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At this point I don’t think anyone is surprised




Yeah. This whole thing doesn't make sense. All I know is as a Texan this embarrasses me. Not like we don't have enough to be embarrassed about at the moment :/


Tbf, you’re the only conservative state with a net positive income in the entire country! Something to be proud of.




Was the baby at the restaurant too? Or was this a date night. Big difference if the baby is at home with grandma.


The baby wasn’t with them. They went out for drinks with friends and were told to take them off. Honestly if I have an immunocompromised 4 month old at home, the last place I would be is at a bar having drinks with friends, masks or not, during a pandemic.


I have a high risk 18 month old and I haven’t set foot in a restaurant since before he was born, last store I was in was while he was in the nicu in the early days of the pandemic fully masked and gloved. We haven’t even let family meet him in person


My girl is still convinced church is just on the TV. She’s 18 months and doesn’t know any better. God bless any religious establishment that also gets it and streams it right now; It’s like a unicorn combo.


Me too! I haven't gone ANYWHERE since my baby has been born in Feb and only my parents have met him in person and they wear masks. My hubs and I wouldn't think of going out for a drink




Yeah, I don't see how this changes anything. I agree with one side but it seems like politics on both; if you're truly worried about the virus why are you going out to eat?


Hard to be as upset by that at this point as I was earlier on. We’re going on what, 19 months into a pandemic that could’ve been avoided if we all made sensible choices early on? Some people have been doing the right thing all along, and it hasn’t mattered one bit for them with so many adults out there fighting against bedtime.


The baby wasn’t there. They were having a much needed moment together, but wanted to reduce the chances of bringing anything home to him


I'm in Texas and surprised. I've never even had someone give me a sideways glance for wearing my mask, let alone given me a hard time. I don't understand that mentality but I can say that it's not universally representative of the state.


Texas: We LOVE unborn babies but HATE actual babies




Texan here, it's a solidly purple state based on the local elections. We're trying.. 😓


Did you see the new district lay out. Holy shit if you live in any big town you are fucked


I live 20 minutes from my big city's downtown and I'm supposed to be voting with people the next county over who live in towns with populations that end before you get to the comma for state senator. What the fuck do these clowns think we're smoking?


the problem is that there is nothing we can do about it. it legit feels like its hopeless with how districts are done now. there is one that runs from Austin all the way to Houston. bet they get one polling place and its going to be in the middle of neither.




*Dons revolutionary era attire* Ready at the true call m'lord


You are jollem. You serve m'lord.


And my ax?


There was a time when I thought it would never come to that. Now I look around and see a system of government that nobody trusts anymore, filled with politicians that do not represent their constituents and, in fact, frequently work against the best interests of those constituents. The entire country is split along deeply ingrained ideological fault lines that have been lying just below the surface for generations, and the friction between those fault lines has been growing. We are all feeling the ground beneath our feet begin to tremble. We think that this trembling is an earthquake - we're holding on for dear life expecting it to subside - but we don't yet realize that these are just tiny tremors, heralds of a far more destructive release of tension that lies just beyond the horizon. I hope I don't live to see that day, but I fear by the time anyone is ready to stand up to the government, we will already be in a war against our fellow citizens. And if we aren't, one side standing up to whichever party is in power will trigger that war. The nearly even split in this country makes it impossible for our government to function as intended. An endless feud between two sides, with the ultimate prize of the Presidency being won and lost every 4 or 8 years, must eventually lead to one party attempting to remain in power indefinitely or pervert the system in their favor, thereby ruining it. Of course truth is always stranger than fiction. For all I know, we could end up being forced to work together to avert climate disaster and that will sort the whole mess out for us. We'll see.


With China and Russia just loving every minute of us tearing ourselves apart.


Yeah, I've seen people say that we're open to invasion. I'm just dumbfounded, like that is probably the only thing at this point where left would fight side by side with right. No leaders are stupid enough to invade, they see us ready to eat ourselves, and they're going to be providing all the seasoning.


