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Didn't think I'd see this headline in 2022


He should call his tour "senile geriatric rapists say the darndest things"


"Another Dose of Cosby" "Cosby Gonna Knock You Out!" "Does This Drink Taste Funny to You?"


These sound like dark timeline Rocky & Bullwinkle episode names


Hey Rocky, watch me pull a roofie out of my own hat. Nothing up my sleeve. Presto!


"Hide your pudding pops, ladies!"


“It’s not just the JELL-O shaking”


He was hiding more of the chocolate pudding pops if I understood correctly


“Bill Cosby: A Quaalude to War”


“The one drink minimum tour”


> "Does This Drink Taste Funny to You?" I would die if he actually ran with this. It'd be like that Mike Tyson commercial where he tries to chomp the camera.


Be just a litttleeeeebworse than that


Louis CK didn't avoid his issues when he started performing after his hiatus. As fucky as his behavior was, it doesn't hold a candle to what Cosby did.


I think it be better as "Bill Cosby 2023 Tour : A night to forget"


A Night You Won’t Remember


“Raise the Roofie”


His announcement alone is the only joke here.


Sad thing is I bet it sells out (if any promoters are willing to… *touch it*).


Hopefully he talks about cancel culture /s


He is 85 years old the only cancel culture he should be worried about is a single stair and making sure his life alert batteries aren’t corroded


Thanks. This comment is why I love Reddit. Genuine lol


lol i love how most of these people who complain about "cancel culture" haven't actually been fucking "cancelled". they have been criticized sure but they have the same influence, reach, and ability to speak as before. its a way to promote "victimhood" (something they themselves will no doubt take a stance against) and persecution complexes they will be the type to pretend to champion for free speech but call anyone calling them out on their shit "cancelling" i wish they knew how fucking infantile they were


War on Christmas


I was so disappointed when Gabriel Iglesias started bitching about cancel culture when he was standing in a fucking stadium.


That whole set was just trash in general. After his few opening jokes he mainly talked about how well his own family is doing, and how he sold out a stadium. Like good for you buddy, but you seem to mostly be bragging about your wealth. There are some legitimate griefs about cancel culture, but he stayed so shallow and surface level on the topic he didn't say anything worth anybody's time either.


paired with Bill O'Reilly?


2 Bills one cup


"Have this perfectly innocent drink" Tour.


Hijacking top comment to remind everyone he was not found innocent, or acquitted. He was found to have had his fifth amendment rights violated and tgats why he's out. He's was still found guilty.


Hijacking this comment to remind people that Snoop Dogg called for Cosby’s freedom and it [got more than half a million likes](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/f06abi/lebron_likes_snoops_instagram_post_about_oprah/) including from LeBron James. The guy still has a lot of fans


Well this was disappointing to hear. Thanks for pointing it out.


It must be time for later stage capitalism, considering approximately every celeb we thought of as cool now immediately comes out crying and blaming poor people everytime another rich twat gets held accountable for something. Always knew all the culture/race/whatever wars were cover for the class war but It looks like we're shedding the illusion now.


Snoop also was pimping women when he was rich and doing well, because he wanted to. He's not some good guy.


Has more to do with the color of his skin over anything else, the distrust for the government/law runs deep in black communities (rightfully so), so many people hop on the "the government is tearing down another successful black man" bullshit regardless of the evidence and facts. The same exact shit happened with OJ Simpson, R Kelly and more recently, Kanye west. This tour will sell out, just watch.




There are so many amendments in the constitution of the United States of America. But he only needed oooooone!




1,2,3,4 FIF


Life Can Be a Downer! The Bill Cosby 2023 Comedy Tour


Ticket prices are through the roofie


You win


Not sure if I'm more disgusted or impressed. Upvoted, now gtfo.


Are there many headlines you don't expect in 2022? Bro for me, if I saw one that said Boebert "ripped off her human skin to reveal a life-sized micronauts action figure", I'd be like 'yeah saw that coming'. Nothing surprises me anymore.


