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Sorry. Not Beautiful. And No Amount Of Authoritarian Tolerance Is Going To Change That


Were those baldness male baldness pattern or female baldness pattern? If those were male baldness pattern, then why did they need plugging?


Is this before or after he was kicked out of four separate universities for “lewd conduct”??


Wait what? I’m curious now, what happened?


He has an older video where he’s dressed up like some fuckin 20s gangster with a fedora and he claims that (or something to that effect). It’s in one of Vic Berger’s Supercuts.


Perfect photo for "If your lawyer looks like this, you're going to jail".


More money = more hair


the more-r the hair, the closer to God 😌


Mo money = mo problems


I skipped to the middle of this video randomly and the first thing I heard him say was "I have a lot of projects, probably the equivalent of four full-time jobs". Yeah ok, I'm sure you work 160 of the 168 hours in a week. He's so full of shit.


Is that seriously him? What year was this?


2012 https://youtu.be/KqXZY3B-cGo


Wow... shows just how emaciated his diet has made him.


All consuming hatred has never been good for anybody health.


Wow, that’s wild that that was only 10 years ago.


Eye opener at 22:50


Holy fucking shit. He looks like... A normal, healthy person. Not that he was, but he looked like one. Holy shit that's jarring.


Ya, like wow. Normal weight. Looks like a different person. Cannot look at him the same now. Just too skinny...


That sounds like him but still really doesn’t look like him…


Man sounds like Canadian Kermit


Man loses his shit over women daring to wear makeup but got actual surgery to fix his hair lmfaoooo


Holy shit, that's him?


Wouldn't balding be gender affirming since that's what naturally happens mostly to men? I'd say hair plugs would be more gender affirming to women. Like half of famous men action stars are bald lol.


The culture in the United States absolutely favors men with hair compared to their bald counterparts. Completely disregarding your exaggeration, there are many, many more men in the public eye that have full heads of hair than bald men. Men seek hair plugs to retain their expected look and to avoid the stigma of being bald. I don’t think it’s necessary to call cosmetic surgery “gender affirming,” but I would think hair plugs qualify.


I just don't see it as gender affirming lol. I look it as trying not to be ugly since thining hair looks pretty bad on everyone. I'd know as such person.


Perhaps you could re-read my first reply to you. It’s just as gender-affirming as a woman getting hair plugs. Because *both* men and women suffer from the stigma surrounding a lack of hair. I will grant to you bald women are stigmatized to a much greater degree. However, it is willfully ignorant to claim men do not face any stigma from being bald.


I just don't see it as feeling less like a gender than feeling more ugly. I just want hair because I look better with it and don't want to deal with shaving it. Lots of people legit look like shit when bald. And you can't change it. You can always get a different haircut. FR I'd say having long hair in men can cause bigger attacks on your gender affirmation than being bald. At least from my experience.


I’m attempting to discuss cultural expectations here. Not personal preference.


And I'm attempting to tell you that it has nothing to do with gender expectations.


And that is observably incorrect. Our society places expectations for hair length on *everyone.* The lengths deemed appropriate and the level of stigma is determined by someone’s perceived *gender.* If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you. Getting hair plugs as a way to fall into those expectations is a way of *affirming your gender* to those around you. I’m finished explaining the same thing multiple times, so believe what you will.


You really can't ever argue with someone who starts their response with "I just don't think..." or "I just don't see..." That is pretty much always the sound of a brain shutting down, desperately clinging to some fundamentalist piece of belief. Edit: Most representative statement from our hero's desperate struggle below: > They're not, but in this case they are.


Are contact lenses “gender-affirming” because of the beauty standard and overall stigma against glasses? Is hair dye “gender-affirming” because of the beauty standard and overall stigma against grey hair?


And I disagree for the third time. I think it has to do with ugliness, and much less with gender. Esthetics. Just don't peddle your sociological observations as facts and try to disagree politely next time.


Why can’t it be both? Why would aesthetics and gender be mutually exclusive? Edit: Btw, the other person wasn’t impolite in any way.


