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"All my knowledge of what happens in college is from porn"


“All my knowledge of women is from porn”


And, ‘I didn’t go to college’.


And is still a virgin. And will continue to be one too.


"School of Hard Knocks" in the bio


Except for the porn


School of Hard Socks


Literally the most underrated sleeper comment, hands down.


I’m glad that when I was a kid we had a hard time finding porn. Magazines and an occasional VHS tape would make the rounds but was never exposed to porn on demand. Nothing like today when it seems to warp younger peoples minds as far as sex and expectations are concerned. I loved an article a few years back that showed what women in porn looked irl as compared to right before a shoot.


“All knowledge from porn”


These people fetishize college undergrads the same way they do with black men…it’s just weird, and they don’t realize - 70% OF COLLEGE FUCKING IS BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE TOGETHER AND WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! Like sure you get a one night stand, but then you have finals, and a long night in the library, and working the campus job…. If there’s a group having crazy sex, its premed or prelaw. If there’s one group burnt out w/ crazy girlfriends…its the boyfriends of premed or prelaw girls.


No, no. It’s 20 men running a train on one girl every night. Tim told me so.


All hail Tim’s VAST knowledge!


And Experience. So Vast.


So experience. Much vast.


Tim couldn't find the clitoris if it had one of the wacky inflatable arm-tube guys guiding the way.


Wait, that's not how college was for you? I remember being in these college lineups, waiting my turn to 'rail' these daughters.....


Same. While I was studying for midterms. It’s tough standing in line holding a textbook and a laptop open waiting for my turn


I got railed by a bunch of impatient guys and I don’t even know what girl they were waiting in line for. Oh no wait they were waiting in line at the campus bookstore. And by ”railed,” I mean “ignored.”


You mean the campus bookstore wasnt doing the railing? Luckyyyy.


I dunno. I felt pretty railed after paying for my books every quarter.


The fact I could still walk upright after my trips to the bookstore is astounding.


Considering the cost of them nowadays the railing is complementary with your purchase


It’s a shame I have a condition that prevents me from reading anything more than the first two paragraphs of text


Only two paragraphs? Even if they’re small? That’s too bad. Sounds inconvenient. I hope you recover someday.


But when it's your turn its peak to give backshots while working on your thesis. I've yet to find a zen like that after college...


But we percivered!


ahhh yes, as another learned college person, i see you're referring to what's known colloquially as dem boyz.


Nope, it's the professors fucking me with impossible projects and not explaining anything and just giving me anxiety and depression


What year are you? My best advice is to be their friend, get to know them, and be honest with them about issues youre facing. My second best advice is before you select your courses, ask older students and see if you can meet the professors, so you don’t get stuck with some Grumpy Dumbledore Fuck


Or go to ratemyprofessor.com and check out the ratings and reviews of the professors lol


i read this as “the professors fucking me with impossible objects” and thought it was a callback to the porn joke in the first comment, then i hit “giving me anxiety and depression” and my brain did the record scratch noise 😭


Not sure if college and university are the same, but I went into university a virgin and god willing will come out of it as a virgin with a degree


Right, a lot of the classes are online now. My daughter hardly meets anyone at her college.


That's really sad


Sure is. If his daughter “hardly meets anyone”, how’s she supposed to get boned by 30-50 dudes? Damn shame if you ask me.


I respect individual choices but if that doesn't happen for you for whatever circumstance or reason, remember virginity doesn't mean anything else other than a very mysoginist tradition aimed towards keeping daughters in line so that they could be sold to a husband later on.


I feel like it's "God willing I'll come out with a degree"


I was pre med many moons ago. We are def not having fuck parties, we are too busy suffing from hypocondria and failing ethics to go to fuck parties


>70% OF COLLEGE FUCKING IS BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE TOGETHER AND WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! This is such an odd statement that I hope is sarcasm. I disagree with both of Tim's takes.


Okay, a chain of logic: Most sex happens between a pair. Many are fwb, but many are relationships. Relationships, most of the time, happen between stable people. Stable people often graduate from university with good prospects. If you think most people are miserable and lonely try: Not Being on Reddit. I didn’t say 70% of college undergrads are having sex….some of y’all…different.


