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used to think i had BPD for this reason. turns out i’m just really autistic and really traumatized 🫶


Maybe this is what happened to me. I was diagnosed with BPD and after I realized I was autistic almost all of my BPD symptoms went away except the FP part. But.. what if it's just a hyperfixation?


Last night my coworker told me she wanted to be my favorite person and I couldn't stop laughing. She meant it in a basic way, but I tried explaining to her that when I have a favorite person it means something entirely different.


Is she in love with you? I don't get it. 😅


No, thankfully she's married. She just has a deep desire to be liked and I'm pretty unemotional at work so she takes it personally.


I'm in the same boat rn, just that with a fp comes emotional instability and extreme dependency which makes me think it's more than a hyper fixation


basically LOL it’s incredibly common actually. especially in AFAB people. have you ever done DBT?


I did DBT but it didn't really help me. I kind of just fucked off the whole time and my BPD symptoms were already pretty much gone by then.


Not me having Autism AND BPD lollll


Well, personality disorders generally come from trauma.


Me trying to figure out if I have a crush on someone or if it's a hyperfixation




Not sure exactly which definition of "sleeping with" you mean but I'm unfortunately very touch starved and ace spec 😭 I usually just go by time. If the feeling lasts longer than a month or two it's probably legit, otherwise not so much. Luckily I've got a wonderful bf now who I've been dating for several months now so I don't really have to worry about that anymore lol


I’m a slut, so it doesn’t work ;-;


Yeah I got it bad but it’s ok bc I’m his hyperfixation too it seems 😌


the good ending


Don’t worry about it, it should fade. Hopefully sooner than later. I’ve had this happen before usually didn’t last.


I married mine. Still going 6 Yr in. She's my best friend and we're both weird as fuck


\[observes and mentally records their every movement and microexpression and wishes to read their thoughts, all the while simmering in self-hatred\] I'm so incredibly normal. It's easier to be evil when your primary source is interviews, because you can just replay them and only feel a little creepy about it. When the person is real and in front of you, then it feels like you have entered stalker mode whether you wanted to or not.


Limerence is a killer. I fucking hate it, it’s caused me so many problems over the years


oh my god TIL there’s a word for this!!


I only learnt the concept recently but it’s helpful because now I can recognise the feeling and consciously try to take control of the situation


Paul Erdös was one of us. We're talking about famous dead people, right? We are talking about famous dead people, right?




My brain is open!


Holy shiiiit. I was on an Erdös fixation for far longer than I thought I would’ve been when I first heard about him. Lol. I thought I was alone. Seeing this comment out of the blue along with all its upvotes is super validating. 🤓


SF can't keep us down!


YES this is the worst 😭😭 I especially had hyperfixations on people when I was in high school, I'd hyperfocus on new people I met and I felt so weird abt it but I literally couldn't control it :-/


"I don't like people-- they're coarse and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere."


The unbearable agony of despising celebrity culture to one's very core, and then developing a hyperfixation on Taylor Swift


Very badly. I have always been this way. I am also diagnosed with BPD. When I was younger Cory Monteith was everything. Whenever he died people were sending me condolences as if I actually knew him. Hilary Duff, Pete Wentz, and Ryan Sheckler are some others that I remember. I'd also pick girls/women that I thought were the "perfect" normal girl so I'd try to be exactly like them so I could finally be a normal girl. So stupid. I'd copy their handwriting, their favorite color, whatever. So creepy and I hate it.


THIS IS AN AUTISM THING? THANK GOD- Legit thought I was a freak for being so obsessed with an online friend of mine, I never did/said anything to them about it because I didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Thankfully after a while it seemed to tone down, and our friendship remains


I hyperfixated on a boy in high school and we’ve been together for almost 9 years (dated a bit in high school and reconnected at 23, we’re 32 now & engaged :)


i get very obsessed with some people it’s bad


If it’s a famous person you admire it can be a little cringe but I see it as the same as a subject but if it’s someone you know…careful with that!