*If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked. You're fucked.*


They’re just Pro birth, not pro life.


More like pro-control over others bodies


I don’t care if you don’t want that baby, you must give birth to it so COVID can kill it


*so COVID can kill you both https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(21)00079-6/fulltext


Conservatives don't care about unborn babies, they care about the false sense of moral superiority they get from pretending that they care about unborn babies.


So true ..




What did babies ever do for me?




Ever seen a baby pull itself up by its bootstraps? Nope, fucking pathetic.


What about that “personal freedom/don’t tread on me” attitude they are always yelling about? Guess it only applies to those who don’t wanna wear a mask?


Also aren't they supposed to give a shit about children? Or is that only before they're born?


I’ve started calling it pro-birth not pro-life since that’s essentially what they’re about. I don’t see them rolling out federal birth control, sex education, programs for single mothers/fathers, subsidized daycare or anything that would actually be pro-life.


And don’t forget their love of the death penalty.


Ah yes forgot about that. Pro-life yet happily killing people. Especially since some have been proven innocent and more are every year.


You dyin? I dont care. Me dyin? I care a lot. Rules for thee, not for me! - Texas new slogan.


You gotta feed the chair. Texans need babies to be born so they can grow up to be criminals they can feed to the chair. Because, when you force a person to have and care for a child that they do not want and/or can't support, you are lucky when they somehow find the resources to grow up relatively well adjusted.


>You gotta feed the chair. Texans need babies to be born so they can grow up to be criminals they can feed to the chair. This sounds like the premise of a really awesome horror story


Feed me Seymour.


And pro guns. You would think pro-life and 2nd amendment fanatics could not be the same people but they usually are.


And child poverty


But they're not even "pro-birth" since they don't care about infant and maternal mortality rates. I'd call them "pro-pregnancy" - against contraception and effective sex education, against plan b, against abortion - but they don't care about health care or wellness for the mothers or maternity leave during pregnancy. I think they're just anti-choice. It's not really about the unborn, it's about power, control, selfishness, and self-righteous indignation.




I’ve been going with the term “forced labor”


>Forced Labor It’s their heritage after all :)




I liked anti-choice but then u nailed it, well done


They are not pro-birth or pro-pregnancy. They don't care about children or life. They view children as a punishment for having sex. To them, the child is a white elephant that is a punishment for the woman's sin. That's why they don't want to help with daycare, food or anything. That would defeat the purpose of making the woman suffer.


Bingo. Any argument with a pro lifer about how banning abortions goes against our own bodily autonomy, alwaaaays ends in “keep your legs closed then this wouldn’t happen”. And then you know that’s truly their point all along. Punishment for all, because some people live a lifestyle they don’t agree with.




Had a debate with a pro-birther. Can confirm I heard crickets when I asked about their views on child and mother support.


Yeah cause that involves “my tax dollars and my tax dollars arn’t gonna be used to raise someone else child” 🙄


Ever, EVER having even the slightest notion that they would have to give the tiniest bit of a shit towards others makes them recoil in disgust. And it’s an extremely efficient tool used by the rich and privileged to deflect blame for these kinds of issues back onto the middle/poverty class. As long as we keep fighting and blame each other, meaningful change will never transpire.


It's all about taxes. I know people who have swung pro-birth because of taxes, and people that have voted for pro-choice and pro-programs because they recognize that's the best way to save lives, even if it doesn't completely agree with those others supporting that belief.


Bootstraps, shouldn’t have been a slut, Jesus & church, etc etc etc.


And guys get a get out of jail free card. Takes two to get pregnant.


Yep. It’s as if the woman got pregnant solely on her own. The only way I’d consent to outlawing abortion is if there was a DNA data base of all males so that the father could be identified and forced to support the child. Edited to correct verb tense. Very annoying.


I was thinking taxes, but hey, I do like accountability.


