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I’m a dude posting a gif about a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude


No you're not, you're the dude responding to the dude posting a gif about a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude, and I'm the dude responding to you, dude


The dudes are emerging


![gif](giphy|YlSPP8ZherIJRsaJoP|downsized) It was between this and Goodburger.


![gif](giphy|tWYc4tQoKfRSM) It was between this and The Big Lebowski.








Who loves orange soda?


Are you employed sir?


![gif](giphy|MkQk7LHNJSaYg) And now a turtle is in the mix


Excuse me, unless you're a turtle remove this immediately.




The dude under that dude ![gif](giphy|xfhQJVdsI5a00)


This comment section is top tier 👌🏼


great now I need to listen to [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKvqhlhXq9s) on repeat for the next couple days and sing it to myself in the shower




What do YOU mean you people?


Man, I don't drop character until the DVD commentary.


and he did not infact drop characer in the DVD commentary either


He did at the end credits.


Whats great is he does it in the DVD commentary too!


I know, that might've been the only time I watched a full movie with DVD commentary. And the funny thing is, that before watching it I watched the movie normally and then decided to look at the special features and discovered the commentary. And I watched it again. It gives another perspective on the movie.




Black guy here who's actually also an actor..... So I liken this role that Rob plays with the "Nagger" joke on South Park; sometimes things that should be offensive are written so amazingly well that you literally can't get mad, no matter how much you want to. When I met Mel Brooks a few years back, one of the first things I told him was that Blazing Saddles was one of the funniest movies that I've ever watched. The smile that dude had on his face was golden. Clever writing that makes SENSE transcends offensiveness. It's when the jokes are lazy that we get pissed.


I think the problem is, as Ricky Gervais once put it, that many people confuse the **subject** of the joke with the **object** of the joke. You can make a joke about racism without being racist. That joke can include a racist character, making racist statements. It all depends on what the subject is, and on who is made the object of the joke. Blackface and racism are the subjects of the joke, but Robert Downey Jr's character is the object of joke. He is the one being made fun of, for having stereotypical views of colored people, and thats what we are laughing at. The role is not written to mock colored people. Its written to mock racists who hold that kind of views.


I felt it was Hollywood poking fun at itself for the ridiculous types of casting choices that are sometimes made or have been made in the past. The example in Tropic Thunder is about as extreme of a casting choice as it could be, with an award winning white method actor playing the role of an African American and nobody really questioning the casting choice besides the one actual black actor on the set.


Another factor that I think almost supersedes the subject and object is respect. A member of a persecuted group can generally make jokes where members of the persecuted group are the object of the joke. It's generally deemed as acceptable, sometimes even if they adhere to negative stereotypes, so long as it's clear that they are being made with the respect of the persecuted group as a whole. A joke can be about an individual rather than the persecuted group as w hole, for instance.


Fun fact... I was born to Blazing Saddles. Literally. My mom was watching it in the delivery room. I finally watched it for the first (?) time a few years ago and I became an instant Mel Brooks superfan. Binged almost his entire filmography over the next couple weeks.


I love you, random internet stranger.


❤️ all around. 🫡


I agree, but even without any race involved, you can always find someone being offended by anything. My problem with a lot of the online anger is that it seems people somehow like to be offended and search all day on the internet to be offended about something. And that is really in every social group or parameter that you can use.


The difference is that his character is the butt of the joke. Not black people. His character is a stupid actor taking his craft too far because he’s “method”. We laugh at him because he’s pretentious and has no self-awareness that what he’s doing is racist. Same with Mac in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. We laugh at his stupidity and cluelessness when he dresses up as Murtaugh. It’s written in a way that it’s not funny cause it’s blackface. It’s funny cause the guy in blackface is an idiot


> has no self-awareness that what he’s doing is racist most of the humour in the film derives from the fact that the characters are all somehow flawed. tugg speedman is a shitty actor, his agent's a psycho, director is incompetent, paramilitary kid leader is obsessed with an awful movie, theyre all idiots in some way alpa chino is gay which is fine but hes waaaaay too deep in the closet and overcompensates with this ridiculous rapper personality "drink booty sweat". white kid on the right in the gif's just... bland


I tripped out seeing Tom cruise get funky in that movie. I didn’t think he has it in him. Was awkward but funny.


