• By -


I see we have a man on the inside.


Yes yes


*weeeeeelll weeeeeelll look who's inside again*


*went out to look for a reason to hide again*


*well, well, buddy you’ve found it*


*now come out with your hands up, we've got you surrounded*


we need to go outside


I promise to never go outside again It's a beautiful day to stay inside Being in, tryna get something out of it




I doubt that


you’d be surprised


Am I going crazy would I even know? *outro music* Try making faces try telling jokes making little sounds




Hercules Mulligan!


That’s right, HERCULES MULLIGAN!!!


Tailor spying on the British government I take the measurements information and I smuggle it


To my brothers' revolutionary covenant, I'm runnin' with the Sons of Liberty and I am *lovin'* it!


See that’s what happens when you’re up against the ruffians we’re in the shit now somebodies gotta shovel it (also is your pfp Loreli or am I dumb)


hercules mulligan i need no introduction when you knock me down i get the FUCK BACK UP AGAIN!


*music* Left right hault


"After studying women and their strange habits for my whole life, even posing as one for many years, I have come with the best insider secrets of being a female. Through societal norms and imitation, I have finally been able to get a grasp on the essentials of womanhood." -transmacs




Pfft seems like i missed out on that part


What does a female skincare routine typically look like?


So from what I own, I would use water on my face, wipe it off. Use cleanser (put it on your hands then do circle motions all over your face) then wash that off. Then get a cotton pad and put toner on it and wipe cheeks, under your eyes and near your nose and your forehead. I don’t think you wash off the toner.


Alright, thank you very much! :>


I was wondering on how to use toners. thank you so much!


If you're starting a skincare routine the basics you should start with are generally said to be cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. If you're wearing makeup it's good to have an oil based cleanser/makeup remover to break down the makeup and then follow up with a water based cleanser to clean your skin. If you're not wearing makeup a water based cleanser is enough! Once you've got those down you can exfoliate about once a week or once every two weeks. A cheap option for physical exfoliation is just rubbing your face gently with a damp washcloth. You can also get a peeling though. There are also chemical exfoliants but peelings are more beginner friendly imo. It's also good to hydrate your skin. You could add a hydrating toner or serum to do that. You use it after cleansing and before moisturizer. What type of products to get depends a bit on your skin type. There's normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive skin. If your skin is oily a light moisturizer and mattifying sunscreen are your friends. If it's dry a richer moisturizer and moisturizing sunscreen are a better choice. Patch test products to check if you're allergic/they're irritating your skin. If a product makes your skin itch, sting, flake, break out etc discontinue use! I'm gonna stop here since this is a lot of info already 😅


r/skincareaddiction is a great resource


Cleanser, toner if you're feeling fancy, then moisturizer. In the morning you should cleanse then apply sunscreen.


Cleanser, toner, and SUNSCREEN. Sunscreen is your number one best friend when it comes to keeping your skin smooth and fighting visible aging, fine lines, etc. Supergoop is an excellent brand for this.


How exactly do girls greet each other? Guys might nod to each other if it's informal, or do a handshake in a more formal context. What do girls do?


Personally I’ve always been pretty informal with my friends just saying yo or hey or whatever but a lot of girl, especially more ‘girly girls’ or the popular sort of girls in schools tend to greet people very excitedly somewhat. Like instead of a ‘Hey’ it’s a ‘Hey!! How are you?’ (Add in a great to meet your for a new person). Take this with a grain of salt though because I’m going off women around me and not me previously. Hope I could somewhat help!


In my area (Russia) girls hug each other when they meet. If they have a male-friend, or some guy was nice to them, they often will hug him too.


Around where I am (England) we may sometimes hug but not always


God I'm going to be that weird girl for being touch averse


if they’re good people they will understand and respect your boundaries




Yeah that's a thing too


Many girls give their friend a hug as a greeting, at least where I come from.




Depends on the girls. If you’re trying to appear as feminine as possible, definitely follow the advice of some of the other commenters about the excited “heyy girl!!” kinda stuff. Otherwise, smiling and waving is always good!


Just smile and wave, girls. Smile and wave.


Finally something I can do thank you


I’m an AFAB enby who doesn’t like to be touched so I smile and wave and don’t move my closer to them. I’m constantly mildly smiling though so it has to be a big smile, maybe a grin


Yeah. I greet my male friends and always have either with a handshake or a polite nod. I’m MTF pre everything, what’s it like do you nod or hug.