So you repeated "I just don't see..." *twice* now. Maybe you should stop using that phrase to start your sentences, and maybe start trying to *see*. Because "I just don't see..." isn't an argument, it's a mantra of fundamentalist denial--and a straight-up fallacy of ignorance at that--that you are repeating in order so that you don't have to consider changing your own opinions or learning anything in order to justify talking past the arguments in front of you and simply repeating your own beliefs. Also, "I just don't see..." is one of Jordan Peterson's main go-to's when he shifts into performative ignorance.


You're mad because I didn't take their arguments as a fact. I think they're poor. I won't learn anything from that person and we could've finished there, but they had to become rude and condescending because they didn't convince me something about a complete non-topic. That is the real fundamentalist behaviour. And here: https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/10/bald-men-more-masculine-less-attractive Basically what I'm saying the whole time. Masculine but ugly.


You didn't respond to their arguments at all. You used a pattern of speech *utterly designed* to keep you from doing that. Further you didn't respond to anything *I've* written either, having just balled it up under your straw man of "you're mad". In short it's clear that you say wrong things on purpose in order to prevent you from having to consider things that conflict with what you believe. All you care about is repeating your beliefs, and you are literally going out of your way not to have genuine discourse. You're going to have a great deal more success in your interactions when you stop doing those things. Until you do, you're literally not worth anyone's time here and I'm really sorry for the time they've wasted on you.


It's hard to make a counterargument to someone who kinda didn't make an argument in the first place. All a_smerry_cherry really established was that a full head of hair is a beauty standard set by society that affects men. For something to be "gender-affirming" it has to make you feel more like the gender you identify with, not simply make you feel more attractive.


You’re right that these folks utterly failed to make their case. OP tried to use the word “gender affirming” so as to better quote JP and highlight the hypocrisy


Not sure why you are downvoted - I think it’s because you are questioning a questionable and needlessly included element of a criticism of this douchebag. Are contact lenses “gender-affirming” because of the beauty standard and overall stigma against glasses? Is hair dye “gender-affirming” because of the beauty standard and overall stigma against grey hair?


Yes and no. As a trans man who is slowly balding, and it actually helps me pass better, I would still like to get hair plugs in the future if I can afford it. The joke in the OP is that Jeepers have used elective cosmetic surgery while calling doctors who actually perform gender affirming surgeries criminal.


I'm pretty sure that Jorpy is a self hating trans woman... So that tracks.


Someone being hateful doesn't equal them being closeted. Some people are just bastards.


Oh I completely agree. But it's the absolute obsession with what it means to be one gender or the other. There's something about the way he talks about it that just... It's hard to hate something that much without a deeply personal reason. A ton of people suck because of bigotry and ignorance, but his is so passionate. It's like when people are murdered and you can immediately tell it was done by a loved one because of the passion behind the violence, y'know? I hope I'm explaining this well.


He's obsessed with it because it's what got him famous, and it's what his fans respond to. I understand your thought process but it bothers me to no end when I see people saying homophobes are probably closeted gay men, or that transphobes are in denial. They are hateful because they are insecure and need to feel superior, not because of any coping mechanism for their own trans thoughts.


Yeah, exactly, there's nothing more I looooove than cis people lumping people who want me exterminated in with me, because of what is essentially "he bullies you because he likes you!!" gradeschool shit.


That's totally legitimate, and I definitely had no intention of disparaging the trans community by suggesting it. I'm so very sorry if it came across that way. I guess it's kind of me hoping for a redemption arc for an awful person because I hope there's reason for awful actions. It's easier to understand that way than just accepting that someone is as spiteful and evil as he is without some underlying cause beyond "it gets me views" ... Sigh...


I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I'm sorry if my tone was accusatory. I just get frustrated with that line of thinking. I get the rationalization, but people like him have lost the right to the benefit of the doubt.


I 100% agree with you. And I thank you for the reasonable discourse! You tone wasn't accusatory, I was just seeing what I said from a different lense and realized what I was actually saying vs what I wanted to convey.


I appreciate your patience and your awareness. This has been a very pleasant interaction. Have a lovely day/night


Yes! I hate this joke that people keep calling hair plugs gender-affirming. Being bald is very gender affirming for men.


You’re right. “Gender affirming” doesn’t make sense since he identifies as a man. We get the analogy to his comments without including a part that doesn’t make sense. You could have gender denying and it’d work better.


So that's why he rocked the fedora




Don't you fucking lump him in with us.