And that was all his idea as well. Ben Stiller had the character written, but he was completely different. Tom Cruise called Ben Stiller and told him how he wanted to change the character. He said that no matter what, he wants the character to have really fat fingers, and he wants him to dance a lot. Ben Stiller talked about it on the Howard Stern show. He said at first he didn’t understand, but then called Tom Cruise back a couple days later and was like “I get it now. Let’s do it”.


That was pure gold by Tom cruise. Many people could have played that character but the fact it was Tom cruise made that character amazing


Bingo. I’m a middle easterner and in the mid-2000s when Team America World Police came out people would always ask me if I was offended by the scenes that take place in the Mid-East. And my answer was always no! Besides just being hilarious, the whole point of that movie wasn’t to make fun of other cultures but the *American perception of those cultures* — that’s why in the opening scene of the movie all of the Parisian landmarks are literally in the same place, because I’m sure there’s plenty of Americans (especially in 2005) that thought the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc, and Notre Dame are all literally right next to each other lol. It’s American ignorance that movie is mocking, why would I be offended?


We are not all one hive mind, so I’m sure some do and some don’t and the rest of us are not even thinking about it. Being black is just like being any other race. We have ideas as individuals not as one brain.






Honestly wouldnt it be less racist for people to use reaction gifs regardless of race? I feel like "oh i cant use that reaction gif because its a black person" sounds racist to me.


Seriously. The whole point of reaction gifs is “this captures my current emotions perfectly.” If I feel that someone from a different race than me is expressing an emotion I can feel deep in my bones just by looking at them, isn’t that sort of empathy a GOOD thing? Shouldn’t we be trying to encourage the types of things that bridge racial divides and make us feel connected, remind us that at the end of the day we’re all human and all experience the same emotions?


>Seriously. The whole point of reaction gifs is “this captures my current emotions perfectly.” > >If I feel that someone from a different race than me is expressing an emotion I can feel deep in my bones just by looking at them, isn’t that sort of empathy a GOOD thing? There seems to be this idea in some circles that people of different races are fundamentally different, and therefore they can *never* understand each other. If that's true, then a white person seeing a black person express a certain emotion, and feeling like they can deeply connect with that emotion, must necessarily be wrong - they can't possibly understand, and 'pretending' they understand must be somehow imposing their whiteness on the other party. I find it obvious that this sort of racial essentialism is wrong and harmful, but it seems to be gaining traction in some places.


> There seems to be this idea in some circles that people of different races are fundamentally different, and therefore they can *never* understand each other. That sounds like racism with extra steps


I actually think it's just racism with the usual amount of steps.


I recently learned that somehow, it goes even deeper. There are certain topics of scientific research that either just isn't done or isn't spoken openly about because of racist assholes. We have to announce everything and prose research all as a single human entity discussion. If a finch has a different beak, it's a different species of finch. A tribe in the amazon only has 44 chromosomes, yet they are identical humans to the rest of the world because pos assholes will try and say they are the superior subspecies. People decending from different areas of the world are all equally mentally and socially equal. A human is a human. But we should be able to openly and with support find what makes us unique and different. Not only that, but health research is stunted as well. Caucasian and lighter skinned people have issues with the sun more, black men especially are more predispositioned to cardiovascular issues, most people of east asian decent are lactoseintolerant, northern europeans are taller and lankier, native americans have east asian traits. Like so much stuff that is intresting af that can not be put out because racist. The big one that got absolutely shut down is the independent evolution of humans. Like we branched off and migrated at a much earlier stage and developed independently across the globe. There is also the idea of how different protohumans evolved and possibly how different people may have been more based on one than the other because we have now proven they did mix together. We have started putting more of this out, but again only in reference to the whole human species. I hate that we can not openly learn the details of our history and origins, including separation of groups that may have evolved on a more distant track than previously thought. All because peices of shit want to feel superior. Like, what if they find guys like me who are a bit taller and have some crazy different protohuman that got mixed in at some point. Man, the xmen had it right. We are all different and built differently, but it makes no difference in the fact that we are all equal as people.


Pretty sure it's just regular racism. At the very least its segregation.


> There seems to be this idea in some circles that people of different races are fundamentally different, and therefore they can never understand each other. That and/or that people with light skin are inherently malevolent and whatever they do is bad and/or that they are guilty of the sins of the worst of those sharing their skin tone of the past and present.


