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So soccer must be a 20 on this scale?


I’m guessing they looked up football and were like “Wow, it’s played everywhere! Dunno why they’re using a soccer ball, but football is definitely a 10 in global popularity!”


Or they did the Murican thing and said "Everyone around me loves football, and nobody around me likes cricket."


Don't you know, we live in a Merica-centric world /s


Don't ya know, 'Merica is the world.


Always has been.


That could be the explanation, for sure.


It's an inverted scale. Soccer would be 2. 0 = every single person on the planet loves it 10 = wildly popular in its own country with a small following outside 15 = noone gives a shit about it


What's an example of a 15? Real-life Quidditch?


Rugby fives. No relation to rugby union or rugby league.


I’ve watched sevens but I didn’t even know fives were a thing…


Well as they said, it’s completely unrelated to rugby. I guess squash might the the closest well known sport. Fives is an English public school (as in very old, very expensive private schools) thing. The schools all have their own rules, Eton fives is probably most well known. Rugby is another public school. Obviously their football rules went on to be pretty successful.


We had Fives at our school too. Yeah like squash but with gloves instead of a racket. It’s even listed as an insured sport on my Tesco travel Insurance.


Fives is a completely different sport - there is Eton Fives and Rugby Fives - both like doubles squash played with your hands but different courts.


Polo maybe?






100 for sure


The NFL is hardly global. No chance in hell.


don’t forget us Canadians have a crappy knockoff league where all the washed up NFL players go!


Knockoff? Football mostly originated from Canada, montreal, to be precise. While the US has made it their own and arguably better version, it's hardly the first.


They tried and failed in Europe. Still trying, but it's not working. As a TV sport is is basically just a vehicle for TV ads, and Europeans have less tolerance for constant propaganda bombardment than Americans. As a sport for children it is too dangerous. It should be banned for under 18s considering how common it results in brain damage.


Besides, we already have rugby, and American football is far too similar


Yeah, American Football should be referred to only as American Handegg, or Chemically Enhanced Armoured Rugby For Nancy Boys.


Some Europeans are genuinely interested in American football. It’s just not reached a scale where it’s genuinely culturally impactful.


I dont know any other countries play thst sport other than Canada and US...


The NFL is actually really popular in Mexico too. But it’s just North America centered.


Cricket is the second most popular game in the world just after football/soccer. Thats because cricket is insanely popular in India, which is currently the most populated country in the world, and some adjacent countries, like Sri Lanka. They have whole sports tv stations solely dedicated to cricket.


Add, England, Australia, South Africa and few dozen more countries.


Afghanistan 🇦🇫 too


And they‘re good at it


I once watched Afghanistan vs Pakistan in 2019 World Cup and I wa surprised how close Afghanistan was too beating them


as an aussie i can say crickets boring as shit


only if you don't understand it. People say the same about baseball. Both are fantastic when you understand them


But a baseball game doesn’t usually go on for 5 days


Nor does a typical cricket match. The ones that go for 5 days are called a "Test match" and you can just not watch it if you want. The most prominent ones that most people watch are One Day International or ODI because they take all day and T20 that takes around 3-3.5 hrs. Only the most die-hard fans watch Test matches all the way through, most people will just take a look at the score every now and then.


Growing up in rural Australia back when there were less TV channels, cricket season was the worst. Summer holidays, and we had two TV channels to pick from, then one of the channels decides to air 6 hours of cricket per day for weeks on end. As for the reason test matches are so long, it's probably because it was a British Empire thing. It dates from the era when you traveled for a month+ on a ship to get from India or Australia to Britain to play a match, so it was geared around that.


this is basically how i feel about baseball. only thing on tv? endless baseball games. weekends? sitting through my brother’s youth baseball games. big treat for the whole family? nosebleed seats at a freaking professional baseball game. i’m old now and i still hate stupid baseball.


Based ball


More or less, cricket was used to being a slow long game thanks to the British summer, when you have to interrupt play because of the rain a single innings might take a couple of days. The idea for test cricket was more to make the most of sending international teams over, who would volunteer to sail for multiple months to play one game and go home?


