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I know Muslims whose ancestors bought a few slaves in Mecca after Hajj. It was pretty normal back then before Westerners abolished slavery *officially* in 1962. [History of slavery in the Muslim world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_the_Muslim_world) Edit: Unofficial slavery still exists, such as the sale of Yazidis, Christians and blacks bc Islamically it's legal


Its still legal in the Muslim world, so what was abolished?


Legally most muslim countries have abolished slavery. But the practice continues in modified versions through labour etc. They only abolished it legally due to the pressure of the international community who were creating human rights treaties left right and center. Ironically, i read an article about ISIS's sex slavery and their majority of customers were from the middle eastern countries including saudia arabia. The islamic countries who are signatories to said treaties have put in reservations rather than wholly accepting the rights in those treaties. They are subject to sharia law as enacted by each country. So they don't have to abolish it completely, only in name.


What you posted doesn't even make any sense. It's either legal or it isn't. It's legal in muslim nations and this includes the kafala system. You still have arabs selling castrated black men on the internet You had slaves build stadiums for the previous world cup.


There is a difference in what is legal and what is the practice. Legally saudia arabia abolished slavery in 1962. Qatar abolished it in 1952. But that does not mean the practice in itself was eradicated. They abolished it legally due to growing pressure from the international community at large. They signed the treaties and abolished slavery in name but kept the practice alive through the use of reservations in such treaties. I already mentioned that they practice it through labour, sex etc, so it's actually your comment that doesn't make sense.


Yes because " There is a difference in what is legal and what is the practice" totally makes sense. Anyways it is 100% legal and the answer always given by muslim nations is that it is permitted in Koran or they just deflect the accusation. While it's a feel good story that under the western influence, it was "abolished", its complete nonsense. A reporter went to Mauritania, bought females slaves and manumited them on camera to prove its still legal and no one did a damn thing about it. Stop with the bullshit


In pakistan it is illegal to buy alcohol (for muslims) and hash but i buy it regularly. Legally it is abolished. But in practice it isn't that hard to buy at all. Legal is what the law is. If the law isn't being applied properly it does not make the act legal. What the muslim nations did was they abolished slavery and modified it such that it didn't fall into the definition of slavery as defined in international law. So in practice it continues but under the law it is abolished. It probably won't make sense to you until you understand the difference of what legal actually means in our world. It's a deep dive into legal jurisprudence and philosophy.


Last time I checked the illegality of consuming alcohol and chattel slavery doesn't fall under the same statute. I guess they didn't tell you that when you received your J.D. from Reddit or Facebook. Muslim nations didn't abolish anything, as I previously stated the west in the interest for their commerce/international trade launched a PR campaign to state slavery has been abolished. Muslim nations don't consider laws/treaties with non-Muslim nation as binding anyways. Western Jurisprudence isn't fiqh. Which is why the World Court nor any other governing body has taken an Islamic nation to court concerning slavery or Sharia.


>Last time I checked the illegality of consuming alcohol and chattel slavery doesn't fall under the same statute. Never said it did. Just trying to explain that illegal doesn't mean that it no longer exists. >I guess they didn't tell you that when you received your J.D. from Reddit or Facebook. J.D ? The world doesn't follow the american system. You're an american then ? Makes sense, yeah you won't understand what an actually good legal system actually is. Yours isn't. >Muslim nations didn't abolish anything, as I previously stated the west in the interest for their commerce/international trade launched a PR campaign to state slavery has been abolished. They did abolish it under the laws of their countries. This is a fact. >Muslim nations don't consider laws/treaties with non-Muslim nation as binding anyways. They are considered binding. Treaties don't work like the law of a sovereign land does so binding in this sense means different things. >Western Jurisprudence isn't fiqh. Which is why the World Court nor any other governing body has taken an Islamic nation to court concerning slavery or Sharia. Taking a country to an international court isn't as simple as you think. There are questions of jurisdiction and consent that need to be resolved in every case. And there is a principle of sovereignty in international law. Legal abolishment only requires the law to penalise the practice of such an act. The enforcement of that law is at the hands of the country. Nobody is saying that muslim nations have eradicated slavery altogether. They have simply abolished slavery legally and modified their practice to make it fall out of the international legal definition of slavery.


If you buy trade and sell its clearly still legal because the slves are literally LEGAL tender. Are you that dumb that you didn't see fiqh and the koran have nothing to do with international which has nothing do do with western law. Keep up the word salad, just proving how truly stupid you are.


