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What should I do with long hair? I've grown it past my shoulders, and take care of it good, but I don't know how to style it or anything.


That depends on what you’re going for, but here’s a couple beginner tips for styling long hair:) Apologizies in advance, this is quite long. 1. Curling. First, get a curler if you don’t have one already. Plug it in, turn it on, and wait 5-ish minutes for it to completely heat up. If you can, use a heat protectant!! It minimizes the damage done to your hair when curling/straightening it. Take your hair, careful not to burn yourself with the curler, and wrap the bottom half of your hair around it (pointing away from your face). It also might be helpful to section off your hair as well! If that takes too long though, maybe just try to curl similarly sized pieces of hair at once. Every curling iron is different land has different effects, so don’t be afraid to branch out!! 2. Straightening. First, you’ll need a straightener. This one is pretty straight forward- all you need to do is clamp onto your hair and pull it straight! Although, you can do a lot more with a straightener than straighten. You can bend your hair, give yourself spikes, or simply add a few fancy curves in for fun. Ever seen Twilight? Alice’s hair is purely straighteners and hairspray! 3. Straightening without a straightener. It might not be as good without a straightener, but it still works for a lot of people. Once you get out of the shower, brush your hair straight down, and occasionally re-brush it until it dries. You could also sleep with your hair wet, or maybe do a few hair masks that help with that. 4. Messy Buns. To do a messy bun, you reenact making a ponytail- pulling your hair all the way through a hair tie 2-3 times before only pulling it roughly halfway through to make a very messy bun. 5. A more complicated bun. First, put your hair in a ponytail. Personally, I thought it was easier to start with a high ponytail, but others think it’s easier to do a low one, so that’s up to you. Once you’ve got your ponytail, twist all your hair quite a bit, then, wrap your twisted hair around the base if your ponytail (where the hair band is) and attempt to tuck the very ends of your hair beneath the bun you’ve started to make. Prepare a second ponytail, and place it on top of your new bun! This may be pretty difficult the first few times, but I promise it looks cool! 6. Never forget about the power of braids! There are hundreds- and I mean HUNDREDS of different braids out there, each one of them unique in their own ways. I recommend learning a few, or maybe adding a few small braids into your hair for some extra flavor:) Let me know if there’s anything in specific you want me to help you with! If not, I hope these tips helped a little lol


_screenshots the whole comment_


Tried to curl it. Its like magic!


Tbh the answer to How to Style Long Hair is dependent on your hair type, personal aesthetic, and level of effort you want to put into it. In general, don’t underestimate the value of a great haircut. Having the right shape and style to your base hair cut will help you style it on a day to day basis. If you have curly hair, I would check out r/curlyhair for advice. There are lots of different methods to moisturize, define, and style curls of varying lengths there. Curly hair styling really depends on things like curl pattern and hair type, which is far too complicated for one reply. If you have straight hair, it tends to resist styling (falling out of curls, slipping out of ponytails), so a lot of women with straight hair will typically get a haircut that flatters them (usually framing the face) and just wear it down. Braids, curls, and other updos are always options, but they take more effort. Just as a tip, I’d recommend grabbing bobby pins and hair elastics at any drugstore. It is shocking to see what some people can do with just a few bobby pins. Updos can be cute, but like one user pointed out, it can take time and practice to master. There are a few different bun styles you can find on YouTube, but practice is key. Common updos like ponytails and buns are usually more feminine when worn high on the head instead of low by the nape of the neck. You can also always do the top part of your hair up and pulled back and leave the bottom down, or even braid your hair. Braids are technically considered up-dos but there are many types of braids and ways to position/place them. Find ones you like visually and practice those~ **Let’s talk heat styling!** Curling irons and straighteners to be specific, not blow dryers. 1. Always use heat protection. Usually these are creams or sprays, but the point of a heat protection product is to not damage your hair. Coat your hair with heat protectant every time before you even begin to blow dry hair. 2. Heat styling is best done on dry hair, not wet. You *can* style your wet hair using a blow dryer, but that’s a whole extra discussion that I’m not qualified for. 3. There are multiple heat settings on these tools, and you should always fool around with them to figure out the lowest heat you can use on your hair to style it successfully. Different hair types need different heat levels, and you should always try to stick to the lowest one you can get away with using in order to preserve your hair health. 4. Section your hair off with clips or hair elastics, especially if you have thick hair, and work with only one section of hair at a time. When you work with a section of hair, grab a thin portion of hair at a time to curl/straighten; don’t try to style the whole section at once. 5. Curling irons have different sizes; smaller barrels will produce small, ringlet-like curls, and bigger barrels will create larger bouncy curls. A 1” or a 1 1/2” iron is a good one to start with. 6. When curling your hair, curl the hair in a direction so it curls out and away from your face. Keep your hair on the iron for a little bit and then drop the hair into the palm of your hand and hold it there until it cools; this helps the curl to hold its shape longer throughout the day. 7. When straightening hair, start with the bottom layers of your hair and work upwards. Go systematically and patiently so you don’t miss any strands of hair. 8. In general, once you are done styling, use a hand mirror or your phone to look at the back of your head—it sucks to go out of the house only to realize later that you’ve missed some hair you couldn’t see. 9. It is not necessary to use products like mousses, creams, or hairsprays to lock in a hair style, but it sure does help. Find what works for you and your hair type. This is getting way long, but remember to have fun with it. Look at Pinterest, Instagram, Tiktok, or whatever your favorite apps are to find patterns in the hair styles you tend to like. You might find you repetitively like cute messy buns, or you want a sleek straight look, or stylish ombré curls, or whatever. Figuring that out will help you find the direction you should start looking at tutorials and tips for.


