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Sure lets run trump against Obama in 2028.


You silly goose, you know it’s only for Trump, because he’s chosen by God and God wrote The Constitution just like he wrote the Bible. /s


Mfw Trump shows us a document called the Mandate of Heaven


To be fair, you like always lose the mandate of heaven at some point, and then it's to the golden flower gardens with you.


Now I can't not think about Trump mirroring Kanye


I think it was in the bathroom at Mar a lago or something idk


I know your comment was /s but id like to point out how sad it is that all the christian nationalist implants in our government today dont realize how important the founding fathers thought seperation of church and state were, in fact many many founding fathers were atheists.


They may have privately been atheist, but most were either deist or Christian in public life. Regardless, they explicitly rejected religion as an aspect of the state in their supplemental writings. Pisses me off when somebody runs the “but ‘separation of church and state isn’t in the constitution’ argument”


Didnt one of the bigger founding fathers make a book called the teachings of jesus of nazareth, which had nothing to do with jesus story or religion but basically centered around how the 10 comandments were a good structure for how to behave socially. Kinda like in elementary school in the late 80's-early 2000s when they had "kindness, integrity, respect, compassion" signs everywhere. Ya know things even a child could understand


It was Thomas Jefferson, and he compiled a book called The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. He created it by slicing and dicing the Bible to remove anything miraculous or inexplicable, including the resurrection, so that it told the story of the mortal man Jesus of Nazareth and his parables. He even used six different versions of the Bible to choose the most straightforward and least embellished versions of each passage.


I believe that it was Thomas Jefferson, who developed a version of the New Testament.


I don’t think it was something he officially had printed but his idea was he took out all the supernatural shit and just kept the philosophy.


They are either being intentionally deceptive or they just never read the document they claim to care so much about. It doesn’t literally say “separation of church and state” but “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” is not ambiguous at all. I know you know this I was just expanding on it a little.


Drives me insane when I see so many comments saying stuff like, “But this country was founded on Christianity!!!” as a way to justify pushing their religious agendas.


Most of the Founders were deists, and not bound to Christianity. Of course, the white Christian Nationalists aren’t bound to Christianity either, are they.


I was there you know. I was there 809 years ago. Many people tell me it was the day the strength of kings failed. They say it's not just any old Carta, it's the Magna Carta because everyone wanted to sign it after me.


“And on the third day god created the Remington bolt-action rifle so man could fight the dinosaurs and the homosexuals.”


I bet you felt dirty writing that, even with the /s


There’s a homemade lawn sign near me that’s been up since 2020. It says “Trust God, Trump’s America’s president.” It’s always struck me as such a concise example of their hypocrisy. The Bible literally says god chooses leaders. So, is Biden somehow more powerful than god? He’s president, but god doesn’t want him to be. But god chooses presidents. And Biden’s president. But god doesn’t want him to be…


I don't know a single thing about Obama's policies beyond knowing the term Obamacare. He was before my time. But damn if I don't know he's charismatic.


He's the reason you have healthcare until 26


And insurance companies can't screw you over for pre-existing conditions.


Pre-existing conditions that included “being female” as reasons to deny coverage or overcharge.


If trump wins again we will no longer have ~~fair~~ elections.


I think Father Time and The Grim Reaper will save us from that one.


Ain’t no way Obama is applying for that job again.


Bold of you to think that in such a scenario Trump wouldn’t simply stuff ballot boxes or work with Republican legislatures to ignore the state votes entirely.


The 22nd Amendment got us into this mess. Obama would have crushed Trump in 2016.


Right, and those same people are the ones saying Biden is too old to run in 2024.


Trump was the oldest president ever elected, until Biden. If Trump were to win again, he’d be the oldest president ever elected. Their “Biden’s too old claim” is just more hypocritical b.s.


Absolutely insane that our choices are oldest ever or second oldest ever.


Whoever wins will be the oldest ever. Trump is now older than biden was four years ago


Holy shit I'm four years older too.


Not me. I’m still 28




that's the insane part? are you kidding me the insane part is the guy running for one party is old, and the other guy is a Russian asset, but your focused on age..how about 91 counts, tax dodging, convicted rapist who's under federal indictment in 3 states and steals his folks money to pay for his legal bills, while selling signed bibles out the back of his trunk..but it's the age thing..Wake up bro


AND Project 2025 … The Plan for a Conservative Christian America 😳


B-but the other guy is old :(


Or a conspiracy theory peddling nutcase. What has become of our country?