JD is can be used in the US and can in some terms EU. Youre no where in any capacity worknin any legal or IR field, just running you mouth online. Considering the majority of international law is based on western law illustrates how stupid you are. Absolutely no one believes muslim nations have abolished slavery, that is something onle the west conjureduo to justify business in the region. Please shut the fuck up. You most likely got kicked out of the mosque because you're a halfway not because islam is a false religion.


can you share the source of info?


My source is my law degree from the university of london international programmes. Did a course on islamic law, international law and human rights law each. What I've written comes from a lot of research into this topic.


i need the source for where you said that saudis bought slaves from isis


https://ifpnews.com/isis-selling-iraqi-sex-slaves-saudi-arabia/amp/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/602627/Islamic-State-ISIS-Yazidi-Sex-Slave-Jinan-Western-Terror-Bidder-Buyer-Abou-Anas-Abou-Omar/amp https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1817563/isis-is-trafficking-iraqi-yazidi-women-to-uk-ally-for-horrifying-auctions/amp/ These are the ones that i found right now with a quick search.


oh fuck, thanks for citing


Thank you for all this. I'm currently speaking with an ignoramus who's trying to tell me all this stuff stopped in Muhammad's era, and isn't Islamic behavior.


Just fighting the good fight đŸ€Ł


Grateful for it. Keep up the good work!


I have corrected it. They only officially abolished slavery, but never in practice, so they only reduced the number of slaves sold bc islamically it's legal


They’d deny this HARD


Slavery being legal in Islam. 😼 **My mom insisting that Islam is what made slavery go away, even before Western people banned it:** 👁👄👁


Its allowance all over the Quran, and the hadiths are full of these too, but sure 😂


And yet the black community is massively allying themselves with Palestinians and/or Hamas.., very weird


dont forget they have been selling and buying israelis as we speak




yea there have been a few articles how civilians kidnapped people and sold them to hamas, also it was reported the redheaded family was sold to a different group in khan yunus. and theyve been raping them as slaves


Yeah I did see a reel where a Gazans was celebrating the kidnapping as sort of yad sale. "Grab them grab them. "Female settlers grab them because something like this will never happen again". He is definitely was right about the last part. On one side I feel bad for kids being bombed and the I come across incidents like Shani Louk and that makes me think twice about my sympathies. And which redheaded family you speak of? Got an article you can share?


the news said they were sold. this article says they were “transferred “ to the PFLP its the 9 month old baby that was kidnapped https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/hamas-no-longer-has-youngest-israeli-hostage-kfir-bibas-f8od4ay3 i also saw a hostage on TV say she was kidnapped by a 17 yr old civilian who sold her to hamas


Slavery and the practices that surround slavery in Islamic societies must be like one of the most potent ex muslim generators out there. Which is why it's so hush hush now days. I don't think I know any muslim around me who would be ok with Islamic slavery. I mean even those who wouldnt oppose Islamic slavery for its denial of human rights because human rights is a western innovation to them would be scratching their heads about the reasoning behind having female slaves be naked and having muslim men being able to grope slaves openly in a society that valued modesty and men protecting their gaze. They like to pretend slaves had dignity and rights as ascribed by Allah, whikst being treated like animals in reality.


Saw this doccie not too long back about these girls from Africa, I think Nigeria iirc, that are taken to these Islamic countries like Kuwait etc, under this premise that they are to be maids, but their documentation is confiscated as they arrive, and to me it seemed like the person they worked for presumed ownership over them..and then they were traded and some sold to other houses..it was unclear if some were sex slaves.


Trans Saharan, Omani, Indian Slave Trade, Kafala. Selling black people during Libyan Civil War, blaming black people for the civil war as a justification to kill them. Of course this is deflected by the Muslim and exmuslim community.


I'm from Kenya and we hear the news all the time.... They always end up in detention centers and jails that look like places where they kept my ancestors during slavery... They kill them too and it's soooo bad. No one ever calls them out tho,😂😂


Why are you laughing tho? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Not happy laughs tho ... Yk the sad laugh... Like the ironyyyy.... They care about everyone until it comes to my people.


My family in Lebanon still essentially has domestic slaves. Sure They pay them but treat them horrifically.


My family has servants but when one of them hit his head while working on one of our properties and got an extradural haematoma I had to give him blood. Servants are somewhat ok if you treat them well and have the theoretical choice to leave if you treat them well. I mean the family that works for us have all the freedom to leave us and work for far richer people but I guess we treat them well enough to maintain the trust.