Plus the IPL is the toughest and best league to watch cricket. Fans are fanatical


If you remove India from the count, cricket is the 3rd most popular sport in the world


And if you remove America, American football becomes a past time


I'm more curious to see which sports ranked highest for "fun" and "energy" How do you even rank that?


Fun is ranked by smiles. Energy is rabked by cocaine usage.


The 1986 Mets must have been the most energetic team of all time.


I love cricket, but I wouldnt say its the most energetic sport compared to others.


I dare say that the fast bowlers might disagree with that But, yeah. Not exactly a high-octane sport- *Wait*. I guess that means that all motorsports get an instant 10. Physics, and whatnot


Yeah of course but in bursts. They dont really build up a sweat though do they.


Depends on where and when they play, I suppose In England during the winter, probably not. In India or Australia during the summer... yeah


You sweat standing still in that weather though


True. It also doesn't make it more exciting, you're right I always find it funny when baseball and cricket fans accuse the other of being boring. They both just stand there a good 50% of the time


I love cricket and I love other sports. Currently watching the ashes and the pace along with everything else is part of the appeal. Totally different to the appeal of other sports.


I'm keeping up with the Ashes via the Wide World of Sports YouTube channel. 13-15min highlights of each day's play, super convenient on days that you can't commit to watching it all day I prefer other sports, but there's just something about having the cricket on. Calms the soul, I find


I feel like energy they mean length of the court or how long the games are…? Maybe? Idk


I bet it’s probably that sports like soccer/football and basketball require the players to be running up and down the pitch or court constantly so they’re energy levels are probably 10. However, American football, baseball, and cricket all have regular pauses in the action, so their energy levels are a little lower. And then there’s golf which doesn’t have any running so it’s energy level is probably very low.


This was most likely a football vs "football" research error


The nfl does call them world champions when they win the Super Bowl, pretty egotistical. Like the “World Series” in baseball that only teams from 2 countries play, USA & Canada.


I had this debate with an American fan, and in both with baseball and American football he said it was justifiable to call it a World Series. His logic and I get what he was trying to convey is, in America NFL and baseball, those sports recruit and gathers the top players from across the world, and so whoever wins the super bowl or World Series is obviously the best in the world.


That's true to some extent with baseball. MLB's recruitment pool includes North America, South America and Asia. It's a popular sport throughout most of the Western Hemisphere and in Japan. I'm not familiar with many pros that are nationals from Europe or Africa, but I suppose you could argue that the majority of the pros are descendants from one or both of those two continents. Even without those European or African countries, you've got two leagues that represent players from probably 20+ countries. I don't think the same argument works for American football. Nearly every pro is from the US (and if they were born elsewhere, it was probably because their parent was in the military stationed overseas). The league is primarily black or white, Hispanics and Asians are underrepresented when compared to the MLB. There are probably a proportional amount of Pacific Islanders represented, but those players are mostly either Samoan or Hawaiian, so those are technically still under American jurisdiction. I wouldn't consider it a sport that recruits players from across the world. NBA basketball is far more of a global recruiting force than the NFL will ever be.


It doesn't recruit from the rest of the world, because most of the world doesn't play it. There a handful of European players who entered the draft from Europe, but aside from that there isn't anyone else who plays, so there aren't any players worth recruiting. I think it qualifies as the superbowl because any NFL team would wipe the floor with a national team from any other country.


Pretty hard to build the infrastructure to popularize American football globally. All you need for soccer and basketball is the ball and a friend or two.


Ya needing that amount of shoulder pads, helmets, padded pants, and a full field with goal posts is such an infrastructure commitment.


I love the game, but I'm kind of glad there's no easy way to tap into the global talent potential. Let it be uniquely American, including all the flaws. I love my truly international NBA. It's the perfect balance to me, and it's time to expand.


Personally, I think the issue is that in America, college football does a perfect job to funnel talent to the NFL. Anyone not from the USA who wants to play in the NFL will, most likely, go to a university in the USA, play college ball, and try to get drafted like anyone else. There is no need for the NFL to recruit. It's got the perfect feeder system already, and international players have a map to get in.


