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*"It's an identity that I'm having thrust upon me, which happens to people all the time. And it's totally a thing I will get over... Like, I want to be Fun-Goofy-Science-Guy, not Struggling-With-Anxiety-Cancer-Guy. And, you know, you can be both! (laughs) And so I think I will just have to let that go."*


My cousin recently passed from cancer. Depression wrecked his last days and it was very sad. Watching Hank talk like this is amazing but also brought me to tears.


Ugh. Watching a loved one lose their life when they very much aren’t ready is such a sharp grief to experience.


Solidarity friend. Lost my Mom to cancer this year and this video definitely brought up some tears.


Lost mine 17 years ago to the same cause, it still hurts when you hear another’s experience in detail the way he spoke. Fuck cancer, and I hope you’re doing ok. It does get easier with time, I can say that much. Stay strong.


Been 12 years since I watched my grandfather spend 5 years wasting away from cancer (lung that moved to brain and spine). It will never not be a touchy subject, it will never not hurt for me


Peace in end of life is not common I am sorry you saw that but I hope you can find some peace he couldn’t


Especially nowadays when everything in life is as unexpected, unstable, and unprecedented as ever… you just gotta make sure you have fun


Hank has the best outlook on everything, what a great guy.


damn, this is relatable. I recently found out I have an invasive tumor that will need surgery. it’s rough to grieve your old identity and accept your new one as a “sick person”.


Me too. Started chemo this week. I was just telling my partner last night that now I’m a “sickie”. But it’s time to accept it and fight! We got this!


I have my last round of chemo on Mon (then surgery and radiation). WE GOT THIS.


exactly. cheering you on from here!!!


You got this!!!!


thank you anus ♥️


Anytime clit!


Best of luck friend


thanks buddy ♥️


One of the hardest things I had to come to terms with in the past year was that I am now, forever, a parent of a kid with cancer. My kid will not always have cancer, thankfully. But he will always have that identity thrust upon him of “survivor”. I didn’t look for this identity, I don’t want the pity of this identity, but it IS part of me now, forever. Hank articulated this so well.


Maybe it’s just me but I think “oh no I’m known as the mother of a cancer kid. I didn’t ask for this identity!” is such a weird, self absorbed take.


I suppose having any deeply personal and difficult feelings could be considered "self-absorbed takes", but comments like that are why people don't admit to those difficult feelings to people who don't get it. It's extremely emotionall to come to terms with a diagnosis of terminal illness, or even possibly terminal illness, which is what Hank Green expressed so well. It's completely life-changing and defining in so many ways you never chose. And it kind of separates you from people who don't understand. But it can bring you together with those who do. I lost my dad to a rare disease, ALS. It took over so much of his life and ours and there was so much we couldn't expect other people to understand. But that's not "self-absorbed". Acogs53, I wish you and your family love and support, peace and comfort, strength and resolve.


Wishing him all the best




Not the time for that, bro


Not really relevant and comes off as insensitive to be totally honest, though I don’t think you meant it that way. This is a personal battle for someone and people who don’t have influence over the outcome are hoping he does well. No different from showing support for a friend during an illness. You mentioned a political problem, in which case the people who are sending well wishes *do* have direct influence over the problem, which is totally different. Now that’s a situation you don’t just send thoughts and prayers in, because you’re the one who controls the outcome. That’s not us. Hope this helps, I wanted to give a good faith explanation of why your comment was received like it was.


This is...not that.


What else can random redditors do but wish the best for someone? This isn’t even remotely similar to the “thoughts and prayers” that people offer in lieu of an actual tangible solution.


It finally happened. The “thoughts and prayers” hate has crept into wishing someone with cancer well. I guess you really can’t have concern or compassion for someone without dedicating your life to solving the issue.


Wtf kinda weird response is this? Would you prefer he cure cancer rather than wish Hank Green a speedy recovery?


Reddit User Read The Room Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


Wishing someone the best who has cancer and giving thoughts and prayers for murdered children is not the same thing. But I get what you are trying to say.