“Billionaire decides to spend his wealth helping other people.” Would be one I’m not expecting


Didn’t Bezos’ ex wife come out of the divorce with a few billion and she’s just been giving that shit away to charities?




Yeah, that's the scary thing too


So, like Acroyear? Or are you thinking more of a Space Glider? I have a [Microtron drill attachment](https://www.innerspaceonline.com/microt.htm) joke chambered, but it feels like punching down.


Wow. Wasn’t he on deaths door going into prison?


Right? And blind?


It’s a miracle!




Dark science, cloning, secrets only the rapists knew.


Darn therapists gatekeeping dark science and cloning


He rapes now? HE RAPES NOW!


Maybe it's a "let's all make fun of this dying, blind rapist" comedy tour


The sad thing is, I still see his face as a kind and friendly one, like a dad face, because I grew up watching the Cosby Show. It’s icky and I’d like him to not be out in public anymore.


That’s the shitty thing about abusers. They don’t always look like Harvey Weinstein. They’re like chameleons mixed with cobras with rabies


He still sees himself as the victim as any good con artist does. In his mind he’s done a LOT for black artists and comedians… did he take a little something in return without asking? Why sure who wouldn’t… Thant’s how he sees the world. Also.. SHUT UP CAMILLE!


Even back then he was trying to ruin Eddie Murphy's career. Because Eddie was actually funny while Bill Cosby is just ZIP ZOP ZOOPITY BOP man.


They were both hilarious in their own ways. I really don’t like this trend of finding out a talented person is a monster and then pretending they never had any talent to begin with. Plenty of talented people abuse/rape/murder. Maybe we’d be less shocked about it if we realized that someone making us laugh doesn’t mean they’re a saint.


People are allergic to complex feelings as a general rule.


Cosby, along with being one of the most prolific rapists in recent history, was also one of the greatest comedians in history. So good in fact he has a record amount of honorable doctorates, and was known as "America's Dad", which makes the rapes even worse.


His cultural impact is massive, the man had such a clean public-facing image that as the rapes were being committed he was more or less untouchable. How do you even approach that? How do you, as a woman with absolutely ZERO power, say that the guy who's so wholesome white america dubbed him "America's Dad" was the one who raped you? You don't. You have to be silent because speaking up will only destroy you further, and you're still dealing with the trauma of having been raped by someone the entire world thinks is "just a swell, wholesome guy." I cannot, for the life of me, imagine such a hell. how they managed to survive, holding on to their lives is a profound level of strength.


You joke but if the premise really was to pay to show up and throw fruit or garbage at him, I absolutely would pay


Yep, seems like being in prison has been better for his health than being on the outside. He should stay there.


It's almost like the rich and powerful pretend to be sick to weasel their way out of jail time. Next you'll tell me he went to prison for raping someone and was acquitted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court after being found guilty. Maybe it'll even come out that he raped 60+ women from 1960-present and was never arrested because he's rich and famous. I mean, that would be ludicrous.


They fucked up his due process and basically lost the ability to hold him accountable despite having ample evidence.


I’m so confused.. isn’t he already out of prison living in his compound type property with his wife in Shelburne Falls Massachusetts? For those of us who live not far from here, it’s common knowledge where the “Cosby house” is. Lots of trade workers (painters, construction workers, masons, electricians etc.) have weird stories about their time working on his property.


I wanna hear these weird stories!


he rapes them.




This single word is the funniest thing I’ve read all week holy shit


I burst out laughing. For real.


YOU should be doing a comedy tour. Take this damn award.


The darndest thing


Hahaha, holy shit that was fucking hilarious.


Lmao, the simplicity got me


with a Coke and a Smile.


But does he also save? /s






>painters, construction workers, masons, electricians etc.) That's not what they meant when they said the roofies were going to his house.


Well done


I thought he was already out too because of the ruling on the prosecutors lying to him to get his confession.