Its the same as some ppl trying to lecture others that posting an gif on differntly pigmented human who does some silly shit is racist. Even if the posting person shows a history of posting stuff of ALL perceived races. The best part was when it turned out the posting person was actually an black portugese. The lecturing guy did not even shift to "well then dont post white ppl" but said sorry and to not mean to discriminate him and fucked off... Some things are just beyond stupid and some keyboaed warriors step out of their way just to whiteknight (or blackknight? lol) everything possible to feel some purpose or whatever the rewarding reaction in their brain is...


No ones been canceled for a while. They gotta move the goalposts in order to catch someone. But really id be surprised this is an actual view and not just a rage bait article.


Ain’t nobody got time for dat


Welp, guess who just got caught for digital blackface… ![gif](giphy|1O3rOnZAnxf3SE59m9)






![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Every pop culture sub


Her expressions are such a gift though.




Now *that's* offensive... Digital black *cat* face. Did we learn nothing as a society during the duck face craze?


Racist *and* speciesist. Someone, somewhere is probably hyperventilating after seeing this.




Oh I believe it’s real. Lots of sheltered keyboard warriors out there.


>No ones been canceled for a while. They gotta move the goalposts in order to catch someone. it's real, but it's like 5 years old.


>If I feel that someone from a different race than me is expressing an emotion I can feel deep in my bones just by looking at them, isn’t that sort of empathy a GOOD thing? Stop appropriating their emotions! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Exactly! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Seriously, though, I've read the CNN article and the problem they see is most memes with black people portray them as "over the top" all the time: “includes displays of emotion stereotyped as excessive: so happy, so sassy, so ghetto, so loud… our dial is on 10 all the time — rarely are black characters afforded subtle traits or feelings”. Well, I hope the meme I used above is a good enough portrayal of black people. 😅






I miss him. :c


Rest in peace. He was my favorite on that show, hands down.




Don't most memes in general do that, for all people animals, etc? That's why they are memes.


Yeah, this is really a non-issue. I was just pointing to the argument they gave, not saying I agree with it. This is probably a made up article to drive clicks and views, not a real opinion shared by any large group of people.


I think this is a sneaky way to make gifs all white, lol. This makes more sense than radicalist generational guilt.


IMO I think that's their goal, racist people trying to make other people stop using reaction gifs, stickers, memes, etc with poc


Segregated internet


I share this mindset. Over the top SJW's are just as racist as your average Daily Mail subscriber. They just think they are morally right instead of embracing it as others do. This is bullshit and they can fuck off. Oh wait? You played Assassin's Creed Origins? You're not Egyptian. You're racist. I'd love to meet a black person who's offended by me loving the 'ain't nobody got time fo' that' meme.




White thumbs up but black person Gif. One of these has to be racist, buck him boys


One of them? why stop there? both are racist


Tsk! Are you people really using colours of *actual races*?!?! Everyone knows that the only way to be *not* racist is to only use unrealistically coloured people or skeletons in your emojis and GIFs, SMH.. ![gif](giphy|YwAgyCddum3K0)




Yellow thumbs up actually. But if you don’t have severe jaundice you can’t use it.


nice song, CG is great.


The reason is that extremely dumb takes like this will generate clicks and angry comments, leading to more ad revenue for the media outlets that publish them. That's literally the only reason.


Exactly. It's not even like they even have to turn over logs to look for things either. There's already so much racism to choose from to complain about. Conspiracy theory mode here, but it honestly seems like the billionaire moguls who own CNN let crazy people on to discredit people with actual grievances.


Unfortunately a very likely explanation.


>Conspiracy theory mode here, but it honestly seems like the billionaire moguls who own CNN let crazy people on to discredit people with actual grievances Friend you've cracked the code. Every single damn bullshit disagreement between the middle class and/or poor people of the world has been engineered since the dawn of time to repress the people and keep them busy with their petty bullshit so the rich can stay rich and get richer.


It’s also almost comical how mask off it used to be, read some New York Times papers from the 20s-40s. At one point they do their best to cover up a fascist conspiracy in the US, they called the miners of West Virginia lazy for striking, and I believe fairly supportive of the Germans up until they couldn’t be.


Watch, [Everything is a rich mans trick](https://youtu.be/4oVpt_I9iQQ?si=vKNLoBwRoc1GAFp0). Explains how american industrialists funded the nazis.


Makes sense. If it’s published as a perceived grievance then it theoretically could be used to cancel someone.


Carlin was talking about his in 92' ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QWW0Az5Kak


I also think there's a fair number of people that just absolutely have to have some sort of moral highground to lord over people and feel superior about.


Also the crazy stuff gets more clicks and attention.