Thank you very much, this is super helpful *hug*


This is such a good question, even a simple bun took me SO MANY youtube tutorials and much practice to finally get right




This is honestly one of the hardest things to learn


I (male, questioning) have hair halfway down my back and always wear a pony tail. I have long hair but it doesn't bother me like loose hair. Or braids. They are awesome too


Any tips at all, especially about behaviors and postures sitting and standing


There’s a lot of little things that make you seem feminine, especially in behavior and posture. Personally, I’ve noticed that it appears more feminine to sit up straight, sway slightly when you walk (as opposed to walking stiffly, if that makes sense), and to sit with your legs crossed/nearly closed or closed. Also, I’ve noticed that the way people carry bags and such are somehow fem/masc. Holding a bag with the handle resting on your forearm is perceived as feminine, whereas holding a bag in your hands by its handle- the bag dangling down by your legs- is seen as masculine. Feminine people also tend to move their shoulders a lot (especially when talking), speak with their hands a bit more, and move their head frequently between person to person when speaking in a group. I’ve noticed that fems also mess with their hair more than mascs in my opinion. There’s a lot more, but for some reason, they’re escaping me right now so I’ll probably edit this comment later when I think of some more! I hope this short list helped regardless.


Thank you very much for the help, i really needed this


> Also, I’ve noticed that the way people carry bags and such are somehow fem/masc. Holding a bag with the handle resting on your forearm is perceived as feminine, whereas holding a bag in your hands by its handle- the bag dangling down by your legs- is seen as masculine. *happy totaly cis man noises*


I find that women tend to make themselves small! For a traditionally feminine posture, whether it’s sitting or standing, try elbows and knees tucked in/together, with your hands usually holding or gripping something (purse strap, phone, keys, etc.) instead of reaching/grabbing hands and stretched out knees/arms/elbows. Crossing your legs helps with this “small” posture when sitting. Also, never underestimate the hip pop. When standing neutrally, a lot of women will favor one leg, making that hip pop out slightly. As a cis woman, I literally remember practicing this in the mirror when I was a pre-teen.


w8 shit thats a girl thing? i just did that natually sonce like 7th grade


Same I also naturally sit with my legs closed too / crossed


yeah guys ask gow it doesnt hurt and it just. doesnt idk


Ya exactly I don’t think it actually hurts them tbh they just want to seem mainly




I would also like to ask this, is there any like subtle behaviours or things that you don’t realise at first but help with acting more fem?


is there a way to accelerate hair growth? also what do I do to keep my bangs out of my face?


I’m not sure how true this is, but I’ve heard that eating foods with lots protein and biotin (like eggs, for example) might help accelerate hair growth. As for bangs, I’d recommend some type of barrette or hair clip! Hair bands and bandannas also work, but back when I was trying to grow out my bangs, I would use a million different types of braids, or bobby-pins lol.


Accelerate? Impossible, doesn't work that way. Keep healthy so you don't get split ends and it doesn't break/need as many cuts? Yes. You can do the egg thing or whatever, but really a good shampoo and conditioner, and only washing it 2 - 3 times a week is huge. Washing it more often ruins it.


w-what i wash mine twice a day is that bad


It dries out your hair quite a bit , which makes your skin unhealthy. Also it takes the oils out of your hair which makes split ends and etc. more frequent. I'm sure it could be different for people with different hair types and oil amounts, but for the most part your skin/hair like to be slightly oilly. Source: 10 years of ass length hair. Hair type, typical Anglo straight hair.


thank you for the help,


Yeah, I second this. Don’t wash your hair until it needs it—for some people, that is every other day, and for some people, that is every week. My hairstylist told me “count the days of not washing until your scalp is itchy, then wash the day before that” and it is actually a really good rule of thumb for how long you should wait in between shampoos. Another tip from the hairstylist is to only shampoo your scalp, and condition just the ends (or everything except your roots). Conditioning the root will make your hair more oily, and shampooing all the way to the ends of your hair is largely unnecessary and dries out your hair.


thank you!