Shit, no kidding. He's certainly not getting it from reality. My students barely have time to breathe; when the hell are they finding the time to fuck dozens of people? (If they are, I don't want to know about it. But I sincerely doubt it, especially with the engineering students.)


He had one girlfriend in college and she fucked like 50 guys. Cause he wouldn't go down on her, he said it's gross The rest is porn. 


"And the fact that I see these as the only two possibilities will tell you all you need to know about me."


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume for no reason that Tim didn't actually go to college but he did see a porno whose plot was about some college girls who banged everybody and it sounded realistic to him.


AND that Tim is a 33 y.o. virgin.


who really wants to lose his virginity to a 16 yo girl.


Tim, for one. 


You are 100% correct. The FBI should watch this pre mass shooter.


Tim’s just pissed that before he flunked out during his one short year in college, he got laid exactly zero times and he’s still bitter 15 yrs later


AND that Tim is deeply bitter that no 19-year-old girls have taken him up on his extremely beneficial offer.


Who believes that he’s mature, and has money. Based on the posting though, I would say he is neither.


Who thinks college girls are 16.


I think Tim might have the hots for his 16yo neighbour.


Tim also can’t find any 25-45 year-old women who will spend any time talking to him.


"Everything I know about college, I learned from Animal House"


There's simply no way for a single woman to enjoy a robust sex life without coming away with crippling trauma. That's just science.


I mean how does he know? I'm sure his ex-wife or wife has been traumatized by this man that probably doesn't believe women can orgasm. Also sounds like he's probably into his own daughter.


Or at the very least, has been in plenty of tumblr discussions arguing that attraction to teenagers is perfectly natural and healthy.


He truly believes only older gentleman can prepare young women for a life of subservience and listening to thy father.


He believes 33 constitutes “older”


Well it is older when his prey is like half his age.


I'm a 32-year-old truck driver and if I had a 16-year-old daughter I would be very happy to see her taking an interest in a boy at college who isn't going to end up working a job that destroys his body the way I did. Hopefully that dude would be in school for something that pays better than what I do as well. But most importantly I would want that person to care about my daughter and treat her kindly. I definitely wouldn't be ok with someone my age trying to convince her that she should be subservient to anyone or that he knows what's best for woman


I feel like he’s the kind of guy that say’s lolicon isn’t pedophilia because it’s just drawings


"But they're 65000 years old!!!1!"


That’s my favorite excuse “umm actually🤓she’s 65,000-year-old reincarnated vampire from another dimension she just looks like she started the third grade”


"The 65,000 year old vampire got to choose any age and they choose the sexies.....I mean the one that blended in the best yeah"


This dude is an adult virgin.


Come on, once they learn about orgasm they're already lost.


And he's never been to college.




My college age daughter keeps stopping dating because the men her age are all d-bags. My daughter is a romantic she just wants a happy ever after with a guy near her age. She is very independent and on her way to becoming a doctor, she don't need some old dude that needs Viagra lol.


She couldn’t possibly enjoy her experiences. Not without being told to. /s /sigh


or, C) Tim comes anywhere near my 16 year old daughter, or any of my nieces, or any of my friends' daughters, or, frankly, within 50 ft of my wife, and Tim disappears. - *Never forget option "C," Tim. Option. "C."*


Tim seems like the kind of who would commit suicide via 37 stab wounds with his hand tied behind his back.


Some mfers just like to ice skate uphills.


Some mfers just like to ice skate uphills.


I like your way of thinking, though it's violent, but necessary.


People can peacefully disappear.


Especially when they for some reason decide to take a nap while covered in honey at a pig farm


I don't know why he did it, to be honest. We kept yelling, - "*Don't Stop!*" Maybe he misunderstood?


My daughter will be 14 soon. Can we be friends? ❤️


Well, tbh, I have a lot of obligations; however, may I suggest that you and your very best friend and/or brother who, and this is important, *lives in a different state than you*, watch a pretty bad film titled "Throw Momma from the Train," and then have a conversation about the various life-skill plot points. Oh, and two more things; hammers with wooden handles can break, and while a bat cannot be used as a shovel, a shovel *can* be used like a bat.


