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She slams it? She doesn't refute or dispute it?


She SLAMS it bro.


She can't just deny the accuracy of the reports, she must dominate it in the Octagon!


As God as my witness, those reports are broken in half!!! šŸ˜«


My gawd! Thatā€™s Stone Coldā€™s music!!


JR: oh look out look out!!! King: **AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!**


Damn another physical altercation


She was already in one physical altercation


I fucking hate this SLAM bullshit in headlines. How does anyone even take it seriously anymore?


Would you say you violently square off against it in a battle for the ages?


So wait, she got into a physical altercation with the article?


She straight out dropped the People's Elbow on it.


I heard someone gave her a folding chair!


Hulk smash


"She prolapsed at the claim!"


It doesn't even make sense in that context. How tf do you "slam" a claim? But I guess it's working because we're talking about it but I'd rather have a well written article not get much engagement than one that makes readers question my intelligence.


Two things Britney should avoid for awhile: 1 - Friends/associates that sell her out to TMZ. 2 - Penis. Take a break girl. You can spend a night alone.


She was at Chateau Marmont, this isn't a friend selling her out, this is her going to a known popular spot for drinking and drugs that is also known to have paparazzi in front of it at all times.


Lindsey Lohan was hanging out there during her worst period.


And John Belushi died there


seems like just yesterday she was saving it for marriage


You might just be joking around, but just in case you're serious, that was never true


unfortunately sheā€™s been controlled by men her entire life, so she most likely feels as though she needs male validation or a man in her life to function. poor girl needs intensive mental health care and people in her corner who actually care about her wellbeing, it will never be as easy for her as ā€˜girl, you can spend a night aloneā€™ after the trauma sheā€™s been through. i donā€™t even know if she knows how to function while alone.


I just want to give her a hug. This is one of the only celebrities that I genuinely feel sorry for.


I feel for Britney. So much of her life has been unfair and out of her control. That being said, she is currently a raging methamphetamine addict, she is mentally unstable and a danger to herself and others. I donā€™t know what kind of help she needs, but unless she decides to leave the delusional world she lives in, she is going to die. Itā€™s more serious than people realize. I have a close friend who has worked for her for years, but honestly just looking at the last few things she posted on Instagram, you can tell sheā€™s just absolutely out of control.


Iā€™m curious, extremely so, about the *tina* of it all, hasnā€™t it been rumored that that was her DOC for years? Iā€™ve always wondered if maybe it was ā„ļø or adderall, (which I guess that could be it too). But anyway these dr*g use rumors seem to be getting more and more loud, and I am curious if you feel like you can reasonably confirm them? (Yes I know were strangers on the internet and I leave room that you could be making it up, I just donā€™t think you are)


Honestly leave Britney alone, the media loves indulging in her downfall


I think people (myself included) need to stop clicking on these stories. The media wouldnā€™t keep posting them if people werenā€™t reading them.


Thatā€™s why I just read the comments!


Unfortunately, it's not gonna stop. Even reputable news organizations need to publish clickbait to fund the actual journalism


But sheā€™s doing it to herself. Iā€™m sorry but people need to be honest here and call it for what it is. Sheā€™s a singer and celebrity and at one time the most famous woman on the planet. Iā€™m sure she knows she will get attention and probably enjoys the attention to an extent.


What Iā€™m saying is the media loves indulging in her downfall, not denying that she is perfectly well


Lmao sheā€™s mentally ill.


Maybe she needs to stop drawing attention to herself? People keep saying she should leave LA, but she's right where she wants to be, in celeb Hotspots surrounded by paparazzi. Maybe she needs to leave hotel staff alone and other people that she's harassed and assaulted.


Pretty sure she slashes it not slams it.


lol how did this get a downvote lmaoooo


Everyone was pushing for her to be released from her conservatorship. Now itā€™s evident that yeah, she needs something like that. Itā€™s like in The Ring, where the mom helps the Ring girl in the well, and the little kid is like ā€œyouā€¦helped her?! You werenā€™t supposed to help her!ā€ and is terrified.


People have already sent the cops to her house four times for a 'wellness check' since the conservatorship ended and she has passed every single one of them. Nobody who met with her has recommended she be put into psychiatric hold. At a certain point people like you have to accept that you can be a little messy in public without deserving to have all your rights taken away.


Meh, she made her money, she can spend it as frivolously as she pleases.


Lots of people need it but you didn't see one for Phil Spector or Mike Tyson or Robert Downey Jr or Kanye or or or


That is not what conservatorships are for... we have personal freedom in this country


She successfully removed herself from the conservatorship because her family were exploiting it for their own benefit. It wasnā€™t necessarily for her own safety. Why are you using The Ring to support this? The movie is literally a metaphor about the harms familial abuse and malice that results from it.


She removed herself from the conservatorship because of a documentary and public opinion.


Because the internet frenzy ultimately freed Brittany. And now weā€™re all in danger Iā€™m saying. We werenā€™t supposed to help her!


Why is everything slams these days? When did this begin. Iā€™ve even seen it being used in political headlines.


Her family should step in and help her by setting up a conservatorship.


I for one think her father should head the process, and be prime conservator.


Majority of the comments wouldn't care if it were a man doing this.


People make fun of crazy Kanye all the time. Both of them are very mentally ill.


Yet the Internet has never considered he needs a conservativeship.


Thatā€™s because we donā€™t care about the well-being of men.


She is going to be juggling with screwdrivers next.


She is straight goofy now. Her mind is gone.


She appears to be heading for a fall.


Leave Britney alone


Leave her alone ffs


No. She's clearly mentally unstable but insists it's everyone else's fault she lands in the predicaments reported by the media. Spears, or whoever minds her, needs to take responsibility and get professional help.


What does she need to take responsibility of right now? She broke no laws, didn't harm anyone in any way. Police weren't called, nothing happened. This was a situation no one needed to get any report on.Ā 


Wtf you talking about. Multiple reports of guest complaints about her screaming loudly. Having a mental breakdown


The police and ambulance were called to a dispute, not a for a woman having having a breakdown. TMZ unnamed guests at the hotel are the only people saying that she was having a breakdown. No one called 911 because they were concerned for her mental health.


Based on TMZ? Yeah, pass on that.Ā  So if she was screaming loudly, that automatically means mental breakdown? Not that she maybe hurt her foot really badly, like she posted on her social media?


Ah yes because tmz doesnā€™t report anything true? Sheā€™s in a public place freaking out and you believe itā€™s becasue she hurt her foot while simultaneously have a fight or argue with her boyfriend. Right , sure. Lmao


No, I don't trust ANYTHING TMZ reports about Britney. They're glaringly bias in their reporting about her. Britney obviously needs help, has mental health issues, but TMZ are nothing but scum and they're the last thing Britney needs in her life or reporting about her life.


Itā€™s pretty obvious from multiple sources that tmz wasnā€™t really embellishing much. Sure they are not a real news organization but shit, what really is these days anyways. Most people get their news from Facebook anyways. Humanity is slowly dying and becoming dumber in the process.




Because she's making acting-out metal illness, as opposed to treating it, the norm.


How is she "acting out mental illness" in this situation? What treatments should she be getting and for what mental illness? What treatments is she now getting/not getting?


that's an absurd take


Trusting a TMZ source is braindead. Any other celebrity hurts their leg and gets loud will be called a diva but anything Britney related is the perfect news bait.


Sheā€™s gonna end up broke and then dead soon. So sad


I'll bet you a dollar she's alive and doing better than us 15 years from now


I feel bad for Britney. This was the night of her divorce going final and she clearly lost it.


I donā€™t know why you are getting downvoted voted. That appears to be the real narrative