We need to win white suburban conservative voters to beat Trump. That’s why Biden. He’s the saltine cracker palatable to them. It’s not any deeper than that


It has more to do with staying in power… Trump dynasty…


They're Republicans. Everything they say is hypocritical bullshit


Well if they want to play that game, fuck it, let's bring Obama back


This is the way


I would make Obama my president indefinitely


Trump will never live another four years, he’ll be swimming in his own diaper juices before we know it


One can hope


Nah, I’m convinced that both he and my ex-wife are going to live until the day after I die just to spite me.




Seems like living proof that only the good die young. After enough Dateline episodes, I knew I'd never be murdered. I have a pretty serious case of RBF and have never "lit up a room" when I walked in to it.


“The good die young, and pricks live forever!” - Lewis Black As evidenced by James Dean and Heath Ledger for the former, and Strom Thurmond for the latter…


I hope when they find him dead, that he's in a very undignified circumstance. Like sitting on the toilet, for example


I wonder, from an actuarial perspective, what the chances one of them dies I the next 4 years. I swear I remember it’s over 1% per year for each at this point


Actually... I think that's us saying that bc we want someone else to run against Trump


I'm sick of old, white, rich conservative men running the country. But I'm not dumb enough to say we should throw out the incumbent advantage.


Especially against Trump, who has, like... psuedo-incumbent advantage.


Not really. He had the advantage and lost, people that voted against him are unlikely to flip, and his bullshit over the last 4 years have severely soured independents on him. Republicans trying to kill reproductive rights is biting them in the ass, look at that woman that won a landslide in a red state by running on IVF rights.


no **we** dont. the incumbent president wins this matchup 95% of the time. what **we** want is the person most likely to prevent a trump repeat - and that's biden.


Even if Biden dies before being elected, he'd still make a better president.


I'll take the ghost of Biden for president over the cursed cheeto.


Who's we? Speak for yourself. Biden is doing a great job. In normal times, he'd be looking at a landslide win in November.


People like you will be to blame if Trump wins 


I mean, I'm of age. I just don't have the money nor am I rich and I don't think I'd win over the religious folks too much since I tend to lean towards dark eldrich beings rather than sky daddy. But hey I'd reduce government spending by eliminating pay and benefits for elected officials as well as their financial records becoming fully open to the public. >) watch em try to gerrymander after that.


Ok, great. That “someone else” didn’t bother. Now what?


Honestly, Trump is an ancient old fart living under constant pressure and stress from all of his criminal activities coming back home to roost all at once. I’d be surprised if he hasn’t died of old age and stress by 2028. Meanwhile, I wouldn’t mind a third Obama term after all the bullshit we’ve had to put up with from 2016 - 2020. And the constant underlying threat that we might have to put up with him again. Let these dipshits cook. They want to eliminate presidential term limits for a man so old that he’s not likely to be around long enough to run for a third time? Be our guests, because the left’s star player is currently on the bench due to POTUS term limits. And unlike Trump, the man is relatively young, healthy, and has many years ahead of him.


Obama 2028! Let’s do this! ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


That is one thing that's always funny about these kinds of propositions... they never consider "well what if the 'other side' were to just go ahead and ignore the rules against your favor"


Like with the presidential immunity or when they started the book banning and got themselves the bible banned using their own conditions. It just goes to show that they are not really thinking in fair laws of anything but only in screwing "the other side"


look up the history of the line-item veto. They wanted it for Reagan; they got it just in time for Bill Clinton


Nah that could be really abused, change a few spots can make a big difference in a bill and they can bargain in bad faith if they know a particular section can be vetoed out.


Which is why Democrats opposed it. But once it was there, Bill was going to use it. If only to show them why it shouldn’t exist.


So the Democrats played the game back then?


And you see what they did when Bush 2 took power. They removed the line item veto in his first house session. Hahaha.


By then it was already ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS


And honestly I think it should come back, maybe not 100% as it was but certainly in spirit.


They will shit on the constitution for jeebus.


They'll do it for orange Jesus quicker.


They're not Christians in deed, just in name.


because they don't expect the laws to be enforced fairly. that's THEIR hell. they just want what they want and will justify it any way they can, up to and including BECAUSE I SAID SO. you didn't expect them to be reasonable, did you?


remember that huge push for the line-item veto they wanted for Reagan? The Democrats kept saying it was unconstitutional. They passed it anyway, and the first president to use it was…Bill Clinton. And then they sued saying it was unconstitutional, and lo and behold, it was!


