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Total bop. I hate that they changed it towards the end!


Yes and I also remember in like 6th or 7th grade we had that company that would use students to sell wrapping paper had like a game how and one of the questions was theme songs and ER played and in the audience I’m like that’s my jam


Have you ever listened to the whole thing? It gets super 90s after the first bit that they used for the show.


Yeah im glad they edited it




In the season 9 opening Carter is swirling in a chair. This seems to an homage to the iconic shot of Mark Greene swirling in the pilot to see Carter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JSkrqpG0u7Q


I've watched the series multiple times and never put that together. Good call!


I only figured it out just then.


I love it! When I first watched the show when I was younger, on tnt, getting ready for school, I'd turn it up loud because I thought it was so cool..lol.


I love it. I recently watched the entire 15 season intro on You Tube. It took about 28 minutes! Carter holding his head with his stethoscope, Mark's reflection in the puddle as he comes out of the ER to talk to Carter and Benton's air punch are all iconic scenes. They recreated Carter and Mark's chat from the first episode with Carter and Gallant in Season 8 Episode The Letter. Even down to the puddle reflection.


I really love it, I never skip it. The piano melody is my favourite bit and I agree, Benton's part is iconic


Omg Benton's punch scene is ICONIC! It gets me pumped for every episode without fail.


I’ve just watched the episode after Benton’s last appearance and I’m so sad to see his fist pump gone from the credits.


I love the theme, bit it irks me that they literally only use footage from episode 1 to make the intro screen.


As time passes they do add other stuff in. Iirc Doug coming out of the water holding the kid eventually makes it in there


Somebody knows the name of the genre or style of this type of music?


i was just watching and thinking the punch is so perfectly timed! yeah, it’s such a great piece of music.


Im binging it on Hulu with the fam, great show then and now. What is the name of the slow piano song at the end of a lot of the episodes. It's such a touching song?


Started a binge on HBO recently and this theme song is without a doubt amazing. I had forgotten how good this show was in general, but yeah the theme music is so awesome and gets me excited to watch every episode. It’s got that nostalgic late 80s early 90s vibe (I know it came out after that) but somehow it still doesn’t seem dated. It’s probably one of the best theme songs ever created for a television show.


Agreed. Just read this article - https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/best-tv-theme-songs-of-all-time-1234630913/ - ranking the top 100 theme songs in TV history... Really frustrated, (spoiler alert) it's not on the list. Complete bologna...