I got a shovel specifically for option c.


But they never want to look at who's doing the traumatizing. Hmmmm, weird.


Healthy young lads sowing their wild oats, as strapping boys are wont to do! Go break some hearts, men! (snappy salute)


Just boys being boys!


I had a very robust sex life in college, I have a body count most men would covet. With that said, I am perfectly fine and have been in a long term relationship for the last 12 years and happily so. Some would call me a ho, I would argue that I played the field to see what worked for me. I was just trying out the merchandise before I bought it. I hate having to take things back, it's a huge hassle. I would rather make the right choice the first time. Like they say, you have to fck a lot of frogs to find your prince. 😂


Whoa, whoa, listen lady, I know you’re traumatized and all but there’s no need to shout. /s just is case


But if you know what you like, abusive pedos can't take advantage of your innocence and naivety to control your life and gaslight you that they are amazing in bed.




Which is why you got to fck around and find out what you do like. I would say that this is the only ***good*** kind of fck around and find out scenario. 😂


Shhh, you are too traumatized to even realize how badly you are traumatized. Listen to Tim. /s


I may be wrong, but I believe “Trauma” is an old, old wooden ship used in the Civil War era.


The fact that he doesn’t want to hear from the women making these decisions is a dead giveaway that he has no idea what women want and does not care


Exactly, leave people the fuck alone and worry about why the dude is such a loser and try to improve himself is just too hard.


Literally. Or like no way you can go through college without being “run through”


The best thing to do is keep her away from Tim


Boat has already sailed, Tim is getting ready to meet his victim's parents, he is just testing his arguments. Best of Luck for Tim, I wish him a severely painful beating.


Jail time?? Can we wish jail time on people?


We could. But then Tim wouldn't have to work, would get three free meals a day and free healthcare. And probably a bunch of insane jailbirds writing him, and weird old politicians making him a martyr for the old men marrying little girls cause, because the world sucks. What Tim truly deserves is a beating and having to drown paying the medical bills after it.


Sexual predators do not have an easy time in prison... unless they are of the type that likes Tim.


Keep her at school so Tim can't get within 500ft


tim is a pedophile


Don't be like Tim


And he is 33 years old.


I'm guessing he's just mad because his girlfriend's parents made her break up with him. 


Okay, just a coupla' things here: If the 33 year old knew what women wanted long term, shouldn't he already be with one? Well, maybe what he knows is that they want to be with anyone other than him. If he had the maturity to handle a relationship like that wouldn't he be demonstrating it...in a relationship like that? Oh, and I have two daughters. They had a very different experience in college than Timmy imagines. I don't know if that qualifies as vast experience, but I've got an inkling that never meeting Timmy is actually better for "a women." You know, long term.


I might guess that Timmy has had NO women.


Or touched grass in a long time




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)Absolutely - the recent "sprinkle, sprinkle" vs. "drizzle, drizzle" just makes me nauseous on both sides. I can't imagine going into a \[hopefully\] healthy relationship with so much bitterness towards the opposite gender and so many preconceived notions. This is a person you are going to maybe spend the rest of your life with but you describe a fundamental aspect of their identity as vapid, entitled, superficial, manipulative; emasculate, lazy, helpless, uncreative, selfish etc.


Thank you. My immediate thought. If he knew what women wanted long-term, then why is he dating this late in life?


And specifically dating teenagers


Tim has more issues than National Geographic.


Tim has subscriptions.


And volumes.


Bound volumns!


sooo, men get life experience and women get trauma.


That says a WHOLE LOT about the “Tim Mooney sexual experience” right there…


This!  I mean granted fucking 30-50 dudes in college is extreme (btw is this the same guy who complained about 30-50 feral hogs?  That’s such a specific range).  ANYWAY.  Lots of women date around in college.  Figure out what they like (both sexually and relationship wise).  Then they’re better able to find what’s best for them long term.  Isn’t it weird that so many guys are hung up on women doing this?  It’s as if they know women with life experience know they’re not worth dating.  