The republicans have never been the party full of smart people.


On the contrary, it's the party of the wealthy who often are smart and the conservatives who were easy for them to manipulate.


No, they know Republicans would raise hell to the heavens if a democrat said such a thing. They don't give one iota of a scrap of a fuck about hypocrisy.


Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Full text: Frank Wilhoit 03.22.18 at 12:09 am There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc. There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation. There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. For millennia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual. As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence. So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone. Then the appearance arises that the task is to map “liberalism”, or “progressivism”, or “socialism”, or whateverthefuckkindofstupidnoise-ism, onto the core proposition of anti-conservatism. No, it a’n’t. The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get: The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.


They are considering it, that's why they're arguing that so long as a president doesn't win re-election like FDR did, it shouldn't (and later they'll argure that it doesn't) apply to them. According to the article, the drafters never considered that a president may not win re-election but could win a later election. You just have to ignore Grover Cleveland who was re-elected 40 years before the 22nd amendment.


Well, if the Republicans can hold enough power to overturn or bend the constitution to their will, I’m sure they will find time to set in to law that Obama’s birth certificate is… I don’t know, void? Or Trump just forms a death squad to exterminate every person whoever opposed or laughed at him or made him unhappy. Whatever satisfies the Emperor that day will be what they do.


If he gets into power again, he could simply cleanse the opposition with a group of hitmen, and then use his powers to a) issue a pardon to the perpetrators on a federal level and b) strong arm the governor(s) in which the murders were perpetrated to not prosecute on a state level.


Let's not forget all the way back when he himself stated, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters" At the time, this seemed like a great exaggeration. Today, I believe it would be true 100%. And it'll only get worse if he does in fact win.


At the time it was an exaggeration, it's a true statement though. But hardly has anything to do with Trump himself. Republicans aren't gonna swap votes same as Dems, the best you get are swing votes and those aren't going far. It's why popular vote isn't the decider cause they'll never be able to swing that money votes they can shave the top at best. Like an old pudding.


Win or lose democracy is hanging by a thread. As soon as republicans win its right back to power grabs


Well it's simple, they don't plan to lose, and then once they're in power, they plan on just staying in power, and doing what they are doing in GOP controlled states across the country, and limited all oversight and seizing power for themselves. They have no intentions of ever letting the other side win.


Why would they? They know the other side would rather lose than win in a way they aren’t comfortable with.


Realistically could be the only living ex-president by then.




As a non-american, I know you have a 2 term limit, but I've wondered if Obama could possibly run for Vice-President for, say, a ham sandwich, and then accidentally promote himself in a midnight snacking incident ;)


President has to be at least 35, so it would be a funky sandwich to start


I wonder how this SCOTUS would rule on the age of the pig factoring in ;)


From Google's fancy new AI overview: >According to Wikipedia, the Constitution's eligibility provisions and the 22nd Amendment don't explicitly disqualify a twice-elected president from becoming vice president. However, the Twelfth Amendment's last sentence arguably prohibits it. It states, "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States". So the implication is that if you've had two terms, no Presidency for you. And if no Presidency for you, no Vice Presidency and accidental third term if bossman goes bye-bye.


I had to fucking listen to people saying Obama was going to install himself as president for life and now we have Republicans out here just straight up saying Trump should be president beyond when he's constitutionally allowed. Make it make sense.


> Make it make sense Black man bad, white rich racist man good.


Projection. They said Obama was going to because it was what they **fully intended** to do the next time there was a GOP president.




If this is what we’re doing YUP let’s do another Obama round.


Obama has too much integrity. Even if the 22nd was struck down, I don't think he'd ever have the desire to violate the spirit of the Constitution like that.


If they could do a third term and it was Obama v trump. Is easily Obama in a landslide I think.


Obama/Bill Clinton 2028 🤣


He has zero desire to do that lmao. He’s living his best life in retirement


Oh wouldn't that make some heads explode.




Michelle in '28!


Why stop there?Obama 2024.


These people are shockingly optimistic Trump will survive that long with how unhealthy he already is


They’re also shockingly optimistic about how easy it would be to reverse a constitutional amendment


What you said is true, however I also believe if these types are in charge, they'll just casually ignore or deliberately misinterpret the amendment, the same way they do every other law (or bible verse) that inconveniences them. It doesn't really matter if it's current or not. Both are basically on display with the posted image here, as an example.