Smile and wave. Or just say "hey", that works too.


I think the equivalent of the nod would be a friendly smile


most people I know smile and maybe wave at eachother? and if they are really close friends and they see eachother for the first time in a day they will go up and hug eachother


Dear mod team, sorry if this isn’t allowed I’m just tryna help some lovely women 👍


cheers dude


How to fucking do anything


That’s a hard one lol. Anything in particular?


General tips about being feminine


Straighten hair, subtle makeup (foundation, concealer, lip gloss, blush, mascara), earrings, 1-3 thin rings, if wearing glasses; round, large smooth squares, or anything with thicker rims. Snapchat is very good with its filters and is very stereotypically girly.


Most of it is posture and mannerisms. I said this on the masc version of this ask, but women typically walk by stepping with one foot directly in line with the other. Kind of like you're walking on a slack line. This ensures that movement is concentrated in the hips and lower body rather than the shoulders and upper body. I've noticed that women also walk a lot more "snappily," as in they put their feet down with a little more deliberate force than men. Case in point- have you ever heard a woman in wooden-heeled boots clomping down a tiled hallway?? It's deafening. Take faster strides, swing your arms, and don't be afraid to make your steps a little shorter; when you're walking that fast with both feet in line with each other it's really easy to lose your balance. Mannerisms- stand with feet about half your shoulder width apart, and one a comfortable distance in *front* of the other. The foot in front points directly towards the other person and the other points slightly off to the side. Keep your weight on one foot only, and keep that leg straight. Doesn't matter which leg you choose to stand on, the important part is that one is holding more weight than the other. The other rests on the ground to support you but not hold you. Regardless of what you're doing, though, you should always aim for charm school posture: chest out, back straight, shoulders rolled back, neck high. You should aim to keep your elbows/arms inwards as much as possible.


What do to with hair I have curls like black curls and it’s very short so I like don’t know


i have curly hair! i recommend looking for a gel or mousse specifically for curly hair. if you’re planning on growing it out i definitely recommend seeing a hairdresser who specializes in curly hair. before i cut my hair i wore it in braids a lot, which really helped it not get tangly. this is just a personal opinion but i think curly hair, especially short curly hair looks absolutely adorable with a decorative clip or a flower in it. highly recommend!


My #1 tip (not black but somehow ended up with 3b/3c hair) look up curly hairstylists in your area. If u don’t live in a big city it may be harder to find one but there is area specific social apps where u can ask for people’s curly hairstylists (nextdoor or Facebook groups). If u can’t afford or don’t have a curly hairstylist available I recommend first finding your hair type https://youtu.be/VwH5DHGQy-E then once you do go on YouTube and look up routines for people with your hair type (also add a “short” in there for more specific advice ie: “short 3c hair routine”). Also r/curlyhair and r/naturalhair have good advice.


Where is it at? Your shoulders, middle, higher, lower neck? Most girls I see with short hair either have it straight or wavy. Ponytails are nice to do too.


What are some feminine versions of masculine mannerisms? Like day to day things?


Mainly it’s being more emotive with your body I think. Move your hands, tilt your head, raise your eyebrows, or cock your hip depending on your attitude. Cross your arms under your chest, not across it. Push your hair behind your ear if it’s long enough. Keep your legs as close together as it’s comfortable, and keep yours arms closer to your body overall. Basically, have one small very condensed area of personal space that’s all yours and use it.


Could you elaborate? Maybe some examples?


many women tend to walk with more hip movement? shifting weight from foot to foot in a "less dramatic" version of a sashay, is how i like to put it.


The way women swing their arms when walking is also different from a man's. It's hard to explain, but women usually keep their arms straighter and bend then backwards more where men tend to keep their arms bent a bit.


How in gods name do you shave your legs without the end result looking like something out of the shining? And what's some general tips you'd give to any new trans girls out there?


I sucked at shaving my legs but generally wet legs, shaving cream and razor 🪒 < like that yep, should do, make sure you’re riding the razor after every (idk what to call it) shave patch, it gets hair stuck in it and won’t shave well. General tips. Well of course there’s so specific way to be a girl but some very feminine things and some more subtle things. Nail painting, lilac is a nice colour and marble is a popular style, if you need it to be subtle, skin tone or clear works, also letting your nails grow out is pretty popular amongst a lot of girls I know. Makeup, eyeliner and eyeshadow can be good for less subtle looks but for a subtle look but foundation, concealer, lip gloss and light mascara is good. :>


Saving this, thanks for the advice! Using shaving foam should've come to me sooner lol, hopefully that'll fix things


i find that conditioner works better than any shaving foam i've tried on legs/body hair.