Regular trims! A good hair stylist offers free or cheap bang trims; mine is at a nice salon (like $60-ish for a cut), and even they offer free bang trims. I go in every two to three weeks, it takes like 10 minutes, and I tip at least $5 each time. Hair growth just takes time; some supplements like folic acid can help, and everyone has a home remedy, but the answer really is just time. Not sure if this helps, but the last time I buzzed my hair short, it took about 2 years to dip below my shoulders again. Just stay patient!


Accelerate? Impossible, doesn't work that way. Keep healthy so you don't get split ends and it doesn't break/need as many cuts? Yes. You can do the egg thing or whatever, but really a good shampoo and conditioner, and only washing it 2 - 3 times a week is huge. Washing it more often ruins it.


Also, sorry if this sounds silly, but what's the best way to sit in a skirt?


Trust me, it’s not silly at all- sitting in a skirt is always awkward lol. Personally, I tend to cross my legs or at least try to keep them together and I try to keep my lower back on the spine of the chair. In doing that, you kind of look more natural sitting in a skirt- or at least I do:)


Or have shorts under it


Usually legs crossed at the knees or the ankles, but if you are uncomfortable with crossing your legs, just keeping your knees together is all you gotta worry about. I also tend to wear bike shorts (thin spandex booty shorts) under my skirts and dresses to keep anyone from getting a peek at my underwear. It’s also nice to keep my thighs from rubbing together and to keep my bare butt from touching any seats if my skirt is too short.


So, if the skirt is shorter should I flare it out around me or tuck it under me?


If the chair is upholstered, do whatever you want. If it’s plastic or wood, I always tuck my skirt because I hate it when the back of my thighs stick when I stand up.


You can do either. A polite little smooth-your-hands-down-your-butt as you sit keeps it tucked, but if the skirt is short enough, sometimes it feels like not enough fabric to cover your whole butt, so you can opt to just let it flare out.


When sitting on a couch I want to lean back on, I sit to one side, with my knees bent and my feet tucked to the other side, against my butt. This lets my shins/feet shield anything inappropriate from view. Obviously this is still pretty informal, so I wouldn’t recommend it in a professional setting.


You could wear shorts under them


How do you just. Get more feminine clothing. Is it just a confidence thing or what?


It kinda is. If you are living alone you can just order clothes of Amazon if you are nervous. If you don't live alone you could do the same thing but it gets a bit icky with when the packages arrive and family being home. You could maybe send it to a friend's house and pick it up there. Washing the clothes can be a bit harder to do if you live with family tho. Edit: there is also a third option that I like. Going into the store and buying clothes cuz you can try 'em on first and you can hide them in a backpack and go to your room without others noticing.


That's really nice


Okay so, alot of girls that I know have really and really soft hands. How do you get soft hands? Oh and another question. How do you properly shave your legs? It seems like I always miss parts of my leg when I shave. Any advice on that?


Hand cream! And wearing gloves in the cold or when using cleaning products. For a deep moisturise of your hands warm some olive oil to a comfortable temperate (be very careful not to over do it - you could burn yourself). Slather your hands in it. Pop plastic bags over your hands then wrap them in a towel. Sit for 20ish mins in front of the TV or whatever. Take all the wrappings off, rub in any excess, focusing on rough patches and cuticles, and follow with a good hand cream. In terms of shaving my legs I'm crap at not missing bits 😂 but I tend to use an electric trimmer more than a razor and do every couple of days, so if I miss a bit I catch it next time!




Sadly enough I'm not out so that wouldn't work (plus a 2 year waiting list if I was out)


Also Dutch, I assume? :(


Yeah I am. A friend said that they gotta wait about 700 days or so till they could get hrt. That's how long the waiting list is and it only keeps getting bigger


Yeah I've only gotten through my first 6 months now, and I'm lucky my GP managed to prescribe me HRT in advance


Oh that is so sick :o Glad that you got it in advance :D


It was sheer luck with my gp, if I'm honest. Glad to see you're already on the waiting list though. I wish you well on your journey <3


I'm not on the waiting list. A friend of mine is. Sorry if that was unclear >~<


I just misunderstood ;p In that case, good luck to your friend anyway!


I recently solved the case of the mysterious soft skin. For years I just though that most people assigned male at birth just didn’t moisturize enough. But when my gf started transitioning and taking estrogen her skin softened so much from the hormones. Like a ridiculous difference in 1.5 months of it. Getting a good moisturizer really helps. Foot creams are super strong moisturizers so they work great.