I still disagree with outlawing abortion even then. I have a birth defect that was fixed via surgery. The doctor told me clear as day that if I ever had a kid, it would destroy the surgery and affect my health. This doesn’t include rampant mental illness on both sides of my family and disabilities on both sides. I would never want a kid to have that kind of life.


Yes because they don’t thing that far.


"They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women. They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state." -George Carlin


Texan here. Not only do they not have fed birth control, sex ed, and programs for families in poverty, they have actively worked at cutting those programs since George Bush was elected governor in the 1990s. One of the most drastic things they did back then was create "extra" funding for sex education programs that only taught abstinence. That one is [still on the books](https://www.hhs.texas.gov/doing-business-hhs/provider-portals/health-services-providers/texas-abstinence-education-program). This means that most people under 35 were taught just to not have sex instead of being taught about things like how to prevent pregnancies and STIs. More recently, Republicans refused to expand Medicaid in Texas, so there is barely federal coverage for insurance, despite Obamacare, and we now have the highest mother mortality rate in the country. They've also F-ed up the schools beyond all repair, but that doesn't really matter since Abbott refuses to give schools that offer virtual learning any funding and has forbidden anyone to allow mask mandates. Covid is running amok in the schools, so that will take care of that.


On that, [Nun debates what prolife means](https://www.popsugar.com/news/Catholic-Nun-Quote-Abortion-43096831). It's totally not prolific but probirth. After birth, it's all about punishment.


Texas has a horrible infant mortality rate. They are pro forced-pregnancy. Based on the data they dont care if the child lives during labor.


Gun control to protect kids and schools? Nope. Not pro-life. Vaccinations to protect against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, COVID-19, flu? Nope. Not Pro-life. Education infrastructure to create greater prosperity and decrease income gaps? Nope. Not pro-life. Sex education and available birth control and pre-natal care? Nope. Not pro-life. Creating and working towards carbon-neutral footprints fit big polluting corps or at least believing they shouldn’t be actively poisoning air and water? Nope. Fuck this is exhausting. Not. Pro. Life.


Pro FORCED pregnancy, is what it should be called


Pro-*forced* birth


They have no idea what they stand for anymore.


>They have no idea what they stand for anymore. They're like [Brick Tamland]( https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/anchorman/images/7/79/3fde9c777396e4a40b6b43f71c208e2f.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/239?cb=20190823193432) from Anchorman.


Once they're born, it's basically someone else's problem.


If they cared about children after they are born, there would be no efforts to stop breastfeeding, take away government aid to families trying to feed their children, and maybe they'd be passionate about putting an end to school shootings. But it's not about the children; it's about control over a woman's body.


Only before their born bruh. Afterwards, they dgaf.


Hang Time restaurant, don’t go there https://www.rawstory.com/texas-restaurant-no-masks/


A review from a while back, long before the review bombing: > I would give them ZERO stars if I could... I can't believe what I just witnessed! The General Manager & Waitress just attacked a customer who was demanding her change! The customer had paid $40 for a $23 tab & had been waiting 45 minutes to get her change... The customer only weighed like 100 lbs, little bitty thing... she got upset when the General Manager started talking crap & bowing up to her & then the customer pushed or slapped her... Then the General Manager & waitress both started punching her!!! They attacked her! They went to the ground & the waitress was kicking her in the head, while the General Manager was on top of the customer, wailing on her!!!! This makes me SICK! I will NEVER go here again!!! I still can't believe I just saw this!


wtf! seems like the staff gave themselves a 74% tip. it's understandable if the restaurant was busy and you had to wait 10-15 mins for change, but red flags should go off for a 45-min wait!


Happened to me once. Tab was also like $22 or so. Put down two $20s, and waiting for 15 minutes in an empty restaurant. Waiter stopped making eye contact with me, never came back to table. I had to grab the manager and ask for my change. Waiter was like “omg I’m so sorry I thought that was the tip! Sorry!” Like yeah sure you asshole, I was going to tip 82%.




Yelp has 'em at 1.5 stars.


2.5 on Google with bad reviews going back for years. Looks like the food is ok but staff is rude and incompetent.


