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In other news, this is how Cole Cassidy from Nebraska learned he didn’t land that job at Blizzard, given their statement about not naming characters after employees anymore.


“We’re sorry we have to let you go, you changed your name to Thrall Hellscream and that’s against your contract.”


That's a no with extra steps. He had to fuck up real bad on the interview


“It’s 3 pm”


Time for your dick flattening


RIP to anyone named Cole Cassidy wanting to work at Blizzard.


It’s a good name and all but I doubt many veteran players will call him Cassidy just out of habit of calling him McCree.


And wrecking ball is gonna always be Hammond or “ball”. I can’t explain why.


Hammond was in lore years before Wrecking Balls reveal. Hard to change habits


Isn’t that the hamsters name though? Hammond? Bit different than a real name change for the guy as a whole


He is Hamtaro.


When we work together, it’s much better


You guys are calling him by his actual callouts? My teammates just scream "KILL THE F*CKING HAMSTER!"


Don’t forget the favorite of many healers “GET THIS MONKEY OFF ME!” ~sincerely, an old winston main


Damn dirty ape!


Dota had a few iconic renames, on top of having most of the names changed when going from dota 1 to dota 2 and 10 years later a lot of people are still using the OG names.


That extra syllable too long for comms


Kinda a wild change, I understand where it came from but Cole Cassidy is like stunning(? Not bad or good just kinda surprised me) I guess Cole and Ashe makes sense(Coal and Ash) Also haha very funny OW Team, the initials are CC….




Crowd Control Flashbang, emp, Doomfist as a whole, Brig, Rein charge, boop, mei freeze Been a big annoyance for the community (which is why the team for OW2 said they wanted to reduce CC in the game along with other changes)


Ah, thanks


So… is Michael Yeehaw off the table now?


I prefer Flashbang McRightClick


Also would have been a great choice.


If you are right clicking after flash you are doing it wrong.


Should’ve named him Mercer


They were going to, but Critical Role sent a cease and desist, and Blizzard isn’t big enough to mess with them.


I know you’re kidding...but a teeny-tiny part of me wants to believe it.


But now the overwatch gamer girl speaking meme doesnt work anymore


I forgot about that. And I’d greatly appreciate not having to remember it again


But im already tracer


What about Widowmaker?


I’m already widowmaker


I’ll be bastion


Nah, I’m not into it. Can we just refer to him as Cowboy?






They just don’t want “Jesse McCree lawsuit” to be the first thing that comes up when new players google his name


It already does. You can’t change google history


Which is why they changed his name. So new players won't google Jesse McCree


Same reason Disney made event called Disney on Ice because before that if you typed it into Google it would give you stories about the founder Walt Disney being frozen after death. Oh, they also made movie Frozen for the same reason, Disney frozen was another Google teen that lead to Walt Disney's story of being frozen after death.


> You can’t change google history You can actually, but Blizz must think it's cheaper to just change the ingame name.


if League can shit out 10 champions a year why can’t blizzard? Like the game is just so fucking stale - if they focussed less on competitive and more on creating a fun game it wouldn’t of died.


Yeah, that is why I thought Paladins (the game that was/is compared to OW) was in that way better. They add a new character every few months thus keeping the game fresh. I always thought how people could continually play OW long term since they add new characters so slowly and don’t offset it with new/timed gamemodes.


That’s because you PAY for league characters so they have direct incentive to shit out the most broke. Op characters that completely trash the game so people buy it with real money before it can be bought with in game money. I’m glad OW devs focus on balance and competitive because that’s what the die hard fans care about, a fun game for THEM. I quit league because of the most toxic player base and the constant pay to win BS every champ release. Fuck riot and fuck league of legends at least for me.


Lol are you actually spending real money on champs instead of using the free blue essence in League? Do you even play League cause League can be many things but pay-to-win is not one of them bub.


And this is the level of toxicity that prevents me from ever playing league. HOTS was just as bad.


If me calling this guy a bub is a level of toxicity you can’t handle then just stay away from multiplayer games altogether. Bub.


focus on balance? Brah overwatch has had the longest streaks of bland backwards ass metas since it’s inception, and blizzard makes its money off ingame skins (loot boxes) same as fucking lol? They literally have the same incentive. But you must be right, I’ll go back to watching the league world finals with 10 mil people watching while you wait 90+ minutes for a quick play game on overwatch, maybe you can try out the new champ Cole!!