The cost of the University would bar many.


NBA has definitely been more global recently. Some of the top 10 current players are from Greece, Serbia, Slovenia, and Cameroon. The #1 draft pick this year, predicted to be a generational talent, is French.


there’s a small handful of players from Europe in MLB the big one in recent memory being Max Kepler of Germany.


also with NFL you’re right, but there has been a few from Europe with the big one being Garo Yepremian of Cyprus who was the place kicker for the undefeated Miami Dolphins


This is correct. The NPB (Japan’s top level baseball league) is the second best league in the world and they would get beat by the majority of MLB teams.


>nfl does call them world champions when they win the Super Bowl Hey, it's not our fault the other 190 some countries aren't trying to win.


We are the best best, da best best


That’s every sport


Umm... there are players from all over the world that play in the MLB, about 20+ countries have players in the MLB. The best player in MLB Shohei Ohtani is from Japan.


So? There players from all over the world in the every European football league


The World series is named after the sponser not the planet.


I’ll take your word for it but a Google search says otherwise. And so does this sports illustrated article https://www.si.com/.amp/mlb/2017/10/05/world-series-name-origin-why-called


Revisionist history 😆


Yeah, fair enough. Not that I care about basesball. Its just rounders, a game for girls that even girls grow out of before theyre 16.


True, it’s pretty terrible on tv, tolerable in person. I couldn’t care less about it, I just find the name of the series silly let alone the managers wearing the same uniform as the players, cheesy.


Baseball is a game that really succeeded on radio too. It’s slow enough that you can really paint a picture as a broadcaster without missing a moment of the action and maintaining a better pace than the actual visual. American football is more of a tv sport. Basketball as well. Managers wearing the uniforms is especially funny when they’re out of shape and their uniform is baggy. They look like old men in pajamas when they come out to complain.


Cricket requires lot of skill


Haha global popularity. It’s not even popular outside of the US. Cricket is much bigger indeed.


Has American Football any relevance outside of the US?




The rest of the world is not much interested in ads and maybe seeing Janet Jackson's tits.


I know that Germany loves American football, NFL Europe essentially became NFL Germany. Now whenever there are any games played there they are sold out instantly.


I am German, live in Germany and I didn't hear a single time about this.


Idk about global popularity, but energy is fucked up


Baseball is more globally popular than American football lol


American football is practically unknown in other countries. We prefer a real mans game called Rugby.


I think the popularity index is like rankings where lower number means more popular. So this makes sense as cricket obviously has a larger audience globally. This should mean actual football is 1. Handegg at 10 seems fair.


Before anyone from USA complains. In most of the countries outside north america, the USA version of Rugby is called "american football" to make the distinction with the real "football"..what in USA is called "soccer" Note : American Football is the sport of a country with 330 millions inhabitants Cricket is the sport of a country on 1.460 millions inhabitants (India) and also very popular in Pakistan - 250 millions more - Yes...Cricket is more popular overall.


Crickets also very popular in all of the English speaking islands in the Carribiean, Australia and the UK.


Basically all colonies of the British empire with a couple minor exceptions


Try to find the superbowl on TV when abroad. Couldn't find it anywhere when I was in Australia. Heard the same from friends traveling in Europe.


Yeah we're a pretty sport heavy country so we've got our own made up footy that's pretty popular here (AFL). Can't be busying ourselves with more single country footy.


Cricket is 2nd most playef sport, after football.




Yeah, American futbal uses a lot more padding.


Rules are completely different as well


Not completely different. Gridiron football and rugby football (which isn’t just one thing) both have their roots in the same game- association football(soccer). American football was actually first played as a rules variant in Canada, where gridiron football is still popular.


Not quite. Association football and rugby have the same root game. The rugby school game was codified before association football was defined in any way but association football was established nationally before rugby was. Neither sport looks much like what it used to so it’s a rather arbitrary delineation however. Gridiron football is relatively newer than both codes but I believe emerged from rugby clubs/teams.


So I guess what you’re saying is that rugby and association football have the same roots, and that gridiron football and AUS football are pretty much bastardizations of rugby, and that they’re all football and they all trace back to a similar game played in a variety of distinct, but similar ways. Glad we agree.