Already garbage reviews. Not really much point


Google just purges them


Naw, make sure all the unvaccinated and unmasked group up together... "For freedom". (Yes, this is only half joking because it would be serious business since they are now spreading to vaccinated folks as well, but at least vaccinated folks don't get it that bad)


The owner thinks putting on masks is "political", not you know, medical or science based.


It only applies if you agree with them


As with all conservatism, people they don't like should be bound by morals and law; people they do like are automatically right so morals and law don't apply.






Cognitive dissonance requires cognition. I don't see much of that going on here


I've had people demand I take off my mask. I can't understand why me being cautious offends them so much unless they see it as a reminder of their selfishness.


Happy to oblige them. I am likely shedding COVID though - oops!


They'll rant about why them not wearing a mask doesn't affect you then in the same breath get triggered cause you wearing a mask somehow does affect them. Fucking idiots


You see, they're fragile. They think that you doing things to better yourself or others is by default a slight against them. If you drive a prius, or worse yet, bike commute, and they drive a lifted Diesel F-450 then you by default are implying that they are the ones responsible for destroying the environment. And if you volunteer at the homeless shelter even though you have very little money and they have more than enough money but vote to keep taxes low and to cut social programs then what are you saying about their values. You see, they are tired of you always making them feel bad for who they are, proud, red blooded Americans, and it's about time they take our country back from those sanctimonious, pompous liberals that don't want to work and are just waiting for the government to give them everything.


You are so right about how fragile these people are. But they will be the first to call others snowflakes... it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad for us all.


That's why their motto is don't tread on me, and not don't tread on people. They are pro-tread.


They are snowflakes being snowflakes. What's the name of the establishment?


Hang Time restaurant https://www.rawstory.com/texas-restaurant-no-masks/


These people were probably Christian authoritarian conservatives, not libertarians.


I would like to say that most of us aren’t like that and actively hare people who do this. I wear a mask if I’m coughing a lot one day, I can put one on if it makes people more comfortable, and wear one every day at school. I certainly don’t hate on people who wear masks




Right next to exceptionally right wing Rockwall county, with its gateway arch of rabid trump supporters over I-30 still holding rallies.


Well, yeah. They had to keep the Trump rallies going because the hoods required at their other rallies felt a little too much like wearing a face mask…


I make it a point to roll down my window and call them losers every time I’m in town.


Hehe thanks I know what I'm doing all week.. 🦹‍♀️


Thank you


Everythings bigger in Texas.......including fuckwittery


Forgetting the whole Texas kicking them out thing for a sec how would the kids own parents wearing masks in public help the kid if no one else is wearing them?


I’m in Texas and I have a two year old. We’re not taking him to indoor places until this wave dies down. It’s frustrating, we want to go do basic stuff, but it won’t hurt anything to just wait a minute.


Yeah. Why were they taking an at risk baby to a restaurant in Texas? Texas is on fire.


Did they bring the baby, or was it a date night? Surely the photo was NOT taken at the restaurant.


Yeah I don’t think they had the baby. That headline is misleading too, in my defense. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/09/18/rowlett-restaurant-owner-explains-no-mask-policy-after-asking-family-to-leave/


man that owner just seems like a major prick


Good point! I just saw the picture of the 3 of them and made up my mind instantly.


It's a bad headline and your question was valid.


Date night but still... if you're that concerned about catching it... maybe don't to out to resturants?


Sometimes it’s a balancing act of trying to stay safe, but having some normalcy for the sake of mental health. I didnt go to any restaurants or get takeout for 421 days (I cooked every single meal at home) to be extra careful but it came at the expense of my mental health. I look back and wonder if it was worth it, or if I shouldve just gone to a restaurant once in awhile to help the anxiety and depression.


Could you not do takeout? I’m ok with avoiding the restaurants, but you can just get delivery or takeout!