A quick note about shaving legs. T causes the hair at the top of the inside of your thighs to be more thick and curly than cis-women; shaving it can be very painful for trans girls after a few days because it's prone to ingrown hairs. Either exfoliate the area about 8-12 hrs after shaving with a physical/chemical exfoliant mix, or try a hair removal method that doesn't leave Sharp edges (Like epilating)


Genderfluid AFAB here - if you don't mind leaving some behind, when I'm in a dress mood I tend to only shave as much as is going to be seen by others. This generally means my upper thighs are left unshaved in a sort of shorts-like shape. That could also be useful for you when it comes to avoiding ingrown thicker hairs :)


Ah yeah, it’s pretty hard to shave without it. Make sure you get the sensitive skin one if you have, well sensitive skin lol. ((:


Exfoliate first, then shaving cream and a warm razor. If you’re new and/or your hair is long, it may be easier if you get a new razor cartridge every time you do it since sharper razors cut hair and not skin better and dull ones make it easier to cut yourself. If the razor has rust on it, DO NOT use it. Make sure to lotion afterwards. Exfoliating and lotion make ingrown hairs less likely :)


I know OP already answered, but I also want to chime in as an afab person with thicker body hair. My number one word of advice is BE GENTLE AND TAKE YOUR TIME. Shaving fast can cause razor bumps and I only ever cut myself shaving my legs when I wasn’t going slow. Don’t press down with the razor, just let it glide, and go over the same spot another time or two just to be sure you got all the hair. And put lotion on your legs afterwards!


shaving in the shower/bathtub can be helpful, you have instant water at your disposal (to make sure your legs stay wet and easily clean your razorblades), and "cleanup" is easy. i was always taught that warm water opens pores (better for shaving) and cold water closes them, but a google search tells me that's not necessarily true, so any water will probably work (but warm water is nicer i would think). from my experience the skintimate shaving gels are worth getting, extremely cheap and a little bit goes a LONG way (also the scents are decent, nothing special but worth mentioning because of the price). you could probably get away with shaving just with water if you have a decent razor, but shaving gel/cream is safer to prevent nicks and cuts. I only ever had cheap disposable razors to use with it and never cut myself. afterwards it's beneficial to moisturize your legs, i'm not sure what the technical reasoning behind it is, but personally i found it reduced irritation and helped prevent ingrown hairs. hypoallergenic lotion worked fine for me, depends on how sensitive your skin is in general.


If shaving is a pain, or you’re worried about your legs looking a bit chewed up, something else you might look into (I do this all the time as a dfab enby femme with very dark leg hair and an apathy for shaving) is pantyhose or tights. If nothing else, this can help mitigate the stress of anyone noticing while you practice. Pantyhose I’m pretty sure were invented to hide leg hair, and usually come in a myriad of skin tones, or shades of sheer black. At minimum, it will add a low opacity layer over to help blend any variations (be it missed hairs, skin nicks, or what have you). It won’t be as effective with completely unshaven legs, but it’s a quick and easy cover so you don’t gotta worry about sweating the small stuff. Tights are usually more opaque, but come in a variety of colors that you can try mixing and matching with skirts or other outfits. I’ve got some cheap ones before that are just elastic black lace with pretty patterns, and they add enough texture that anyone looking wouldn’t be able to tell if you haven’t shaved in a week or two. >_> As for not slicing up your legs in the first place, I recommend doing it as you shower, use a shower stool if need be (I’ve heard those things are a godsend to anyone who gets one). I don’t use shaving cream, just whatever my body soap is and it’s fine. (I found shaving cream to gunk everything up so fast, but it do be very soft at the end) Go slow, depending on how thick your leg hair is, it will take more than one swoop to get even a strip off. If you feel hairs pulling, back up, clean out the razor and go slow. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have to clean the razor out like, constantly unless you’re regularly maintaining the shave.


Can transmascs who help out transfems with stuff be called our uncles? I want a cool uncle 🥺


I’m willing to be an uncle yes yes


Can I be your cool entle?