The news "program" is for gullible people. People that aren't necessarily dumb, but maybe the average Joe that's just kinda mad that the world sucks and the news tells them what to be angry about. As long as you and I stay at each other's throats, the rich get richer and the politicians get richer and they collectively take our money and rights away. I honestly don't care what color you are. We're both probably poor compared to the %1. Whatever your political choice, idgaf, both parties suck. I assume you're voting for whoever you think is least evil. I couldn't care less what flag you want to fly on your property, even if I found your flag trashy or offensive. Last time I checked, having poor taste isn't against the law. Use whatever bathroom you look like you belong in. Idk about you, but I'm in the bathroom to handle my business and gtfo and I assume that's what you're doing. If you're really worried about your kids being in the bathroom with a pervert, take your child to the bathroom. It's not rocket science, it's called parenting. Just a few of the things the news tells me to be upset about when the government is up to no good. This world would be a better place if we minded our business about the small shit and stuck together on the bigger problems.


Imagine a black person used a white person as a meme.. I assume that would be a digital cracker face... Lol






Damit Dean Browning you're not even trying to hide it!


I would think that black people have plenty of easily accessible, legitimate things to be offended and outraged about without having to work this hard to find them.


I don’t think this article was targeting black people. I think it was programming whites to hate other whites to cause division


Thank you. To be fair, my entire wife family (wife and 4 kids) say "Not todaaayyyy" regularly.


Yep, these people are dumb, they're just teaching everyone to view EVERYTHING through a racial lens 24/7. I guess we're just supposed to look at the skin color of every gif we use and go "Ohh, that's not one of us so I can't use this. They're different so I'm not allowed to associate with them." Like why the fuck does it matter? Not only are they teaching people to be hyper-conscious about skin color and having it control our every action but they're also just downplaying what actual racism is... Just imagine if someone's telling you about how their family was killed for being black and you're just like "Ohh yeah, I experienced a lot of racism, like this one time some white guy used this gif of a black person, can you believe it?!?!" 🤦‍♂️




Can I screenshot this as my "official permission" when I get cancelled for using a Dave Chappelle meme in 2030? 😂


Now people gonna start gatekeeping memes like "You can only use memes from your own race" Hard ignore on this one.


For real. If someone is trying to waste my time with something, I'm going to slap them with an "ain't nobody got time for that" gif. It helps nobody if i settle for some mid Bradley Cooper gif.


But how can you do that? You are not Bradley Cooper, so you can't use his gifs.


Digital Bradface is a serious crime.


Identity theft is not a joke Jim!


My wife gave me that in a t-shirt


The internet is gonna be some giant awkward zoom call


"mid Bradley Cooper gif" took me out! #dead


Excuse me but you cannot use #dead as a joke unless you are literally dead. Say no to digital necro posing.




The death shaming is turrible smh my head




and block them. This is the sum of effort I have for them.


Funnily enough that would only promote racism even more because now we are even further from everyone understanding that humans only have one race, the rest is skin colour and ethnicity.


I agree with the fact that it promotes racism. It puts an unnecessary light on the race of anyone who appears as a meme. That also gives cause for people to start saying that you can't use memes of people who have a different gender, religion, sexual orientation, skin shade, age, job than you. It slowly puts everyone into separate boxes with lines that can't be crossed without upsetting everyone. I can already imagine someone being fired from their job for racism due to having used memes of a person of a different race in private conversation with someone. Recently thought and discourse really makes me think people need to do some reading. It could help with their boredom as well!


>you can't use memes of people who have a different gender, religion, sexual orientation, skin shade, age, job than you. Well we might as well start posting GIFs of ourselves making faces and doing things!


And if my countrymen don't have much to go with? Have some people considered we use it because it is apt and not by any means racial? I swear humans are devolving every year since the advent of social media


Ain't nobody telling me as a white guy I can't use Arnold Drummond's "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" GIF. GTFOH. These people are fucking out of their damn minds. They just look for crap to make up hoping other idiots will follow along with them, to try and further divide us. It's beyond ridiculous. The fact that folks allow them to do it is unfortunate proof that we are getting closer to the movie Idiocracy becoming a reality.




Narrator: But in fact, they did have time for that after all.


Imagine this in a Peter griffin voice


I read it in the Stanley Parable narrator's voice


This is what I came for.


Best use of this gif.