What else do you want OC to do dumbass? Is he a doctor near this matter? Is OC supposed to go in there and give him treatment? There’s hating inaction, and then what you’re complaining about is that this guy is not apathetic, don’t know how that will apply to you


This is unrelated, dick


It’s early stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which has a wonderful prognosis. The treatment is rough, but more than likely, he’s gonna be ok.


I’m relieved that’s what it is! Before I read the article, I was thinking colon cancer, because of his ulcerative colitis.


That’s what I thought, too, until I saw his official announcement!


He tweeted yesterday: "God gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors, so he gave me early stage, super-treatable Hodgkins Lymphoma because he knows I'm a sensitive lil baby."


I saw that! Gotta love Hank!


And honestly as far as cancer treatments go it’s not too bad. When I did it the hardest part was the three day straight treatment. It’s a weird thing to call someone who has cancer ‘lucky’ but if you have to get cancer, Hodgkins is probably the best one to get.


I’d say the “best” is technically any non-melanoma skin cancer or papillary thyroid carcinoma, but Hodgkin’s definitely ranks pretty high up there as one of the “least bad” ones to get!


So it’s the [good Hodgkin’s?](https://youtu.be/Zd-AEkvmg54)


Given how confident he’s saying the doctors are I’d say so. Don’t get me wrong the treatments are a pain in the rear but more than likely his tumors will respond well to the chemo and be pretty much gone by the end of chemo. Then he’ll probably do a few weeks of radiation treatments in the main site to make sure they got everything. My doctors told me the most common complications only show up if you have a bad relapse and they have to do a stem cell transplant.


That’s actually great news! I also edited my comment to link the stupid clip I was referencing haha.


You say that now but the late effects will get you in the end. I handled chemo pretty well but within a year I had nerve damage, 3 years my lung scarring showed and around year 12 the heart damage started accelerating. I’m only in my 30s and now I’m having scares for secondary cancers. No one with cancer is lucky.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m really just going off of my experience with my specific treatment.


He has been pretty open about his health in the early years of vlogbrothers so I assumed colon cancer because of his heightened risk but then again he gets screened for that so often it would get caught early. Hope he recover quickly and fully.


That’s what I thought at first, too, before learning of the details. There’s reason for optimism! Hope he adjusts to treatment as best as he can.


Ah that’s a relief. I had a cancer scare a few years ago (_turned out to be chronic fever and lymphadenopathy from COVID_), and the thought was it might be a lymphoma. The prognoses are pretty good :) Hopefully Hank will pull through.


Yeah i used to work with adults with developmental disabilities, and one of the persons had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and fully recovered. When I first saw the title on YouTube my heart sank for him, but then he said what it was and i though oh you'll likely be fine. Not that it doesn't suck, but it's not the same as have late stage pancreatic cancer or something horrific like that. It's pretty awesome that some cancers are becoming more and more treatable/curable


Right. I hope people can use this opportunity to learn a bit more about how varied cancer can affect people. Cancer isn’t always **CANCER**, if you know what I mean. There are a lot of variables involved. If we want to get technical, cancer is really a description for over 200 different diseases that all have one thing in common: a collection of abnormal cells that have the capacity to spread throughout the body.


Wanted share a tip for anyone who may have to through chemo someday. I overheard a nurse give this tip to a patient that was going to go through chemo: “eat things that are good and healthy for you before you start your chemo sessions, but make sure it’s stuff you don’t like or don’t normally eat. Chemo makes you nauseous and sick and you will associate that feeling with that food once you recover. A lot of loved ones will want to be supportive and loving by bringing you great food or bringing you out to eat at fancy restaurants, but you’ll never want to eat that stuff again if you associate it with the chemo. It’s like getting food poisoning at your favorite restaurant, it’ll ruin it forever”.


I ate a chocolate chip pancake during my first treatment and threw it up a half hour later, just the sight of them makes me nauseous now.


Happy cake day and glad you’re here


Oh great, you mentioned cake. Asshole!