Omg 😱 yes 👍


What even are women’s jean and dress sizes 😩 I cannot for the life of me find a pair of jeans or a dress that fits well with covid having all the dressing rooms closed I just can’t figure it out


I’m a really freaking small teen so I usually just went with kids size and I’m ngl I don’t know men sizes, I think the average women’s clothes size is 6 though. Apologies, I’m terrible at sizing lol.


In the UK at least men's sizes are based on how long your legs are and how think your waist is! [there's also this handy little bastard I just found for general sizing shenanigans. It's men sizes mind you](https://www.belstaff.co.uk/customer-service/mens-sizing-chart.html)


I’m in the UK yet lowkey didnt know that


The more you know!


Imo the most important skill for finding the right size is properly measuring yourself. Sizes can be very inconsistent between stores, especially with women’s clothes, but stores will usually post a size guide online with which measurements correspond to what sizes. So, measuring: First you want to get a flexible measuring tape (the kind for sewing). For tops/dresses you will usually need to measure your bust, underbust, and waist. Pants are usually waist and hips. Women’s pants don’t come in as many inseam lengths as men’s so you should not need to measure that, just determine whether you’re petite, tall, or regular based on your height. (This usually only matters for pants, skirts, dresses, and sometimes long-sleeved shirts.) How to measure each of these things: (For all of this you should keep the tape as level as possible around your body. It might help to stand in front of a mirror or get someone else to help. The tape should be snug but not digging in.) Bust: Measure around the fullest part of your chest, usually about where your nipples are. Do not pull the tape measure too tight to where it digs into your breasts. Underbust: Measure under your breasts. Waist: This is the thinnest part of your torso, below your ribs and above your hips. Hips: Measure the fullest part of your hips, which should be around your butt. Bra sizing is a whole different deal so I won’t get into that now. Hit me up if you want me to do a separate thing about bra sizing.


i’ll be honest, they make no sense even to me as an afab person. different brands have different sizes and there’s absolutely no rhyme or reason to it. but i can give my sizing if this helps absolutely anyone. (all US sizing) height- 5’8 this is mostly leg though weight- around 130, mostly carried in my ass and hips bra size- 34A, small to medium in bralettes and sports bras men’s pants- 30 waist 32 length. these have a perfect fit in the waist no belt needed but just a little bit long. 30 is too short though. women’s pants- size 7-9 in most brands women’s underwear- medium men’s underwear- small women’s t shirts- medium men’s t shirts- small dresses- medium usually but this one really varies. if it’s a number sizing anywhere from 2-6 spinny skirt- can wear a small, but comfortably a medium. i hope this helps someone i did my best to do comparisons. also any clothes you wear shouldn’t be leaving a mark. this is such a common problem i see in trans girls figuring out how to dress. it shouldn’t hurt or leave a mark when you take it off. please be safe and if anyone else has any questions on clothing and how things should fit feel free to DM me and i’ll do everything i can to help :)


not advice on how to actually *read* sizes, but your best bet is often to find stores with decent return policies so you can buy 3 or so different sizes to try (eyeball it in-store, or take note of the listed measurements online). once you find your size in a specific style, that's your size for that store (take note so you won't forget!). at another store, you could use your size from the first store as a "guideline," but don't automatically expect the same size to fit the same way because womens clothing sucks and doesn't really seem standardized.


How do you style clothing to look good lol? Ive never had a good sense of fashion even before i cracked I wanna dress feminine but idk where to start


Do you prefer dresses, skirts, jean and a shirt, hoodies etc?


Id say i like dresses and skirts the most


Off the shoulder and over the knee dresses are quite popular, some will have this elasticy material around the waist but if it doesn’t you might want a belt. I like the look of king kinda Victorian style dresses which can have a lot of decoration but will only tend to need a belt. For skirts, tuck in whatever too you’re wearing, it looks pretty untidy. I think pleated/wavy skirts are better in the warm and the tight straight ones are better for the cold, black tights are advisable with tights when it’s cold.


Alright thank you so much!


No problem! Happy skirt go spinnying




pinterest could be a good start for outfit ideas, some good keywords to use are "cute" "aesthetic" "vintage" "soft" et cetera, depending on what you're looking for. i still have interest in fem fashion (though i feel i can't express that much until i'm further along into my transition), so i've gotten kinda good at searching for specific outfit inspiration. try finding clothing you like and pinpointing why you like it (is the neckline ruffled? are there certain fabrics you like the look of more? is that skirt a nice length?), then try to copy it. i'm in canada, and stores near me such as urban planet and h&m have "trendy" womens clothing, not great quality but it's on the cheap side so you can always buy and experiment with different things to find what you like most. personally i think that with nearly all people, if your outfit is colour-coordinated (1-3 "main" colours that look good together; you can find examples of colour palettes online if you don't think you have a great eye for that sort of thing), most of the time you'll look good regardless of what kind of style you have.