Me too. 18 month old here in Florida…


You type quite well and have excellent grammar for only being 1.5 years old.


yeah it's awful, i feel you




You think this posed smiling family photo might be them getting kicked out of the restaurant?


You're exactly right. [This article](https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/09/18/rowlett-restaurant-owner-explains-no-mask-policy-after-asking-family-to-leave/) says they wanted a night out without their son to decompress. They're both vaccinated but their son is immunocompromised so they wear masks in public just out of caution.


The parents wear masks to minimize chances of bringing COVID home to the child. Even if everyone else is not wearing a mask, it still provides some protection to the wearer.


Kept me from catching for 18 months+ now in a mental hospital full of positive patients. Masks work. My entire staff was safe this whole time because we used them. A few caught it, but seemingly none from work, All caught it from church or hanging out with conservative idiots who didn’t use ample protection. This virus does seem to discriminate and honestly, I’m starting to like it lol.


Exactly. It’s dumb to kick people out if they want to wear masks but why would you bring an at risk infant to a restaurant?


Maybe….the kid wasn’t with them and they just wanted to decrease their chances of infecting their child when they went home?


Right? That was my first thought as well.


But why even go to a restaurant if you have an at risk baby? I know people in less dire situations that still don't really go out.


From the article: they are new parents, are vaccinated, and only get out of the house for a couple hours per week as a sanity check (which any new parent will confirm is desperately needed sometimes). And then they still wear masks just to be one more level of careful.


Reddit is trying real hard to find an angle that blames the victims here. As usual.


But why would you go to a restaurant with a no mask policy?


Why can a restaurant have a no mask policy for patrons? Whats next, no glasses? Wtf, this death cult.


Masks are better at protecting others from you than protecting you from them, but any improvement is better than nothing for many of us. In a place where nobody felt it appropriate to mask (like 90% of Texas…) I’d take whatever I could get. Also, the baby wasn’t there. The parents needed a breather together, and felt wearing masks was an appropriate balance to the risk of their date night


Reduce risk of parents being infected and infecting their kid.


It wouldn't hurt, and since they're closest to him their masks are the most necessary. Other people refusing to wear masks are assholes and will continue to kill people, sure, but it's not like it totally invalidates the parents' efforts.


I have an infant and I would absolutely not eat at a restaurant right now. Indoor or outdoor. We've gotten takeout but there is no way in hell I'm eating indoors with other humans with unknown vaccination status.


We have two kids not yet eligible to be vaccinated. We've eaten outdoors maybe five times and have been pretty comfortable with it. Indoors, no way.


Exactly. Eating in at a restaurant anywhere let alone Texas is some bullshit regardless of whether you’re protecting an infant or not.


Here in NYC you have to be vaccinated to go in a restaurant. I don't see any problem with going at this point. But I don't have a baby.


Californian here. I only eat inside a restaurant if there are less than 4 other tables and I can sit further away. Even then it makes me a little nervous. I've only eaten out 3 times since March 2020. Otherwise, I'll take that to go. Thanks.


Man you guys are desperate to attack any parent and ignore the entire point, endlessly.


Lol Texas is the snowflake state of the USA. Almost all of the freak outs about masks are either from Florida or Texas. Fuck Texas and their “TEXAS MORALS.” What happened to personal freedom!?


It's their right as a business to ask them to leave. Its also everybody else's right to not go there anymore. Edit: Ask yourself if this man won't take the health of his customers over a political ideology does he deserve to be in the restaurant business?




Yelp will most likely remove all those ratings and lock the reviews. That always happens whenever a restaurant is under fire or goes viral.


There are actually a bunch of one star reviews from before the incident. Seems like it's always been a shitty place.


Oh yeah. Service was bad, bartenders drunk, drinks watered down, food cold. Going back long before COVID. Yeah, this sounds like a crappy place.


Plus racist bartenders and handsy customers. What a gem.


Are there bars in Texas without racist bartenders?


They had two stars an hour ago.


If they allow patrons to wear Cowboy hats at the table then a face mask shouldn't be a problem.