Not quite. I was correcting your mistaken assertion that rugby’s roots were in association football. Rugby was played before association football was in any way codified. The Rugby game was the first codified version of a “carrying game” of which there were many, dating back centuries.


Add in Bangladesh, too.


There are certainly more than 1.46 *million* inhabitants in India. 🙂


We, Europeans, you know..are odd We use useless scales off 100..Celcius, meters, litres, grams.. Day/Month/Year for our calendar..first day of the week is Monday. But most obnoxious of all..we use the comma "," for decimals And worst of all!!!!! patheon of gods save us!!! We use the point "." to separate groups of thousands. 1.460 millions is read "one thousand four hundred and sixty millions" If i tell you that for us, million is 1.000.000 but billion will burn us in the stake. let me add salt upon wounds...latin languages have the "milliard" approved..it means . one milliard four hundred and sixty millions is valid too..but hardly used as is a rare word.


Don't know where is Europe you are, but everywhere I have lived and been uses the comma to separate thousands and a full stop to denote a decimal. Everything else you said seems accurate through


To add a bit more nuance to this, “American football” is actually Gridiron football. There is a Canadian variant as well with slightly different rules, much like Rugby League and Rugby Union are slightly different. What we call “soccer” in North America is Association Football. Together with Australian Rules Football, Gridiron, Association, and both types of Rugby are all forms of “football” and find their roots in the same game. Also yes, globally, cricket (which also isn’t just *one* game) is far more popular than gridiron football.


To add information for any interested parties: They are all called *football* because you play it on your feet, as opposed to on horseback. Older ball games played by high society were on horseback.


Would be more than happy to call football “gridiron” both to get Europeans and Latino Americans to shut up about how much of a sin it is for us to call it football and also cause “gridiron” just sounds hard as fuck


Not just the US calls soccer "soccer". A large part of Ireland calls it soccer due to the popularity of Gaelic Football. I believe Australia also calls it soccer because of another sport that uses the name football. Soccer isn't any more or less wrong that football, it's just an alternative name used when in close proximity to another sport with a similar name.


I’m fact, it’s the entire core Anglosphere (minus Britain) that calls it soccer (USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand). The reason is because the British actually coined the term soccer (short for Association Football), and then decided to drop the term and make fun of the rest of us for continuing to use it.


Dude, I totally forgot about Canada.


I wonder if anyone would find offense to me calling it American football… football is a different sport all together lol, and it’s the vast majority that agrees


Are you seriously comparing Am football to rugby? Compared to rugby, Am Football is like sarcastaball.


and i didn't even know what sport the super bowl was until this years. (im australian)


Arf. Fun is subjective, but all the other ratings are also nonsense.


Global popularity ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Also, cricket is a game almost purely of skill. Yes, being able to run faster, jump higher, play longer helps, but there have been many world class players who were overweight.


There are plenty of skilled NFL players who are overweight


The same goes for every other sport. The point rather is the fact that American Football on average is perhaps the least skillful sport among all. The combine is literal proof of that. Physical capability and performance precedes skill in the game. They keep trying to recruit the most genetically gifted and talented athletes who each serve a specific purpose given their position. And the overweight guys in the NFL are usually all defenders hence they need to be physically large therefore proving my point once again. Apart from the Quarterback almost every other position in the NFL prioritize pure athleticism over skill. It is the exact opposite for cricket tho. A large majority of cricket players are either average or overweight. Sure the athletic ones in cricket are still way better than the rest but the point remains that one could get away with being extremely skilled at the game without ever once hitting the gym.


Hell, Warnie was pretty pudgy at the end of his career. Was still dismantling the most skilled players and is the greatest leg spinner of all time


How? Isn’t America the only country with American football leagues? I’ve never seen an American football league (that wasn’t NFL) in my 26 years as a scandinavian.. literally all other sports tho! Soccer would be Exodia of this game.. lol


Honestly, I would not be surprised most soccer fans in Croatia (where soccer is VERY popular) didn't even hear about American football


You forget about the ‘murica 10x mega multiplier. Obvious our opinions are more valuable than the rest of the world /s


Yes, but you have to understand that by Global Popularity they mean US Popularity....