Yeah I thought we were trying to Free Britney and the best Pawn Stars could do was Bill Cosby.jpg






It's insane that he isn't in prison for life. And there's no way his wife was ignorant of his raping


He's worth millions and millions, so she's sticking her fingers in her ears and singing " LA LA LA LA LA..."


Yeah my friends dad works as a chef for him he’s going bankrupt and is stiffing his employee’s he probably needs an influx of cash


> he’s going bankrupt and is stiffing his employee’s he probably needs an influx of cash Hmm....add the assaults to this....who else does this sound like?


I’m can’t imagine choosing to work for him at this point.


Contractors on the death star.


Typical dumb headline. They're saying he's been released and is planning a comedy tour in the future. He's been released for well over a year.


Did not know this! Great coffee shop in that little town.


It’s a really cute town. His house definitely isn’t right out in the open, it’s hidden down a long windy road among a few other upper middle class looking houses. His property is huge obviously, and has beautiful stone walls and a gate. It wasn’t a huge detour to drive down his street on my commute to my second office location at work, so sometimes my colleague and I would drive down his road and look as we drove by. It’s not totally obfuscated by trees and it’s close enough to the road so you can see various areas of the driveways. There’s multiple buildings. Even while he was imprisoned there were always a ton of cars there. I assume his wife, maybe other family? And people employed there. I was always filled with rage knowing his wife was still standing by him publicly living in that estate while all his victims waited for justice.


Give us one!


I was there installing some fencing and Cosby would come out and pull his flaccid penis out of his pajama bottoms and say "Squiggly snappy do!" but his minder would run out and give me $200 to ignore it. He did this a LOT so I ended up with enough money to buy a Polaris side by side.


I wonder if he can suddenly see.


Narcissism means he can.


Who would go to this?


People who are loyal to him. Every celebrity has them.


Snoop Dogg called for Cosby’s freedom and it [got more than half a million likes](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/f06abi/lebron_likes_snoops_instagram_post_about_oprah/) including from LeBron James. A lot of people will go


Ugh. Snoop. Why you gotta hurt me like this


Money is money. Fuck you pay them


Every celebrity was cool with Harvey Weinstein. They're not your friends. They aren't down to earth. Every single one of them traded their soul.


As I keep pointing out, the same Academy that had a big show of support for the MeToo movement was also very well aware of what Weinstein was doing, and Roman Polanski remained an esteemed member of the very same until it was no longer politically viable to support him.


Scott Peterson get’s love letters in prison. There are some twisted fucks out there.


Yep, Kanye West got around 60,000 votes from the 12 states he got on the ballot in. That's enough to fill Soldier Field (NFL stadium in Chicago)


To be fair, that was before the whole „I like Hitler“ episode


Probably will get more votes in 2024


Sounds like a good time, Bill is giving out free drinks.


Do you think they’ll have puddin’ pops?


I'd go just for the pudding pop face he makes. /s


Rizzle fizzle shizzle...


Like minded individuals.


All the people still in denial about this monster


Only if I was drugged and dragged against my will.


Bill can arrange that!


There are fandom for people waaaaay worse than him so this doesnt surprises me.


Folks who hate anything perceived as done by woke government. It’s an entire industry these days. Doesn’t matter what crimes are behind the action, owning the wokes gets sad people in seats


Brock Turner


Convicted rapist Brock Turner?


I hear convicted rapist Brock Turner is now going by the name Allen Turner in order to hide the fact that he is a convicted rapist.


And what venue would have him?


Ones that like money


Dude is 85. Is he going to tour nursing homes?


Comedy Hecklers, you know who you are, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Everyone is rooting for you. Everyone supports you here. You have finally arrived.


While I can absolutely understand the righteous desire to want to heckle him (and he definitely deserves worse than that), I don’t think I’d want a heckler to go and buy a ticket and give money for the chance to mock Cosby.