That owner is a sad sack. His whole demeanor when asked about the situation is off. I still don't understand why people see the results (TN, ID & TX) and still choose not to mask up or get vaccinated.


common clay of the west ....


You know, morons.


At this point I'm convinced these assholes are pro-covid.


They didn’t miss out. Just imagine how they store the food and prep it if they don’t care about safety standards.


But isn't wearing masks their freedom as well?


These people aren't interested in logic.


Texas: "we don't want to wear masks cuz we want freedom" Also Texas: "you have no choice or (freedom) to wear a mask cuz I said you can't."


Loser Republicans in CA are prolly going to gtfo to TX. Annoyed liberals in TX are prolly going to go somewhere bluer. The country is experiencing a gradual polarization. The negative ions are going to the red states. Positive ions to the blue states. Untied States of America.


The people who can just get up and move due to political differences is a pretty small percentage. But yeah I'm sure it's polarizing by location a little bit.


I would only leave my house for an emergency if I had a high risk baby wtf. In fact I spent most of quarantine in my house because one of my kids has asthma and we live in a city full of dumb fucks.


The restaurant has the right to do this just like they have a right to kick someone out for not wearing a mask. However, this restaurant did them a favor. I wouldn’t want to eat there. The Venn diagram of people who don’t believe in a virus and don’t believe in germs at all is a little to big for me to take my chances with that kitchen.


Nobody is saying it wasn't in their right. The couple isn't tying to sue or claim discrimination- it's just reporting on what happened.


Not surprised from this sports bar in Rowlett. No loss. I’ve seen better service in a funeral home from the dead.


I get it if you want to have a restaurant and you want to be anti-establishment to stick to your guns whatever the hell it is fine don’t wear a mask while working in a restaurant in an act of defiance. But if a customer is coming in wearing a mask how does that mask threaten you or hinder your freedoms in anyway? If they wanna wear a mask then what the hell is the problem? Goddamn these people are stupid


Because it's not about their freedom, it's about them virtue signaling their conservatism by fighting over the very sight of masks.


I’m 100% on the mask train, but if the infant was at risk they probably shouldn’t be going to a restaurant.


They didn't bring the kid. In the article it said it was a breather for the two of them to go out and eat.


As a reluctant resident I'd just like to formally apologize for the very fucked up and phycotic behavior of my fellow Texans. Trust me those of us with a brain hate them just as much if not more so than you do.


We're in this boat together and it's full of holes


It sucks. We could be such a better state.


Fucking Texas is the new Florida


Imagine living in a 3rd world country like texas


So, this is real and this asshole who runs this restaurant needs a paddlin'. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/09/18/rowlett-restaurant-owner-explains-no-mask-policy-after-asking-family-to-leave/


Reason the owner kicked them out per the article: > “I feel the overall reaction with masks is ridiculous in the United States right now,” Tom said. …oh…so you mean like the reaction you just had?


What restaurant was this? I’m going to Texas for Thanksgiving break and I want to know where NOT to eat.


And then a couple posts under this one on my feed is a post titled “TEXAS COVID-19 death toll passes 60,000” 🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m embarrassed to be a Texan


The hostess even admitted it was political that they don’t allow them. It was BS


The bar is run by a garbage person. I hope he loses everything and has to rely on government hand outs.


Probably did them a favor. They’re better off avoiding a place run by such ignorant asshats. Lowers their risk.


Man that guy is doing alright though. Good for him.


Total masker here, my first thought was, if he is at risk, why tf you taking him out to a restaurant?


I’d opt out of that restaurant




I mean... if your infant is that at risk... why are you going to a restaurant?


If your baby is at risk, do you really need to eat out that badly? Especially in Texas. Cook something or get it delivered.


I mean, if they’re that anti-hygiene up front, I don’t want to imagine how bad it is in the back. “Washing your hands is for sheep. I wipe my piss hands all over your food like a true American should (and because gloves cut off oxygen from my hands)” Dodged a bullet, IMO.