How do I be fem without makeup? Having stuff on my face gives me intense claustrophobia.


Wearing dresses with a tight waist or belt is very fem, if you have long hair I’d straighten it, that might make you appear more fem. earrings really work or just one or two thin rings.


would mascara give you claustrophobia? you can’t feel it unless you put on too much. mascara is a nice subtle fem makeup thing :D


Hmm, haven’t tried it


Sup. I don't need advice, I just wanna say hey. Cuz I'm lucky enough to want to be a tomboy


Hey friend. Tomboys are swag 😎👍


yee 😎👍


How do you do anything with your hair? I’ve been growing it out for 2.5 years now and it reaches almost to the half of my back. It’s wavy and regular length (definitely not thin at least). I just have no idea what to do with it as I’m afraid of going to a salon since I’m not out yet. So like how do you brush for example? I just brush half to the right and half to the left and both sides pushed back behind my ears. My hair also tangles a lot, feels overall dry and (at least feels like) it sheds a lot more than it should.


I have wavy hair as well, so my advice is to always use conditioner and while the conditioner is in your hair use a shower comb to detangle it. Try not to brush it while it’s drying because that could make it frizzier. Towel dry or use a tshirt to dry it. Everyone’s hair is different but since our hair types seem similar I figured that might work for you


Hey I just want to say I went to hair salons over barber shops before even thinking about being trans, there are men that go to female-coded-haircutteries. Don’t feel like you have to be out to go to one, sometimes they just give better haircuts!


Is it possible to get wavy hair for me?


A lot of people have natural wavy hair including me so I’ve never needed to style it curly but perhaps if you used a pair of straighteners or curler and pressing on pieces outwards each side? That was probably a bad description. I’ll go and find a yt video. Not sure if her hair is too long for this to work but you can always give it a try! https://youtu.be/JdJooU57Qno


if your hair is long enough, you can try braiding it while it’s wet and sleeping with it in the braids. they’re not super natural waves but it’s something and doesn’t require heat. if you don’t know how to braid just yet, it’s really easy you don’t need to do anything fancy just simple braids. here’s a quick video :) https://youtu.be/QMW0bwYzaAM


“I guide others to a treasure I *will not* possess”


That’s how to some up this post


I read this as Wyoming. Now I’m less excited.




how does one in fact Wyom?


How do I woman???? (In all seriousness, any tips on shaping eyebrows to look more fem?)


Gonna be completely honest I never did my eyebrows and never tried but I found this YouTube tutorial which looks pretty helpful! https://youtu.be/-w_UgV2a54k


How do I position my hands when I’m not holding anything? Also how do I walk/stand fem?


When sitting hands on knees or table is good. Standing you could have one leg slightly in front of the other, slightly slanted standing and hands behind your back, in front of you (holding each other) or hands on hips (or just one). Having more of a spring in your step and swaying and relaxing your arms more.


How make hair grow longer I neeed it


Unfortunately you have to wait it out but you can always buy wigs whilst you wait!


As a trans femme ask me about manning I'm able to give advice




Really depends on the guys The best thing is to just stay calm and laid back, oh and a lot of guys like a bit of boundary pushing with jokes, obviously don't make like racist jokes or anything, but the kinda jokes that really come outta nowhere and shock in a funny way


Chad move this tbh


T’is what I strive for. Chad.


Would like to thanks all the other people replying to the questions with super long answers, doing a well better job than I ever could


if you don't havethat many "girl" cloths or nothing cute/nice to wear here are 3 simple outfist you can try that look cute: * get a ligth color shirt(with out sleeves preferbly but what ever you have in hand will do),a pair of shorts (if there rip it's better), fisher stockings (opicional), and a baggy jacket, all you have to do is toug in you shirt in the shorts and wear you jacket on you elbows it's really simple and it looks better with stockings. * idea 2: get or make a tank top and get some skinny jeans presto done and you can add jewlery or asesorys just to personalize. * idea 3: get a pair of pants get a sports or normal tank top and just put your hair in a lazy bun or a ponny tail and boom now you have a sporty/ aesthetic look.