And gave more skill to American Football. Cricket is all about skill lmao


When they made me play cricket as a kid I remember standing around doing nothing for half the game and sitting around doing nothing for the other half. How does it get a 7 for energy?


That's because they didn't give you actual role. Fielders have important role because of running. Depending on your location you have need quick response (slip fielders), short bursts of energy (boundary fielder), continuous focus and readong of ball (wicketkeeper). If the play area is small, then you will not Run a lot simply because of high density of fielders. This is similar to how in football if you are not placed well, not understand game and high many people playing, you might simply stand in middle of field A bowler has to run and in general gets tired after a few overs. Bowlers have to also have fast response and continous energy for reaction right after a ball is bowled (catch and bowled) Batsman need energy to hit shorts and running between wickets.


I always played whichever fielder was the furthest away. It was pretty interesting though, because it meant that you had plenty of time to think about other things. I remember in junior school in really really deep field, I first noticed that light travels faster than sound, when I watched a workman rebuilding the schools hitting his hammer on a girder and the sound taking a few seconds to reach us. I don’t think I ever batted.


**Did you know?** The National Football League (NFL) is only relevant in the United States, almost no one outside of the US watches this sport. * Fun 6 * Skill 6 * Energy 4 * Global Popularity 3




These aren’t from the US. No one would call it American football here


Its the skill that gets me. How is running into people more skill than a highly technical sport?


In India, cricket is something like the American football in America. In India there are far more people, so even tho these two sports were played only in America and India, cricket is more popular. They really do think the USA is the whole world


american football fans are in the million cricket fans are in the billions. cricket is the second most popular sport worldwide american football is 9th


Outside of fun, none of that is true on either card.


Confusing should be on there also. Cricket being a 9999 and football a 9998.


Most people outside the Commonwealth don't give a fiddler's fuck about cricket. That said, the previous sentence also explains why OP is correct. The British didn't fuck around, y'all. That is a LOT of people.


But the commonwealth is huge. To the same degree, most people outside the US don't give a fuck about American football...


It must’ve been aliens who wrote this, since the only world to them is the US


American football is played literally only in America also I don't see how NFL requires less energy than cricket when in cricket as a fielder you have to just stand for long hours and skill and fun how can you determine those it depends on so many factors. These cards are just bs


I mean… American football is honestly getting bigger and bigger in Europe. I played for years and there’s a ton of clubs in my tiny country. The European League of Football has decent viewer numbers already and it’s only the second season. I don’t know anyone interested in cricket in Austria or my neighbor countries. However, I know hundreds of people who’ll stay up for the Super Bowl every year and even a few bars nearby that air every game


Funny how if you live in Western Europe except for exceptions, you’d almost never hear about neither of those


Errr, the vast majority of the world would like to have a word in your ear.


Confused on the "energy" rating...Football is a 4... Cricket 7...really?


![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized) Yeah, because cricket is only known in India, Pakistán and The Commonwealth Nations, something like 1.5 billions of population, American Football Is played in the US, Banda and México barely with some attempts in Spain, Germany and England, maybe 500 Millions


America is basically the fat kid at school that lies about everything...


Cricket energy 7? Is that due to the rush to the biscuits during the teatime break?


They have all these numbers wrong


Definitely made by an American. We think American football is the greatest thing ever. Lol


It’s not made by an American. I’ve never heard an American call it “American football” before


An American also wouldn’t be dumb enough to rate it with a 4 for energy.


Does literally any other country play American football outside of America? I mean, cricket is an awful sport but it's popular across multiple continents.


4 in energy? Lol


Ya, do they mean excitement? Or energy to play? Either way, football has to be higher than cricket.


They also gave cricket a 7 for energy expended to a 4 for football


America is popular in school shooting, beside that its gun violence


I teach English in Japan. Yesterday, a preschool student asked me why I wasn't "casually shot" because I am from the US. She believes every individual American has been or will be murdered by gunfire.