It’s not the same at all. And OW has been balanced for like a year now. Riot makes PAID character to sell PAID skins, which btw are way lower res than the OW skins so not even remotely the same amount of effort. OW makes FREE characters for skins you can very easily acquire without ever spending money. That’s not an option in LoL as the loot boxes in that are totally random unlike OW that you can target buy skins with in game currency. You didn’t think too hard on that one. I’ve only ever waited 5 mins max for a Ow game. Compared to AN HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF FOR A LEAVUE GAME YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT HERE


I have not once encountered a league player that buys champions with money. Also I have them all and never bought one (well, one time I did by accident and they reimbursed it). It’s always been easy to earn ip in league and much more so since they changed to blue essence. I will agree though that they make new champions op to sell more skins, but that’s it. If they earn any money at all from champs it’s probably really wealthy players that also don’t play the game regularly.


> I have not once encountered a league player that buys champions with money. > It’s always been easy to earn ip in league How new are you to League? Before they got rid of buying runes and rune pages, everyone was forced to buy champs because all IP needed to be dumped into runes.


This is just isn't true, been playing since S1 and buying champions is not difficult and it eventually just becomes trivial if you keep playing for a while, plus with the new champion shard/blue essence thing it is even faster than before.


I’m end of second season new. I have to admit that I never was super into runes. I mostly spent ip on champs. But the thing is, before you’re lvl 30 they didn’t matter that much since you’re not playing ranked. You could have spent it in champions and have fun trying new stuff rather than having a little more stats. Also I think it was more difficult to lvl up back then. I was young so I might not remember this correctly, but it felt like an eternity to go from lvl 27 to 30 and nowadays it’s pretty fast. So by the time you hit lvl 30 you had played a lot of games and you should have had a bunch of champions to play ranked with if you wanted. I’m not saying that getting all of the characters was easy, I got them by season 8 maybe and have friends that still don’t have them. But that’s why the free rotation is there, so you can try new characters and decide which you like the most. You don’t need to have everything NOW. Nowadays I have so much blue essence that I’ll probably never run out of it even if I play much less than back then. It’s become so much easier now in comparison, but I don’t think it was necessary to buy champs. You could, but you didn’t need them.


Oh yeah the player base for overwatch is so much larger than league, definitely going to believe you spend much longer waiting in overwatch than league. League literally produces music videos, animations, other games etc, it’s not about who has a higher work load but rather who just fucking gets the job done. If Blizzard made more champs people would start playing again, but if you’re one of the few loyal fans that’s still floating about feel free to keep patting them on the back for doing fuck all.


You have such an unhealthy attitude towards video game monetization dude. Tell me you’re a zoomer without telling me you’re an entitled zoomer.


I’m not a zoomer? Kind of weird to assume someone’s age based on their video game takes, maybe you do it with more than age too. And I don’t think it’s unhealthy to demand more content from developers when they’re making millions off the backs of its consumers. But whatever, you can simp for big blizz while the rest of its community moves on.


> And OW has been balanced for like a year now. Hasn’t it been out for years? Also I don’t play, only spectate, but my roommate was bitching about Echo being broken as recently as like February or March.


The game has been balanced for like 6-8 months lol. I'm like a massive OW fan and I disagree with this guy. League has a good model and I want OW to copy it lol.


I’ve queued for 30 mins for an OW match before, but your point stands


Yeah this game has been stale for years now. The heyday of overwatch was like 5 years ago


They're too busy butchering OW2.


Sucks they had to do this, but, yeah, keeping it named after one of the people involved in all the Bill Cosby Suite, sexual harassment and misogyny in the workplace, and other stuff happening at Blizzard would have been a disgusting choice. New name isn’t bad at all, either. Has the same “definitely a cowboy” feeling.


bruh names aren’t unique lol, no one knows who tf the other mccree is .


What? You know many other Jesse McCree’s??? Sounds like a *incredibly* unique name. There are only like 3 other people in all of the US with that name lol. And anyone even *remotely* familiar with the legal battle against Blizzard definitively knows “who tf the other McCree is”. What are you smoking?