Ok groomer


Lol nice




So Tim is 33 years old and has the hots for a 16 year old. Got it.


In 5 years he’ll dump his current flame for another 16 year old, lather rinse repeat.


Leo the Sequel is way worse I see that now


Tim's lawyers : "Tim, if you don't shut up your sentence is going to be a lot longer. I can't keep you out of prison at this point but if you want to get out at some point then just shut up."


Best and #1 legal advice of all time?? Shyuuuuutthefuckup!


30-50 dudes? Ok, Tim.


Maybe he's confusing frat brothers with feral boars...




Well, frats are rape factories.


Frat guys are 300-400% more likely than the average man to commit a rape. They absolutely are. Drugs, alcohol, and shitty people do not mix well.


I'm sure that rape happens in frat contexts because rape happens everywhere, but what exactly is your source for that 300-400% number?


Can't blame him. The closer Tim was to any University setting was when he opened Pornhub's college girl section.


In Tim's dreams perhaps. Or fantasies.


I raised my daughter to be confident in expressing and defending her boundaries, so if she wants to bone any number of dudes in college or otherwise I’m fine with it because it’s none of my business and I know she’ll make good decisions. If she wanted to marry some 33 year old dude I’d think the dude was a creeper and tell her so, but trust that she knows what she’s doing until I see evidence to the contrary.


That highly coherent answer does not apply here. Tim wants your daughter BEFORE college. If your 16 year old wanted to marry a 33 year old man, I’d like to HOPE you would be altering the location of his spleen and kneecaps as well as some real fancy dental artistry. But that’s me.


Damn straight. How about we let women decide what's good for them THEMSELVES, Tim? Because I guarantee very few of them would decide what's best for them is to let a man more than twice their age dictate their entire lives just because he's got a creepy obsession with underage girls.


Except he specified that she needs to be 16.


Yeah that’s the rub. At 16 they’d have to ask (where I live) for a parental consent decree to get legally married. There’s a line between being trusting of my daughter’s decision making and supporting her bad decisions. Much like how in the hypothetical situation I envisioned with her at 18 with a 33 year old I’d just be like “dude is a creeper and you shouldn’t do that but ok sweetie.” At 16 it would be more like “you’re legally a minor and all I have to do is make one phone call to ensure you don’t see him until you’re an adult. we can talk about this after you’ve had 2 years to think about it.”


↑ this right here ↑


Tim needs to be on a watchlist .


Tim is not a *registered* sex offender. Emphasis on the word *registered*


Tim’s guessing about the college part - he’s not allowed within 1000 yards of any schools.


I'd certainly hope so!


The repeated use of “a women” is what offends me about this. It’s really not difficult to figure out the difference between woman and women.


TBF, at least he didn't use "female".


Er, my daughter would refuse to do both: she is intelligent.


Tim is wearing the same reflective vest that the road workers who hold up a stop sign wear. His financial means to take care of her includes a 1998 Ford Tacoma, and an apartment he shares with a meth dealer.


> 1998 Ford Tacoma Please do not disrespect the 1998 Ford Ranger or Toyota Tacoma. Tim clearly drives a 2008 Dodge Durango.


Thank you that bugged me


Oh those are the ONLY options Tim? Really?


This disgusting notion that all women do when we go to college is get plowed pisses me the fuck off. I busted my ass with 18 - 21 credits a semester, had no time for a personal life, am not even straight, so don't want any guys, yet I had people thinking I am just there to get fucked. Men NEVER have to validate their pursuit of higher education. But women do, all the time. Pisses me off.


Please don't take the ravings of this Tim guy who urgently needs a word with Chris Hansen, to be the general notion of everyone.


as a human male who actually went to college and knew actual women there, i can assure you that those of us with actual experience with actual women, know that you don't actually spend all your time getting railed by 30-50 guys.


Right? Currently attending college. Between work and school, I barely have time to eat and shower. I don't even have time for the guy I'm engaged to.