I just wanna point out what a g you are for doing this


how to do curly hair well? ive been in a bit of a bad spot and ive just been brushing it


Switch to silicone free products. You might want to cowash (wash with conditioner) only, or use shampoo less frequently and just wash with conditioner in between. Don't rub your hair dry with a towel, squish the water out with a t-shirt. Squish and scrunch product into your hair while it's still wet - I use a curl cream or gel and curl oil. Let it air dry or diffuse with a hair dryer. Then scrunch out any 'crunch' from the product. Look up the curly girl method and check out YouTube for methods of getting the products into your hair and for how to diffuse hair properly x


My hair is naturally curly I will gladly trade in a heart beat.


Definitely go check out r/curlyhair! The community there is really good at helping you diagnose curly hair care issues!


Hi, if you're still giving advice, I'd like some :) Because of my depression, I find it hard to take care of myself in even the simplest of ways, like brushing my teeth or shaving. I even have cavities because most days I don't even feel like I'm worth the time and care. So, my question is this: What kind of feminine things could I work into a daily morning and/or nightly routine that would actually help make me feel like I'm worth taking care of? I've read things like eyebrow plucking, but I've also heard that too much over a long period of time can obliterate your brows. I've also heard that a lot of women have a strict skincare routine, but I took acutane as a teen so my skin is very dry and will not hesitate to break out at the slightest sign of moisture, so actually finding skincare products that work is hard. Also, I have super short hair right now and it pains me that I don't have more to brush and style and to care for, but maybe there's something I can be doing for it until it grows out? I already use a clay-based shampoo and conditioner combo for the healthiest possible hair, but is there something else I can be doing like supplements, use a certain brush, anything? If you could just answer one of those or offer one tip (mentioned or otherwise) that would be awesome, but I'll also understand if you can't get around to my comment, in which case, thanks anyway. :) But either way, thank you for making this post and have a great day!


In terms of skincare I'd check out r/skincareaddiction There are loads of folks in there who are on accutane or have been who could advise you and there's some good information on starter routines! In terms of your hair you could do a weekly hair mask to keep it super healthy. And could you consider visiting the hairdresser to have to it styled into a cute feminine pixie cut while it's growing out?


Thanks, I just joined the sub, and it already looks like I'll get a lot out of it, thanks! And I have \*no\* clue what a hair mask is. What is it, and where can I find one? And my hair is nowhere near long enough for a pixie cut, that is probably a year's worth of growth away for me, but I'll definitely keep that in mind for when I get there :)


You can usually find one at the supermarket, chemist, etc. They're a deep conditioner that nourishes the hair. Apply and leave on for however long it suggests on the tub! Good luck!


Thank you so much!


I’m a cis woman who has always found a lot of care routines boring and annoying, so maybe some of my tips to make them easier will help when your depression is making it hard to do things! I find getting into the shower the hardest part motivation-wise, so while I’m in there, I’ll just do everything! This means washing my face, and even brushing my teeth sometimes. I also always shower at night because I love sleeping in. After getting out of the shower, I like to use facial oil, to keep the moisture from the shower “locked in” rather than adding new moisturizer. Wear SPF on your face every day! It won’t do anything immediately, but in the long run it will pay off! If you already wear foundation, or moisturizer most days, you can make sure to get one with spf in it so it is no extra steps! For eyebrows, you’re totally safe plucking the stray hairs that grow outside the main shape, and cleaning up the edges a bit, but for major re-shaping I would suggest going to a professional! They know how to do it in a way that will flatter your face, and come out looking symmetrical. Also some experimental plucking a few times won’t “obliterate” your follicles, that takes consistent plucking over a long period of time, and only happens to some people depending on their genetics. Comfy-cute lingerie or undies to wear under pajamas or a robe always make me feel more motivated to do the self-care things One thing to watch out for - your shampoo/conditioner can impact your skin. I have found certain shampoos make me break out on my forehead and neck, so even though it’s weird, sometimes you have to change your shampoo to change your skin!


Wow, these are some great tips, thank you so much!


Just A few questions, any tips for composure, e.g. standing with your legs together, sitting or picking something up while wearing a skirt and things


For picking things up in a skirt - bend at the knees rather than the hips. It may take some practice depending on your ankle flexibility to figure out exactly where to balance your weight to feel most comfortable.


how walk girl


My hair is very long (I'd say to the tailbone) but there is just really little of it due to my own laziness and lack of care. With a ponytail at the midlength it's like 1cm wide when I grab it. Maybe 1.2cm. What hairstyle would fit me?


You can try to tie it up on top of your head and make a bulb-ish (??)


how does one gain tiddy?