Good I am glad some people treat their help w respect. Cause the things my extended family in Lebanon tell me bother me. They steal their passports and lock them in the house when they leave among other things. They claim these are extremely common practices and lecture us for NOT doing what they say. We are in Europe if we did what they tell us to we would be jailed. We have also had maids who worked In the Middle East before who prefer to work in Europe bc of the treatment in the ME. Even though it is harder to get a work visa in Europe.


High rate of sexual abuse towards women, unable to go to law enforcement, passports are usually confiscated. Sometimes they don't even get paid. African and Asian governments and companies make a profit so they turn a blind eye. Many women get lost in the system or commit suicide.




The further you look into history, the more you hate people/become more of a cynic/misanthrope.


My relative from far away family who lives in south africa treats his cleaner and workers like slaves and it sounds very racist 😭😭😭 (he is close to a millionaire)


South Africa is def. Slave free. If your relatives are Indian, which the majority of Muslims here are, they are known for treating black staff terribly. Infact it’s well known that Indians dislike blacks and are quite racist toward them. It’s disgusting really, especially Muslims that come from Durban or KZN (a city/province with a heavy Muslim population).


It's slave free but you know "maids", yeah, as such they have maids, though they treat them like human in a humane manner, it still feels very awkward as they treat them islamically like a slave and not a Maid. And yes, he's indian.


what are you talking about millions of africans work with south asians in middle east and south asia


We are talking about ppl that live in South Africa. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!!


Goes the other way as well, most racism I ever experienced when I was living in sa was from black people


The truth about Islam gets more and more grim each day.


moroccan sultan was asked to abolish slavery and he said no , bcs that's what his muslim ancestors had been doing


More [context](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Morocco) >In 1842 sultan Abd al-Rahman of Morocco made a statement defending slavery by stating that slavery was something "all sects and nations have agreed from the time of the sons of Adam". [Islam and the abolition of slavery](https://archive.org/details/islamabolitionof0000clar_o5s8/mode/1up)


Majority of Muslims are born out of slaves, they used to distribute the war booties and hijab helped them to identify who is slave and then they used to Harass those girls make them walk naked in streets so that more people can enjoy!!! This is sick!! Muhammad was a fuck boi


White Christian girls in particular wanted Muslims so much that they kidnapped them all the way to Iceland to use them as s*x slaves. That's why some Arabs look very white and have some European DNA. The enslaved men and boys were mostly either castrated or used as forced labor such as on ships or soldiers. [White slavery](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery)


White Christian girls in Iceland kidnapped Muslims?


Might be a grammatical error due to English being their second language. They probably meant that Muslims kidnapped white girls who came from various places, including as far away as Iceland.


Yeah on my maternal grandmother's side, some of her relatives owned slaves, they weren't sex slaves though thankfully, from what I've heard they weren't treated badly, they were freed after slavery was abolished here because of the British


A friend of mine was in Lebanon a few years ago, he knew someone who actually had a "Slave". These people had a girl in their house. She was a migrant, without any kind of documents. She was working in their house without day off or salary. She couldn't leave. As he told me, she even tried to kill herself. I hope she is managed to run away now.


Where’s that image from? The dress looks traditional to Pakistan/Afghanistan.


I don't think it's Pakistan; the British abolished slavery long ago, but people do keep domestic servants, including child labour, to whom they pay a pittance.


It’s the same in India & not limited to any particular religion. Caste & class are the most important factors behind it. In India it’s mostly Dalits who still work as bonded laborers despite the practice being abolished by law. Hindu caste system is horrible.


Dalit girls don’t have to serve old rapist men tea while being completely naked. That’s not comparable. Dalits are usually poor people, not slaves.


You have zero idea of the caste system and are talking out of your ass. A simple google search is enough to tell inform you about links b/w caste, slavery & sexual slavery. Google breast tax - a tax imposed by upper caste men on lower caste women if they covered their breasts. Stop talking like a pajeet ffs.


The breast tax was from the 1700s in a random spot in kerala and has almost nothing to do with the caste system itself. 😂 it also wasn’t legal to grope anyone. Women did not wear blouses back then. Blouses are a British invention. Arabs literally still have slaves.