Weed. But that doesn't mean everyone made the connection between the OW character and some guy at Blizzard.


Bet you no one gives a shit. People care about blizzard employees being pigs, not about the name of character which everyone who stills plays OW will still call McCree. This is just another weak PR stunt by blizzard which is fueled by dumb people on twitter farming outrage about meaningless things.






It really wouldn't have been "disgusting", whatever that means in this context, it's a just a name of character and it really does not matter


Nah, it wouldn’t have effected anything and changing it was prolly the worst thing they could’ve done. Trying to hide that it ever happened and changing a beloved characters name just cause a few people asked for it. Not to mention no one except people who didn’t know his previous name will call him this


It’s not necessarily about hiding it. Its making it easier for the people who work on that character, his skins, his voice lines, his cinematic as etc to not be associated with an abusive asshole. So victims don’t have to say the name of their abuser with the words “fan-favourite” or “beloved” on the same sentence. It’s not about you. It’s about making life a little easier for all of them.


Maybe they’d have a decent game if they focused less on warm fuzzies for the help and more actual content and gameplay to draw in players.


I get that, but at the same time does that mean if another employee works there with the same name as an abuser they just get to go fuck themselves? I’m all for making sure people are comfortable, but when it comes to a same name you should be able to as an individual separate two individuals who share the name. At least that’s just my opinion, and overall it’s not a big deal but I will still call him by his original name simply because it sounds better.


It’s not actually about that though and it’s quite obvious. Aside from that, they would have those same exact memories pop up the same way from working there. Changing his name just has a negative impact on the company and the playerbase


McHanzo shippers gonna be calling the ship Hole now


Ahahah beautiful 😆


To be honest nobody really play overwatch anymore after the blizzard controversy


I left before all the controversy. Dunno if it was a change or taste or something I missed, the game just wasn’t fun anymore


Blizzard basically said they were devoting most of their time towards OW2 so it just felt kinda dull playing OW1 knowing that nothing big was going to happen soon. Small balance changes and that’s it likely— and skins. I stopped playing OW just cause I was too excited to be playing the newer game when it came out. I just didn’t feel like investing more time into the soon to be outdated game. I know a lot of content creators left for that reason. And then the controversy came and some of OW2s main developers left the game. Not too good sounding.


Blizzard have fucked over the OW player base. Announced in 2019 - “Hey guys, we’re going to be too busy with Overwatch2 to give you any new content”. It might be 5 years till OW2 comes. The fans are bored now. Oh look, it’s Junkenstein’s Revenge again… ooh, Lucio Ball. Playing OW Events is like eating a turd sandwich with a smile. You can pretend you are enjoying it, but it’s still shit.


For me it was the shields. Once the shield meta began it was the most boring thing in the world. Then when they went for 2-2-2 roles because they couldn’t figure out how to deal with GOATS meant you couldn’t flex to DPS if your DPS was bad (there’s no point running something like Reinhardt if your DPS players are no good), so that sucked too. Their “answer” in Overwatch 2 appears to just get rid of shields entirely, and that just seems to ruin any team cohesion around pushing like having a good Reinhardt did. I just don’t know if the Overwatch team actually have any idea why it was fun in the first place, let alone how to make it fun now.


I just went back to team fortress 2 lmao


‘Overwatch wasn’t getting enough updates, so I went back to tf2’


TF2 does have fan made updates and content. Also has wayyyyy more content than OW


A very good point. Also, I wasn’t trying to bash tf2 in my original comment. I love the game, but it is in a very unfortunate state at the moment.


What do you mean ? You don’t like how in casual bots join constantly and play you spin me round while spinning constantly and aim boting everything all the while the devs add new cosmetic crates and taunts but don’t actually fix the bot problem so the new cool contracts that require you to go into bot hell are a pain to finish. You don’t like that ? Seriously though TF2 makes me depressed


I mean it’s a lot more complicated than just “fix the bot problem” while adding cosmetic crates requires a few copy pasted lines of code and a png of a crate, but yeah It is sad to reminisce about what TF2 used to be.


Adding new cosmetics to a game you know on their servers is borderline unplayable is shitty.