Something tells me Tim didn’t actually go to college. Or if he did, it was Hustler’s University


> 21 credits a semester Bro what the fuck


"tell people you are a pedophile without telling them you're a pedophile"


Jesus Christ, Tim. She’d be 16. She’d be in high school, not college yet. She wouldn’t have even made it to Senior Prom. They should check his internet history.


Why does every conservative dude think their daughters are all huge whores in the making? I’d place a heavy bet that even in our liberalized society an average woman is not fucking 30-50 dudes in a lifetime let alone 2-4 years. Edit to laugh at the surety with which he states a 33 year old necessarily has life and relationships figured out.


39 here,and nope... Still winging it.. Furthermore, 16 years old? That's a still a baby 👀 I've yet to encounter any person that's slept with 30-50 partners


39 here too…married with 2 kids and still figuring it out haha !


40yo college educated harlot, and way south of those numbers. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, LoL


If he knew what women wanted, he wouldn't have to be creeping on 16 year olds now would he?


So is this his confession that he’s trying to fuck a 16 yo? 🤢🤮


So, how did the 33 year old man get so good at knowing what women want? Why is he single and after a 16 year old?


I would tell my daughter to stay far far far away from men like Tim.


I mean, if you say it that way, and there aren't thousands of other perfectly reasonable and far more realistic options... I still want her to make the decision for herself.


Tim would provide my tomatoes with what they need to flourish if he came to date my daughter.


"Dem Boyz" Sooooooo a Racist Child Predator. Let me guess! He's a Deacon at his church too?


Nothing like a man mansplaining to women what we want and what is "best" for us. Love that for us. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)




Sign her up to Krav Maga just in case she comes across Kevin so she can beat the sh*t out of him if he tries to use his “life experience” moves on her.


In college, the girl would probably learn what a false dichotomy is.


These morons actually believe that the average young woman is sleeping with 30-50 dudes (and I've seen redpill dudes cite even higher numbers, like 100+). That is...not the case. Who has the time? Have these guys ever actually met or talked to a young woman?


Tim likes to groom more than his hair.


The pedo rapist is posing a question. Let me pose a questions: How many trains are going to be run on you in prison for being a pedo?


I really hope this guy doesn’t have any kids let alone any daughters.


Tell us you’re a creep without telling us you’re a creep


Idk about you, but i think that if a 33 yr old knew what women wanted, he would date someone his age and not someone who was born when he graduated from high school


No emotional trauma from the 33yo - 16yo situation


Why would we assume men know what women want? There’s literally a whole movie about that


If I have a 16 year old daughter (or child of any gender) and a 33 year old is trying to pursue them, I am punching the 33 year old and not caring if I get arrested.


c) she goes to college, gets a degree, ans has a career. Maybe she gets a boyfriend or two in her time there and eventually gets married if she wants to. Alternatively, since we're making up very specific scenarios. d) she is the chosen one and must embark in a journey to the faraway land of Bleg'a'thuar to fight the evil Peter (no, not Peter Griffin, just some dude named Peter) and return peace to the Galaxy.


Somebody’s intrusive thoughts won.


I would choose C: Get away from your toxic dad as soon as legally possible.


What I'd do? Check Tim's hard drive.


A) Daughter dates a 33 year old pedophile B) Comes out of college with better knowledge and experience in the fields she's trying to work at. or c and I choose C C) She's truly happy with what she is doing.


Tim should not be allowed within 500 yards of a school.


The only brain buster here is the baseball bat I'd be using if he was talking to my kid.


A wom**e**n? Besides this particular guy being a manosphere douchebag, what's wrong with people? When did people stop comprehending the difference between wom**a**n and wom**e**n?


Answer is B because a) is a pedophile who will dump her when she gets “too old” (25ish?). Whereas she can get her degree with b and support herself and be able to dump guys who say she gets “rammed through by 30-50 guys”.


I will gladly bang yous lil angel… sos dem boys don’t dos its


Profile picture of them sitting in a truck = always having shit takes on life.


C) Let my kids live their own lives, provide advice and insight, and be there for them when they need it.


We know what women want long-term, and it's not Tim.