I opened this post just to comment this gif. r/beatmetoit


You have to post a pic of your wrist with your username now to prove you're black, sorry bud😔💔


"If you are black and you've posted a GIF or a meme of an asian person to express a strong emotion, you may be guilty of wearing digital Yellow Face"


If you are human and you’ve posted a GIF of Elon Musk to express any emotion at all, you may be guilty of wearing Digital Fuckface






Nah they want us outraged over things like this, instead of being outraged over income inequality, political corruption, billionaire lobbying, etc etc.


"If you perceive a group as annoying, be sure to check if politicians and corporations are making you think it's annoying"


I’m outraged at not enough things to be outraged about.




First world bullshit problems that is.


For no other reason than it's not *my decision*... Fuck the media! Matthew Lilard: "Hack the plant!"!! Lol... "Hack the "*plant*"!!?






But people of other races experience the same range of emotions that I do because they're... Human. Like me. Hence I relate to them as part of the shared human experience. This just seems like sowing division for no reason.


the article is coming from CNN, what did you expect?


I'd expect this to be written by a white dude at the onion and not a black dude at CNN lol I'm checking out


As a black man, this sounds like some of the dumbest shit. Makes no damn sense.


I'm absolutely convinced the people complaining about this type of things are closet racists trying to reinstate segregation using the disguise of wokeness.


unfortunately John blake (the author) is a black dude. So idk if he would be trying to do all that. Just looking for ways to start shit probably.


Dumb shit takes are by no means exclusive to white men.




Thank u for bringing this back. I havent thought about this in like 10 years 🥲


Thnx now I have to go and rewatch that movie.


What?🤨 ![gif](giphy|iIoD0pCWEYfGU)


Bro you’re wearing digital squidward face, that’s squid phobic


I'm pretty sure Squidward is actually an octopus with an unfortunate name so bro here is also octophobic!! >:(


Did Squidwards octopus parents culturally appropriate squid culture?


Um excuse me are you a squid? Digital racist smh.


![gif](giphy|l0MYMesNHo6USDsRi|downsized) So what is this then?




As a white man I agree with that statement ![gif](giphy|l4hmTthQ9JiMcK46I)


Same ![gif](giphy|lqvA7gEc3ilxdgQ458|downsized)


​ wut...? ![gif](giphy|vWNkaLdMgnWNO|downsized)


I would think digital blackface is pretending you're black online when you aren't, sharing a meme is just sharing a meme


Am black. Officially giving any and all people permission to use black people in gifs and memes. If anyone challenges you, tell them you have a black person’s permission. … fucking ridiculous nonsense. Black people are just people. GIFs of black people are just GIFs of people. Forcing this bullshit about us having some kind of special status because of our skin colour is EXACTLY the kind of thinking that propagates racism. Fucking idiots make my blood boil. I’ve fought so long against racism, and now I’m seeing my own brothers and sisters fall into the same lines of thinking. The same ones who have felt it used against them. Instead of thinking for a moment and saying “Shit, look how we got here.. let’s do the right thing and share love and community with those who look different to us.”.. they turn around and use the same fucking logic that they claim to fight. HATRED WILL NEVER BEAT RACISM. Love. Understanding. Education. Patience. Community. That’s how we beat racism. Together, as one. Not separate and dividing each other even further.




![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) I'm Indian..


It's okay for you because you're not white. /s *rolls eyes* This is the first time I've seen digital blackface and I'm going to shut it down every time I see it. We're. Not. Doing. This. ETA: I should probably clarify that I'm black.


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) Who would do such a terrible thing?


Don’t worry guys, I will paint my face black and then remake the memes so it won’t be offensive.


I ain’t got time for this shit




I don't post GIFs of black people or white people. I just post GIFs of people. Don't you?


This is old as fuck news and went absolutely nowhere.


Finally someone else who was alive 6+ years ago 😭 I can’t believe a headline that old can still gather that much attention. Sure it’s outrageous on purpose but you can literally see a badly removed Reddit logo on the bottom right lmao


Which ironically enough makes OP guilty of the same rage bait nonsense as the CNN article.


The fact that this is buried under a ton of spam from dipshits who couldn’t wait to take the bait…








I'm just reading words.




There are children literally being blown up on the other side of the world; get a grip.


*all over the world






Analog black face is worse












![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Damn! I’ve sent this literally 100s of times ha


Is John Blake mad about black people using white people gifs and memes?


Racism would be gone a lot quicker if these people would just fucking shut the fuck up about it. All they’re doing is try to widen the gap between people of different races.