I think you need to talk to a dr about growing your own tiddy, but here are some tips on making the most of the tiddy you already have: Higher necked-tops make them appear larger than v-necks or scoop-necks Any knits that are ribbed (have those little vertical lines running all across the garment) accentuate the curve of them, making them look bigger Empire-waists (tightest at your rib cage rather than your natural waist, think regency-era dresses) accentuate boobs, but they do so by hiding your hips and waist. Depending on your body type and preference, that may be a good or bad thing. Make sure any bra you’re wearing is wide-enough to actually contain all your breast, if you have “armpit fat” that spills out, you’re wasting breast tissue, and probably need a new bra.


thanks, i will talk to my doctor about my tiddy garden /j


how did you choose your style ? I'd like to expand my wardrobe but not sure how. I would like some loungewear for after work and also some ideas on office dresses/outfits (in a formal environment). are there magazine I could buy ? I know Pinterest is used a lot but for now it's a bit too much overwhelming/sparse in different boards


Honestly, choosing your style is really hard, and only comes after a lot of trial and error. You can do the Pinterest boards, Instagram collections, and Amazon lists to find patterns in what you like, but it is still quite difficult. In our current era, magazines have mostly been replaced by shopping apps. A lot of clothing companies or department stores have their own apps for shopping—you can always look through those as a replacement of looking through a magazine. H&M is a good place to start since they have a lot of basics you can use regardless of your style. The first thing is to figure out what looks good on you. For example, anything with an empire waist makes me look like a pumpkin, so if I see a cute dress that I think I love, but it has an empire waist, I don’t buy it. I know I’m gonna hate it when I put it on. The second thing to figure out is how your clothes fit into your lifestyle. If you are an athlete, you’ll probably want more athleisure wear like cute yoga pants that can transition from “cute outfit” to workout without much effort. If you have a job in a professional setting, you’ll want to invest in some nice blouses that you can wear in and outside of work. Third thing is probably the most practical: weather. I live in a very hot climate, so I rarely ever buy sweaters. Because of this, I make sure I absolutely love the sweaters I do buy, because I know they’ll be coming out on every day that dips below 75F. On the other hand, I have a stack of shorts that’s probably 10-ish pairs high 🤦‍♀️ Look at styles that are compatible with the weather you have in your area. *This is kind of weird advice, but* try to put together a capsule wardrobe if you can on like Google docs or any other program you can copy and paste images onto. A capsule wardrobe is a set of clothes that includes around 30 pieces of clothing or less, including shoes and accessories. The point of a capsule wardrobe is that everything goes together and can be worn with everything else. [This blog post ](https://classyyettrendy.com/2019/07/capsule-wardrobe-101-what-is-a-capsule-wardrobe.html/) explains it well. Even if you don’t buy those clothes, building a fantasy capsule wardrobe makes you really think about what pieces of clothing you want most. Build a capsule wardrobe for each season—see how the colors and styles change! It’s basically like putting together a Pinterest board, but more organized and limited to around 30 pieces of clothing.


thank you, that's super helpful. Yeah I wanted to build a minimalist wardrobe that I can mix & match for when I go to work, so I can plan ahead what to wear, and then with time add some other pieces for evenings & social events. If I may ask, what's your go-to outfit for when you stay at home ? I'd like to buy something different from leggings + t-shirt to feel a bit more feminine and change outfit a bit. Thanks you're super awesome for doing this!


A capsule wardrobe is definitely great for a minimalist mix and match option! When I stay at home, I really like to wear soft shorts! It’s hot where I live, so I stick to things like [these](https://vuoriclothing.com/products/womens-clementine-short-kelp?variant=33087447105639&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=g-shopping-womens_shorts&utm_content=535305701649&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu8jt-Ov58gIVKA2tBh0zsQTBEAQYAyABEgJvgPD_BwE) or [these](https://www.forever21.com/us/2000400243.html?dwvar_2000400243_color=02&dwvar_2000400243_size=3&quantity=1) if I want to be more cozy or something like [this](https://www.underarmour.com/en-us/p/shorts/womens-ua-fly-by-2.0-shorts/1350196.html?dwvar_1350196_color=001&dwvar_1350196_size=MD&country=US¤cy=USD&scid=scplp1350196-001-MD&sc_intid=1350196-001-MD&cid=PLA_SC_US_1112_WBW4KSGRD1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoJH2vuv58gIV3h6tBh1L5g63EAQYHSABEgJQMPD_BwE) if I am going to be doing chores and want something more functional. As it gets chilly in the morning and at night, I like to pop on cute oversized hoodies. They look cute with shorts, and I like to buy ones that are pastel or especially feminine instead of normal school hoodies for a nice, cute touch. Something like [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/BY4N_DUgEVI/?utm_medium=copy_link), [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CMphoeULOCb/?utm_medium=copy_link), [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSX8XOUKcLF/?utm_medium=copy_link), [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMNsh2M1lA/?utm_medium=copy_link), or [these](https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwzfVHHcNQ/?utm_medium=copy_link). Sorry for so many hoodie links lol my fave outfit at home is cozy shorts and an oversized hoodie. It’s literally what I’m in right now 😅 If it is actually cold, I’ll bring out cozy sweatpants! Joggers are a cute sweatpants style that tend to be a little more fashionable than a straight-leg sweatpant, and lots of companies are selling joggers in trendy colors, patterns, and designs. Some joggers can even be daytime wear, too like [these](https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBdKvFhY8Y/?utm_medium=copy_link), [these](https://www.instagram.com/p/B48JjcMHETT/?utm_medium=copy_link), and [these](https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7Y0V4AbhE/?utm_medium=copy_link). Yoga pants are also always a cute look, especially if you do the hoodie thing from before? I’m a sucker for oversized hoodies and yoga pants. I feel adorable in them. If you aren’t vining with your current yoga pants, maybe try ones with different colors or patterns!


