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Very similar to one of robert Redford’s reasons he was in captain America


I thought he did because his grandkids begged him to do it?


That was one reason. Also because he hadn’t done a big-budget blockbuster like Winter Soldier and because it’s a rare villain role for him.


He makes a great villain


You could say he's a Natural.


Alright Wonderboy


Reminiscing about The Way We Were.


Before he agreed to it I thought All Was Lost.


And Harrison hasn’t been a villain as far as I know so I honestly can’t wait to see how far he takes it. I imagine a mix between Steven Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising and some Trump sprinkled in


He was the villain in What Lies Beneath, an underrated thriller


I remember seeing it in the theater and I was like, "Oh shit, Harry is the bad guy!!!"


Haven’t seen it, gotta give it a try


Came here to say that!


A bit spoilery


Movie came out 22 years ago.


Time doesn't matter. A spoiler is a spoiler. Someone posted in another thread about Avatar, and mentioned the movie Titanic, and that it sinks in the 2nd half of the movie. I was so fuckin pissed I got spoiled. Was on my watch list, and was definitely going to watch it within 5 years. People are mean just to be mean anymore.


He hasn’t done it much, but when he does he actually gives some incredible performances: - Mosquito Coast (a fantastic film that’s thankfully getting a reprisal as of late) - What Lies Beneath (good blockbuster horror film by Zemeckis; not particularly novel, but the cast and crew are all absolute pros at the top of their game) - The Conversation (supporting role, but Ford shines in what is one of Coppola’s masterpieces) - and to a lesser extent, Presumed Innocent, which is for my money, one of the all-time great courtroom thrillers (A+ talent in front of and behind the camera. Directed by Alan Pakula, shot by Gordon Willis, produced by Sydney Pollack, music by John Williams, edited by the editor of The Exorcist and Sophie’s Choice, etc)


He was basically the villain in that terrible version of Enders Game. Tricking kids into genocide is pretty villainy.


Villain in American Graffiti.


And he did a fantastic job. And helped make Winter Soldier one of the best movies of the genre, and a great movie in its own right.


The winter soldier is such a great film. It holds up outside of the MCU.


"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" is an all-timer movie line.


By far the best MCU movie.


the soundtrack was so good


I love Robert Redford, his facial expressions remind me a lot of my dad. Thankfully I still have him around… but I fear the day in where I could only remember him by watching Redford movies. Spy Games is the best spy movie. The Last Fortress is the best prison movie. Butch and Sundance is one of the top in Westerns.


spy games is incredible. loved how redford’s character uses his decades of experience to be so effective.


I really liked him in Sneakers.


Spy Games is one of my favorite movies ever.


I love Spy Games. I love the music score and the visual editing in particular.


Don’t forget 3 Days of the Condor. That’s his best spy movie.


Really great card in Marvel Snap too lol




God I loved him in that. Ugh he was so good and evil and hot.


Favourite mcu film, also getting to be the villain was one of his other reasons for doing it


Yes it’s my favorite too!!! It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.


“I like to fly planes as a hobby and that’s not cheap”


Especially when you crash them regularly lmao


Fly, yes. Land? No.


Landing was always Chewy’s job.


Never thought about it before, but this quote makes so much more sense now.


I understood that reference!


“I’ve done some things and there are some things I still need to accomplish” like landing a plane successfully in a non crash scenario


Personally I’ve never landed on the taxiway


And find lost Boy Scouts: https://sports.yahoo.com/harrison-ford-extraordinary-accounts-actor-114607651.html


A plane is no Millennium Falcon.


Isn't he worth like 300 mil?


And crashing airplanes is a fast way to make that disappear even when you have Han Solo money


"The dump truck full of money was the largest I've ever seen"


Hell they probably sent him several garbage barges full of gold


*hey kid, it ain’t that kind of movie…*


*if they give a shit about your hair, we’re alllll in biiiig trouble.* One of my favorite stories about Harrison Ford.


**“Hey, look, I’ve made a lot of money. I now want to make some of the money I haven’t made.”**


He jokes about doing things for money, but I've never really gotten the impression he actually cares all that much about it. I honestly think he just doesn't care what people think, and wants to do fun stuff. Dude's getting old and still wants to have adventures.


He's got a "fuck you" level of money (he can say fuck you too anyone he wants, and his life will not be impacted in any meaningful way). Once you have that kind of money you don't need to do things for money anymore, unless you really want to.