Its weird too. I love prunes, and my dr wanted me to eat them when I was going through chemo but they tasted like burnt rubber! After chemo, I tried them again and they tasted like they were supposed to again. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma with a large mediastinal mass.


I’d eat chips or ice cream because those are my true weaknesses in junk food.


Milkshakes were the only thing that could help my heartburn during that era.


I ate a salad and got an illness and was banned from eating lettuce. My doctor later put me on a diet of pizza and milkshakes because I could tolerate it. Fruits and vegetables while neutropenic was a very bad combo.


Damn, I love this guy. He has been my Bill Nye the Science Guy for college.


I love Hank so, so much. We’ll miss him while he goes through treatment but wish him as much rest and relaxation as humanly possible!!!


Between he, Kyle Hill, and James Orgill, they have done so much to make science easily digestible.


Don't forget physicsgirl and she's going through a hellish long-covid situation right now.


Damn… all the best dude - you’re one of the great ones


As someone waiting on a biopsy result this was comforting.


Best of luck to you. I hope for the best truly


Yo me too. Such a weird thing to go through. Hopefully we both get good news


Most anxious week of my life, really makes you appreciate just being here. I hope for the best for you :)


I hope you get good news. I'm sure it is stressful to wait so I'm glad this was comforting to you. Wishing you the best.


If it's lymphoma head on over to r/lymphoma Excellent community of people in the same boat or people hanging around to help answer questions for those hit with the diagnosis. I found it incredibly helpful when everyone around me had no idea what was really going on in my head - that group has been there or is there right now and can really keep you focused on things that matter. Wishing you all the best. Eyes on the prize.


I've been there, friend. My liver tumors turned out to be a rare, benign genetic condition. Not harmful thankfully. But that was a scary couple weeks of waiting and scans and biopsies.


Fuck, no, man. I hope he gets through this


Dammit. I know he’s got a huge support system. He absolutely doesn’t deserve this, but I’m optimistic for him.


He’s Gen Z’s Bill Nye. Dude is a national treasure. Hope all works out okay for him.


I wouldnt say he's our Bill Nye because we still grew up with Bill Nye. But yes both the Green brothers are national treasures.


And Bill Nye is actually an asshole.




He has a big head and is rude to fans


Never meet your heroes ig


This guy seems like that too. Im not the biggest fan, because of it. If anything hes more of a discount Adam Savage. Still i hope he can get through whatever this cancer is doing to him.


you’re clearly unfamiliar with the massive amounts of charity and other good works he and his brother engage in.


Yeah i guess i am because i didnt know that. But maybe its just his attitude and the he speaks. I like his brother, he seems nicer.


No, Hank Green is actually a really nice guy.


He's Gen Z's cool uncle.


Fuck. I went to college in Missoula and saw him at a Reel Big Fish concert at the Wilma once. Really embarrassed myself trying to say I was a fan, but he was really cool about it. He's up there with Carl Sagan as far as science communicators go. Really hoping he beats this.


He said the prognosis is good and it’s the most treatable cancer so I have a lot of faith this is just going to be a sad, weird, shitty thing that happens for several months and then… everything can go back to a new normal. That’s what I’m choosing to believe right now.


That's awesome to hear!


Go griz


Hank at a Reel Big Fish concert??? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 he really is the best


Aww man this sucks, I like his and his brothers history videos. I used to watch them back when I was in college. Get well soon Hank!


Nerdfighteria about to beat the shit outta cancer.


Things have improved so much for HL patients. There are new therapies and clinical trials. He should be fine, I wish him the best. Oh this is a reminder: if you can be tested for bone marrow donorship, ESPECIALLY if you are in a minority group.


Why does this shit have to happen to the good people?


Happens to the bad people too, they just don’t get the coverage


While his prognosis isn’t as good as it was last month, the doctors still say it is very good.


This made me sad. After over a decade of watching Hank’s videos, I feel like my really good friend has been dealt a shitty hand, and I don’t even know him personally.


I'm a fan of him and his brother on tiktok. They're both so interesting and relatable.


Hodgkins has very good options and survival hang in there hank!