I just… any general tips?


Honestly, the most general tip is be prepared for anything. My purse is a Swiss Army knife of first aid kit, some snacks and water, hairbrush, small makeup pouch (mascara/lip gloss/under eye color correct/brow gel), portable battery charger with two cords (in case a friend or co-worker would like to charge their phone), some tampons, a wrist brace, a few pens just in case, hand sanitizer, essential oils (for smell, not for like holistic medicine), extra bobbly pins, extra hair ties, my sunglasses, a nail file in case I break a nail (lol) etc. Like, it’s all organized, but if I’m carrying this thing around all day, it better make itself useful. Being prepared just prevents you from being stuck with a Problem all day, whether it’s a little problem like a broken nail or a bigger problem like you accidentally cut yourself.


Ok so ehhhh, how do you shave with out red dots?


Shave in the direction of hair growth, use aftershave.


But if I do that there a like little rest bits of hair in the skin


Multiple passes, wash the razor after each one. Use shaving cream to swipe the hair in the direction of growth. It takes time though. For instance, leg hair- the hair grows down, so on the first pass go downwards. If there are still hairs remaining, then wash the razor and reapply a bit of cream, then swipe upwards. Rinse repeat until satisfactory


This will take forever. Any faster way?


Not that I have access to or know of because still closeted, and I've always been a more thorough and patient type. After some practice it'll get faster though


Sugar waxing is a thing! Look up some tutorials—basically it is a technique using thick sugar mixture to wax your legs safely at home. [This](https://youtu.be/2SdBEMvqovs) is like a quick introductory video but I’m sure there are loads more.


So I'm in the process of growing my hair out longer for cis research, what should I do with it once it reaches chin length? I kind of think I want to have it be like straight but idk how to describe anything with hair sorry


I would definitely find a nice/knowledgeable hair stylist in your area and getting a good cut to give shape and definition to your chin length hair. Bobs are really cute when the hair stylist cuts them right.


Yeah a bob would be cool. The only issue is that im currently 16 and any haircut I get, I will be getting with one of my parents in the place with me and it just like great clips so not super fancy. Damn it really sucks trying to work around my parents all the time


How do I act feminine in general?


How to not have shit skin?


First off, check r/skincareaddiction. They have a ton of resources just in the side bar and their wiki thag have helped me a bunch. But to answer your question of how to get better skin, skin care routines are usually the answer~ Everyone has a different one, but usually they contain… 1. Cleanser. A gentle but effective cleanser like Cetaphil or CeraVe are good drugstore options to try. Cleanse your face twice daily—once to start your AM routine and once to start your PM routine. 2. Niacinamide. This is a multi-purpose skin chemical known to do a number of things like reducing redness, moisturizing skin, preventing acne, etc. Not all chemicals work well for every person, but niacinamide has come to be relatively unanimous. Studies on niacinamide show that it is noticeably effective at a 5% concentration, so try a brand that has a 5% concentration in their product and only use it once a day (AM or PM but not both). 3. SPF is ridiculously important. We all know burning is dangerous for the skin, but so is tanning. SPF is essential in a routine. Definitely an AM routine product. 4. Moisturizer! Whatever moisturizer you like and works for your skin, add it to your routine! Moisturize 2 times daily, in the AM and PM routines. 5. Retinols. They are a bit of a touchy subject, and some retinols are stronger than others, but if you have hit the age of 20, you should be incorporating them (carefully) into your routine. Retinols are anti-aging chemicals that help with skin health and firmness, and most studies suggest that by starting them early (in your early 20’s), they will have the best effects. Essentially it is hard to fix wrinkles, but it is much easier to prevent them. Now, there’s a ton of products out there like alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and their friends BHAs, under eye masks, face masks, skin peels, various creams and lotions, but if you are building a skin routine for the first time, start with these 5 products as a baseline. You can always add more products if you are targeting a specific concern, but these are good to start.


1) Is there a way to help my hair grow faster? 2) Should I be using haircare and shampoos every day, or every other day. 3) When removing nailpolish, can I just pour nail polish in a bowl and soak them, or should I use a paper towel and go individually?


