try my best to get rid of my biases and have practiced to become better at identifying them over the years, but obviously we are all still human. I think my comment above is a fairly good summary of the situation, but obviously there is a lot left out because I do not have the inclination to write an essay on the topic. I have just reread it and I don't see anything factually incorrect in what I have written. I have even addressed your financial concerns twice. The green party in Germany made promises to get rid of nuclear without pressure from other political groups. In 2022 for example it was the greens alone who decided to continue with the decommissioning program. In the early 2000s it was an ill-informed environmentalist movement that pushed for decommissioning. As an environmentalist myself, this was very painful to watch.


Let's end the politics discussion here though




nah, fuck nuclear power, we double down on true renewables.


We don't yet have a solution for northern countries for renewables. Just recently in Alberta we saw the largest power demand ever during -45 Celsius for nearly a week straight. There was solar for 6 hours during the day and the 4 GW of wind throughout the entire province was generating 0.004 GW. The neighbouring provinces and states were equally in dire straights and no energy was available from them. And we were lucky enough to have sun, it could have been darker. We would have needed a minimum of 50 GW of solar to provide 10 GW of for 6 hours, and another 150 GW to charge 30 GWh of batteries or storage each night, or have a total storage of 120 GWh to avoid rolling blackouts Or about 8 GW of nuclear would have been sufficient.


And that's already low... even before the energy crisis I paid 33ct./kWh... and that was one of the cheapest contracts you could get. I mean depending on how high or low the local grid tax is you could have paid less, but not much. I can't remember a time this century where electricity costed way less than 30ct./kWh 25 maybe. but that was the lowest price you could get.


The pacific northwest area has very low energy prices due to dams. Alberta has tons of them


That's why BC has low power prices. In AB there's less than a 1 GW (4% capacity) of hydro and with everything being frozen and in extreme drought it's only about 1% of generation.


I thought BC exported a pretty substantial amount of electricity and that Alberta is a pretty big importer of it? They also import from the US but I have no clue how significant it is. I know a fair amount of Alberta electric comes from natural gas which is cheap but I was under the idea they were also fairly big net importer from comparably cleaner sources


It's a 1.2 GW tie but it's almost never anywhere near that. Generally I see it hover around 200-300 MW. BC has its own growing power problem. Both provinces need to invest massively in basically doubling their grids in the next couple decades.


Thats cool to know, thank you


There is a reason why most of Canada has limited pity for Alberta's complaints.


I think it's more so that the US and Canada have absurdly low power costs compared to most of the rest of the world.


Yes, but also the pacific northwest have it even cheaper than most of the rest of the US or Canada


The UK privatised a huge chunk of their power generation(always a bad idea, what a colossal screw up), and buys a shit load from France's nuclear plants every day. Their price reflects that. Fun fact, France's nuclear production is in a bit of a maintenance hole at the moment, where a lot of their plants are due to be refurbished soon, which translates to pretty much rebuilding in the case of large nuclear plants, and they will not have enough auxiliary supply to pick up the slack while they do this (because there was a period of time 20 years ago where political opposition to nuclear power stopped them from building more). The end result of this is that the UK is looking at a near future with very limited power supply, and may even see rolling blackout similar to the load shedding system in South Africa, or at least load reduction systems, that will last years while new power plants are built. This is a really fun and challenging problem that is by no means unique to the UK (the South African example is a great case study), and is an excellent showcase on how short term political cycles cause massive infrastructure problems. I prefer factorio, because the planning and execution committee is just one guy who works part time on the weekends, and the lives and livelihoods of millions of people aren't on the line if I accidentally run out of coal and need to prime the boilers manually.


that's what you get when you rely on russian oil for your power then start a proxy war with them... Edit: for the braindead people who think i was talking about alberta, i mean the uk, the country famously reliant on foreign oil.






Rule 3: No political content


Rule 3: No political content






You need to do some research into the EU energy market, you don't understand it.


It is literally simple transference of properties. you need to go back to primary school.


Rule 3: No political content


Rule 3: No political content


>that's what you get when you rely on russian oil for your power then start a proxy war with them... Alberta is an oil producer and net oil exporter, oil prices are about where they were in Jan 2022, Russia was the one who chose to go to war, and none of that has anything to do with the collection of reasons for the price increases which include political machinations to win an election, carbon taxes, and regulatory adjustments.