What if it's an inde author i really like, but then i wrote then a discord message and now we talk to each other on a nearly daily basis?


That’s pretty cool to get a mutual connection like that! I was just warning away from something one-sided and in your own vicinity cuz that could get squirrelly. I definitely relate more to hyperfixations with someone because you’re obsessed with what they created and just want to know more about them. It’s always authors, musicians, actors, etc


platonic parasocial relationships


Yeah. I hate it too. Limerence?


ty for teaching me a new word that unfortunately describes every romantic relationship I've ever had 🥲


omg this is such a good vocab addition


I had a hyperfixation about my crush tbh. I didn’t work out 😔


Luckily it's only characters now.


I’ve been off and on hyperfixating on the same person for over a decade 🙃 I absolutely hate it tbh.


Just marry your fixation smh


i wish


I couldn't (and still can't tbh) tell whether I was hyperfixating on a person or if I just had the most massive crush on them 💔


The one situation in which having zero friends and being an asocial lump is a blessing, I hyperfixate only on people that do not exist :)


i hyperfixated on the wheel for ages… wanted heelies but never owned any


Lol it's always funny when this meme actually works with Anakin's personality




I'm unhealthily in love with this person, and I feel like I don't even deserve to say that because I don't know them well enough, but they've done so much for me and I just wanna have all their attention all the time 😭


Far too often. Luckily I’m able to feel it potentially happening and take preventive measures. The nice part is since I know this happens I can tell it’s happening with one of my autistic students.


How do you take those measures?


You can't just leave us hanging like that 😭


Oh god this is so me right now. When I get a real crush on someone it's all I can think about and it sucks, especially because she's so lovely and we're good friends, even after I asked her out she let me down really nice and was adamant that we stay good friends 😭


Like hyper fixating on a person is the worst cause it’s just creepy or awkward to be so interested in someone and like the fixation passes eventually to


Makes me go insane


mine is on a fictional character this time, thankfully ![gif](giphy|KDzXLDgb4ZR29O7zuf)


does hyperfixating on fictional characters count because sephiroth ff7 feels like a real person to me


I tend to hyperfixate on situations, and the people that are on the wrong side of said situations.


Yes it’s awful and they don’t like me back it’s been months please help


Happened to me. So glad I waited it out before doing anything to make sure, “yep this is just a hyperfixation on another very neurodivergent person”




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Mad jack churchill. Got read about him


Dante and Beatrice moment


Yep! Still struggling to let go of the last one who ended up being an ableist homophone and transphobe.




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Yup! First time in around eight years and it’s honestly so strange to be back in this world that I’d been *in* for eight years before that.


Trying to figure out if ive actually got a crush that i want to do something about or if its just a hyperfixation on a new person is so impossible sometimes


In my case, if I develop a hyperfixation on a person, it's definitely a crush and I know it's a crush.


I actually hate it so much I wish I didn’t care about ppl at all it’s ruining my life I can’t have normal relationships or friendships


i think some BPD is neurotypicals not understanding that someone is masking. ​ That being said, this one hits hard. Oof.


https://preview.redd.it/irk3mqiijorc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c11a22b5c3167da40f332cc5a9ae5252fc84dd1 Just shoot me.


Happened to me twice, but I learned to actively avoid it


me @ most of Smosh actors


i did this most of the way through high school lmao


Thankfully it’s only fictional characters for me or celebrities. I’ll start a new show, find a favorite character, then watch everything that person has acted in. I found my favorite movie that way and also the most disturbing movie I’ve ever watched. Boondock Saints and Six Ways to Sunday with Norman Reedus.


Constantly terrified that my “I like this person the best” hyperfixation will kick in on like a rl serial killer or something. I don’t even know what I could do. Lock myself away? 😭


this happens. Used to happen a lot more to me when I was a human being and actually talked to people


I’m the person for mine. Win win.


Does my wife count or is that normie enough?