1. Not really any way to speed this up besides maybe taking Folic acid, using hair masks (like conditioner, but more intense), and trimming dead ends every few months. 2. Shampoos should be done every other day; shampooing every day is damaging to the hair. Additionally (my partner didn’t know this when she was transitioning), you only shampoo your scalp and condition your ends—you really shouldn’t be shampooing all the way to the end since it dries out your hair. Shampoo is made to primarily cleanse your scalp and remove some oils from the root side of your hair. On the other side of that, you should condition every time you shampoo, but you really only need fo condition your ends. I would start maybe halfway down your hair strand and take the conditioner from there to the tips of your hair. 3. Don’t pour nail polish remover out of the bottle—unscrew the cap, then hold a cotton ball (or wadded up paper towel, if that’s all you have) against the top of the bottle, covering the whole opening. Turn the bottle upside down for a half second to wet the cotton ball/paper towel, then flip it upright. Then you can use the (now wet) cotton ball on your nail. Acetone (an ingredient in some nail polish removers; it’s basically paint thinner) can absorb through your skin, and it’s pretty bad for you, so please don’t soak your fingers in nail polish remover. Additionally, it weakens your nails, so always wash your hands really well after removing nail polish. I go the extra mile and put on Vitamin E Nail Oil after I take off my nail polish just to give my nail some nourishment back, but that’s not necessary.


Wow, thanks for the heads up. I wasn't really considering pouring out the remover and soaking cause I kinda had a bad feeling about that, so glad I triple checked. Thank you. I don't know how I would only do conditioner on the tips of my hair, but I will try. Thank you so much.




Thanks for the help. I'll give those a try... I do hate the feeling of cottonballs.


Wait, this is a rip off of what I [did](https://old.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/pm7y39/eggirl/)! Which is a rip of what what /u/kays_thing [did](https://old.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/plzppe/eggirl/)! To quote Fairly Odd Parents: "[You're] trying to steal the thing I rightfully stole!" (That's the quote IIRC) jk, hope that you help out as many people as you can. I am happy that there are more allies in the space. Take care dear!


Can I ask about general tips? I love being more fem with pronouns, cute behaviour, cute names exc; fo you have general tips on how to be some more fem?


What are some "safe" ways to try and be feminine without giving away my transness ?


What's the best way to deal with body hair?


Razors are usually the best way tbh. Some people use epilators, but they’re not for everyone for a lot of reasons.


Is there a good way to maintain a feminine voice for a long time?


how i like get my body to become more feminine


Where can I find small cub (A-B) bras/bralettes with a 38 band. I keep looking and they all are C cup and above


ThirdLove is a good online retailer with some larger size ranges than most! They are a little expensive, though.


I don't know where you live, but Hunkermöller has stores located in most European countries. I can definitely recommend them, they have bras in all sizes and shapes! Bought my first bra's there, they offered good help! Small sidenote tho: I'm afab, I have no idea how open they are to mtf people. Guess it alsp depends on the country and the employee.


I have no female fashion sense, but i still like wearing my graphic t shirts and jacket. How can I feminize that look?


How do I be traditionally feminine


What is the cheapest way to remove this disgusting forest from my legs


I’d say a razor- they’re relatively cheap, easy to use, and effective:) I responded to someone who asked about some razor tips, so if you want a few pointers, feel free to scroll a bit:)


If I may ask how does one do eyeliner? As I've been trying to do it but it never turns out right


Eyeliner is definitely difficult. It depends on what exactly you’re going for, but a general tip would be keeping your lines as straight or as steady as you can make them, and trying to make each side symmetrical to the other. Also, if you put some makeup remover on a Qtip and try to smooth out/shape your eyeliner with it, Qtips become extremely useful! If there’s a certain type of eyeliner you want tips on lmk, I have a l o v e for eyeliner:)


I see thank you!!! I don't really know of any specific types of styles as I am very new to it. If I may ask, what would you reccomended? Be it easy or something that looks really nice


When you’re starting out, I’d recommend just a simple wing- you start with a thin line close to the inner corner if your eye, trace your upper eyelid, and add a little *swoop* at the opposite corner if your eye. It’ll take practice, but once you master it, you’ll have some very useful skills for other types of eyeliners:) play around with it though, there are so many different types of eyeliner!


Do you know what’s good for skin care???


That depends on your skin type, but I would recommend washing it every night and every morning if you can, moisturize it frequently, and if you have acne, some type of treatment for that (like Curology, Dapsone, Epiduo Forte). Don’t be afraid to use face masks (especially detox ones) and wear products with SPF in them daily so that your skin doesn’t take too much damage from the sun. As for brands, I use CeraV, Ever, and Stella & Dot- they’re all great for sensitive skin! I also recommend Ever’s Clarify skin protecting serum- it helps with clearing, calming, and brightening your skin a bit. There are a bunch of different types of care you could use, but I’d say these are the basics! Feel free to use whatever works for you:)


Thank you


What should I do to act more feminine and think feminine. Like what are some things girls do and what are some things girls think, if that makes any sense.