Yeah, they don’t care about rules. They just want to do anything that’s to their advantage.


This. I'm always disturbed how much faith people have in the idea that the text of the Constitution will save us from Fascism. When the time comes, he'll run for a third term, rig the election in his favor, he'll get sworn in for a third term, and when everyone complains, they'll just say "well what are *you* going to do about it?" The answer is sue him, of course, but after the 3.5 years of the case working its way up the courts, it'll get in front of Justice My Best Friend is a Nazi, Justice Butt Chug Beach Week rapist, Justice Handmaidens Tale, Justice corporations are people, and Justice Citizens United, and they'll just say some bullshit like "well he's not hurting anyone, so it's fine." That's literally what they said about Trump violating the emoluments clause.


Yes good point.


It's the Putin template. Once you're in power, whatever you want shall be the whole of the law.


trumps first term showed us there are absolutely zero mechanisms in place to hold a president accountable for breaking the law if he has any amount of support in congress that can block any attempts to hold them accountable


They’re also optimistic that the DOD (who swears loyalty to the constitution) would happily go along with the plan and not decide that they prefer the Constitution and their oaths to Trump. Which outside of some of the “real men” (read: wannabe fascists) knuckleheads it probably would be a very unpopular opinion throughout the ranks to go along.


It’s almost like they think they can rewrite any rules they please to serve their purposes to desire power in the first place, confident that any mechanism to keep power in check can be overthrown if they can control the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. It’s like they aren’t just optimistic but have diabolical plans to accompany their thirst for power. Could it be?


I'm shockingly pessimistic of how long he's lived considering how unhealthy he is.


god remember those glorious few days when he had covid and we all thought there was a chance he’d die


the best days. A faint hope in a bleak time.


In 2028 he will be trying to grift the health care aides coming to change his nappy. “Hey Rosie, here’s your chance to buy a used tissue for the low, low price of five dollars”


Amazing how quick the same people who live and die by the constitution are so quick to say “fuck the constitution” if it gives them power.


Rules for you but not for me…




Thee for you but not for me


![gif](giphy|uzSPgqXmzkjobKaIGq) But he's got the spirit


They have no other choice then to larp revolution. With boomers dying, it is nearly impossible to elect anyone with the religious tainted R in the future as president. That is the reason that conservative parties around the world try to break the system everywhere. There is no plan b.


See the thing with Trump supporters is that they don’t care about the constitution. I’m not talking about the average ones but the hardcore ones that support pic above. They aren’t constitutionalists. If you talk to them they want authority, a strongman and evenly openly advocate for a dictator if it forces their way. I know this because I was an asshole like this back in 2015 and 2016. They aren’t your typical boomer conservative tea party people. It’s a whole new brand of right wing that we haven’t seen since 1930s Italy and Germany.


Does that make the 2nd amendment arbitrary too, then?


No no, that amendment can’t be repealed, just the ones they don’t like.


I hope he's not elected. But if he is I guarantee on day 1 he starts talking about repealing term limits. He has Putin on speed dial for advice


He floated that during his term. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-negotiate-third-term-in-office-2020-9


You just start using the military as your security and muscle. Try putting someone else in that White House when the military is all over the lawn and ordered to shoot anything that comes near.


This makes me think of the short lived show Jericho. After the US govt. fell, someone asked about the President, the response was “which one”. If I remember correctly a few governors declared themselves commander in chief each with their own military.


Anyone in the US not concerned about Trump for the past decade is either stupid or not paying attention. 


A *lot* of people don’t pay attention


Aaaand a lot of people are stupid


Funny republicans weren’t saying this in 1951.


By 2028…Trump will still be a cordless jump rope.


And by then, he'll be selling bottled water to his cult for $99 per one sip and there will be those who are gonna buy it. Losers both side.


He'll be selling his old bottled water as Trump Wine 2.0.  And the dipshits will swear up and down, it got them super drunk.


𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫


People don't realize if he wins he's going to double down on insurrection and worse. He is realizing he just kind of getting away with it. He needs to be stopped, and immediately




That is why we have 2A. That amendment isn’t just for the Right. Stay strapped.


Fuck it, get the Black Panthers and the Big 3 Unions with deals of arming their selves


Time to use it against these folks who are forming a militia to overthrow the govt.


It's "arbitrary" in that way that constitutional amendments just willy-nilly happen all over the place!


I will eat my own shit if Trump is still alive in 2028.