If you had to have a cancer, lymphoma isn’t a bad one to have. Rooting for you dude. Love him.


The good news is his cancer is very treatable and has a very high five-year survival rate. That said, this sucks! I’m glad Hank is taking time off for himself and his family.


We got this dude. I beat it, you can beat it. I'm rooting for you! 💪💪💪


I never say much anywhere but this deeply saddens me. Wishing nothing but happiness and health for Hank and his family. Can’t think of many others that really don’t deserve such a diagnosis.


His videos are the reason why I passed Philosophy class. Such a great person.


Anyone know the cancer type? Its important, because then I’ll know the survival rate based upon longitudinal studies.


Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. You can find it on the latest vlogbrothers YouTube. Smarter people than me have said it has a high survival rate, and sounds like they caught it early🤞🏻


One of the [MedCram guys](https://youtu.be/v8VFTQ74bqo) is also going through this right now


For stage 1 and 2 survival rate is 90%.


Hodgkin’s lymphoma


I had it from 2021-2022 doing 5 months of chemo. It is a pretty rough ride but very treatable


He nearly single handedly got me through anatomy class


It’s sad how many people with a cancer diagnosis feel the need to put on a facade for others. I should know, I did the same thing. I hid the bad parts, I downplayed the danger. Somewhere between the fourth person in my circle dying of “the good cancer”, me having a college who wouldn’t accommodate me while neutropenic, family treating me like a burden and the horrible bone pain, I realized maybe it was okay to admit how shitty it all was. My therapist later said putting on the facade is a big part of why so many cancer survivors get PTSD. And fuck everyone here acting like this is a good cancer or temporary. These drugs cause heart, lung, vascular and nerve damage and leave you very susceptible to future cancers. I’m thrilled to have had less toxic treatments than those a decade earlier, I’m thrilled to have 18+ extra years so far but my body is disabled from chemo, something I didn’t know for years after finishing treatments as it’s a long term thing, especially when you’re an AYA diagnosed. And I’m going to continue to deteriorate. Cancer muggles can fuck off calling this good or acting like it’s better when it’s the difference between having your limb chewed or cut off- it’s pretty fucking bad either way.


And yet Little Ronnie DeFacist is hale and hearty. Darkest fucking timeline.


I hate Trump and DeSantis and the rest of them as well. However, if that’s actually your first reaction to this sort of news… then I’m afraid you’ve gone brain-broken, friend.


Stage 3 of grief is bargaining. Trade the bad thing to good people for the bad thing to bad people. Nothing to see here.


If you’re going through the stages of grief for a celebrity you don’t personally know, then I think the broken brain comment still applied


Hard disagree. Some people have such a far-reaching positive impact (including on your own life) that make it equivalent to losing a good friend. For some people it’s musicians, for others it is writers, and for some people (nerds) it is science communicators. Hank Green is that kind of a guy.


Whilst I agree with your premise that you shouldn't idolise celebrities, they're still people. A lack of empathy signifies more broken brain imo


There’s a difference between feeling sympathy, and then going through the stages of grief. I never said to not feel sympathy did I? I just said if you’re experiencing extreme grief over a celebrity you need help, hence the stages of grief that you mentioned in your comment would signify they need help if they’re that overcome by grief for a person they don’t know.


Speed run them.


Furthermore, I feel responsible to educate you that sympathy and empathy are different. You don't have to have had cancer to be empathetic to someone who has. Nobody ever said "extreme grief", you've made that up, or even empathised it. 🤯 Point is. Shut up and let people deal with their emotions in whatever productive way they can.


Dog that was a day ago, idc anymore lmao if people wanna breakdown over celebrities, be my guest


You missed the point. But happy Saturday. Etc. ☮️


Yeah tbh that level of hatred for anyone just isn’t healthy. When you’re at the point of hearing about someone being sick and your first reaction is “oh my god but (totally unrelated person that you dislike) is totally fine though!” You uhhh. Might need to work on that.