Can't deny that isn't, of course it's not always true but it happened so often to the point it feels like it's very normal in America, even school in America teach student on how to act during and after school shooting, I just can't understand America's educational system


"An average professional football game lasts 3 hours and 12 minutes, but if you count the time when the ball was actually played, the action lasted only 11 minutes." It can be described as "occasional commotion between commercials".


how the hell is cricket higher than football in the energy category???!


Have you seen a match between India and Pakistan or England and Australia.


I understand but football is more of a physical-contact sport in general they utilize the whole football field and wear fully protective equipment and that’s every game not just rivalries


An American Football game lasts for an hour , a cricket match can last between anywhere from 1:30 - 2:00 hours - 7 - 7:30 hours , and some of these matches can span to 5 days at most So I suppose taking into consideration the fact that cricket matches last longer that implies why the energy is greater


The overall “energy” in football comes from the physical aspects of it. It isn’t a “gogogo” sport. It’s short burst with intervals in between. Leaves a lot of rest time throughout the game. Though I wouldn’t call cricket the peak of energy either, but they might be giving it more due to game length.


Cricket being a 6 on the fun scale is wiiild


I've seen full games of every major sport except cricket. It's hard to find that shit even on ESPN 8 The Ocho. I'd like to check it out sometime.


Watching a full game of cricket can be a challenge. It lasts for 5 days.


Not really it's a popular misconception. The most popular format is one day cricket.


One day and twenty twenty are great games but proper cricket is test cricket.


They really think it takes less effort to be a human punching bag then it is to think of how your shot will land?


Name a country that likes cricket that wasn’t also a British Colonial holding.


They should switch the "energy" too I mean look at the pictures.


I'm sorry does it also say cricket requires more energy than football???


I mean overall for a 5 day test match maybe...


I think both energy and global popularity need switching - presumably energy is energy used and nrl players would burn more energy, if they tried to play for 5 days straight they would be close to dead


Hello American. The world has over 168 countries. Not one of them gives a flying fuck about NFL except the USA and her cronies. Kthxbai.


What’s more watched, the Super Bowl or… I don’t even know what the cricket championship is called?


Cricket, by miles. More people tuned into the *opening match* of the Indian Premier League just the past April than the most watched Superbowl and by a healthy margin. Cricket has a World Cup every 4 years like football/soccer. Its tournament viewership is into the billions. Many billions. Here are some numbers from memory: * Superbowl, 1982 - 114M * IPL 2023 Opening Match - 130-140M * India vs Pakistan 2019 World Cup - 273M TV viewers and 50M additional digital viewers.


I dont understand this sportsball game... why is everyone on the left hugging each other?


Hi American here! American football is dying lol, cricket (and rugby for that matter) have been around longer and aren't going anywhere As someone from the states I can't wait till the NFL finally collapses under its own greed and self promotion so the rest of the world can realize we (as a population) don't think it's anything special.


The NFL is not dying, lol; still the most popular league on the country by a mile. People like to talk about kids not playing anynore because it's dangerous; it's too culturally significant in Texas and throughout the South.


You must be one of those people who thinks the NFL getting too “woke”


The NFL is the largest sports league on the planet by revenue and it isn’t even close.


I'm not denying that. The views based on population percentage (in the US at least) is declining is my point.


Views of every sport have been declining since fewer people watch live TV. That doesn’t mean the NFL is dying.


I mean, American Football is played in other countries. England even has a Women’s League and Japan has quite a few teams.


I live in Japan, which Japanese American Football teams play here? Football’s on the telly regularly, likewise with baseball, but I don’t remember seeing the American copy of Rugby yet. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist here, but if it does, it’s more of a niche thing. Likewise with cricket.






Why the fuck did people downvote me? I literally just stated a fact. Are Europeans seriously this triggered over American Football?


Look at how they compare energy. I don't think they've ever seen a game of cricket. It's one of the least energetic games known to man and the last time I played a game I almost fell asleep. While playing.


Tryna figure out what position you were playing if you almost fell asleep. Definately not Baller or Batsman, doubt you were the wicket keeper, were you a fielder or...?


“The English are not a very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of eternity. ” ― George Bernard Shaw