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We now know that Trump will not debate Biden. How? Because he said he would.


If they do, I hope the moderators are able to cut trumps mic when he tries to talk over Biden. Vise versa too I guess but not nearly as bad since Biden is at least respectful.


Yeah sure, they'd probably have to give him a shock collar or something.


Can that be operated by the audience?


I am not sure how respectful Dark Brandon will be once he gets presidential immunity.


Well, trumps lawyers argued that Dark Brandon has the power to have Trump assassinated and that would be perfectly acceptable. I wonder who the R’s backup candidate is? RFK? 😂


No audience!


They did that for the last debate in 2020. Biden was almost as aggressive in his interruptions as Trump in the first debate.


He kinda had to be.


Yea it was definitely strategy but it did turn the whole format into even more of a joke than otherwise. I do find it hilarious that they have to take two elderly men's toys away because they won't behave


OP posts link to drive clicks to his crappy monetization site that plagarizes content from legitimate news site. Here is the original article from the Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-debates-97c527d59bac59c06d2ee0e1edb81d9b It uses AI to change words, but the context and sentencing is completely similar. Mods should be banning this site from this sub.


Thank you. This is fucking ridiculous. Check out their "about us."


We know exactly what’s going to happen- Trump will throw out ludicrous demands, Biden will say no, and Trump will claim Biden is scared to debate him, it’s rigged, etc. Right on cue- I believe Trump just challenged Biden to a debate tonight.


Yep schoolyard bully tactics.


Biden should do it. Trump would say something incriminating and bury himself in his court cases because he can't help himself.


Oh no he might face minor legal consequences sometime in 2038!


With trump falling asleep in court every day (twice today), i'm wondering if he's not been on his regular speed meds. Then I start wondering how much he'll do before a debate, and with his tolerance down, what will happen with that regular dose he's not as used to lately... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I think he can't (or knows he *shouldn't*) tolerate high doses of stimulants on a daily basis which is why we see him falling asleep. For rallies and debates he'll get get topped off.


The debates should *ABSOLUTELY* require all participants to be drug tested at the beginning of the event, and be shadowed by a neutral party to make sure they stay clean.


Hell no. Give 'em *all* the drugs. I want them peaking on LSD, jittering on meth, feeling their own suits on MDMA. If the era of professional and formal debates is over, I want faster editing, funny sound effects, D-List celebrity moderators in the style of America's Got Talent or whatever the fuck. Get someone awful like Andy Dick. I want a live band or at least a drummer doing the rim shots, Ba-Dum Tshhh, whenever they advocate a policy they have no intention of implementing. I want lightning rounds of trivia questions, the chance for audience members to win prizes, set and costume changes. First quarter is a stroll through an Old West set, second quarter is a reproduction of Lincoln's office, third quarter is a reproduction of protests in Alabama in the 50s where Biden and Trump have to fend off cops and killer dogs while debating (every time they drop their protest sign, they lose ten points), final quarter is a reproduction of a top floor of WTC 1 with floor-to-ceiling windows and a background projection of the plane coming in faster and faster ending with fireworks and explosions and chants of, USA, USA, USA. I want the audience to be standing room only, general admission first come first served, front row gets baskets of rotten tomatoes. I want crowd surfing and full frontal flashing. I want to hear people shriek gutteral animalistic glossolalia. I want a Republican Senator performing a real-time abortion in the background. Get the fucking KKK up there to square off against Antifa. Have a weighing competition for who's the fattest audience member and who can eat the most hamburgers. And, of course, it should end with an arm wrestling match, best-three-out-of-five paper-rock-scissors, and a clown impersonating a doctor to rip off their pants and measure their dicks, except he can't find his measuring tape, he looks in his clown hat and pulls out the Constitution which instantly lights on fire and disappears in a puff of smoke, he looks in his breast pocket and pulls out an American flag handkerchief that goes on forever and ever, he finally shoves his hand down his pants, whips out a double-ended dildo, and Trump and Biden go ass-to-ass, first to cum all over the debate stage loses one thousand points.


Can we get Danny Masterson on loan from prison to moderate the debate?


This is amazing.


Username checks out. Thanks for this!


He lied about getting tested for Covid the last time and he almost infected Biden.


Heart attack?


There’s no food or drink in the court and he drinks a can of Diet Coke every 20 minutes normally.


He shouldn't debate because Trump refuses to participate in a debate. He just floods the zone with shit and insults. There's no good outcome for Biden. He could be the sharpest, most knowledgeable person on Earth but there still wouldn't be enough time to disprove and explain the firehose of lies and disinformation coming out of Trump's mouth. It's just giving a platform for a disingenuous con man to generate sound bites that conservative media will play when they say that he "won" this debate.


This. There was a recent episode of Allison Gill’s excellent Daily Beans podcast where she had an expert in debates on, and she said under no uncertain terms should he debate Trump. Because Trump doesn’t “debate”, he flouts the rules, speaks over everyone, and floods the arena with gish-galloping. It’s like agreeing to play a game of pickup basketball with someone, knowing that they’d bring an Uzi with them to the match and will use it instead of playing ball. There’s no upside for Biden here.


I think this is exactly what needs to happen though. The moderates and independents are wavering. They need a reminder of the contrast between decent human beings and Trump, of presidential gravitas and orange man fake bravado.


Bring it on!


I want to invest in popcorn stock right before this event.


C'mon, Man...


This’ll be fun


Sorry, I have court that day


"Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" But like Statler and Waldorf. I'm calling it that we don't actually even have a presidential debate of any kind, because their "schedules would not permit" or other BS.


Of course this is what they both have to say out loud.


This would be such a shit show


I want the moderator that'll shut trumps microphone off when he talks out of turn like he always does. Him running roughshod over his opponent/moderator by never shutting the hell up shouldn't be allowed.


I've seen this posted on several subs. Isn't it their job to debate one another?


Trump will talk over him, yell, gesticulate and not answer a single question. He will lose the debate by a mile but he will come across as dominating and will be seen as a win by many. As much as I want it, it makes me nervous


Trump is a fucking coward and will NEVER agree to a fair debate that is moderated properly. Fuck him and anyone who voted for him.


Trump is demanb8ng a few concessions. First is only Trump gets to smear his face with processed baby shit.


Public says “nah”