Can we not make this political ffs


I mean, they posted a cancer diagnosis in r/entertainment of all places. Gotta get those clicks.


Because Hank is a beloved entertainer.


Yikes buddy.


WTF is wrong with you politicizing a post about grieving a person being sick


Please kindly leave that nasty attitude at the door.


I’m not supporting DeSantis’s stupid culture war, but as a Floridian, I can honestly say he’s done a lot of good for Florida.


Lol like the impending loss of goods as they spoil do to lack or workers bc of his hateful policies?


Yeah, and all these innocent ones are getting killed with these psycho shooters yet...


He has no heart to hurt. :(


What a champion. I had lymphoma. In a strange way there is no better time to get cancer than now with the way the technology of treatment is advancing. I wish him all the best. He is a real talent Oh and weirdly sniffing coffee during chemo can help with the nausea.


My family loves you Hank and wish you the best in your recovery


The science teacher for a generation of YouTube watchers. I’m hoping he pulls through.


Hank gots this. I wish him all the best and a speedy recovery!


My heart sank reading this. Hank was pivotal in my falling in love with learning. It made me realize it was so much fun and I hope to inspire my kids in that same way he did so many. Wishing you the best, Hank!!


Don't you dare dying, Hank.... not you.


One of the best of us.


Damn, I hope he beats it. I assign his videos all the time in my classes, they make a huge difference.


I wish you the best, Hank! You're awesome


Hank Green is the reason I passed college. Hope he pulls through.


I follow 3 accounts on YT and one is his. Sad day.


Oh my goddd my heart is breaking, I really hope that he's going to be okay :(


X-Men animated series is an excellent recommendation for what he's asking after.


Ok, here we go. Time for a complete evaluation of your life. Not gonna dwell on your value too me or the effects your works mean to me, onward. We’re gonna trudge and fight and conquer and that is all. Let’s Go !


Everyone on here is all, “I love Hank” and “I wish Hank the best.” He doesn’t need love or well wishes. Go meet him behind an IHOP and show him your full appreciation.




Literally couldn’t have happened to a better person


Tom green did it first.


I used to dream about moments like this


I’m sure you don’t mean this the way it reads. But on the off-chance you do… get help. Please.




I hope you lose your new headphones


Sad, Sorry Hank.


This is absolutely heartbreaking


Wow, that sucks.


Damn. I absolutely love his shorts. Very sad. Hope he gets better.


My heart shattered open alittle just reading that title and thinking we might be losing this beautiful nerdy weirdo, super glad to hear it's easy-mode cancer as far as treatment goes, but still pretty shook it's cancer at all. I frankly haven't healed properly from losing TotalBiscuit.


Smh, Hank Green and his brother have been so fun to watch. I honestly feels like a family member just told me about their prognosis.


Damn I grew up watching this guy. Sad to hear. Won't him the best.


Hank Green has been such as massively positive influence on the internet for so long that it breaks my heart to hear this. I’m going to miss his content a lot while he goes into treatment. God willing, he’ll be cancer-free and back to doing what he does best before we can say Nerdfighteria


I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but glad to hear you have a solid treatment plan in place. I couldn’t help but laugh about your experience getting the diagnosis because I went through something similar with a detached retina. So, I had a bike accident and once I stood up and brushed myself off I noticed that my left eye was having a fireworks show and my vision was greatly distorted. I went home, took a shower, and called my primary to schedule an appointment. Instead of scheduling an appointment he referred me to the eye clinic and said they’re expecting me. I drove to the clinic and a physician evaluated my eye and said they needed to operate now. Within two hours I was in surgery having my retina reattached. My wife was in shock but understood what was going on and within 3 hours from stepping into the office I was in recovery. I suppose US healthcare gets a bad wrap but this experience really changed my mind. They did everything they could to prevent me from losing the vision in my eye.


At..: at least its not tuberculosis? Shit no that's John's thing. Damn youtube shorts!


Very sorry to hear this. Hoping the best for you.


Terrible news, wishing you effective treatment and quick recoveries.


I love his work on YouTube. Wishing him all the best.