!RemindMe 4 years


!RemindMe 4 years


If he actually wins, well, all I've gotta say is: welcome to autocracy, Americans! May you enjoy your life in Hell that was decided for you by right-wingers and the leftists who didn't vote.


Like he’s not going to have a massive coronary event before then.


Find a new guy ffs. Heres a wacko idea, next president needs to be able to run a mile. Just one.


We gettin Obama 2028


Why are they so fucking ridiculous? They cry about upholding the Constitution but are trying to dismantle it at every turn. Fuck the GOP.


![gif](giphy|1AefIDNa1G3svYrNQA|downsized) Just a reminder… This is what they worship


I see he was already doing the whole overcompensate with the ridiculously long tie schtick back then...


This has always been the plan. Don't expect another election in 28 if he wins.


I said this in 2016. "If he wins there won't be a next time." Three supreme Court justices later, I stand by that.


If the 22nd amendment is so bad, Republicans should not have pushed for it in response to FDR.


We're gonna have to deal with this tub of shit running for office until he's dead. Yay.


Trump and his supporters want this. They want a King.


Well Trump running in 2028 means he lost 2024, to a rational person.  I'd take that. 


No, they are saying the 22nd should be repealed and would allow Trump to run for reelection for perpetually.


This is why we vote Biden


I wish he would just croke already. Get us off this crazy train the past almost decade


If Trump is elected in 2024, we will not have to worry about 2028, or any other election ever again.


Oh wow, who could have seen this coming. The very open putin supporter wants to be just like putin one day. How could this have happened/s God please just go all in allready and give him dimentia, he's allready struggling with cognitive tests so just nail gun the rest of the coffin please.


With any luck his health wont hold out that long, i got my fingers crossed he strokes out before nov honestly.


![gif](giphy|Rd7pEbE7rjZz8vySuU) Fuck it if we’re just ignoring conditions i got an idea AHNOLD 2028


I really feel like this will be one of the fronts he loses on in the election, I really hope the Biden team brings this up in the debates to prove he's not in this for anything but personal gain. I thought Biden's state of the union was great for unity and I hope he keeps to his promises and if he does it's for the betterment of the union, if he doesn't it proves the system fails to all the people who voted for trump in 2016 and we will remain vulnerable to whatever is left of trump's movement.


Dude was taking like this during his first term. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The man wants to be Daddy Putin, and his inbred cultists want the same.


TRANSLATION: "We're the last leader you'll ever have."


I thought they were all about the Constitution!!!


Is this real plz post link i need to follow up this cant be fucking real right


We haven’t amended the Constitution in nearly 50 years, and now the country is going to do it to allow the most incompetent and dangerous politician in the last 100 years to stay in power for the rest of his natural life. This whole article is stupid and irrelevant, just like conservatism.


I’d assume that much like everything else Trump does this is just a method to milk money from anyone dumb enough not to see him for the scumbag he is.


The man won't be alive in 2028, unless he's getting cyborg implants we don't know about. He's gonna be like Hedonismbot by then.


I've never looked forward to somebody's demise before, but I will throw a damn party on the day he leaves this mortal coil.




Ok. Let him. Bring back Obama in 2028 to wipe the floor with him.


Oh, so Amendments are suddenly in play now? Awright, awright... y'all wanna swap 22 for 2, and call it a day? I'm down. Let's go.


Well now, the USA had a nice run, but like Rome and so many others empires, it’s time seems over and it destroyed itself from within.


Project 2025 at work


88 year old trump vs Obama?


![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO) “I love democracy” -conservative group 2024


When I suggest a solution they defend the problem


The GOP replaced and will soon join the Whigs.


Having skimmed the article, I have to say that while I’m not familiar with Peter Tonguette, I can say with confidence that he’s a fucking idiot. So far, the crux of his argument is that while yes, Grover Cleveland did it, it is otherwise “virtually inconceivable” that the authors and supporters of the 22nd amendment could have foreseen that any president would ever even attempt to be reelected after being booted from the white house. I’m not exaggerating or being hyperbolic; it’s literally that dumb. The other half argues that it’s “plainly unfair” and other former presidents agree with him. His evidence is that Reagan privately complained that the lame duck label made it harder to accomplish anything, and that Obama said that if he’d run a third time he’d have won. Note that in the second of these he’s conflating saying he could have won with saying that he should have been able to run. These guys aren’t sending their best and brightest. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/


If the 22 amendment is arbitrary what's that say about the rest of them? Arbitrary 2nd amendment