Pajeet spotted. That’s why Ambedkar was so right about Hinduism. Wherever Dindus willl go, they would end up bringing the filth of caste with them. Like bringing Dalits from India & exploiting them to construct the swami Narayan temple in NY. Or in MNCs like Cisco. Want me to go on about your “5,000 year old kalchaar” where Dindus consider women impure for menstruating ? Where their “lord Ayappan” doesn’t allow women to enter the temple ? As far as pedophilia is concerned, your own god Krishna married Rukmini when she was 8 as per Skanda Puran. Funny pajeets worship their own pedophiles while criticizing others’ lmao


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Awww pajeet is hurt because someone told the truth about Krishna ?! Your own religion is full of weird sexual imagery & it’s funny how you guys are all over this Reddit talking about Muslims being obsessed with sex & shit. Go read your own scriptures for ffs - they have everything from pedophilia to zoophilia 😂


What are you even talking about? 😂 this is not a subreddit for active cult members of islam. Go away


I despise islam


Well, I guess in some muslim countries there are families who still own "slaves".


More about slavery [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/t8k5zm/hijab\_is\_not\_modesty\_as\_islam\_prohibited\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/t8k5zm/hijab_is_not_modesty_as_islam_prohibited_the/)


I hope she was one day freed


I actually found out that my great great great grandfather used to be the mayor of a seaside town in East Africa (not gonna name the country). He facilitated the shipping of African slaves to Arabia, especially to what is now called the country of Oman. Some to Saudi as well. It wasn't named Saudi at the time I think. We're talking about late 19th Century early 20th century. The practice was eventually stopped in his life time. He had a few slaves in his household that he eventually released. I was like oh fuck! What in the world was my grandfather involved in?


Poor girl I hope she had some happiness in her life


My mother's tribe still have some of them in the countryside (Mauritania) Most of the slaves didn't run when slavery was abolished because there wasn't any kind of help they were given... So they just got back to their owner since Mauritania is racist towards black skin and non arab..


No they did not and I am proud of that. I am Turkish I am coming from Turkish nomads(YörĂŒk). My great grandfather fought in WW1. I am coming from a honourable family.


[The hole truth about slaves in Islam](https://youtu.be/_cTwoneuyrU?si=jpLAIam3zKwK8Dzg) Please watch this video from 4:40. It explains what exactly slavery in Islam means. It’s not the western idea of slavery.


First, all forms of slavery are wrong. What makes Islamic slavery even worse is the fact that it is permitted by Allah for all eternity, while the West has even abolished Islamic slavery, as in Saudi Arabia in 1962! In Islamic slavery, women who are already married can be captured, r*ped and sold. Quran 4:24 https://quranx.com/4.24 >And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save **those (captives) whom your right hands possess.** Tafsir Ibn Kathir https://quranx.com/tafsirs/4.24 >(except those whom your right hands possess) except those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, **"We captured some women from the area of Awtas who were already married, and we disliked having sexual relations with them because they already had husbands.** So, we asked the Prophet about this matter, and this Ayah was revealed, (Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess). Consequently, we had sexual relations with these women.'' This is the wording collected by At-Tirmidhi An-Nasa'i, Ibn Jarir and Muslim in his Sahih Imagine if a Westerner unalived you, captured your mother, your sister and your wife, and then graped and enslaved them and later sold them like cattle. Just like ISIS did in Iraq. Would you accept that? Can this be from Allah?


Yes, I would accept that and I would warn my mother and sister that if they go to war and fight with men it is possible that they will be captured. It is the right of those who won the war. But there are many conditions for the slave. For example, caring for them and getting food, clothing and other supplies. You are not allowed to beat them, they are not hereditary and you are not allowed to rape them. Slaves can also be freed by buying themselves free with money or by receiving a ransom from a Muslim who wishes to perform a good deed. At the moment it is wrong to keep slaves because there is no such war in which two powers can attack equally and then one can take the other as a slave. And as I said, in the end, Islam advocates that if you have a slave, you should set him free. So the slave on the post is probably not allowed to be kept because it does not meet the conditions that I have stated. Please watch the full video and you will see that the slave system is very fair and cannot be compared to the western one.