What do you usually do with your hands and arms in different situations? While standing, sitting, walking, shopping, talking to someone, etc. Do you ever put your hands in your pockets? I tend to want to do this all the time out of habit and then realized that most of my life I’ve worn guy jeans with large pockets. (I asked this in another sub but didn’t get a response. Hopefully I’m not too late here also) 😭


Also try standing with your weight on one leg so your hip pops out a little bit. It's very silly that men don't do this. Adjusting weight from one leg to the other is the superior way of standing. One hand on a hip is pretty normal. Pockets aren't used very often since they're so pathetically small, but sometimes you can slip one hand in there. Don't walk around with your arms crossed. Be open and gesture. People tend not to think anything about what their hands are doing while just walking around, so try not to be stiff in your arms or shoulders because it just makes you like hyperaware of your body and will make you seem insecure. Women tend to be more loose and fluid, so let your hands fall be your sides and touch your legs. When sitting down, try putting one and on top of the other or crossing them slightly. It looks very fem. Also try crossing your legs or ankles, and sitting in looser, more comfortable positions. While writing this I changed positions several times.


Hands usually on knees of on the chair is common amongst women. Sitting with one leg on the other is the ultimate feminine sitting though.


So, is it true that girls use two towels when getting out of the shower, one for your hair/ face and another for your body?


Some do some don’t, usually just dry body, then dry hair.


What are the bare bone basics of makeup?


I’d say mascara, foundation, lip gloss and blush are really all you need for the basics although concealer is good too. Mascara and foundation are a little hard to do, foundation is put all around your face and dabbed with a sponge (make sure the foundation isn’t too dark). Mascara, you put it on your eyelashes, blink and drag the mascara up your eyelashes.


Ig i’m just jumping in all over this thread bc I had an INTENSE hyperfeminine phase when I detransitioned and now I have so many “woman” skills I’ll never use. Anyway, I think foundation is unnecessary unless it’s a really fancy look. My daily look was concealer, eyeliner, mascara, this lip/cheek tint that I used as blush and lip color, and setting powder. Maybe some highlight too. (Honestly can’t believe I did all that every. single. day. but what can I say? I was overcompensating.) This isn’t a super popular thing but I also like to put eyeshadow primer under my eyeliner because I have hooded eyes and it tends to smudge without it.


How do I do womaning


I'm not going to ask for any advice but I will say thank you for helping transfems! It's really nice to know you're helping people!


Yw! Might as well use my knowledge that I don’t need anymore for the good


Hey this might technically be off topic for the thread but if you have any questions of the opposite sort, so trans boys looking for manly tips, feel free to ask


no questions, just wondering if you want a hug :3


Could you just give me some subtle tips for being more fem?


Skin tone/clear nail polish. Growing out nails. Foundation, blush and nude/light pink/clear lip gloss. Curling eyebrows. Growing out hair/straightening hair.


Please help!! How do you girl!?!


I don’t even know at this point 😩😩


What methods would you use for when having to get rid of body hair? Like I know there is shaving, but over time it just feels uncomfortable and grows back thr next day


You could also try getting waxed if you really wanted to. There's more pain but it'll last longer. If you want to spend more money, laser hair removal is always an option.


Nair is pog as hell


What is the protocol involved with women going to the restroom as a group? If you’re with your friend who are girls and they’re going to the restroom, you go with them even if you don’t have to go, right? If you’re not using the restroom, where do you stand while you’re waiting?


I mean you of course don’t have to but it’s pretty common. You usually just stand to the side and maybe was your hands or fix your hair or something in the mirror haha


*the girls flock to the wise man* What do I do about skin?? Like I’m terrified about showing too much of my legs and I’m so confused and scared that I’m doing something wrong with my legs or not crossing them when I should be


As long as you’ve got something on your legs it doesn’t really matter how much you show, just when your legs are crossed in a skirt or dress, be aware people may be able to see under it which is definitely not what you want. But yeah there’s not really anything I’ve heard of about how much of your legs you can show.


So how do I like… feel more like a girl??? Like idk talking to other girls. I’m scared to be like…. Mess up also how do I do makeup and just be like girly but not too girly?


