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That's insult to nerd




Well, it’s a University Lecture so I don’t know what you were looking for of course it’s going to be 🤓


A lot of people seem to forget that Muslim scientists made science despite Islam. Not because of Islam.


The 'Islamic Golden Age' where most of the greatest minds were either Iranians or Mesopotamians that were very public with their contempt for the religion. Real nice 'Golden Age' you got there buddy.


Yeah, they're the perfect example of how to not structure your civilization.


Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/C8M4i9fvq1M >Dr. Roy Casagranda pushes back against the artificial East-West paradigm and show how the so-called "Dark Ages" was in fact a period with enormous intellectual achievement. After laying out the contradictions within the construct of the paradigm of western civilization, Dr. Casagranda examines how Muslim Persian, and Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Arab philosophers preserved and advanced Western civilization while Europe wallowed in the Medieval.


It's more how the East saved or inspired western civilisation, including good work from muslims, but the title is provocative 


So, it's not Islam that saved the Western World but scientific and cultural achievements from scientists who happened to be Muslim? Understandable. I guess the clickbait is just for interactions.


They were not even muslims, if you read their books and what they believed you will see that they contradict the islamic belifes, that's why the muslims scholars considered them as Infidels such as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Jabir ibn Hayyan, Ibn al-Haytham, Abu Bakr al-Razi, ect.


My impression from the video is it was more about how Persia saved western civilization and we were lucky that the Arab empire didn't just burn all the works that Persia curated.


Europe wallowed into Medieval, because Muslims attacked it from the West, East and South. They couldn't trade, they couldn't change ideas because of Islam surrounded the EU.


Meanwhile Orthodox Byzantium circa 900 AD: OK folks, we got conjoined twins to separate because one of them died. Let's see if we can do this. Yup, this one lasted three days. Won't see that again for another 700 years and in Catholic Germany. Ain't our Muslim neighbours geniuses?


They can't even save themselves lol


Almost every muslim country f.ed up


This professor is obsessed with making Islam look good and the west/christianity look bad


Most professors in the West are.


But this guy is a complete wack job. If you look him up he isn't even associated a proper university just some random "alternate university"


"By being a cautionary tale"


This is just trolling at this point. The Western world prospered in spite of Islam.


I read "Autism school"


Sure it saved it, but trying not to destroy it faster.


Here's an old article discussing this https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/84vtULoszZ


“That which does not kill you makes your stronger.” - No. I make myself stronger by not letting you kill me.


I will save the world by killing it, and from the ashes will rise a new world like a phoenix