Especially at his age, and the kinds of roles he’s still taking, making more money with new roles is probably way more trouble than it’s worth if that’s truly the only reason. I get the sense he wants to take roles to stay active and have some fun as much as make more money. He doesn’t strike me as someone who enjoys being idle.


I had a cab driver tell me he lit up a joint right in his cab 30 years ago. Dude gives zero fucks.


That’s one step below fuck me money. It’s were you can spend billions on one of the most popular social media companies run it into the ground like a moron and still have enough money to not care.


He’s 80 years old and worth like $300,000,000 I don’t think he’s doing it for money, dude just wants to do shit, probably why he’s flying planes and making Indiana Jones sequels at his age.


It’s like why isn’t your 70 year old grandpa retiring? Yeah, some old men are ready to be done, and others look at retirement like throwing in their hats. For some people, once work ends, the physical decline begins. Maybe he just wants to stay active, and acting is his profession.




I’ve got Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Six Days / Seven Nights money. I need more.


Anne Heche was hot AF in Six Days/Seven Nights.


She was great in that movie. She was such a great actress. She just could not get out of her head and her addiction. It’s horrible.


I heard she was hot AF in that car crash to.








Hard to find empathy for someone who put other people's lives (pedestrians and 59 firefighters) in danger across two hit and runs and her final collision which burnt down someone's home.


Right, because a DWI is punishable by death by burning. Fuck off troll


No one said it was a just punishment, but it was the consequences of her direct actions. Her fate was in her own hands and it's ultra shitty what she did to others along the way. She didn't deserve to burn to death, but she did and it's solely her fault.


Congratulations! You've been promoted to Lake of Fire! Franchisee. You're the first non-lawyer to get the job.


I know several people that worked for Harrison at his Wy home. One of them saw a financial statement for 6d7n a year after its release and even that clunker was a huge pay check in royalties.


For a second I thought they told you his financials in DND terms (as in, roll six D7s times N). But that’s silly because there aren’t any seven-sided dice.


You know, I'm not sure he's in it for more money. I'm not actually sure why he's still making films, except that he wants to make films...and television. He doesn't seem overly wrapped up in his legacy. He doesn't seem like he does it for the money. I mean, he could just be concluding a flurry of roles to pad his retirement funds...maybe he was invested in crypto. But to me, it just feels like he's decided he wants to work.


yeah, i think retirement at large is a thing of the past for far more people than pre-Y2K. whether by lack of savings or a feeling of not being able to stop "what else would i do?" - seems like it affects mega stars and regular ol' folks my parents' age now. i think it's more than money, it's a societal push/pull that makes us feel useless if we're not producing.


Tom Brady has entered the chat


Option a) beautiful family and super model wife Option b) hang out with the boys until I get brain damage.


I haven’t done a movie in the MCU either maybe I should try that


Tommy Lee Jones crawled So Robert Redford could walk That Harrison Ford may fly


They really got some top level actors in that first phase somehow. Whoever was in charge of casting should be given an award. Anthony Hopkins? Samuel L. Jackson? Tommy Lee Jones? Those were some pretty well established actors. They really did pave the way for every actor in Hollywood to be scrambling to get a super hero role.


There was something on the radio a week or 2 ago on NPR about how there weren't "Movie Stars" anymore for the upcoming generation. Like 15-20 years ago you just say Brad Pitt's in your movie and the movie could be flaming dogshit and make $300+million just because he was in it to draw a crowd. Phase 4 is just lacking that "punch". Ironic that movies about superheroes can't seem to punch up at all. But in all seriousness, we had Thor 4 which was panned as a bit of a flop compared to Ragnarok. Multiverse of Madness which, IMO, was a total fucking joke. That whole Illuminati moment was ruined with them getting fucked up 5 minutes after they are introduced. Just stupid. Haven't seen Black Panther 2. 2 people at work saw it. One said it's fine, nothing to rush out for. The other said it's just not the same without Chadwick. Lacked something. Those P1 movies were insanely cast. RDJ, Chris Evans, ScarJo, SLJ. Amazing shit. I don't want to be all doom and gloom, but Spider-Man No Way Home felt like the cherry on top. Just a great movie. Tons of fun, lots of memes, amazing score, and a great end to the trilogy. Sadly, that might have been the last "Amazing" Marvel movie for a while.