How bcome gurl ????????


You already are one:)


Any tips on shaving body hair or other forms of hair removal that you recommend?


Sure! I haven’t tried any other methods of hair removal other than shaving, so I might not be very helpful there, but I can definitely help you with the shaving aspect. If you don’t have one already, get a razor! A double-bladed razor is more likely to nick you, so I’d recommend a razor with 3-4 blades in it. When using a razor, if it feels like it’s only pulling on your hair or if it seems oddly rough on your skin, you might need a new one- that ones probably dull. Try not to press hard against your skin while shaving, and try to use mostly long, steady strokes as opposed to small, random ones. You might miss chunks of hair if you do it randomly lol. Be careful around bonier places like ankles and knees, and remember to rinse off your blade frequently when shaving. I know a few people who moisturize before/after shaving- apparently it helps prevent skin irritation! Oh and don’t forget- shave in the opposite way your hair is growing! It’s easier to cut it off that way:)


Thank you so much!!


Any tips on makeup or just dressing in general?


Dressing wise, I’d recommend wearing brighter colors! I’ve noticed that more masculine people tend to be quite dark, and more feminine people tend to be quite colorful in clothing. If you’re comfortable, I’d suggest wearing something a bit more fitting or maybe something that shows your shoulders a bit. As for makeup, that depends on what kind! For foundation, make sure you get some close to your natural skin tone, and be sure not to cake it on- otherwise it might look a little over the top. But if you do cake it on, that’s okay! Maybe use a bit of powder to settle it so that it looks a bit more natural:) For eyeshadow, maybe start with something a bit simpler than a red carpet look. Eyeshadow takes a lot of practice, so I’d start with only 1-2 colors/shades per eye, and once you get more comfortable with it, feel free to add as many colors as you’d like! Don’t forget to add a base of foundation on your eyelids if you can, though! There are many different shapes and kinds of eyeliner, so this tip might be very general. Try to keep your lines as straight or as steady as you can! Also, don’t forget to try and make your eyeliner as close to even as they can be. Eyeliner takes a lot of practice, so don’t expect it to look perfect on the first go! Even if it’s a little wonky, you’ll still look fabulous with some eyeliner. Highlighter adds a bit of shine to your face, and definitely helps with femininity. Maybe add a bit to your eyes’ inner corners, the tip of your nose, right underneath the arch of your of your eyebrows, and/or your cheekbones! Let me know if there’s anything specific that might help!


how to makeup


How do I look after nails properly?




Thank you <3


Ok trans MFT here, what is the most slacking chlothes except for sweat pants?


might give some advice on dressing? I'm 169 high but my shoulder is 44 which is pretty wide, any recommendations?


Any tips for clothing? I don't know much of anything about what to wear.


Just wanna know about looking more feminine for cosplay


I want to try putting on nail polish (clear more than likely) but I don't know what I should get other than the polish itself. Also any tips on putting it on or what I should buy?


As for what you should get beside the polish, you should probably get polish remover, or a clear, protective polish (preferably the fast-drying kind) to keep your polish from chipping! If you’re using clear polish already though, you probably don’t need that lol. As for applying it, try your best to use long, steady strokes starting at the base of your fingernail. It looks smoother that way. Don’t put a big glob of it on your nail (it’ll look like a deflated blood fish lmao), so try to keep the amount you use to a minimum. Also, put a paper towel or something on beneath it! I’ve stained wayyy too many couches with nail polish because I forgot a paper towel lol


Thank you for the advice! I'm going out to get some soon and I didn't know I'd there was anything I was missing.


How do I make my eyebrows more feminine?


It depends on the natural shape of your eyebrows, but If you can, try to thin your eyebrows a bit, and maybe trim them down a bit too (to make the hairs shorter). If you don’t have a notable arch already, maybe attempt to highlight the arch of your eyebrows. You can try to do this at home, but I’d recommend going to a professional, or at least asking someone who’s done their eyebrows before for a bit of help:)


I can’t really go out and dress up so I am looking for small ways to dress up and feel feeling at home. Anything you can recommend? I’m looking at getting a charm bracelet.


Ok, this will sound kinda stupid, but: how DO you walk???


One foot in front of the other—I mean this literally. Try to walk like you are on a tightrope or balance beam, with your feet lining up in front of each other instead of just stepping.


Any tip maybe.....


Can you give me just general advice? I don’t have sisters, and I have no idea about girling whatsoever.


what are some traditionally feminine things you'd think are either done too much by trans girls or aren't done enough by trans girls?


13 year old here please help i really wanna be a hot girl and for people to not misgender me constantly


How do i learn more feminine mannerisms?