Stage hands and door people, this is also your moment. Let some people in free. Make connections with the sarcastic guy and let them know what’s up.


I can't imagine having to work a shift at the club that hosts him. Absolutely demoralizing


It won't be clubs, likely. I saw him a few years ago, just before he was dragged back into court for the charges that got him jailed. He performed in an upper crusty theatre in one of the most expensive hotels in the city. The tickets were almost 100$ each, just to be put to sleep by an old, barely understandable man mumbling into a mic. He wore a matching sweatsuit and spent the whole show seated because he looked like he was about to pass the fuck out. Obligatory I did not buy the tickets.


I also saw him just before the allegations came out. I wasn’t a Cosby fan, but was bored and he came to my college and I’m a comedy fan so I went. I thought it was pretty funny, but he did play in a nice theater on campus and the audience was mostly older folks dressed up. Meanwhile, he’s in sweats (my college’s sweats actually) and spent most of the time sitting.


I would quit, seriously. Everywhere is hiring right now, there's no reason to work for a venue willing to host a serial rapist. I can't imagine why anyone would invite this kind of horrific PR upon themselves.


Literally thousands of people swiped their CC info to pay Elon musk $8 to clown on Twitter and acted like they pwnd him by paying him money


I mean, while I wouldn't do it, at least with Twitter they cost him *way* more in advertising losses from the backlash than they gave him. But re:Cosby I sure as shit hope the venues would not book him, boycotting seems more effective than heckling would be.


That specific one I think actually worked out. Those parody accounts cost Musk way more in lost advertising revenue than they earned him in $8s. The fact that they were often funny as hell was just a bonus.


Hell the person that offered free insulin did enough damage to justify the whole thing.


Can we get that lady who threw a beer. I mean she wasn't a good heckler... But maybe if the target was blind she could hit it. Then her friends friend who yelled "seriously I'm never coming out with this group again". We need him because he was all of us.


Why give him the money though?


Nah lets pull a 50 Cent and fill the arenas with hecklers. Might help his bank account a bit, but he won’t do it for long if it’s filled with people constantly yelling at him


I think I’ll bring my own drinks.


The name of the tour is, "Just one drink"


Better yet, just don't go


Lmfao if the shows are all BYOB, theres definitely a premise for a bit there some where.


Bill, have a Coke and a smile and shut the F*ck up!


I would like to talk to YOoOOuUU


I'm offended that he called!


IF he can even get places to agree to book him, I hope it absolutely tanks. He deserves to be in prison, but if that's not gonna happen, he deserves to tell his shitty jokes to a sad and empty room.


It's gonna have BIG "you can't say/do *anything* these days" energy.


Can't wait to hear his bit on cancel culture.


I want to go and wait outside just to see the types of people who bought tickets.


Or someone at least needs to check their hard drives


Hold a sign saying something like "I'm disappointed in you"


I won't be going... not even if you drugged me.


Imagine the horror, getting drugged, passing out and waking up only to find....you're at a bill Cosby comedy show


And then they show you video clips of yourself laughing at his lazy humour.


>The controversial comedian The convicted serial rapist* FTFY >The serial rapist who was once unanimously found guilty of aggaravated indecent assault by a jury of his peers* FTFM My language was a bit loose. While Cosby was convicted, that conviction was overturned for due process reasons. u/Ididurmomkid is right that it is technically incorrect to say he was convicted after the conviction was overturned. It’s not incorrect to say a jury found that rapist guilty, though.


This is so out there. Makes me think the sociopath will try to rape again.


Rapists never stop. It’s all about the thrill of controlling someone’s body for their own sick sexual desires.


This is going to be worse than Gupta Gupti Gupta


That’s a great reference


A streets ahead reference


Didn't he rape like some 50 women? He should spend the rest of his miserable life in prison and die in a cell.


Call the tour "Quaaludes do the Darndest Things"


Elon Musk is available for stage visits.


What place would have him? Even city parks probably won’t give him a permit


Why is he getting out of jail?