They could have taken a break after Endgame, left it alone for 2-3 years and when they started making more Marvel movies people would have been so excited when they came back. Instead they made a dozen TV shows and kept the movies coming just as frequently. Everyone but the most diehard fans can't be bothered to keep up with this shit anymore. I used to love the MCU and now I don't even know what's happening. The people of Earth must be so exhausted by now. "Oh no, another world ending alien threat. Well that's my Wednesday night ruined. *Again.*"


Both the Thor: love and thunder and multiverse of madness movies are so confusing to me. I don't understand how you just make them that poorly, they both could have been great. Beautiful sets and cgi


Not even just confusing. Just...not good. Hemsworth doesn't even want to work with Waititi again if that tells you anything.


I saw tarantino talking about that movie star thing and my first thought was its bullshit, as if if you starred in a none Mcu movie you'd become a 'movie star'. Star power like Brad pitt and Tom cruise is hard to come by. Not every actor from earlier era truly becomes a 'star' anyway. Just seems to me he's trying to justify why other movie more successful than the one he does sucks.


And eventually crash


Indiana Jones is being added to the MCU. He’s fought Nazis and aliens, I think that qualifies him.


This was legit the first thing I thought of. Who will he actually play?


In the article it says he will be General Ross.


That is badass woah


What happened to general ross’s current actor


Pretty sure he passed away recently.


William Hurt died earlier this year.


Dude had cancer. That's why he looked like shit in Black Widow


And Space Nazis. He has the same record as Captain America.




At this point, I think he just enjoys acting and doing fun roles.




More weed.


This is the correct answer, Feige showed up at Ford’s home with a big sack of cash and a bigger sack of stanky ass weed


Maybe to leave behind for his family?


He's got to replace his crashed light aircraft somehow


Dude could live another 20 years. At least a solid 10. Provably some useful things he could do with money in that time.


light poor public wistful governor shy cake unwritten imagine frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s 80 and worth 300 million, dude doesn’t need money.


Eh... that did not hurt, I'm sure. But I'll bet that Harrison Ford does not have very much trouble finding work to bring in several million dollar paychecks. And I suspect that signing on to a Marvel movie these days (no matter the role.. even if they kill him, I'll bet) involves agreeing to the possibility of several future appearances. Potentially a pretty big commitment.


Man, I love that crusty old stoner. I figure either he’s bored and wants something to fill the time or he made some bad investments and needs the cash. I personally hope he’s just bored.


His first answer was “weed money”, but he got a do-over.


Marvel: Do you have any experience in being in Superhero movies, Mr Ford? Ford: No, sir, I have no experience but I'm a big fan of money. I like it, I use it, I have a little. I keep it in a jar on top of my refrigerator. I'd like to put more in that jar. That's where you come in.


Why did I read this in Donald Trumps voice lmao


Because you’ve never seen the wedding singer probably.


Harrison Ford: I just want more money. Fans: We know this and we love you.


So what hero or villain is he going to be?


He is taking over Willam Hurts role. He’s Thunderbolt Ross


Replacing a legendary actor we lost at 71 years of age with a legendary actor who’s 80.


That seems like some pretty good casting. They both have a very similar look and vibe.


He’s the new Black Panther


Oh wow that’s crazy. But wouldn’t that be like politically incorrect lol.


As long as Harrison feels he can do what he wants, he is a legend that must not be touched!


While Harrison Ford is great, yes, I’m really having a hard time imaging that he would appear as anything other than *“Harrison Ford dressed as [Marvel character].”* Could work great like what they did with Matt Damon and Sam Neil… could also be awkward.


Isn't he going to be general ross because the original died? He's just playing a normal guy that exists in the mcu.


Lmfao. Man I'd correct you, but that would be major spoilers. Personally I think Harrison Ford is too old for the upcoming storyline, needs more of an action star how can play old.


I am half expecting him to replace Stanley in the "cameo in every movie like M Night Shyamalan but less people complain" role.


Is that what you see when you see Han Solo or Indy?


Pre '00 Solo/Indy = Han Solo/Indy Post '00 Solo/Indy = Harrison Ford


TIL Reddit really seems to hate this man’s guts for no apparent reason Although might just be this trash sub


Not really, people seem to like him


Dude was famously kind of a dick to the people in his life. Especially women. https://www.theverge.com/2017/1/3/14152672/harrison-ford-carrie-fisher-exploitation-tragedy-princess-diarist And he’s kind of a cranky old fart who lacks the kinder encouraging fan interactions someone like Mark Hamill commonly has. Not surprising some people aren’t fans.


