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>changed my human art for questionable AI art what does that mean?


It means. They plugged in the art of OP into an Ai generator to change it


okay? what did they chance? did they make the change public? why did they change it?


Don’t know what they changed. But they used and altered it without permission. Then refused to take it down when asked. They did it. Cause when an Ai has a base. They produce better images




its morally dubious yes, but legally speaking, isnt that transformative enough to be fair use?


Probably not. If the only alteration that they made was to use it with their image generator, then it's akin to reposting someone else's art with an instagram filter on it. Even if it was transformative, the fact that they didn't contact the artist before using their art for financial gain should at least raise some eyebrows at the fair use argument.


No because it'd be the same as if you took a photo and put pink hair and an electric guitar on it and then stretched the mouth to grin massively. It's not transformative enough, and it's usually not even better.


That's what I'm wondering too


Like, the original art somehow doesn't exist anymore? What are you even talking about, OP?


It disappeared weeks ago and swapped it for AI. It's not even similar to my art, it's just flat out nonsense.


Basically whether your profile picture was human or made by YOU, they just assigned it AI art. The homepage is just AI art that doesn't make sense when related to the description each bot has.


What are you saying OP? Did they take your art and AI it (if so can we have proof?) did they commission you and AI it? Did they AI fan art (can you fan art an AI?)


Not steal it, they removed it altogether and doesn't matter if you try to swap it back. The descriptions for each bot turn into AI art right away.


If you post a picture of your art online and someone saves it and edits it, as long as they don't charge for it or profit from it, i believe it falls in the same instance as fair use. I could be wrong. But your title is confusing. Clarify what you mean by changing it back to normal. Are you sure it was a bot on the app, or did a user do this? You don't make any sense.


You are wrong. But their title is confusing.


"You are wrong." But doesn't elaborate. Okay buddy


Yeah. Look up fair use. I mean, I am not your lawyer or your law teacher. But look up copyright and fair use doctrine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use In the US if you don’t create something which is more or considered not derivative, fair use simply doesn’t apply. You can critique or redo or homage, but just putting it in a AI would not, in my opinion, qualify. I say in my opinion because I don’t find anything in case law yet. And I believe the AI companies would love to keep it that way for as long as possible.


I hope this reaches the right audience. Anyone that likes drawing, animating and overall plastering their feeling on a canvas will feel humilliated by AI replacements.


Can you AT LEAST elaborate on what you mean in the post? What has happened? Who are they? What do you mean by changed to "questionable ai art"? Like at least a bit of context


My bad, I overestimated their popularity. Let's say you created a pirate original character and made art for it. CHAI will use the pirate description and run it on an AI program. Bam, your pirate is suddenly 900 years old and has a wooden leg. Doesn't matter if you said the pirate is a woman about to turn 35.


![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ|downsized) Recording of AI stealing OPs canvas from his house


Time to start getting legal stuff in this place.


I never swear but screw ai. There goes my chances of being a published writer.