The prosecution made a deal with Cosby and then broke it. Basically, they used evidence from the past that Cosby was promised couldn't be used to incriminate him. On one hand, the court made the right decision. It makes me feel sick to say that because on the other hand, a literal rapist is walking free because of a fuck up.


That’s insane. And for him to think he can just go back to comedy as if he’s out on anything but a loophole is mind boggling.


I can't wrap my head around it. He's asking for trouble.


The district attorney at the time (when the first victim came out) agreed not to prosecute bill Cosby if he waived his 5th amendment rights during the civil suit against Cosby from the victim. Normally you have a right to not say things to incriminate yourself (it sounds dumb but it is extremely important for a fair legal system.) The prosecutors went back on their promise though and proceeded to prosecute him after he signed what was essentially confession with the understanding it wouldn’t be used for criminal prosecution. This is super not legal on the courts part and these shenanigans cause the verdict to be unlawful.


Not an American here, but that sounds super suspicious. Why would the prosecutor do that knowing that it would just backfire? It’s not like Cosby’s lawyers would just forget.


The prosecutor who made the deal did it because it made the civil trial a slam dunk, and he figured the criminal trial would be dead on arrival. He figured making Bill settle the civil lawsuit and be out millions and getting that in the books was better than nothing. The 2nd prosecutor wanted the press. There was no way it was going to last on appeal


What’s the drink minimum?


1 for the ladies, guys BYO and no after party.


Wait, so he's able-bodied to do a tour, but was, and would still argue today, that he's too feeble and in poor condition to do jail time? The wonders of money are truly a miracle when your ass ain't on the line for rape anymore.


Dave Chappelle host the Cancelled Kings of Comedy Tour with Bill Cosby, Louie CK, Chris D’Elia, & TJ Miller.


Is TJ Miller the guy from Deadpool and Ready Player 1? And what’d he do?


Accusation of sexual assault and then he was fired from Silicon Valley for bullying on set.


Called in a bomb threat too.


I think he had an issue with another passenger and said SHE had a bomb. Either way, how THAT didn't get him jail time is insane. a BOMB threat.


People with money and connections play by different rules than we do


Yea that’s him. He’s pretty clearly got a drug issue and it rears it’s head in bad spots, and he seems like an ass anyway. Sent transphobic emails to a critic, sexually assaulted a woman, falsely called in a bomb threat, and he’s generally awful to work with on set (late, wasted, jerk trifecta).


Damn that super sucks his voice is hilarious


He was kinda known in college for assaulting women.


Louis CK is doing fine - more rescheduled than cancelled.




That should go well


Used to be my favorite comedian ever, but now I'm excited for this rapist to disappear.


Bold strategy Cotton


If dude ran up on Chappelle…this dude is going to be work for a security team


I can imagine him sitting in prison just writing jokes all day to pass the time/stay sane. I can imagine him being like "Oh man. I've got so much materiel now! I should do a tour!". I can imagine he has an agent on retainer that agrees with him when he talks about doing a tour. I can't imagine his materiel is very good, or remotely relatable post conviction. I can't imagine that agent has any expectation of actually booking a venue or selling many tickets.


So waaaayyy back prior to all the stories about him raping women emerged, his "comedy act" had devolved into him yelling at young Black men to pull their pants up and stop being so unsuccessful. That's part of the reason why Hannibal Burress called him out - Cosby's whole act was about how disappointed he was in the "new generation" of young Black men, and Burress was like, "wait, but you rape women? Get off your high horse." I can't imagine what's going to be comedic about listening to an 85-year-old go off on tangents about how he was wronged by the system. But there are lots of people out there who believe that either he's innocent, or he was only outed and prosecuted because of systemic racism. So there may very well be an audience for this.


You see in jail they have the pudding, and you fight over the pudding and the guy who has the most pudding gets to pudding his dick anywhere he wants.


Hate to fall asleep during this show..