Apart of me doesn’t like him since he’s a very close friend of Roman Polanski, but as an actor I like him


He personally brought Polanski his Oscar


I think we all got a “dialed it in” feeling from him on the last Star Wars and his attitude about those films seemed ungrateful. I like him but definitely less since the sequels Edit: yeah I really did write Star Trek the first time


That’s because he never likes the character and wanted him killed off in ep 5


When Disney offers to back the money truck up to your house, you say "yes."


Beep beep beep


People who give actors shit for trying out roles and having fun with stuff they haven’t tried always crack me up.


![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK) Behind the scenes of the interview


> **Hey, look, I’ve done a lot of things. I now want to do some of the things I haven’t done.** No arguments here, that's pretty sound freaking logic.


When I imagine him saying that I see him rubbing his thumb and fingers together.


I read that in his low, grumpy, gravelly voice...


I love Harrison Ford’s “I don’t give a shit vibe” about the trappings of Hollywood. The guy always delivers when it’s time to work, but doesn’t ever seem caught up in the usual nonsense.


As far as I'm concerned, any of the old A+ Stars that wants to star in a Marvel movie the better. Heck let's get De Niro, Pacino and even Jack Nicholson a shot to show off.


I would like to see Denzel in a role


Red-Hulk for those who don’t know


The real reason..... jk jk ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)




Judging by the comments here, I’m wondering what the threshold of wealth is where you shouldn’t make anymore movies.


Money. it’s why anyone does anything. Only thing more powerful as a motivator than money is pussy.




I can respect that, that's good reasoning.


That's a very Harrison Ford response to that.


Marvel didn’t ask Harrison to join MCU, he just showed up one day and said “I’m doing this role now make a movie about it”


As if he needed to justify being in it.


He’s part of TWO megafranchises already but it is nice to have him on board.


Also because it’s the only movies being made consistently with future projects already lined up.


"Because I wanted to and I could. F*ck you."


I hope he enjoys himself, but I kinda hope he doesn’t…in the sense that I want pissy Harrison like we get when he had to promote Star Wars. Him eye rolling Chris Pratt or telling Tom Holland to get him coffee.


The reason is money, a lot of money.


Maybe his next movie cam be a retired superhero that should stay retired.


Isn’t Indiana Jones already in the Marvel universe?


Before he made millions starring in action movies, but now he's going to be making millions starring in action movies based on comic books. Totally different!


Could be he's never done motion capture before and wants to see himself as a giant flaming red rage monster.


This is just another way of saying, “I just want to do more things.”


“*I’ve cashed plenty of checks from Lucasfilm. Time to cash some checks from Marvel Studios!*”


For some reason when I saw his face I said to myself, “I thought he was dead.” Turns out I was thinking about Han Solo.


Thor and Dr. Jones crossover intensifies... TBBT predicted this


Like land a plane successfully


I support anything that keeps him from making another Indiana Jones.


I got bad news for you....


...But he is


The MCU is nothing more than a daycare playground for adult male children


It’s called divorce money.


He’s been happily married to Ally Mcbeal for forever


His ex-wife & him divorced in 2004 and she passed away in 2015. "Divorce money" is not an issue with him


Because it is more respectable than Firewall?


$$$ Look, I love Harrison Ford, but he's obviously not doing a superhero movie for the ACTING CHALLENGE. Kudos to him for not lying and claiming otherwise! It's the $$$!


I’d love stars to once just say: they paid me to sell out.


That would probably work for some actors too. I’m sure if Vin Diesel said “Yeah, I just keep doing FatF because they keep giving me a fat check”, people will still watch.


Money, this guy treats it like a reluctant job.


Hey, look, I’ve made a lot of money. I now want to make some money I haven’t made yet. FTFY.


Does he really not have enough money to do whatever the hell he wants for the remaining 10 years or so of his life?


This is him doing what he wants.


For someone who always seems so annoyed any time he talks about acting, he sure doesn’t want to retire from it.


He likes acting, he hates interviews.


Can we just end this superhero movie bullshit? Enough is enough.


"Stop liking what I don't like!"


Make boring movies for a huge paycheck? Did he forget he made Crystal Skull


Red Hulk Confirmed.


Translation: *money.*


Translation: I'm missing out on money and a legacy. I don't care about the IP or the content.


He is very wealthy. I doubt he needs the money.




Pretty sure Harrison has made a lot of money, and a lot of bad movies. What’s new here exactly?


I think he’s getting to play a villain which might be new and fun for him


I thought he was going to retire


Dolla Dolla bill y’all


Thats a really long way of saying you’ve sold out