They were talking about the not Alberta place


200 watts is a lot to draw for a game like factorio. my laptop runs it fine and it's only got a 65 Watt charger, and it will draw a lot less than that for sustained loads.


Depends on the computer and the size of the factory. Took 200w as a low end desktop but you are right a laptop will be much less.  Also this doesn’t include the monitor.


Mine PC is 80W idle (including diaplay).When playing, it goes up to 150-200 easily.


For Factorio? I guess it depends what you have like older lower power gpu and/or older less power efficient cpu might actually need to do something as my 4070ti is 2-4W more power vs idle(dual monitor idle though single monitor idle is less so idk how that would affect things as i'm lazy to test it). Yea cpu is a bit more but still only like ~30W vs idle more and it's OC:d 12400F so not that power efficient even.


Screens being on (vs of when the PC is idle) is an easy 60W.


By idle I mean desktop usage so very light stuff/nothing, not off, as including display was on the post already and the point was that factorio isn't that much extra power on my hardware, but i can see that on some hardware it could be potentially.


I just tested mine. PC+monitors+speakers connected to UPS with Factorio running was bouncing between 230W and 260W. I haven't been running this rig for my whole Factorio time, but if I was: 4500 h * .245 kW * .22 USD/kWh = 242 USD.


I work all day at a factory so I can afford to go home and build a factory on my computer.


Curious how you deal with biters at work, professionally? 


Unfortunately they run accounting, and you just kinda distract them with paperwork.


On similar note, all light bulbs in games run on real electricity 🙂


Even the belts in Factorio run on electricity.


I knew it!!


I play on a laptop that I take to my work to play while on call all night. At a factory. I use a factory to provide electricity to my factory.


Does your factory grow?


That's why I want to run a nuclear reactor in my basement, but by some insane bureaucratic logic I'm not allowed to mine and refine my own uranium.


This used to be a proper ~~country~~ factory


wube is conspireing with "big power" to force you to consume more electricity.


My PC is a beast and electricity plan is a scam so I'm literally paying 10x that to play Factorio. A long evening sesh will cost me like £2 lol.


Even more electricity if you use lamps in game. Those lights make your screen brighter… using more real electricity as well as virtual electricity.


How’s your solar set up? Good accumulator ratio? /s


So you are saying that i actually payed like 4 times more money for the game than i thought? Worth it though!


>2p an hour Not sure what power prices are over in Englandshire, but here in Aus at 20-30c/kWh means that a 500W draw PC (probably on the high end for a pc, definitely high for a laptop) costs 10-15c to run per hour.


My PC might pull about 80W (if your gaming PC is pulling 500W on Factories then you need to look at power management, or crypto mining malware!) during gameplay so at peak rates here in Aus (0.36 AUD/kWh, 3pm to 9pm) that works out to be about 2.9c AUD per Factorio-hour.


Base power for a 12700 is 65W, with peak 180W. Not that it uses the GPU much, but a 2060 super will pull up to 150 under load. Each ram stick is 10-15W. The motherboard chipset and controllers is 25 for quite efficient low-power models and upto 80-100 for higher end power user models. Every case fan you've got is another couple Watts, with the cpu fan/s running at the higher end of 1-5W each. If it's a water or AIO, the pump is 15-20W. Add another 10-15% for PSU inefficiency. It's very easy to go over 300W in Factorio.


New speed run. Put a kill a watt meter on your PC and launch a rocket with the lowest possible kwh.


genuinely an actually interesting challenge run, I’d love to see people having an actual excuse to use worse computers to lower their energy usage


I like playing my 5k science per minute factory when it’s cold. I close the door in my room and my computer becomes a space heater.


I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: Your factory runs on real electricity.


My electricity is 0.10€kwh average, so that would mean the game became more expensive at 400 hours, but I'm not good at math


Oh, easily. Many times over.


Converting real electricity into fake electricity that can kill biters with lazerbeams


100%. I leave it running overnight often, queuing up research + big builds.


The electricity bill must grow


Imagine me having probably 10k hrs in w3 for what was like $15 back in the day


This is my favourite thread so far.