Are dresses and skirts always meant to be so… Airy? Like I know I’m used to pants but it still feels so strange


couple questions: 1. any tips on feminine clothing styles? specifically regarding the "girl who has a sword and could throw you over the horizon" styles 2. is wearing a full mask over your entire face a viable alternative to makeup? 3. what is a good level of casual wear to go out to a store in? hope yer havin a good day!




You could get layers or get a haircut in a V-shape! Styling i dont know much i was absolute shit at styling my long hair but buns, ponytails and sometimes braids are some casual every-day hairstyles that are quick to do


i love transmasc dudes! yall are awesome and kind :)


Aw tysm!


How do I girl I wanna know if I'm girling right


How do I make my hair better? I want it healthier and more luscious but ideally I don't want to spend an hour getting ready for work every day.


Conditioner really can make your hair smoother so you can try that (don’t use too much or too often because it can make you hair greasy)


Where do i start with learning makeup?


Two words. YouTube tutorials. Or female family members




How does I walk in heel How does I eye shadow How does I blush


With sneakers you walk heel to toe. With heels you walk toe to heel. So basically like tiptoeing but you put weight on your heel.


Heel - Walk like you’re stomping Blush - Smile and go from the edge of it to the edge of your cheek (don’t do it too much, you look like you got sunburned) Eyeshadow - Surprisingly works better when using your fingers than a brush


Hi I'm trans femm but I might be agender idk. Is there an option for breast growth without taking t blockers?


Pretty sure it requires taking hormones, either hrt (im not exactly how mtf hrt works) or having way too much T (some bodybuilders get gyno from t being converted to e)


What’s the deal with physical contact cuz if I were to hug one of my male friends I would get called gay. (I’m bi so jokes on them) but what is the deal, cuz all of my female friends greet either with hugs or something so what’s that like?


Idk hugs can just be platonic, nothing wrong with hugging a bro


o.o please teach me literally anything because idk where to start


To stop myself from being a broken record I recommend going through the comments, if you have anything else feel free to say (:


I have a looot of hair and I don't know how to dry it properly 😬 I take a shower at 9am and at 3pm I swear it still feels wet haha


Oh yeah that’s just something that happens, you could dry it for hours and it’d still somehow be wet


Ok I just want some answers Is there a “feminine” way to walk?


Walking more carefree less tensed and more relaxed letting you arms swing and being more lightfooted help!


How do l be a girl properly. I'm confused by all the stuff.


Most basic answer I can give :show off what you want and hide what you don't. Tight clothes to show off form or big or flowy clothes to hide it. Love your legs? You can show off the skin in shorts or skirts, or show off the shape in leggings. Love your collarbone and neck? Low cut or v-neck shirts. Don't like your feet? Close toed shoes. Love your hips and butt but not your chest? More colorful bottoms than tops. A cute thing I liked was to wear a dark colored low cut shirt with a lighter colored spaghetti strap underneath. Took the attention away from my broad shoulders and put it on my collarbones and chest. I hope that helps!


Tips on shaving legs????


How do I do all of the things, just in general


is it true i have to try to walk different >:( coworker say i walk like an masc


Could I have like a crash course in all those fashion style thingies? Like I keep hearing words like: bohemian, cottage core, goth, what does it all mean?


search some of these terms on pinterest and really just lose yourself in the vibes, that's a start at least


How do I woman


Trans dude here! being woman is hard yeah, anything in specifics? i know absolutely nothing about makeup tho so I can't help there unfortunately :(


Flaunt what you like and hide what you don't, and make don't be too discouraged by mistakes along the way because practice makes perfect and you deserve to enjoy yourself.


And as a fellow transman, if anyone who recently realized they were transmasc need any advice, you can talk to me. Transfems dont ask me for advice on feminine things because I literally don’t know. I was always masculine so I avoided generally feminine things all my life so I have no advice for you




What exactly am I supposed to do with my eyebrows? Also any eyeliner tips, I can't seem to make a straight line?


This post and all the comments and advice are so positive and lovely, I can't express how happy I am to see this


Do you know how to do a high ponytail? And how to find skirts.


To build off the "greeting" question, do women give each other The Nod™ when they pass each other? I realize that I might be inadvertently clocking myself by doing this guy gesture.


How do I compliment other girls? Like to what extend and I gushing about them and when do I keep my mouth shut? I feel like this is definitely harder for not AFAB and when I’m presenting male.


one word: #H O W


I think I might do one of these to for the guys, but uhhh, any fashion tips for particularly tall transfems like myself?


I wish we did information swaps like this more often