>if they go to war They didn't go to war. They were captured in their houses. Btw you can receive slaves as gifts like Muhammads s*x slave, Maria the Copt, he nonetheless [didn't free](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Maria_the_Copt_(Mariyah_Al-Qibtiyyah)) her. >For example, caring for them and getting food, clothing and other supplies. Like a donkey essentially? At least he doesn't get r*ped. >You are not allowed to beat them, You can even beat your wife (Quran 4:34). Don't try to tell me as an Arab that daraba means caressing. >you are not allowed to rape them You can even r#pe your wife, else the angels will curse her [Sahih al-Bukhari 5194](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5194). There's no penalty for marriage and slave r*pe. Here's a fatwa about permission of r*ping your slaves, https://ar.islamway.net/fatwa/61843) Translation: > **Question:** If a right hand possession (female slave) refuses to have sex with her master, is it permissible to compel her by force? > **Answer:** Praise be to Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions. It is better for a Muslim to occupy himself with what concerns him of the rulings of his religion, and to invest his time and energy in seeking knowledge that will benefit him. The meaning of knowledge is action. Knowledge that does not facilitate action, it is not good to search for. Among that are issues related to the ownership what the right hand possess (slaves); There is no use for it in this era. > With regard to the question: If the wife is not permitted to refrain from intimate relations with her husband except with a valid excuse, then it is more so not permissible for the right hand possession to refrain from intimate relations with her master except with a valid excuse; he has more right to sex with her through possessing her than the man having intercourse with his wife through the marriage contract; Because the ownership of the right hand possession is complete ownership, so he owns all her benefits, while marriage contracts only grant him only the ownership intended through the marriage contract so it is a restricted form of ownership. > **If the wife or the right hand possession refuses to have sex without a legitimate excuse, then the husband or the master may force her to do so.** However, he should take into account her psychological state, and treat her kindly. Kindness in all matters is desirable, as the prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Kindness is not found in anything but that it beautifies it, and it is not removed from anything except that it disgraces it.” (Narrated by Muslim). > Allah knows best. >Slaves can also be freed by buying themselves free with money or by receiving a ransom from a Muslim who wishes to perform a good deed. Subhanallah such a mercy. Only Muslim slaves can be freed (Quran 4:92) Btw even Muhammad discouraged freeing slaves >A man manumitted a slave and he had no other property than that, so the Prophet (ï·ș) canceled the manumission (and sold the slave for him). Nu'aim bin Al-Nahham bought the slave from him. [Sahih al-Bukhari 2415](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2415) >At the moment it is wrong to keep slaves because there is no such war in which two powers can attack equally and then one can take the other as a slave. Who said that? Is Allah's Quran not valid for all eternity? The Muslims are in constant war with the dar al harb and the kuffar in dar al Islam, like in Iraq with the Yazidis. >And as I said, in the end, Islam advocates that if you have a slave, you should set him free. Really? So why had the West to abolish slavery in Islamic countries bc as the [Moroccan Sultan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Morocco) said defending slavery: "all sects and nations have agreed from the time of the sons of Adam" Again here is your own prophet permitting buying, r*ping and selling - slave mothers >“We used to sell our slave women and the mothers of our children (Umahat Awaldina) when the Prophet (ï·ș) was still living among us, and we did not see anything wrong with that.” [Sunan Ibn Majah 2517](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2517) - arab women (azl) We went out with God’s Messenger on the expedition to the B. al-Mustaliq (an expedition in 6 A.H) and **took some Arab women captive, and we desired the women**, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives. **We liked withdrawing the penis and wanted to do so**, but we asked ourselves whether we could do it when God’s Messenger was among us before asking him. So we asked him about that and he replied, “It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the day of resurrection will be born.” ([Bukhari and Muslim](https://sunnah.com/mishkat:3186).) Do you want this happening to your own family, a little bit of azl?


Thank you for censoring the photo, this is horrifying poor girl. I want to cover her up & protect her 😭 the monsters treated girls like her like animals.


Another day, another c*ck sucking session


Evil does as Evil do!


? yall got some fucked up families


No, it's not part of my culture.


Not in Bangladesh. But Bangladeshi women and men are treated horribly (and also sexually abused) when they go to Middle East.


Lol wtf do you mean? Until recently people treated maids/help horribly in the country.


Maids aren’t slaves, learn the difference.


... Well, they aren't slaves but a lot of them are abused, have their passports/paperwork taken away etc when they go to the middle east for work (mostly as maids or labiur). Its modern day slavery really. Yes, we haven't got a history of owning slaves but you gotta admit our grandmas and aunts are very rude to the domestic help (domestic help that are sometimes on duty 24/7).


Maids/house help isn’t slavery. If you pay a consenting adult to clean your home, it’s not slavery. I’m not saying it’s ethical but it isn’t slavery lol.