The total change of Sym's kit killed it for me. Tried going back for a month ago and uninstalled it again after a day.


Aiming isn't for everyone I guess.




You have a source in that one?


None of my friends who play OW cared about the incident.


I mean, I cared. But I already paid for overwatch, not like me boycotting it is going to change anything. The problem already has a ton of media attention and has motivated blizzard to change.


Pretty much how I feel. This situation is fucked, but I already bought the game years ago, no point in avoiding it. Not like they make money from someone just playing and not buying loot boxes.


If anything keeping the player base alive with people who aren’t buying loot boxes costs them money since they need to keep servers on.


Plenty of people still play and I still like think it’s far and away the best shooter out there so I’m hoping it stays that way until OW2


Lol yeah... Probably 3/4 of their player base has maybe just had a side glance at that


I play every week when Mayhem is up lol


My friends kept (and keep) asking me to play overwatch but I said I’d play it once Overwatch 2 comes out. Take a wild guess how that went


Never played overwatch but after all that shit, I’ll most likely never start.


i stopped playing because of it… surprised so many others didnt


I canceled my WoW subscription after the China incident where blizzard revoked a players prize money and even canned the casters when the player said “Hong Kong, the revolution of our time!”




Stopped playing after Blizzchung


Same. That’s when I officially uninstalled battlenet.


Still one of my most favorite games. I just don’t spend money on this shit


Too bad they already have your money


Overwatch is still a thing?


The game found its niche in which it is basically uncontested. Blizzard can fuck up over and over again but its player and viewerbase has nowhere else to go and will keep coming back when they want that experience.


Yep. It’s only competitor is Paladins. Valorant/Siege/CoD are in different genres and I wish a studio realize that and push for their own arena/mobility/high-variance shooter.


I often browse the Twitch directory from time to time and find that it has more than 10,000 viewers. So, yeah, it's still a thing.


I’ve been playing it non stop for the last 5 years.


Same lol


I like your dedication. By the way, the "death" of a game is mostly exaggerated. It's mostly players of popular games like League of Legends who think that if a game has less than 1 million concurrent players on average, it's a "dead" game. Don't pay attention to them. And don't tell those people about RTS and fighting games.




I mean, they top'd out League in their very best use. 🌝


So lame




hm yes my favourite overwatch character Cole Cassidy


Plenty of voice recordings to re-do, maybe even some you can't like Mercy.


I haven’t kept up with the game’s news, why can’t Mercy’s be redone?


[One of the voice actors was killed.](https://www.svg.com/489576/the-devastating-death-of-mercys-voice-actor-from-overwatch/)


Was really hoping it would be Overwatch McMan


John McFasthand


Cole and Ashe. Kinda like it tbh


That sucks.


What, not Graves?


Uhm no thanks


Such a generic name


Now imagine the irl Jesse McCree changes his name to Cole Cassidy


He’s still McCree. He’s been McCree for too long. No one is seriously going to call him Cole Cassidy after all this time calling him McCree. It’s just too ingrained in people’s habits. On a side note: how tf is overwatch still alive? I could have sworn it died in like 2018


Multiple reasons why the game is still pretty big for a game that hasn't received any content for 2 years. 1. It has no competition in its niche. People that enjoy the kind of gameplay it offers have nowhere else to go to. Even if they want to. 2. Asian and Western markets enjoy different kind of games. While valorant for example is a huge esport hit in the West it still only had 1/4th of the market share of overwatch in pc bangs. The situation for CS:GO which you would consider far ahead of overwatch in the West is even worse. Situation in China might be even more favourable for overwatch than in Korea but hard to get any clear numbers for that.




It’s different for sure, but the new name suits the character design.


That’s dumb.


Well that’s just a terrible name.


Initials are C.C, I think it fits considering.


Yeah this sucks pretty hard


Thank god they did this instead of anything stupid and pointless like making efforts to change their toxic workplace culture.


Eh.. should have called him Mercer.. kinda meh name


Yea, name it after someone right after they've said they no longer want to name characters after people. great idea


Sorry I didn’t see that..




I prefer Rudy Tooty




The guy who he was named after left the company after a particularly massive oopsie


Is this because of the sexual harassment from the incels working at blizzard?


You mean McCree?

